Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

Private wealth corrupts government by bribing politicians for political favors;

dear you can only do favors if you have power. Why do you think they bribe govt and not bums on the street?
Why do you think they need to bribe anyone if their economic system is not inherently unstable?

Franz Oppenheimer explained it over 100 years ago: The political means of obtaining wealth is easier than the economic means.
Oppenheimer seems to have harbored doubts about capitalism as well as the "wolf state":
"There are two fundamentally opposed means whereby man, requiring sustenance, is impelled to obtain the necessary means for satisfying his desires.

"These are work and robbery, one's own labor and the forcible appropriation of the labor of others.


"Forcible appropriation!

"These words convey to us ideas of crime and the penitentiary, since we are the contemporaries of a developed civilization, specifically based on the inviolability of property.

"And this tang is not lost when we are convinced that land and sea robbery is the primitive relation of life, just as the warrior's trade – which also for a long time is only organized mass robbery – constitutes the most respected of occupations.

"Both because of this, and also on account of the need of having, in the further development of this study, terse, clear, sharply opposing terms for these very important contrasts, I propose in the following discussion to call one's own labor and the equivalent exchange of one's own labor for the labor of others, the 'economic means' for the satisfaction of needs, while the unrequited appropriation of the labor of others will be called the 'political means.' (pp. 24–25)"
Franz Oppenheimer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oppenheimer was calling government nothing more than an organized criminal gang. That is what is entire book "The State" is about. I fail to see how anyone can legitimately characterize that position as having doubts about capitalism.
Private wealth that isn't democratically regulated produces corrupt government,

1) private wealth regulated by capitalist consumers who want best price and quality in entire world is the best of all possible worlds

2) private wealth controlled by govt regulators is the definition of corruption as USSR and 132 other countries proved.
How do you imagine "capitalist consumers" could possibly regulate central bank machinations or control accounting fraud in the finance industry?

How do you think they did it before the creation of the SEC and the Federal Reserve?
They didn't.
The rich found it easier to pillage and loot in those days than they do today.

I suppose you have some proof that banks were "looting and pillaging" their customers before the reign of his royal highness, FDR?
Nigga, please...
"One of the great scandals in American political history involved financial fraud during the construction of the transcontinental railroad.

"The directors of the Union Pacific came up with a scheme in the late 1860s to divert funds allocated by Congress into their own hands.

"Union Pacific executives and directors formed a dummy construction company, to which they gave the exotic name Crédit Mobilier.

"This essentially fake company would grossly overcharge Union Pacific for construction costs, which were in turn paid by the federal government.

"Railroad work that should have cost $44 million cost twice that.

"And when it was revealed in 1872, a number of congressman and President Grant's vice president, Schuyler Colfax, were implicated."
Great Swindles of the 19th Century - Swindles of the 1800s
1) private wealth regulated by capitalist consumers who want best price and quality in entire world is the best of all possible worlds

2) private wealth controlled by govt regulators is the definition of corruption as USSR and 132 other countries proved.
How do you imagine "capitalist consumers" could possibly regulate central bank machinations or control accounting fraud in the finance industry?

How do you think they did it before the creation of the SEC and the Federal Reserve?
They didn't.
The rich found it easier to pillage and loot in those days than they do today.

I suppose you have some proof that banks were "looting and pillaging" their customers before the reign of his royal highness, FDR?
Nigga, please...
"One of the great scandals in American political history involved financial fraud during the construction of the transcontinental railroad.

"The directors of the Union Pacific came up with a scheme in the late 1860s to divert funds allocated by Congress into their own hands.

"Union Pacific executives and directors formed a dummy construction company, to which they gave the exotic name Crédit Mobilier.

"This essentially fake company would grossly overcharge Union Pacific for construction costs, which were in turn paid by the federal government.

"Railroad work that should have cost $44 million cost twice that.

"And when it was revealed in 1872, a number of congressman and President Grant's vice president, Schuyler Colfax, were implicated."
Great Swindles of the 19th Century - Swindles of the 1800s

Notice that the government was involved in this example of corruption. It also didn't involve a bank. Please provide an example where banks raped and pillaged their customers prior to the creation of the SEC.
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Private wealth corrupts government by bribing politicians for political favors;

dear you can only do favors if you have power. Why do you think they bribe govt and not bums on the street?
Why do you think they need to bribe anyone if their economic system is not inherently unstable?

Franz Oppenheimer explained it over 100 years ago: The political means of obtaining wealth is easier than the economic means.
Oppenheimer seems to have harbored doubts about capitalism as well as the "wolf state":
"There are two fundamentally opposed means whereby man, requiring sustenance, is impelled to obtain the necessary means for satisfying his desires.

