Who Will Win the Republican Nomination?

Scott Walker

  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Jeb Bush

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Rand Paul

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Chris Chistie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
Walker. If Rubio doesn't do something stupid he would make a good VP pick even though he looks like a kid. Might help with the hispanic vote. Otherwise Cruz or maybe Paul, if he keeps climbing in the polls.

Rubio also speaks fluent, flawless Spanish and is, I am told, considered attractive by many females of the species.

Scot Walker and Marco Rubio...... We take ALL the Purple States, plus Wisconsin, PA, FL and win in a landslide

It would be a massacre of monumental proportions.

A massacre I'd enjoy watching.

With any luck some of these parasites will decide to take the "People's Temple" way out and retroactively self abort.

If the republicrats nominate Jeb, Crispy, or some other lame ass RINO, I'll write in Mickey Mouse.

Thanks. That's how we got the current scumbag.

Republicans need to vote Republican and stop crying about the candidate.


I'll tell you what a FUCKING RINO is. A RINO is a person who pouts like a bitch when he can't get his preferred candidate.

A RINO stays home and cries like a little girl who doesn't get asked to the Prom by the Captain of the Football Team rather than go with a good and decent young man (who will probably the next CEO of Exxon while the Footballer will be a drunken loser).

A RINO is someone who tells people, "There's no difference in the Parties" when he can't get his preferred (usually STUPID) candidate on the ballot.

Next time you want to see a RINO, look in the fucking mirror.

You either vote Republican or YOU are the RINO. You sound like the pouty-ass receiver who won't block if his number isn't called on the play.

The name of the game, the goal here is NOT to get Mr Perfect (whoever that is) into the White House.

The goal is to keep scum of the earth fucking dimocraps OUT

Sorry for the rant, but that PISSED ME OFF

:) Have a nice weekend

If the republicrats nominate Jeb, Crispy, or some other lame ass RINO, I'll write in Mickey Mouse.

Thanks. That's how we got the current scumbag.

Republicans need to vote Republican and stop crying about the candidate.


I'll tell you what a FUCKING RINO is. A RINO is a person who pouts like a bitch when he can't get his preferred candidate.

A RINO stays home and cries like a little girl who doesn't get asked to the Prom by the Captain of the Football Team rather than go with a good and decent young man (who will probably the next CEO of Exxon while the Footballer will be a drunken loser).

A RINO is someone who tells people, "There's no difference in the Parties" when he can't get his preferred (usually STUPID) candidate on the ballot.

Next time you want to see a RINO, look in the fucking mirror.

You either vote Republican or YOU are the RINO. You sound like the pouty-ass receiver who won't block if his number isn't called on the play.

The name of the game, the goal here is NOT to get Mr Perfect (whoever that is) into the White House.

The goal is to keep scum of the earth fucking dimocraps OUT

Sorry for the rant, but that PISSED ME OFF

:) Have a nice weekend

Sorry to piss you off, and I can appreciate your perspective but

(here's a pretty big butt)


However, if we're going to end up going off a cliff, and we will still go off the cliff with a "moderate", we may as well elect another leftwing sociopath and go off the cliff immediately. I'm sick of the incremental slide into socialist hell. Lets just dive in if that's where we're going. Unless we get someone who won't just slow down the democrook agenda, but roll it back we're done.

Enjoy the picture and your weekend.
Walker. If Rubio doesn't do something stupid he would make a good VP pick even though he looks like a kid. Might help with the hispanic vote. Otherwise Cruz or maybe Paul, if he keeps climbing in the polls.

Rubio also speaks fluent, flawless Spanish and is, I am told, considered attractive by many females of the species.

Scot Walker and Marco Rubio...... We take ALL the Purple States, plus Wisconsin, PA, FL and win in a landslide

It would be a massacre of monumental proportions.
We would be set up for the next 16 years with that. Crush the public sector unions the first year and top that off with good fisscal policies so thee economy rolls again and it's on.
Sorry to piss you off, and I can appreciate your perspective but

(here's a pretty big butt)

However, if we're going to end up going off a cliff, and we will still go off the cliff with a "moderate", we may as well elect another leftwing sociopath and go off the cliff immediately. I'm sick of the incremental slide into socialist hell. Lets just dive in if that's where we're going. Unless we get someone who won't just slow down the democrook agenda, but roll it back we're done.

