Why 2nd Amendment supporters who support mandatory training are wrong….

No, they intended that members of militia had access to arms

That is the purpose of the second amendment
Not just the militia.


All the rights that the Founders thought were most important are emphasized in the Bill of Rights.

These are rights of the people that the government must hold sacrosanct as inalienable and inviolable.

The people have the right to keep and bear arms just like the people have the right to worship, assemble add operate a free press.
An Individual should be able to Have a Carry Permit , own 21 Glocks 6 1911s and 37 other various pistols , 27 AR Pattern 6 FAL Pattern and 11 AK / AKM Pattern Weapons and a few Shotguns and.a Deer Rifle
Really. Carry your gun to the courthouse and tell the cops there that you have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms anywhere. Now in ten years the Supreme Court may agree with you. But I doubt it. Because it would apply to their court house too and they know how crazy some people are.

In the mean time and probably some afterwards you would be in prison.
You don't have the right everywhere.

A private property owner can tell you that you can't carry on his property.

It has been found not to violate the constitution if federal and state laws prohibit firearms in government buildings.

And really how many people spend any time in courthouses? Most people in this country have never been to court for anything.

As far as when and where you can carry in your everyday life there really aren't that many Constitutional prohibitions as the State of NY just found out.
You people just don't get that the gun crime problem has nothing to do with the vast majority of law abiding gun owners.

Most people who commit crimes with guns are already prohibited by law from possessing firearms.

Accidental gun deaths are not even statistically significant when you take into account that there are literally tens of millions of legal gun uses annually and that up to 60% of all Americans own firearms.

The average gun owner is not the problem
The gun crime has EVERYTHING to do with the "vast majority" of gun owners.

That is, unless you can show me the Criminal Gun Mart.
Each and every gun in the hands of a criminal cam from the hands of a "law abiding" gun owner.
The gun crime has EVERYTHING to do with the "vast majority" of gun owners.

That is, unless you can show me the Criminal Gun Mart.
Each and every gun in the hands of a criminal cam from the hands of a "law abiding" gun owner.

Wrong.......that is a stupid argument.

Every rape only happens because there are women who allow themselves to be caught alone ............see how stupid your argument is?
Flash this isn't a thread about pot or potheads. It's about the second amendment and whether gun should be regulated in any way. Please try to keep up.
No, you were claiming you want to license firearms and have mandatory training for public safety reasons. I was pointing out there are a lot more things to be concerned about if you were really interested in public safety, like having dumbass potheads being allowed to drive.
The gun crime has EVERYTHING to do with the "vast majority" of gun owners.

That is, unless you can show me the Criminal Gun Mart.
Each and every gun in the hands of a criminal cam from the hands of a "law abiding" gun owner.
Biggest lie today. Come take them.
All the rights that the Founders thought were most important are emphasized in the Bill of Rights.
These are rights of the people that the government must hold sacrosanct as inalienable and inviolable.
The people have the right to keep and bear arms just like the people have the right to worship, assemble add operate a free press.

During the #CoronaHoax2020, we saw government openly go after those other rights, didn't we?
The gun crime has EVERYTHING to do with the "vast majority" of gun owners.

That is, unless you can show me the Criminal Gun Mart.
Each and every gun in the hands of a criminal cam from the hands of a "law abiding" gun owner.
No it doesn't it has to do with the extreme minority of criminals.

And no in fact anyone who partook in a straw purchase of a gun is NOT a law abiding gun owner, anyone who stolle a gun from a person is not a law abiding gun owner

The majority of firearms used in criminal activity are obtained illegally,” said David Chianese, a correspondent at Law Enforcement Today, published author and former NYPD detective. “Stricter or additional gun laws do not reduce gun violence.”

Your response clearly shows those weapons have nothing to do with personal defense OR militia support.
But those weapons will eventually kill someone whether no matter your intent.
Your ego isn't worth anyone's life...but yours.
I don't have to be in a militia in order to own guns.

In fact I don't have to give you or anyone else a reason why I own guns. Just like you don;t have to give me or anyone else a reason why you exercise any of your rights.

And my guns have never killed anyone and they most likely won't if my luck holds out.

Your response clearly shows those weapons have nothing to do with personal defense OR militia support.
But those weapons will eventually kill someone whether no matter your intent.
Your ego isn't worth anyone's life...but yours.
Come get them commie.
No it doesn't it has to do with the extreme minority of criminals.

And no in fact anyone who partook in a straw purchase of a gun is NOT a law abiding gun owner, anyone who stolle a gun from a person is not a law abiding gun owner

The majority of firearms used in criminal activity are obtained illegally,” said David Chianese, a correspondent at Law Enforcement Today, published author and former NYPD detective. “Stricter or additional gun laws do not reduce gun violence.”

Notice that in the very first sentence of the link about gun deaths.....they lie? They say 40,000 gun deaths, failing to point out that the majority of those deaths are suicides, not gun murder......

Gun murder is primarily criminals murdering criminals, and only about 5% of the criminal population are violent killers....so controlling that 5% would end about 95% of our gun crime....which is why the democrats are constantly releasing them from jail and prison.
Wrong.......that is a stupid argument.

Every rape only happens because there are women who allow themselves to be caught alone ............see how stupid your argument is?
some women who place themselves in positions of risk are indeed somewhat responsible for their attacks.

Fuck around and find out...
It's not just a meme title.

Until you show me the Criminal Gun Mart then each and every gun in the possession of a criminal started life in the hands of a "law abiding gun owner"

This is a fact.
some women who place themselves in positions of risk are indeed somewhat responsible for their attacks.

Fuck around and find out...
It's not just a meme title.

Until you show me the Criminal Gun Mart then each and every gun in the possession of a criminal started life in the hands of a "law abiding gun owner"

This is a fact.

Which was then stolen by the criminal....

Each and every woman is a potential rape victim.....so according to you, they should be required to be accompanied by an adult male, and should wear a body covering, otherwise the rape is completely their fault....right?

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