Who's Dividing Who?

Sep 16, 2018
For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying this does not get candidates their campaign contributions or Cable News the ratings they need.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.
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I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on.

Indeed, Americans do largely agree among themselves.

It's the Democrats who want to "fundamentally change the United States of America". Americans do not agree with that.

Like the Chinese, the Democrats have the patience to allow long-term plans to grow to fruition. After a half century of control of media and education, they thought they had enough mal-educated sheep in the 2016 election to make the move to accomplish that fundamental change.

They were fully confident that Hillary Clinton would be elected and carry out their version of The Great Leap Forward. They miscalculated badly. To their horror, Trump won, and has set them back 100 years.

As a result, they have gone completely bugfuck insane. Now they straddle the line of outright rebellion.

I believe they are self-destructing. Let's hope so.
For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying that does not get campaign contributions or Cable News ratings.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.

I think the next couple of elections will reveal left-leaning centrist third party composed of the #walkaway crowd it is probably bigger than expected and the media does not want to “advertise” it- it is easier to polarize 2 groups than divide three from a single vantage point. The democrat party has taken such a hard left in the past three years and most people don’t change that fast. We will just have to see- I tend to fall to the right of most republicans myself.

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For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying this does not get candidates their campaign contributions or Cable News the ratings they need.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.

Both parties have been dividing us for decades, a divided people are much easier to control.

What will it take to change that...it will take people to stop being sheep, but that is not likely to happen. Just look at post #2. To this partisan sheep Dems are not even Americans. The irony of such a statement escapes the sheep as they are too brain dead to see it.
The elites of both parties tried to push a political dynasty by rehashing a Bush vs. Clinton election cycle. Been there, done that shit already.
Bush was rejected, but the Dems couldn't shake the Clinton Dynasty.

I was to reject both parties, but when Trump announced, my vote for him was essentially a middle finger to both parties. The assumption that those who voted Trump align with the Republican party are false simplistic generalizations. They were just slightly less despicable than the DFL. He was the only one who could break a predetermined outcome of another Clinton presidency.
For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying this does not get candidates their campaign contributions or Cable News the ratings they need.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.

Both parties have been dividing us for decades, a divided people are much easier to control.

What will it take to change that...it will take people to stop being sheep, but that is not likely to happen. Just look at post #2. To this partisan sheep Dems are not even Americans. The irony of such a statement escapes the sheep as they are too brain dead to see it.
And yet calling them brain dead sheep is pretty divisive too.
I work with a dyed in the wool self admitted progressive and a card carrying Republican, and a lot of my students fall anywhere within the range. But what we all agree on is that we love our country and want to make it better. You shouldn't forget that either, Gator.
For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying this does not get candidates their campaign contributions or Cable News the ratings they need.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.
There are people who have a vested professional (usually media-based) interest in keeping their "side" angry, myopic and tribal.

They're winning right now, and worse, we're letting them win by acting just like them.
Sadly there will never be a viable third party because you will never get big money backing. It's all about the money and power.
For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying this does not get candidates their campaign contributions or Cable News the ratings they need.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.
There are people who have a vested professional (usually media-based) interest in keeping their "side" angry, myopic and tribal.

They're winning right now, and worse, we're letting them win by acting just like them.
Absolutely no one is giving any of the responsibility for this gruesome display to the media. Someone leaked the letter and then the media greedily, avidly spread that to the world knowing that the woman wanted to remain anonymous. The social media sites and bloggers like the Cult of the 1st Amendment were no better.
We would not know anything about this if the media had not spent the past two weeks getting rich on our curiosity about anything to do with SEX.
Sadly there will never be a viable third party because you will never get big money backing. It's all about the money and power.
If we could get rid of the Citizens United ruling and the PAC's, there certainly could be a moderate Independent party.
I think the next couple of elections will reveal left-leaning centrist third party composed of the #walkaway crowd it is probably bigger than expected and the media does not want to “advertise” it- it is easier to polarize 2 groups than divide three from a single vantage point. The democrat party has taken such a hard left in the past three years and most people don’t change that fast. We will just have to see- I tend to fall to the right of most republicans myself.

If a viable third party ever does come out of the mess we have, it probably will (as you mentioned) be centered on people who have embraced the #walkaway movement.

