Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?
The Muslim world cannot make anything. They can copy simple things like AK-47 but that's pretty much it. You should be grateful because you would have long-since annihilated yourselves. Tell you what Muhammad, I live in central Europe and the hour is getting late. Try not to blow yourself up strapping on one of those suicide jackets.

Or not, I can't be bothered.

They buy all of their clothes and their food from someone else. They buy their weapons from China and Russia. Only thing they're good at making is bombs.

Food? Hahahahahhaha :lmao:
Muslims have every right to defend themselves. Your opinion isn't gonna make a difference shithead hahah
Ok, at least cut the God crap. Today it is Muslims who could end the world, not God.

Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:

Why don't you go over and join the cause you pussy coward?

Your virgins await.
BecauseYouDon'tKnow.........Some people bring happiness wherever they go; you bring happiness whenever you go.
"Disregard for life". You twat Christians were carpet bombing each other everywhere.
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?


Show us how they are "building" their own AK's moron?
Ok, at least cut the God crap. Today it is Muslims who could end the world, not God.

Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:

Why don't you go over and join the cause you pussy coward?

Your virgins await.

Hahahahaha Fagg America is allied with so many Muslim countries. They train together and give them weopons. Your nazi cause is a fail
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?


Show us how they are "building" their own AK's moron?

I didn't say that. That was your meathead buddy who made that claim
Muslims, especially Arabs, would have been extinct by now if they had had the technology possessed by Europeans long before WW II. The only reason they have been able to survive in today's world is there technological backwardness. That may soon end. And although plenty of innocent live might be lost, a world without the cancer of Islam may not be without a silver lining.

Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?


Show us how they are "building" their own AK's moron?

Yeah, eventually...........in about 1200 years.


I wouldn't be surprised she (Ann) is a he.

That's juts childish sniping.
Coulter is a kick ass non holds barred politically incorrect writer and you libbies cannot stand it .
Your remarks continue to expose the liberal mindset that there should be no other point of view aside from the liberal point of view.
You people are closed minded, arrogant and elitist.

My remark was intended to fuk with you. And it worked. I could care less about Ann or any other rethug mouthpiece. Hell, I've only seen her once on TV. But that is a mighty big adams apple that woman has. Mouth to.

Oh sure you don't care. If you didn't care, you'd have not posted a single word.
The woman gets to to you. As does any other conservative commentator or writer. You cannot stand the fact that a point of view outside of the liberal POV even exists.
Bullshit. Haha say something smart you people are generally atleast a bit smart except when it comes to Muslims you play stupid. Haha world war 2 wasn't started by Muslims. That fucked up the world. Christians were killing each other by the millions all the "civilized" countries were shitting on each other. :cool:
Pathology aside, even Hitler did not have the ability to threaten man's existence. Muslims like yourself today may somehow have this potential. The disregard for the value of life which Islamist have shown is the world's concern. No amount of "haha" is going to change that.

"Disregard for life". You twat Christians were carpet bombing each other everywhere. The white people were blowing each other up

"twat Christians"?....Oh there's an intelligent post.
Gee, why not let people guess you are an idiot rather than speak( post) and leave no doubt?

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

Democrats ran the South back during the time of her Grandmother. That fact has been white-washed by the left. All of the sins of Democrats have been passed off onto the GOP just like Obama keeps blaming all of his crap on Bush.

If you believe the truth don't go on The View because they know the real deal. Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism. Whoopie acts like the only race that matters in America is African-Americans.

GOLDBERG: You know what, hold up Mrs. Coulter. Please stop, please stop! If you're going to talk about race, at least know what you're talking about. At least know what you're talking about.

Tell me how much you know about being black?

COULTER: Well, this isn't about being black.

GOLDBERG: But you just said that this is, you just made all these statements about how black people feel, tell me how you know.

COULTER: This is not a book about black people, it is a book about white liberals. And I do know and this is a fact, once for years, Republican policies on crime and welfare for example were called racist.

When they finally got implemented after the OJ verdict, implemented by Giuliani in New York, Reagan and Bush judges overall, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. That's a fact.

This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

SHEPARD: Everyone understands Republicans are way different than the way they are now and

COULTER: And that's what we are told and The Democratic segregationist were all Democrats, it's a lie that they were Conservative democrats

GOLDBERG: Everyone was a segregationist , everybody was! White people were, they didn't matter whether they were Republican or not.

COULTER: Republicans were not...

