Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

The overwhelming majority of Americans agree voter i.d. is necessary and a good idea. To say it is strictly a Republican idea is complete bullshit. The people have spoken. They want a solid voter i.d. system.

Yes, but not an exclusionary one as is being enacted by so many GOP state legislatures. If the elderly don't have drivers licenses then their social security cards should suffice. Basically any government issued id should be allowed and that includes student ids. Photo ids from corporations that do background checks should also be allowed in my opinion. If it is good enough for the TSA and it matches to the voter role then it should be acceptable.

I am fine with this. If you need i.d. to get welfare benefits or cash a social security check, I really don't see a big deal. But yeah...any form of valid Government i.d. should be okay. I want everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. I do not care about party affiliation or the rest. If you are eligible...please vote.

What I care about passionately is anyone's vote being cancelled because someone not eligible to vote does so. Just insure anything is legal and above board.

To make it a partisan issue is ridiculous.
No such thing as Big Government, it's all Big Business. Government's simply the fools who volunteer to take all the blame. But business really runs every government. Don't think so? Ever wonder why all national economies are inter-linked? Sound like a good idea that? Market crash in China or Europe and we crash too. Even a tiny country like Greece goes belly-up and it shakes the entire world economy. People fearing a world government are a bit late. There's already a unified world government called Business. Governments are simply scapegoats.But when's the last time you saw a politician run for officer minus any corporate sponsorship, PAC, or other donations? What would happen if a candidate refused to be the puppet of business? They'd lose. Badly.
There is no distinction between the two anymore, unchecked power is a dangerous thing and I am astounded by people who just put up with it for the sake of conforming to party dogma.

You are correct imho. I deeply distrust both entities, and they are far too intermingled. So tell me....why do you see Government as a force for good...and business as a force for evil? If both are basically the same, shouldn't each deserve an equal amount of skepticism and distrust?

We the People are the government so we need to hold ourselves accountable for the government we currently have.

We currently have a government drunk with power.
The overwhelming majority of Americans agree voter i.d. is necessary and a good idea. To say it is strictly a Republican idea is complete bullshit. The people have spoken. They want a solid voter i.d. system.

Yes, but not an exclusionary one as is being enacted by so many GOP state legislatures. If the elderly don't have drivers licenses then their social security cards should suffice. Basically any government issued id should be allowed and that includes student ids. Photo ids from corporations that do background checks should also be allowed in my opinion. If it is good enough for the TSA and it matches to the voter role then it should be acceptable.

I am fine with this. If you need i.d. to get welfare benefits or cash a social security check, I really don't see a big deal. But yeah...any form of valid Government i.d. should be okay. I want everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. I do not care about party affiliation or the rest. If you are eligible...please vote.

What I care about passionately is anyone's vote being cancelled because someone not eligible to vote does so. Just insure anything is legal and above board.

To make it a partisan issue is ridiculous.

Democrats defend voter fraud because they know which party benefits from voter fraud.

Illegal aliens, convicted felons and dead people sure as hell don't vote Republican.
You are correct imho. I deeply distrust both entities, and they are far too intermingled. So tell me....why do you see Government as a force for good...and business as a force for evil? If both are basically the same, shouldn't each deserve an equal amount of skepticism and distrust?

We the People are the government so we need to hold ourselves accountable for the government we currently have.

We currently have a government drunk with power.

Been that way since WW2 so what is your point?
Yes, but not an exclusionary one as is being enacted by so many GOP state legislatures. If the elderly don't have drivers licenses then their social security cards should suffice. Basically any government issued id should be allowed and that includes student ids. Photo ids from corporations that do background checks should also be allowed in my opinion. If it is good enough for the TSA and it matches to the voter role then it should be acceptable.

I am fine with this. If you need i.d. to get welfare benefits or cash a social security check, I really don't see a big deal. But yeah...any form of valid Government i.d. should be okay. I want everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. I do not care about party affiliation or the rest. If you are eligible...please vote.

