Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

The Republicans were the anti slave Lincoln party of the Civil War.

The Democrats were split between the northern and southern dems. The so. dems split of and became the confederacy.

During the civil rights movement and LBJ passing the civil rights bill, the So. Dems got pissed at the dems and shiflted to the Reps.

So yes, historically the So. Dems were the original slavers but have shifted their influence to the Reps.

A rose is a rose ....

Smells more like Bullshit.:eusa_eh:

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southern Democrats are members of the U.S. Democratic Party who reside in the American South. In the 19th century, they were the definitive pro-slavery wing of the party, opposed to both the anti-slavery Republicans (GOP) and the more liberal Northern Democrats.

Eventually "Redemption" was finalized in the Compromise of 1877 and the Redeemers gained control throughout the South. As the New Deal began to move Democrats as a whole to the left (at least economically), Southern Democrats largely stayed as conservative as they had always been, with some even breaking off to form farther right-wing splinters like the Dixiecrats. After the Civil Rights Movement successfully challenged the Jim Crow laws and other forms of institutionalized racism, and after the Democrats as a whole came to symbolize the mainstream left of the United States, the form, if not the content, of Southern Democratic politics began to change.

After World War II, during the civil rights movement, Democrats in the South initially still voted loyally with their party. After the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, white voters who became tolerant of diversity began voting against Democratic incumbents for GOP candidates. The Republicans carried many Southern states for the first time since before the Great Depression. Rising educational levels and rising prosperity in the South, combined with shifts to the left by the national Democratic Party on a variety of socio-economic issues, led to widespread abandonment of the Democratic Party by white voters and Republican dominance in many Southern states by the 1990s and 2000s.

The abandonment was the old racist principles of Democrats. Whites went to the Republicans because they were tired of all of the civil rights obstructionist and segregationists in the Democrat party.

Democrats then decided that they were going to become extinct if they didn't try something different, so they instead acted like they were helping blacks when if fact they were only giving them a few bucks here and there and in effect buying their support.

Eventually they used Black lap-dogs like Rev. Jessie Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton to warp black mentality into thinking that Democrats were historically their benefactors and not their oppressors.

Sorry you can't figure that out for yourself.
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“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years” Lyndon B. Johnson
Did Anne Coulter snap back that Whoopie doesn't understand what its like to be ugly?
I think Ann Coulter's book is great. It's a great get-out-the-vote tool for the black community. It helps in Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida.

Thanks, Ann.
This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

Very interesting comment here.

So let me see if I understand this......Whoopi, who is black is racist, by your logic and that dodgy definition you're using, against white Ann Coulter because she believes Ann Coulter doesn't know black people or black culture better than.....black people? You're really going with that?

Let me let you in on something.

The definition of racism is one race deciding that it is superior to another.

Where is Whoopi saying the black race is better than the white race? She merely said that Coulter doesn't know the black race as well as blacks because she isn't black. This is not racism.

She did not say "We blacks are better than you whites." That would be racist.

Hope that helps.

Let ME let YOU in on a few things.

1) The definition of racism is the belief that race is the primary determining factor of a person's characteristics. While this generally results in a belief that one race is superior to others, that belief isn't even necessarily a requirement (because, after all, bigotry isn't a mindset one comes to by logically, methodically thinking things through), much less the primary component of one's racism.

2) Just because one belongs to a race does not mean one's racism manifests in a belief in the superiority of THAT race.

3) Not everyone defines "superior" in the same way. While one racist might believe that Race A is smarter and more capable than Race B, another racist might believe that Race A is evil and immoral and Race B is incapable of wrongdoing under any circumstances.

4) Only a complete dumbass believes that an explicit statement of "Race A is superior" is required for racism to be present.

5) That same complete dumbassery is required to need someone to explain this shit to you. Congratulations.
This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

Very interesting comment here.

So let me see if I understand this......Whoopi, who is black is racist, by your logic and that dodgy definition you're using, against white Ann Coulter because she believes Ann Coulter doesn't know black people or black culture better than.....black people? You're really going with that?