GOLDBERG: Bullshit! Bullshit, I'm sorry! That's bull, that's bull

COULTER: No, no that is not... ok just read chapter 14 in the book, the first Republicans to be elected in the south

GOLDBERG: I listen to my grandmother, who was there! Who remembers what happened.

COULTER: Howard Baker, an aggressive integrationist. first Republican elected in Tennessee to the Senate, Winford Brokford, first republican governor in Arkansas, an integrationist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.

Then Barbara Walters chimed in and asked Anne Coulter "Is this all you do is write books to make people go OMG???"

Course she does. She makes millions bucking stereotypes.


Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on 'The View,' Whoopi Bleeped... - Ann Coulter - Fox Nation

the only whites that understand black people are democrats I guess:lol:
Keep dreaming fuckface. In the future Muslims will eventually start making their own weopons. And Russia will always give them weopons. Haha what a fool. No they wouldn't have been extinct what kind of fucking moron are you?


Show us how they are "building" their own AK's moron?

I didn't say that. That was your meathead buddy who made that claim
The Taliban and the Northern Alliance fought each other with Soviet AKs; some of these were exported to Pakistan. The gun is now also made in Pakistan's semi-autonomous areas (see more at Khyber Pass Copy)

AK-47 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

Democrats ran the South back during the time of her Grandmother. That fact has been white-washed by the left. All of the sins of Democrats have been passed off onto the GOP just like Obama keeps blaming all of his crap on Bush.

If you believe the truth don't go on The View because they know the real deal. Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism. Whoopie acts like the only race that matters in America is African-Americans.

GOLDBERG: You know what, hold up Mrs. Coulter. Please stop, please stop! If you're going to talk about race, at least know what you're talking about. At least know what you're talking about.

Tell me how much you know about being black?

COULTER: Well, this isn't about being black.

GOLDBERG: But you just said that this is, you just made all these statements about how black people feel, tell me how you know.

COULTER: This is not a book about black people, it is a book about white liberals. And I do know and this is a fact, once for years, Republican policies on crime and welfare for example were called racist.

When they finally got implemented after the OJ verdict, implemented by Giuliani in New York, Reagan and Bush judges overall, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. That's a fact.

This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

SHEPARD: Everyone understands Republicans are way different than the way they are now and

COULTER: And that's what we are told and The Democratic segregationist were all Democrats, it's a lie that they were Conservative democrats

GOLDBERG: Everyone was a segregationist , everybody was! White people were, they didn't matter whether they were Republican or not.

COULTER: Republicans were not...

GOLDBERG: Bullshit! Bullshit, I'm sorry! That's bull, that's bull

COULTER: No, no that is not... ok just read chapter 14 in the book, the first Republicans to be elected in the south

GOLDBERG: I listen to my grandmother, who was there! Who remembers what happened.

COULTER: Howard Baker, an aggressive integrationist. first Republican elected in Tennessee to the Senate, Winford Brokford, first republican governor in Arkansas, an integrationist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.

Then Barbara Walters chimed in and asked Anne Coulter "Is this all you do is write books to make people go OMG???"

Course she does. She makes millions bucking stereotypes.


Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on 'The View,' Whoopi Bleeped... - Ann Coulter - Fox Nation

The View is good for entertainment, and that's pretty much it. I do not consider Whoopie to be a class act or exceptionally bright. She is an actress playing herself. Her main problem is she doesn't listen or reason very well. When she speaks, she is already convinced she is 100% right. I am also not a fan of Ann Coulter, she is intelligent but uses it to distort the truth some times, as in the case of her book. Of course with any lie you do need elements of truth. It's true that racism was pretty much Democrats at that time of history. Whoopie simply wanted to call all whites racists, that's all that rant was about. If she was alone with Ann Coulter and they had this discussion Whoopie would be so out matched she would prolly result to violence and reveal more of her class act. Ann is a sly fox, you need some intelligence to catch her and it's not that hard. Unfortunately I doubt Whoopie could keep up.
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Standard PC bullshit. Play the race card, put your target on the defensive, divert from the point, cloud the issue.

But the tactic is getting old. Thank goodness. It's about freakin' time.


Show us how they are "building" their own AK's moron?

I didn't say that. That was your meathead buddy who made that claim
The Taliban and the Northern Alliance fought each other with Soviet AKs; some of these were exported to Pakistan. The gun is now also made in Pakistan's semi-autonomous areas (see more at Khyber Pass Copy)

AK-47 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also Egypt has some called the maadi ak
The Republicans were the anti slave Lincoln party of the Civil War.