"These are work and robbery, one's own labor and the forcible appropriation of the labor of others.


"Forcible appropriation!

"These words convey to us ideas of crime and the penitentiary, since we are the contemporaries of a developed civilization, specifically based on the inviolability of property.

"And this tang is not lost when we are convinced that land and sea robbery is the primitive relation of life, just as the warrior's trade – which also for a long time is only organized mass robbery – constitutes the most respected of occupations.

"Both because of this, and also on account of the need of having, in the further development of this study, terse, clear, sharply opposing terms for these very important contrasts, I propose in the following discussion to call one's own labor and the equivalent exchange of one's own labor for the labor of others, the 'economic means' for the satisfaction of needs, while the unrequited appropriation of the labor of others will be called the 'political means.' (pp. 24–25)"
Franz Oppenheimer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oppenheimer was calling government nothing more than an organized criminal gang. That is what is entire book "The State" is about. I fail to see how anyone can legitimately characterize that position as having doubts about capitalism.
Do you agree with any of the following?
"Oppenheimer considered himself a liberal socialist[4] and has been described as pro-market;[5] he thought that nonexploitative economic arrangements would work best in a collectivist environment.

"He spent much of his life advising people who wished to set up a voluntary, communitarian setting (especially kibbutzim).[6]

"He rejected the view of anarchists and revolutionary socialists as unnecessarily pessimistic.

"Not violence, but the path of evolution, would bring about the desired social change. His ideal was a state without class or class interests in which the bureaucracy would become the impartial guardian of the common interests."
Franz Oppenheimer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How do you imagine "capitalist consumers" could possibly regulate central bank machinations or control accounting fraud in the finance industry?

How do you think they did it before the creation of the SEC and the Federal Reserve?
They didn't.
The rich found it easier to pillage and loot in those days than they do today.

I suppose you have some proof that banks were "looting and pillaging" their customers before the reign of his royal highness, FDR?
Nigga, please...
"One of the great scandals in American political history involved financial fraud during the construction of the transcontinental railroad.

"The directors of the Union Pacific came up with a scheme in the late 1860s to divert funds allocated by Congress into their own hands.

"Union Pacific executives and directors formed a dummy construction company, to which they gave the exotic name Crédit Mobilier.

"This essentially fake company would grossly overcharge Union Pacific for construction costs, which were in turn paid by the federal government.

"Railroad work that should have cost $44 million cost twice that.

"And when it was revealed in 1872, a number of congressman and President Grant's vice president, Schuyler Colfax, were implicated."
Great Swindles of the 19th Century - Swindles of the 1800s

Notice that the government was involved in this example of corruption. It also didn't involve a bank. Please provide an example where banks raped and pillaged their customers prior to the creation of the SEC.
"In 1913, the Pujo Committee unanimously determined that a small cabal of financiers had gained consolidated control of numerous industries through the abuse of the public trust in the United States. The chair of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, Representative Arsène Pujo, (DLa.7th) convened a special committee to investigate a "money trust", the de facto monopoly of Morgan and New York's other most powerful bankers."
Banking in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
. His ideal was a state without class or class interests

so Einstein would hang out with common folks rather than fellow geniuses in his intellectual class? Bill Gates would get paid the same as the guy who delivers his software? Its idiotic Marxism
like the kind that slowly starved 200 million to death. You're like the devil who is somehow fascinated with mass murder and human degradation.

Thank you for exposing the pure evil of liberalism for all to see.
. His ideal was a state without class or class interests

so Einstein would hang out with common folks rather than fellow geniuses in his intellectual class? Bill Gates would get paid the same as the guy who delivers his software? Its idiotic Marxism
like the kind that slowly starved 200 million to death. You're like the devil who is somehow fascinated with mass murder and human degradation.

Thank you for exposing the pure evil of liberalism for all to see.
Bill's pay rate would be set by a vote of all Microsoft employees and would probably correspond with Mondragon scales:
"At Mondragon, there are agreed-upon wage ratios between executive work and field or factory work which earns a minimum wage.

"These ratios range from 3:1 to 9:1 in different cooperatives and average 5:1.

"That is, the general manager of an average Mondragon cooperative earns no more than 5 times as much as the theoretical minimum wage paid in his/her cooperative.

"In reality, this ratio is smaller because there are few Mondragon worker-owners that earn minimum wages, because most jobs are somewhat specialized and are classified at higher wage levels.

"The wage ratio of a cooperative is decided periodically by its worker-owners through a democratic vote."
Al can hang out with anyone he wants, and, I'm sure, he would join me in thanking you very much for your commitment to democracy
Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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