Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

Was she right or wrong??? Blacks may not like it, but was it right?

She was wrong.

Oh, she provided accurate information, but she left out key details.

This is otherwise known as a "half-truth", which, as any student of Immanuel Kant can tell you, is a lie.

Ms Coulter is a lawyer, and is especially skilled at half-truths.

In this case, she alluded to the fact that Democrats had been against the Civil Rights movement in the 60's, which is true as far as Southern Democrats are concerned.

But she then neglected to mention that every single district that had been represented by said Southern Democrats at the time were now Republican districts, mainly due to the fact that they blamed LBJ for Civil Rights being passed and the resulting fallout.

She then went on to use this half-truth to support another lie in which she proposes that "there was no southern strategy".

The irony of course is that blaming democrats for Civil Rights was in fact part of the Southern Strategy.
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No need to wory folks. This kind of shit will go on forever and then some. Whoopie Goldberg and her ilk are fucking like rats and multplying faster than they are dying. We will have her kind of racist shit cast upon us forever...and then some.

It does not matter though. The radical Muslims are multiplying like rats also...and they intend to kill us all.

In the long run....NOTHING MATTERS!!

Fuck racism!!

Fuck Islam!!

Either way...we all get fucked!!!

Go fuck yourself Islam is staying here until God ends the world
No need to wory folks. This kind of shit will go on forever and then some. Whoopie Goldberg and her ilk are fucking like rats and multplying faster than they are dying. We will have her kind of racist shit cast upon us forever...and then some.

It does not matter though. The radical Muslims are multiplying like rats also...and they intend to kill us all.

In the long run....NOTHING MATTERS!!

Fuck racism!!

Fuck Islam!!

Either way...we all get fucked!!!

Go fuck yourself Islam is staying here until God ends the world
I am far more concerned with nuclear-armed Muslims ending the world than God.
I challenge blacks and point out their crime=I'm a racist. No question about it.

I'm afraid that stereotyping a group and then accusing them of being inferior is in fact the very definition of racism.

I don't usually throw out that type of accusation, but you did present the challenge.

However, I am not in fact black, so I don't actually qualify for the challenge.
No need to wory folks. This kind of shit will go on forever and then some. Whoopie Goldberg and her ilk are fucking like rats and multplying faster than they are dying. We will have her kind of racist shit cast upon us forever...and then some.

It does not matter though. The radical Muslims are multiplying like rats also...and they intend to kill us all.

In the long run....NOTHING MATTERS!!

Fuck racism!!

Fuck Islam!!

Either way...we all get fucked!!!

Go fuck yourself Islam is staying here until God ends the world
I am far more concerned with nuclear-armed Muslims ending the world than God.

Muslims have every right to defend themselves. Your opinion isn't gonna make a difference shithead hahah
I challenge blacks and point out their crime=I'm a racist. No question about it.

I'm afraid that stereotyping a group and then accusing them of being inferior is in fact the very definition of racism.

I don't usually throw out that type of accusation, but you did present the challenge.

However, I am not in fact black, so I don't actually qualify for the challenge.

So you're going to tell me that blacks don't have problems within their community with crime, ect. I learn something new.
So you're going to tell me that blacks don't have problems within their community with crime, ect. I learn something new.

They do.

But presenting data in a stereotypical fashion, in a way that implies that such is the case because they're black, without including any other contributing factors, is in fact racist.

I did not say your information was faulty, I just pointed out that your presentation has issues.
I am far more concerned with nuclear-armed Muslims ending the world than God.

Muslims have every right to defend themselves. Your opinion isn't gonna make a difference shithead hahah
Ok, at least cut the God crap. Today it is Muslims who could end the world, not God.

Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:
Muslims have every right to defend themselves. Your opinion isn't gonna make a difference shithead hahah
Ok, at least cut the God crap. Today it is Muslims who could end the world, not God.

Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:
Pathology aside, even Hitler did not have the ability to threaten man's existence. Muslims like yourself today may somehow have this potential. The disregard for the value of life which Islamist have shown is the world's concern. No amount of "haha" is going to change that.
Ok, at least cut the God crap. Today it is Muslims who could end the world, not God.

Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:
Pathology aside, even Hitler did not have the ability to threaten man's existence. Muslims like yourself today may somehow have this potential. The disregard for the value of life which Islamist have shown is the world's concern. No amount of "haha" is going to change that.

"Disregard for life". You twat Christians were carpet bombing each other everywhere. The white people were blowing each other up
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Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:
Pathology aside, even Hitler did not have the ability to threaten man's existence. Muslims like yourself today may somehow have this potential. The disregard for the value of life which Islamist have shown is the world's concern. No amount of "haha" is going to change that.

"Disregard for life". You twat Christians were carpet bombing each other everywhere.
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.
To this day I have no idea why Barbara Walters subjects herself to the stupidity of this show.
Pathology aside, even Hitler did not have the ability to threaten man's existence. Muslims like yourself today may somehow have this potential. The disregard for the value of life which Islamist have shown is the world's concern. No amount of "haha" is going to change that.

"Disregard for life". You twat Christians were carpet bombing each other everywhere.
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?
I remember when I was dating. The stuck women in those night clubs. Then I go to a honky-tonk and the women were so hot and so friendly.

I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for some supermodel treehugger. Looks aren't everything. Give me a woman that can hang with me and not once bring up how minorities have been screwed by the white man.

Yeah... Those pretty conservative talking-heads were never laid-back chicks in honky tonks.

They were the stuck-up prima-donnas at the debutante balls.

Just like there are lots and lots of Liberal Women at laid back dive bars available to hang out with.

And, contrary to popular belief among conservatives, the primary topic of conversation with women like this is not generally Feminism, Civil Rights or "treehugging".

In fact, the reason why you probably feel that this is the case is that, in the course of talking to one of these women, you probably make a statement that riles up that side of them.

Now, personally, I've dated all kinds of women, and I find that if one doesn't immediately offend them upon first meeting them, I can get along with them no matter what their political viewpoint.

After all, we're not going to be talking about how Socialism compares to Theocracy once the clothes are off.

You assume way too much.

Actually when I was dating the topic never came up. Politics was the last thing on our minds. Back then politics was for stoners and college students.

I remember one time in H.S. I opened the door to the library for one of those flower-children and she started screaming at me.

After listening to her for a few seconds I just walked threw and slammed it. I don't think I deserved being verbally abused for doing something out of respect for her gender.
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"Disregard for life". You twat Christians were carpet bombing each other everywhere.
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?
The Muslim world cannot make anything. They can copy simple things like AK-47 but that's pretty much it. You should be grateful because you would have long-since annihilated yourselves. Tell you what Muhammad, I live in central Europe and the hour is getting late. Try not to blow yourself up strapping on one of those suicide jackets.

Or not, I can't be bothered.
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?
The Muslim world cannot make anything. They can copy simple things like AK-47 but that's pretty much it. You should be grateful because you would have long-since annihilated yourselves. Tell you what Muhammad, I live in central Europe and the hour is getting late. Try not to blow yourself up strapping on one of those suicide jackets.

Or not, I can't be bothered.

They buy all of their clothes and their food from someone else. They buy their weapons from China and Russia. Only thing they're good at making is bombs.
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?
The Muslim world cannot make anything. They can copy simple things like AK-47 but that's pretty much it. You should be grateful because you would have long-since annihilated yourselves. Tell you what Muhammad, I live in central Europe and the hour is getting late. Try not to blow yourself up strapping on one of those suicide jackets.

Or not, I can't be bothered.

Hahahahaha :lol::lol::lol: meltdown. I love when pathetic haters like you meltdown. Muslims make a lot of their weapons dumbass. And most Arabic countries are allies with America and Europe idiot. So I don't see where you see a war between them. Even small militant groups like Hamas make their own weopons idiot

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