Let me let you in on something.

The definition of racism is one race deciding that it is superior to another.

Where is Whoopi saying the black race is better than the white race? She merely said that Coulter doesn't know the black race as well as blacks because she isn't black. This is not racism.

She did not say "We blacks are better than you whites." That would be racist.

Hope that helps.

Let ME let YOU in on a few things.

1) The definition of racism is the belief that race is the primary determining factor of a person's characteristics. While this generally results in a belief that one race is superior to others, that belief isn't even necessarily a requirement (because, after all, bigotry isn't a mindset one comes to by logically, methodically thinking things through), much less the primary component of one's racism.

2) Just because one belongs to a race does not mean one's racism manifests in a belief in the superiority of THAT race.

3) Not everyone defines "superior" in the same way. While one racist might believe that Race A is smarter and more capable than Race B, another racist might believe that Race A is evil and immoral and Race B is incapable of wrongdoing under any circumstances.

4) Only a complete dumbass believes that an explicit statement of "Race A is superior" is required for racism to be present.

5) That same complete dumbassery is required to need someone to explain this shit to you. Congratulations.

Well with liberals a Democrat can't be a racist unless they shout "I am a Racist!!!"
I'm done arguing racism. I'm voting white. My race. I'm a Republican. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do and it don't matter cause you'll still call us racist.. See how that works? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Willow makes a solid point.. Republicans/Conservatives, both white and black.. are done with the whole, "YOU'RE A RACIST" shit.. We no longer give a fuck.. You liberal crybabies have worn it out.. like the little boy who cried wolf, over and over and over and over and over..Now people don't give a shit. Thank yourselves.

You are tired of getting caught and us pointing it out. Us non whites and mixed breeds give a shit. You have really earned your new nickname, lady Dumbslinger.

Racists don't become any more interesting to me just because they come in a different color, so please don't waste my time telling me what "us mixed breed" racists give a shit about. The operative point is that I don't give a shit about YOU.
Yeah... Those pretty conservative talking-heads were never laid-back chicks in honky tonks.

Coulter is a Dead Head. Which makes some parity, since Whoopie is brain dead...

They were the stuck-up prima-donnas at the debutante balls.

Just like there are lots and lots of Liberal Women at laid back dive bars available to hang out with.

Pssst, those are called "prostitutes," and they'll be anything you want, for a price.

And, contrary to popular belief among conservatives, the primary topic of conversation with women like this is not generally Feminism, Civil Rights or "treehugging".

In fact, the reason why you probably feel that this is the case is that, in the course of talking to one of these women, you probably make a statement that riles up that side of them.

Now, personally, I've dated all kinds of women, and I find that if one doesn't immediately offend them upon first meeting them, I can get along with them no matter what their political viewpoint.

After all, we're not going to be talking about how Socialism compares to Theocracy once the clothes are off.

You might negotiate price, though....
I decided that a long time ago. Be done with racism. Just vote white.

Not too far from the truth when you consider this: How many will vote for Obama simply for the historical significants, not necessarily anything he has done to help with the economy? Just ask some of the voters who are Obama supporters and see what you discover.

both posts are examples of racism but ...

What is so funny is that rw's have ranted and raved here all about how the GOP was so different than now. One really stooopid rw always brings up robert Byrd because he used to be a member of the KKK but not one of the rw's will admit that the KKK is represented, right now, in our federal government.

As for Goldberg - she's right. If you're not black, you really cannot speak knowledgeably about being black. Women don't don't what its like to be male and men (especially the &*(%^$%# GObP) don't k=have a cllue about being female.

And, finally, Coulter makes her living by preaching hate and, like fux, lushbo, beck, etc, should be ignored.
I decided that a long time ago. Be done with racism. Just vote white.

Not too far from the truth when you consider this: How many will vote for Obama simply for the historical significants, not necessarily anything he has done to help with the economy? Just ask some of the voters who are Obama supporters and see what you discover.

both posts are examples of racism but ...

