Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

Is it racist to imply that Whoopi is incapable of articulation and that some poster on this site has to explain what she wanted to say?

I did not say that anyone here was racist, or that the post I responded to was racist.

I implied that the best people to know whats best for black people are black people.

It is not racist to think you know better than everyone else.

It's wrong, but not racist.
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Is it racist to imply that Whoopi is incapable of articulation and that some poster on this site has to explain what she wanted to say?

I did not say that anyone here was racist, or that the post I responded to was racist.

I implied that the best people to know whats best for black people are black people.

It is not racist to think you know better than everyone else.

It's wrong, but not racist.

Then what the fuck is it?

Over half of the black work force works for the government
Blacks are 3 times per population more likely to be on benefits

Two good reasons to vote democrat.
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I suppose he should have mentioned he was talking about politically astute women rather than ditzy Hollywood stars.

I'm sorry, I thought we were referring to Ann Coulter here.

Who is nether intelligent or politically astute.

The only thing Ann Coulter knows is how to rewrite history in order to make people angry.

That is not generally a "politically astute" strategy. It riles up the base, and then riles up the opposition.

But Coulter profits either way.

She's like a fungus, breaking down society into it's component parts and then feeding on those parts.

Was she right or wrong? I believe that her history is more right than wrong. I'm sorry that some people are sensitive.
Is it racist to imply that Whoopi is incapable of articulation and that some poster on this site has to explain what she wanted to say?

I did not say that anyone here was racist, or that the post I responded to was racist.

I implied that the best people to know whats best for black people are black people.

It is not racist to think you know better than everyone else.

It's wrong, but not racist.
It seems you have a reading impediment. I certainly did not suggest that you had called anyone racist. I just asked you if it was racist to imply that Whoopi is not articulate enough to say what she means and thus needs the assistance of a self-righteous (probably) white person to clarify. I suppose that begs the question of how it is that is you know what she means. If you are black, then by your standard you would know. Are you black?
I remember when I was dating. The stuck women in those night clubs. Then I go to a honky-tonk and the women were so hot and so friendly.

I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for some supermodel treehugger. Looks aren't everything. Give me a woman that can hang with me and not once bring up how minorities have been screwed by the white man.

Yeah... Those pretty conservative talking-heads were never laid-back chicks in honky tonks.

They were the stuck-up prima-donnas at the debutante balls.

Just like there are lots and lots of Liberal Women at laid back dive bars available to hang out with.

And, contrary to popular belief among conservatives, the primary topic of conversation with women like this is not generally Feminism, Civil Rights or "treehugging".

In fact, the reason why you probably feel that this is the case is that, in the course of talking to one of these women, you probably make a statement that riles up that side of them.

Now, personally, I've dated all kinds of women, and I find that if one doesn't immediately offend them upon first meeting them, I can get along with them no matter what their political viewpoint.

After all, we're not going to be talking about how Socialism compares to Theocracy once the clothes are off.
Blacks know where the racists and the greedy elitist swine are...lol

Most blacks don't know shit outside of screwing and beating the hell out of people. Not all of course, but let's just say that this should be a issue of who's right. You don't care who's right as you're going to side with Whoopie one way or the other...
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It seems you have a reading impediment. I certainly did not suggest that you had called anyone racist. I just asked you if it was racist to imply that Whoopi is not articulate enough to say what she means and thus needs the assistance of a self-righteous (probably) white person to clarify. I suppose that begs the question of how it is that is you know what she means. If you are black, then by your standard you would know. Are you black?

It is not racist to imply that Goldberg is inarticulate.

And I can tell you what Whoopi Goldberg meant, because I can understand the English language.

She wasn't speaking in code.
Is it racist to imply that Whoopi is incapable of articulation and that some poster on this site has to explain what she wanted to say?

I did not say that anyone here was racist, or that the post I responded to was racist.

I implied that the best people to know whats best for black people are black people.

It is not racist to think you know better than everyone else.

It's wrong, but not racist.

So do they have a school for that?

A school that teaches you how to be black, or do they learn it from watching Hip-Hop videos?

Seems to me what black is alludes them. What being a racist is learned by constant positive reinforcement.

I mean being born Chinese doesn't make you a kung fu expert. You need to practice.
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I remember when I was dating. The stuck women in those night clubs. Then I go to a honky-tonk and the women were so hot and so friendly.

I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for some supermodel treehugger. Looks aren't everything. Give me a woman that can hang with me and not once bring up how minorities have been screwed by the white man.

Yeah... Those pretty conservative talking-heads were never laid-back chicks in honky tonks.

They were the stuck-up prima-donnas at the debutante balls.

Just like there are lots and lots of Liberal Women at laid back dive bars available to hang out with.

And, contrary to popular belief among conservatives, the primary topic of conversation with women like this is not generally Feminism, Civil Rights or "treehugging".

In fact, the reason why you probably feel that this is the case is that, in the course of talking to one of these women, you probably make a statement that riles up that side of them.

Now, personally, I've dated all kinds of women, and I find that if one doesn't immediately offend them upon first meeting them, I can get along with them no matter what their political viewpoint.

After all, we're not going to be talking about how Socialism compares to Theocracy once the clothes are off.

lol....freaking hypocrite.

Your post may have had credibility if it didnt have the line I bolded.
This debate should be about who's right? Not about race as it is only to deflect from the issue.
Great job again, racist hater dupes- you're the greatest lol...

Anytime a white challenge a black person=racist. Grow up FrancoHFW. JESUS CHRIST.

God you idiots are fucking this country up.

When you say blacks sleep in trees you tend to get that, MORON. LOL!

I don't think they sleep in trees, moron. Just can't hold a honest debate without whining about racism like a little bitch.
It seems you have a reading impediment. I certainly did not suggest that you had called anyone racist. I just asked you if it was racist to imply that Whoopi is not articulate enough to say what she means and thus needs the assistance of a self-righteous (probably) white person to clarify. I suppose that begs the question of how it is that is you know what she means. If you are black, then by your standard you would know. Are you black?

It is not racist to imply that Goldberg is inarticulate.

And I can tell you what Whoopi Goldberg meant, because I can understand the English language.

She wasn't speaking in code.

I think it was pretty clear that she was voicing racist stereotypes.

Her type of racism is socially acceptable.
lol....freaking hypocrite.

Your post may have had credibility if it didnt have the line I bolded.

Here, let me give an example:

Gretchen Carlson

Homecoming Queen, Miss Minnesota, Miss America.

Do you feel that she wasn't a "stuck-up debutante" at some point?

and I can present the video of the "Obama phone woman".....you think she will ever vote selflessly?

Comer on man...you are better than that.
lol....freaking hypocrite.

Your post may have had credibility if it didnt have the line I bolded.

Here, let me give an example:

Gretchen Carlson

Homecoming Queen, Miss Minnesota, Miss America.

Do you feel that she wasn't a "stuck-up debutante" at some point?
She's a stuck-up debutante NOW.

Please back that statement up. What are you basing it on? Her conservative values? Her voice? Her skin color and blond hair?
SAYING they sleep in trees is RACIST. Jeebus you're thick.

Ann Coulter is a charlatan who who will say anything to make a buck off ignorant Pub dupes. End of story. Saying liberal Dems used to be the racists is IDIOCY.

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