What I care about passionately is anyone's vote being cancelled because someone not eligible to vote does so. Just insure anything is legal and above board.

To make it a partisan issue is ridiculous.

Democrats defend voter fraud because they know which party benefits from voter fraud.

Illegal aliens, convicted felons and dead people sure as hell don't vote Republican.

Oh GFY. You are such a tool.

In-person voter fraud ‘a very rare phenomenon’
In-person voter fraud ?a very rare phenomenon? | PolitiFact Georgia
WE cannot solve the problem by holding elections, that's bloody obvious.

Merely cleaning out government will not work because the LAWS are already too perverse and anti-democratic to truly change the dynamic.

But if you truly want to know who the villians are?


I can assure you, not matter how much you hate poor people they are NOT in charge of anything that is hurting YOU.

They are merely the most obvious victims of the steady and slow eviseration of our economy by the MASTERS OF MONEY
Some things are slow to Change.

"Listen to the expert who said 'All for ourselves and nothing for other people seems in every age of the world to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.'

"That was not Karl Marx but Adam Smith, in his classic 1776 treatise on capitalism, the Wealth of Nations.

"Little has changed since then.”

Adam Smith's Lost Legacy: Adam Smith on 'the vile maxim of the masters of mankind'
Ex Cop who probably paid for his mortgage from drug bust money. Give me a break Cally Liberal. I can't even tell you how many retired cops we have fired. Go ahead grade me you moron. I have bought and sold many of you cops.


Not too often that someone around here incriminates themselves but that one is a real doozy and definitely a keeper.

In any investigation which generates a large amount of press, persons in desperate need for attention contact the agency and 'confess'. Most are lonely individuals who really don't have a life; in the current case I suspect racewright is full of shit. My best guess he is 15 years old, never had a date or a job, and is posting from the bedroom of his parents home.

Gotcha, want to buy a bridge Gullible brainwashed liberal who thinks they are a English teacher (oh maybe you are)
FLUSH the DC toilet in 2014!

I'm all for this but how are you going to do it? Takes money to run for office, any office, and big money is already killing established, moneyed candidates in gerrymandered districts in the primaries everywhere.
California ballots regularly feature three or four third party congressional candidates representing Green, Libertarian, American Independent and other already established minor political parties. I don't honestly know how many other ballots around this country offer the same selection; however, for those voters who have this option, it takes relatively little research to find a candidate running for congress from a third party who mirrors their political economic views and choose that particular politician instead of either the Republican OR Democrat in the race. In theory, social media today makes it possible to expose tens of millions of US voters to this possibility. Should that ever happen, we could see dozens or hundreds of incumbents FLUSHED from DC in one single November news cycle.
Yes, but not an exclusionary one as is being enacted by so many GOP state legislatures. If the elderly don't have drivers licenses then their social security cards should suffice. Basically any government issued id should be allowed and that includes student ids. Photo ids from corporations that do background checks should also be allowed in my opinion. If it is good enough for the TSA and it matches to the voter role then it should be acceptable.

I am fine with this. If you need i.d. to get welfare benefits or cash a social security check, I really don't see a big deal. But yeah...any form of valid Government i.d. should be okay. I want everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. I do not care about party affiliation or the rest. If you are eligible...please vote.

What I care about passionately is anyone's vote being cancelled because someone not eligible to vote does so. Just insure anything is legal and above board.

To make it a partisan issue is ridiculous.

Democrats defend voter fraud because they know which party benefits from voter fraud.

Illegal aliens, convicted felons and dead people sure as hell don't vote Republican.
You've lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes...a lot of people sure as hell don't vote Republican. Want to know why? Look in the mirror.
I am fine with this. If you need i.d. to get welfare benefits or cash a social security check, I really don't see a big deal. But yeah...any form of valid Government i.d. should be okay. I want everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. I do not care about party affiliation or the rest. If you are eligible...please vote.

What I care about passionately is anyone's vote being cancelled because someone not eligible to vote does so. Just insure anything is legal and above board.

To make it a partisan issue is ridiculous.