The Democrats were split between the northern and southern dems. The so. dems split of and became the confederacy.

During the civil rights movement and LBJ passing the civil rights bill, the So. Dems got pissed at the dems and shiflted to the Reps.

So yes, historically the So. Dems were the original slavers but have shifted their influence to the Reps.

A rose is a rose ....
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The Republicans were the anti slave Lincoln party of the Civil War.

The Democrats were split between the northern and southern dems. The so. dems split of and became the confederacy.

During the civil rights movement and LBJ passing the civil rights bill, the So. Dems got pissed at the dems and shiflted to the Reps.

So yes, historically the So. Dems were the original slavers but have shifted their influence to the Reps.

A rose is a rose ....

Smells more like Bullshit.:eusa_eh:
Whoopi- ignorant, racist, frothing at the mouth monkey looking liberal. Coulter-intelligent, well spoken, educated woman of class and beauty. Who really cares what whoopi said?
The Republicans were the anti slave Lincoln party of the Civil War.

The Democrats were split between the northern and southern dems. The so. dems split of and became the confederacy.

During the civil rights movement and LBJ passing the civil rights bill, the So. Dems got pissed at the dems and shiflted to the Reps.

So yes, historically the So. Dems were the original slavers but have shifted their influence to the Reps.

A rose is a rose ....

Smells more like Bullshit.:eusa_eh:

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southern Democrats are members of the U.S. Democratic Party who reside in the American South. In the 19th century, they were the definitive pro-slavery wing of the party, opposed to both the anti-slavery Republicans (GOP) and the more liberal Northern Democrats.

Eventually "Redemption" was finalized in the Compromise of 1877 and the Redeemers gained control throughout the South. As the New Deal began to move Democrats as a whole to the left (at least economically), Southern Democrats largely stayed as conservative as they had always been, with some even breaking off to form farther right-wing splinters like the Dixiecrats. After the Civil Rights Movement successfully challenged the Jim Crow laws and other forms of institutionalized racism, and after the Democrats as a whole came to symbolize the mainstream left of the United States, the form, if not the content, of Southern Democratic politics began to change.

After World War II, during the civil rights movement, Democrats in the South initially still voted loyally with their party. After the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, white voters who became tolerant of diversity began voting against Democratic incumbents for GOP candidates. The Republicans carried many Southern states for the first time since before the Great Depression. Rising educational levels and rising prosperity in the South, combined with shifts to the left by the national Democratic Party on a variety of socio-economic issues, led to widespread abandonment of the Democratic Party by white voters and Republican dominance in many Southern states by the 1990s and 2000s.
The Republicans were the anti slave Lincoln party of the Civil War.

The Democrats were split between the northern and southern dems. The so. dems split of and became the confederacy.

During the civil rights movement and LBJ passing the civil rights bill, the So. Dems got pissed at the dems and shiflted to the Reps.

So yes, historically the So. Dems were the original slavers but have shifted their influence to the Reps.

A rose is a rose ....

Smells more like Bullshit.:eusa_eh:

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southern Democrats are members of the U.S. Democratic Party who reside in the American South. In the 19th century, they were the definitive pro-slavery wing of the party, opposed to both the anti-slavery Republicans (GOP) and the more liberal Northern Democrats.

Eventually "Redemption" was finalized in the Compromise of 1877 and the Redeemers gained control throughout the South. As the New Deal began to move Democrats as a whole to the left (at least economically), Southern Democrats largely stayed as conservative as they had always been, with some even breaking off to form farther right-wing splinters like the Dixiecrats. After the Civil Rights Movement successfully challenged the Jim Crow laws and other forms of institutionalized racism, and after the Democrats as a whole came to symbolize the mainstream left of the United States, the form, if not the content, of Southern Democratic politics began to change.

After World War II, during the civil rights movement, Democrats in the South initially still voted loyally with their party. After the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, white voters who became tolerant of diversity began voting against Democratic incumbents for GOP candidates. The Republicans carried many Southern states for the first time since before the Great Depression. Rising educational levels and rising prosperity in the South, combined with shifts to the left by the national Democratic Party on a variety of socio-economic issues, led to widespread abandonment of the Democratic Party by white voters and Republican dominance in many Southern states by the 1990s and 2000s.

I have to tell you the absurdness of anyone who thing Magically Republicans became the party of hate Cause Democrats use minorities boggles the mind.

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