Enjoy the picture and your weekend.

Thanks, but I don't like big butts. I prefer my women lithe and athletic. :)

I remember growing up under Ike. He was pretty popular and pretty successful....

And really pretty moderate.

Those were good times back then. Good times. Then along came JFK who, with an Executive Order, unleashed the Hell of Public Sector Unions on us.

There's nothing wrong with a good and decent moderate.

Would I rather have a fire-breathing, dimocrap-slaying Conservative Republican who lays for keeps?


Is there a chance of getting one elected?


The way to get one elected is to set the stage with a moderate President, let the Country get used to him and then run a Strong Conservative to succeed him.

Scott Walker is perfect for what we need done in this Country. Perfect.

This thing isn't going to be won in a Blitzkrieg, people. We need to do what the scum of the earth have done and incrementalize our way into dominance once again.

We hit them with a fire-breathing, take-no-prisoners radical and we're gonna lose.

Step by step, little by little.
Sorry to piss you off, and I can appreciate your perspective but

(here's a pretty big butt)

However, if we're going to end up going off a cliff, and we will still go off the cliff with a "moderate", we may as well elect another leftwing sociopath and go off the cliff immediately. I'm sick of the incremental slide into socialist hell. Lets just dive in if that's where we're going. Unless we get someone who won't just slow down the democrook agenda, but roll it back we're done.

Enjoy the picture and your weekend.

Thanks, but I don't like big butts. I prefer my women lithe and athletic. :)

I remember growing up under Ike. He was pretty popular and pretty successful....

And really pretty moderate.

Those were good times back then. Good times. Then along came JFK who, with an Executive Order, unleashed the Hell of Public Sector Unions on us.

There's nothing wrong with a good and decent moderate.

Would I rather have a fire-breathing, dimocrap-slaying Conservative Republican who lays for keeps?


Is there a chance of getting one elected?


The way to get one elected is to set the stage with a moderate President, let the Country get used to him and then run a Strong Conservative to succeed him.

Scott Walker is perfect for what we need done in this Country. Perfect.

This thing isn't going to be won in a Blitzkrieg, people. We need to do what the scum of the earth have done and incrementalize our way into dominance once again.

We hit them with a fire-breathing, take-no-prisoners radical and we're gonna lose.

Step by step, little by little.

"Scott Walker is perfect for what we need done in this Country. Perfect."

I couldn't agree more....:)
Sorry to piss you off, and I can appreciate your perspective but

(here's a pretty big butt)

However, if we're going to end up going off a cliff, and we will still go off the cliff with a "moderate", we may as well elect another leftwing sociopath and go off the cliff immediately. I'm sick of the incremental slide into socialist hell. Lets just dive in if that's where we're going. Unless we get someone who won't just slow down the democrook agenda, but roll it back we're done.

Enjoy the picture and your weekend.

Thanks, but I don't like big butts. I prefer my women lithe and athletic. :)

I remember growing up under Ike. He was pretty popular and pretty successful....

And really pretty moderate.

Those were good times back then. Good times. Then along came JFK who, with an Executive Order, unleashed the Hell of Public Sector Unions on us.

There's nothing wrong with a good and decent moderate.

Would I rather have a fire-breathing, dimocrap-slaying Conservative Republican who lays for keeps?


Is there a chance of getting one elected?


The way to get one elected is to set the stage with a moderate President, let the Country get used to him and then run a Strong Conservative to succeed him.

Scott Walker is perfect for what we need done in this Country. Perfect.

This thing isn't going to be won in a Blitzkrieg, people. We need to do what the scum of the earth have done and incrementalize our way into dominance once again.

We hit them with a fire-breathing, take-no-prisoners radical and we're gonna lose.

Step by step, little by little.

I agree that Walker would be great, he's actually rolled back liberalism, and fought the bed wetters tooth and nail. I don't see a hint of "moderate" in him. I believe he'd put us on a different course. The sort of RINO I'm talking about, Jeb, McLame, Romney, et al "compromise" with democrooks and that absolutely must stop.