Democrats defend voter fraud because they know which party benefits from voter fraud.

Illegal aliens, convicted felons and dead people sure as hell don't vote Republican.

Oh GFY. You are such a tool.

In-person voter fraud ‘a very rare phenomenon’
In-person voter fraud ?a very rare phenomenon? | PolitiFact Georgia

While I agree with you on what he should do to himself, the "very rare" phenomenon is too often in my view. We have tools; we should use them. They present no barrier voting. They not only eliminate voter fraud but also eliminate voter mistakes when people may show up at the wrong polling place. While there are no...repeat NONE...elections that are state or district wide that would ever turn on fraud, a great many elections (and this is why I agree with you concerning Brifart) have no partisan interest where the parties of the candidates is often never declared or even an issue. It is in these that fraud can either purposefully or inadvertently turn an election. How many people show up to elect a school board member or commission of transit? Hundreds...maybe. A few errant votes by persons who either have devious intent or are not actually in the district and are using out-dated cards can swing it.

I always like to tell the story about the Dem chair of Palm Beach County who agreed to the Butterfly Ballot. It is that ballot that gave Gore's votes to Pat Buchanan (according to Buchanan). The chair was likely elected by double digit votes if that wide a margin.

If you wanted to really be devious, you could do some real damage
I am fine with this. If you need i.d. to get welfare benefits or cash a social security check, I really don't see a big deal. But yeah...any form of valid Government i.d. should be okay. I want everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. I do not care about party affiliation or the rest. If you are eligible...please vote.

What I care about passionately is anyone's vote being cancelled because someone not eligible to vote does so. Just insure anything is legal and above board.

To make it a partisan issue is ridiculous.

Democrats defend voter fraud because they know which party benefits from voter fraud.

Illegal aliens, convicted felons and dead people sure as hell don't vote Republican.
You've lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes...a lot of people sure as hell don't vote Republican. Want to know why? Look in the mirror.

Clinton never won the popular vote, nitwit, so Democrats have only won 3 of the last 6 popular votes, and then only by a smidgeon.

That's not a record to gloat over.
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What, specifically, are you talking about?

Read the Links, there are examples.

Okay, pick the most egregious thing the GOP govs are doing and tell us about it. If you have a point, make it.


"The Supreme Court in June struck down a portion of the Voting Rights Act that required some places, mostly in the South, to obtain federal permission, or preclearance, before changing their voting procedures. Since then, several of those places have moved ahead with new restrictions on voting eligibility."


"Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason they pushed new election law"
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

"In 2004, Ohio had the longest lines in the country on Election Day, with some voters—particularly in large urban areas—waiting as long as seven hours to vote. A DNC survey estimated that 174,000 Ohioans—3 percent of the state’s electorate—left without voting. George W. Bush won the state by just 118,000 votes.

"In response to the long lines, Ohio adopted thirty-five days of early voting in 2008, including on nights and weekends, to make voting more convenient. But following the large Democratic turnout in 2008, Ohio Republicans drastically curtailed early voting in 2012 from thirty-five to eleven days, with no voting on the Sunday before the election, when African-American churches historically rally their congregants to go to the polls. Voting rights activists subsequently gathered enough signatures to block the new voting restrictions and force a referendum on Election Day. In reaction, Ohio Republicans repealed their own bill in the state legislature, but kept a ban on early voting three days before Election Day (when 98,000 Ohioans voted in 2008), adding an exception for active duty members of the military, who tend to lean Republican."

Ohio GOP Resurrects Voter Suppression Efforts | The Nation

My point is the GOP is engaged in suppressing the vote of U.S. Citizens. If a citizen has proper ID and cannot gets to the polls his/her right to vote has been taken from them and - IMO and that of any rational, thinking, honest person - it is an intentional act, because the GOP cannot win on ideas.
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Read the Links, there are examples.

Okay, pick the most egregious thing the GOP govs are doing and tell us about it. If you have a point, make it.