In reference to #walkaway movement and those leaving the Democrat party, it most often is the result of the people leaving, recognizing the party isn't really serving their needs. It could result in a third party. The Republicans won't be able to satisfy the desires of people who want government to fix things for them and chase demographics for the express purpose of putting votes ahead of policy.

The chances of ending up with a third party that respects the liberties of the People, has faith in the ability to look for local and statewide opportunities to make substantial changes where possible, or wants to abide by the Constitution without the intent to change it through judicial interpretations that serve government instead of the People as a whole, are slim to none.

That's probably because it would be hard to win a national campaign by saying we are going to do as much as possible to put the decisions in how the People want to be governed, back in the hands of the People, and closer to home like it should be.
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I can see where having a 3rd political party could be a way of forcing the 2 major parties we have now to moderate their stance a little bit or lose support. Maybe not for President for a few cycles and maybe not in every district or state, but if I was a rich guy with some rich friends I'd look at maybe a half dozen purple states and run viable candidates just in those places and maybe get enough seats to where their votes count. What would happen if instead of 51-49 we had 48-47 (either way) and 5? Those 5 Independent voters could sway who runs the Senate and who gets confirmed to the SCOTUS.

The problem is, that's a lot of power for 5 guys to have. They'd essentially be running the place, if you can't get their votes you're fucked. That doesn't sound like a particularly good arrangement to me. Would they be any better at doing what's best for all of us or just for them? Human nature being what it is, I wouldn't put money down that this is the solution.

Seems to me that the real problem is us; we are too willing to let the extremists at both ends of the political spectrum dictate to both parties, and that has to stop. We are electing too many people who are far left or far right instead of people who will cooperate and compromise in good faith with each other to get things done. The only way I see that happening is starting some kind of grass roots organization similar to the Tea Party movement that isn't tied to any ideology other than responsible and effective gov't. Nothing else, not social justice, not taxes and spending, not gun control, not abortion or any other single issue. Can this happen? I think so, eventually. Will it? Dunno, maybe it will take a major economic collapse and/or a major terrorist attack to energize enough people to make some changes.
For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media partners are the real experts at dividing the American people. Any tiny bit of noise coming from outside governments does not have close to the effect that our own 2-party political system has in tearing us apart.

I personally believe that Americans agree on more than they disagree on. The fact that more of us are Independants than registered as Democrat or Republican proves that. But saying this does not get candidates their campaign contributions or Cable News the ratings they need.

I don't know what it will take to get a viable third party or parties going in this country. I wish someone had an answer.

Democratic Feudalism. Live it, love it, lord over it.
Democratic Feudalism. Live it, love it, lord over it.

Most appropriate, and generally borne in the idea it is Congress' job to work together and pass legislation that best suits the establishment or government (pseudo monarchy).

It should be Congress' job to construct, debate, tear apart, and ensure any legislation they pass best suits the protection of all the People's interests at the federal level. Protecting everyone's interests and respecting our liberties doesn't require picking sides. For the most part it would require little to nothing ever getting passed at the federal level, and recognizing respect towards the 10th Amendment, allowing for state and local governments, or the People themselves, to best govern their own concerns.
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Both parties have been dividing us for decades, a divided people are much easier to control.

AND both parties have been rigging elections and congressional 'rules'. Why?

1. To concentrate congressional power in the hands of a few so they can control or neuter the people's elected representatives.
2. To rig elections such that most guarantee re-election of the party incumbents.
3. To undermine the limitations placed on government by the Constitution.
Both parties have been dividing us for decades, a divided people are much easier to control.

AND both parties have been rigging elections and congressional 'rules'. Why?

1. To concentrate congressional power in the hands of a few so they can control or neuter the people's elected representatives.
2. To rig elections such that most guarantee re-election of the party incumbents.
3. To undermine the limitations placed on government by the Constitution.

And you are a willing participant.
Both parties have been dividing us for decades, a divided people are much easier to control.

AND both parties have been rigging elections and congressional 'rules'. Why?

1. To concentrate congressional power in the hands of a few so they can control or neuter the people's elected representatives.
2. To rig elections such that most guarantee re-election of the party incumbents.
3. To undermine the limitations placed on government by the Constitution.

And you are a willing participant.

Don't be a dick I was agreeing with you.

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