What is so funny is that rw's have ranted and raved here all about how the GOP was so different than now. One really stooopid rw always brings up robert Byrd because he used to be a member of the KKK but not one of the rw's will admit that the KKK is represented, right now, in our federal government.

As for Goldberg - she's right. If you're not black, you really cannot speak knowledgeably about being black. Women don't don't what its like to be male and men (especially the &*(%^$%# GObP) don't k=have a cllue about being female.

And, finally, Coulter makes her living by preaching hate and, like fux, lushbo, beck, etc, should be ignored.

Whoopie is just Archie Bunker in dreadlocks.

Racism was the topic of discussion, not black society.

Racial Stereotypes.

Whoopie gave us all an example on how to use them in every discussion.
I decided that a long time ago. Be done with racism. Just vote white.

Not too far from the truth when you consider this: How many will vote for Obama simply for the historical significants, not necessarily anything he has done to help with the economy? Just ask some of the voters who are Obama supporters and see what you discover.

both posts are examples of racism but ...

What is so funny is that rw's have ranted and raved here all about how the GOP was so different than now. One really stooopid rw always brings up robert Byrd because he used to be a member of the KKK but not one of the rw's will admit that the KKK is represented, right now, in our federal government.

As for Goldberg - she's right. If you're not black, you really cannot speak knowledgeably about being black. Women don't don't what its like to be male and men (especially the &*(%^$%# GObP) don't k=have a cllue about being female.

And, finally, Coulter makes her living by preaching hate and, like fux, lushbo, beck, etc, should be ignored.

Then it makes sense for white people to vote white.
Methinks old Missy Whoopie thinks she knows it all since traveling the universe with Captain Picard :lol: Stick to giving advice to make believe aliens my dear, at least they'll listen to you and take you seriously :eusa_whistle:

Hollywood types :eusa_hand: You can't help but laugh at some of them :lol:
Then it makes sense for white people to vote white.

Not really.

Between Herman Cain and Mitt Romney, I'd vote black in a heartbeat. Because Cain has a lot more in common with my way of thinking and my life experience than Romney does. I relate to a businessman a lot more than I do a venture capitalist.
Methinks old Missy Whoopie thinks she knows it all since traveling the universe with Captain Picard :lol: Stick to giving advice to make believe aliens my dear, at least they'll listen to you and take you seriously :eusa_whistle:

Hollywood types :eusa_hand: You can't help but laugh at some of them :lol:


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Then it makes sense for white people to vote white.

Not really.

Between Herman Cain and Mitt Romney, I'd vote black in a heartbeat. Because Cain has a lot more in common with my way of thinking and my life experience than Romney does. I relate to a businessman a lot more than I do a venture capitalist.

No, I think the democrats have worked hard convincing me that I'm just a white Republican racist. I'm going to vote white. 98% of blacks vote black so I see nothing wrong with 98% of whites voting white. The democrats will never allow a black Republican to be President. See what they did to Cain?
No, I think the democrats have worked hard convincing me that I'm just a white Republican racist. I'm going to vote white. 98% of blacks vote black so I see nothing wrong with 98% of whites voting white. The democrats will never allow a black Republican to be President. See what they did to Cain?

I understand your point, but this is one time I think I'll take the high road.
Then it makes sense for white people to vote white.

Not really.

Between Herman Cain and Mitt Romney, I'd vote black in a heartbeat. Because Cain has a lot more in common with my way of thinking and my life experience than Romney does. I relate to a businessman a lot more than I do a venture capitalist.

No, I think the democrats have worked hard convincing me that I'm just a white Republican racist. I'm going to vote white. 98% of blacks vote black so I see nothing wrong with 98% of whites voting white. The democrats will never allow a black Republican to be President. See what they did to Cain?

Well, if a black republican was voted into office then the Dhimmicraps would be screwed......MMMM...They'd probably say it was a racist white man pretending to be black :lol:
ALLEN WEST for president :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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