"The Supreme Court in June struck down a portion of the Voting Rights Act that required some places, mostly in the South, to obtain federal permission, or preclearance, before changing their voting procedures. Since then, several of those places have moved ahead with new restrictions on voting eligibility."


"Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason they pushed new election law"
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

"In 2004, Ohio had the longest lines in the country on Election Day, with some voters—particularly in large urban areas—waiting as long as seven hours to vote. A DNC survey estimated that 174,000 Ohioans—3 percent of the state’s electorate—left without voting. George W. Bush won the state by just 118,000 votes.

"In response to the long lines, Ohio adopted thirty-five days of early voting in 2008, including on nights and weekends, to make voting more convenient. But following the large Democratic turnout in 2008, Ohio Republicans drastically curtailed early voting in 2012 from thirty-five to eleven days, with no voting on the Sunday before the election, when African-American churches historically rally their congregants to go to the polls. Voting rights activists subsequently gathered enough signatures to block the new voting restrictions and force a referendum on Election Day. In reaction, Ohio Republicans repealed their own bill in the state legislature, but kept a ban on early voting three days before Election Day (when 98,000 Ohioans voted in 2008), adding an exception for active duty members of the military, who tend to lean Republican."

Ohio GOP Resurrects Voter Suppression Efforts | The Nation

My point is the GOP is engaged in suppressing the vote of U.S. Citizens. If a citizen has proper ID and cannot gets to the polls his/her right to vote has been taken from them and - IMO and that of any rational, thinking, honest person - it is an intentional act, because the GOP cannot win on ideas.

Oh my God a cop who was in the Navy (probably out on sec 8) Liberal who never made a buck on his own--always sucked some government Tit. No wonder you are a pro big government ass. And from California to boot. Do they still have bathrooms there. You need a big one to empty your asshole its got to be real big. Check my Greaaaammmmer ok that's all you are good for. You piece of shit. Other peoples money--- your way.
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Okay, pick the most egregious thing the GOP govs are doing and tell us about it. If you have a point, make it.


"The Supreme Court in June struck down a portion of the Voting Rights Act that required some places, mostly in the South, to obtain federal permission, or preclearance, before changing their voting procedures. Since then, several of those places have moved ahead with new restrictions on voting eligibility."


"Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason they pushed new election law"
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

"In 2004, Ohio had the longest lines in the country on Election Day, with some voters—particularly in large urban areas—waiting as long as seven hours to vote. A DNC survey estimated that 174,000 Ohioans—3 percent of the state’s electorate—left without voting. George W. Bush won the state by just 118,000 votes.

"In response to the long lines, Ohio adopted thirty-five days of early voting in 2008, including on nights and weekends, to make voting more convenient. But following the large Democratic turnout in 2008, Ohio Republicans drastically curtailed early voting in 2012 from thirty-five to eleven days, with no voting on the Sunday before the election, when African-American churches historically rally their congregants to go to the polls. Voting rights activists subsequently gathered enough signatures to block the new voting restrictions and force a referendum on Election Day. In reaction, Ohio Republicans repealed their own bill in the state legislature, but kept a ban on early voting three days before Election Day (when 98,000 Ohioans voted in 2008), adding an exception for active duty members of the military, who tend to lean Republican."

Ohio GOP Resurrects Voter Suppression Efforts | The Nation

My point is the GOP is engaged in suppressing the vote of U.S. Citizens. If a citizen has proper ID and cannot gets to the polls his/her right to vote has been taken from them and - IMO and that of any rational, thinking, honest person - it is an intentional act, because the GOP cannot win on ideas.

Oh my God a cop who was in the Navy (probably out on sec 8) Liberal who never made a buck on his own--always sucked some government Tit. No wonder you are a pro big government ass. And from California to boot. Do they still have bathrooms there. You need a big one to empty your asshole its got to be real big. Check my Greaaaammmmer ok that's all you are good for. You piece of shit. Other peoples money--- your way.

Nothing of value in that response, just vulgar language and spurious insults. Obviously this poster lacks even the most rudimentary skills necessary to engage in civil discourse.

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