The sorts of democrooks Ike opposed were not the species of rabid foaming at the mouth moonbats openly working to bring this country down we have today. A 1950's democrook would not push for queer weddings, state funded abortions, gun confiscation, cradle to grave welfare or institutionalized atheism. Democrooks in those days went after commies to expose and marginalize their efforts, not suck their cock and massage their prostate.

There can be no "compromise" with modern democrooks. They're a destructive entity. "Compromising" with them is like asking a mugger to only take your cash, not all your jewelry and credit cards. They'll pocket the cash, then take the rest. If you resist they'll call you a racist and stab you. I see no reason why a "fire breathing" conservative like Ted Cruz has no chance. He is very well spoken, charismatic and immensely intelligent. IMO he's the perfect guy to go out there and argue for conservative principles.

Like I said though, I'm open to just about everyone that's been talked about, except for 2 or 3 RINOs that I don't think have any better chance than Dole, McLame, or Romney. Bush BARELY won in 2000 because he was the media's pick for the republicrats. It's like a broken record though. They pick the least threatening republicrat, destroy all the others and then try and destroy him. We must not let that record be played again.
I can see Pete's point. I'm tired of holding my nose and voting for somebody I have no respect for, who I know is gonna govern like a damn liberal. That being said, Edge has a point too but the problem with it is that the RINOs don't get elected, so the incrementalism in taking our country back never happens. We get stuck with the commie either way. Hopefully, we have learned our lesson about RINOs and vote them out in the primaries so we don't have to hold our nose next time.
It's really too close to call. I want either Cruz or Walker.
Walker. If Rubio doesn't do something stupid he would make a good VP pick even though he looks like a kid. Might help with the hispanic vote. Otherwise Cruz or maybe Paul, if he keeps climbing in the polls.

Rubio also speaks fluent, flawless Spanish and is, I am told, considered attractive by many females of the species.

Scot Walker and Marco Rubio...... We take ALL the Purple States, plus Wisconsin, PA, FL and win in a landslide

It would be a massacre of monumental proportions.

What a talent! "Considered attractive by many females of the species". What a way with words. So unexpected......and so cool!

It's all over but the voting! Walker/Rubio or Rubio/Walker.....or even Ham Sandwich/Rubio! It's locked up!
Most pundits seem to think it's going to be one of three people....Scott Walker, Marco Rubio....or Jeb Bush. I believe all three can beat Hillary, but personally I believe Rubio and Walker would have the best shot. But who knows....this is a chance to express your opinion.

If you think Walker has the best shot, why didn't you include him in your poll?

I think Walker has a strong possibility, if he ups his game and stops saying dumb stuff.

Rubio is a non-starter. He said that Illegals might actually be okay, sometimes. That's a deal killer with the Cleetus and Bubba set.

Here's how it's going to work. The GOP establishment is going to emphasize how crazy Cruz, Walker, Paul, Carson, et al are, in order to make Jeb look more appealling. It's what they did with all the "not Romney's" in 2012, it's what they will do this time.

And then when Bush gets trounced by Hillary, you guys will all be back here saying, "Well, Bush wasn't a REAL conservative!"
Jeb is a RINO.

I think the GOP needs a fresh face. Someone Kennedyesque to fight off the tired, bitter, old white woman the Hildabeast. I would be fine with Rubio, Walker, or Rand Paul.

This election cycle I see as similar to the 1960 election. An old establishment figure who was not well liked or trusted (Nixon) against a younger candidate who was more likable and interesting (Kennedy).

Except Nixon almost won. If it weren't for Dick Daley's vote fraud and some shennanigans in Texas, he probably would have won.
Here's my thoughts. Still a registered Republican but getting increasingly tired of their pandering to the religious nuts and the corporate assholes.

Jeb- Non-starter. The country would have to be brain dead to put the family that gave us our last three wars and our last three recessions back into power.

Walker- I like Walker. I know he's a union buster and maybe playing footsie with the religious nuts, but I do like the fact he gets things done, which is what I think Americans are looking for right now. He could also make the GOP competitive in the Mid-West for the first time since 1988.

Cruz- Too nuts to even talk about.

Rubio- Willing to consider him. I'd like to hear a lot more, though.

Paul - pretty much disqualified himself with his roll out, showing he lacks the temperment. His bizarre rants on abortion shows desperation.

Christie- His time has passed.

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