Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
The only people making a big thing about pervs are the pervs themselves. No, you don't get to piss in the little girls room, fuck your chosen pronoun and no the military should not pay for your transition.

Outside of that, no one could give a rat's ass.
The only people making a big thing about pervs are the pervs themselves. No, you don't get to piss in the little girls room, fuck your chosen pronoun and no the military should not pay for your transition.

Outside of that, no one could give a rat's ass.

And leave children out of that shit.

They might have had a vestige of a valid argument as long as they were only talking about “consenting adults”. That argument fell apart as soon as they started demanding any attention or support from non-consenting adults. And they completely lost any last vestige of validity when they started dragging children into it.
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Thanks for a thoughtful reply that makes others think too.

It's quite complicated.

Does a father have a right to interface in a non-physical manner with his own biological children in a manner which may upset them greatly?

Does a court have a right to tell a father what words he may or may not say to his own children?

Does a 14-yr-old's desires to act in a certain way over-ride a father's right to attempt to modify a minor's behavior he deems to be undesirable?

I know the answer here, probably. A parent has a right to raise their children they have custody of in the manner they choose as long as it is not considered harmful. In this case, the court has ruled that the father's conduct is harmful, even though the father probably has good intentions in his own mind. The court feels that "gender identity" is supported by science, and is so important that the minor's right to self-identify outweighs the father's right to raise his children as he sees appropriate, knowing that some children go through "phases" and often change significantly during puberty, when it is allowed to occur naturally.

When I was young, I hung out with mainly girls. I wasn't feminine; girls seemed to be smarter. I also wanted to be a stuntman. I turned out to be an engineer.

I remember when being a "tom boy" used to be a frequent thing among young girls. They were the most fun. Most of them seemed to outgrow it. I think it's probably called something different now. :)
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Dear bill718
I think this focus is happening for 2-3 spiritual reasons
1. First because of the historic bullying and abuse based on sexism, mostly male or patriachal discrimination and oppression of female, this is the pendulum swinging the other way. But condensing centuries and generations of this into one political movement trying to address it all, makes for extreme reactions that seem disproportionate unless you understand this is an attempt to "counteract" a much longer history projected onto current cases that are relatively minor or obscure. Otherwise it makes little sense.
2. The other thing suppressed and censored that needs to come out, is the knowledge and testimony cases of people spiritually healed of either unwanted homosexual attractions or transgender dysphoric conflicts, both of which are also caused and cured by spiritual processes.
All that is being called into question by pushing this narrative and issue into publuc policy. There is more to the spiritual process of why people are incarnated with mixed gender or other identities and attractions than society has traditionally defined and accepted as normal.
3. Politically the same equal protections of individual rights to beliefs, expression and identity/affiliation WITHOUT being harassed, labeled inferior, abused oppressed censored or otherwise punished, should be enforced for ALL people. Not just LGBT, but respect every single political belief and group with the same rights to express and exercise their own choice of policy and practice as we see argued for LGBT.

That is the direction we need to take for each person to be equally protected by law.

As with 1 and 2 it appears to me part of an ongoing spiritual and social process. Of society and humanity developing to full democratic maturity.

Right now we still see a bunch of high school cliquish bullying going on between gangs fighting to be more popular and dominating the playground.

When we grow up, and see ourselves and others as equal adults, we can get past this phase of running to mommy and daddy to take sides. And work out our issues directly like big boys and girls, not whiny victims blaming others while cheering on bullies giving black eyes to each other, arguing who started it first.

This ends when we realize we are in the same boat. We can either row together, or stay stuck in the middle of the ocean fighting over who controls the oars.
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Thanks for a thoughtful reply that makes others think too.

It's quite complicated.

Does a father have a right to interface in a non-physical manner with his own biological children in a manner which may upset them greatly?

Does a court have a right to tell a father what words he may or may not say to his own children?

Does a 14-yr-old's desires to act in a certain way over-ride a father's right to attempt to modify a minor's behavior he deems to be undesirable?

I know the answer here, probably. A parent has a right to raise their children they have custody of in the manner they choose as long as it is not considered harmful. In this case, the court has ruled that the father's conduct is harmful, even though the father probably has good intentions in his own mind. The court feels that "gender identity" is supported by science, and is so important that the minor's right to self-identify outweighs the father's right to raise his children as he sees appropriate, knowing that some children go through "phases" and often change significantly during puberty, when it is allowed to occur naturally.

When I was young, I hung out with mainly girls. I wasn't feminine; girls seemed to be smarter. I also wanted to be a stuntman. I turned out to be an engineer.

I remember when being a "tom boy" used to be a frequent thing among young girls. They were the most fun. Most of them seemed to outgrow it. I think it's probably called something different now. :)
If I were a lawyer or judge in such court cases, I would call for spiritual counseling with parents, teachers, the child or student, and other family and friends to select counselors to mediate and resolve such conflicts to prevent abuse REGARDLESS which people blame which source.

This is not the court or govt business to make such a decision, but authority could order counseling and mediation to resolve issues to prevent any abuse by coercion or exclusion.

I would even petition schools and districts to invest in setting up counseling support for free mediation assistance to prevent other cases of abuses before they escalate to civil or criminal violations.

That way, rights of people are still protected from infringement but without govt dictating the outcomes or policies that belong to the people to work out case by case, not mandate one policy for everyone.
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Brilliant!>Tell us o'wise one. What would you do if that were your child??
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Brilliant!>Tell us o'wise one. What would you do if that were your child??
>Brilliant!>Tell us o'wise one. What would you do if that were your child??

His post actually was very witty. You have to think about it for a bit to fully understand it. I don't mean that in an insulting way, just a helpful one.

If I had a gay child, I could come to accept it. I love my children unconditionally. If I had a pre-pubescent or pubescent minor child that thought they were the opposite gender, I might try to discourage such behavior in my own way until they reached adulthood.

Once my children became adults, I pretty much tried to limit rules and simply give them sound advice, letting them choose to make their own decisions and learn from the consequences of their actions. Exception would be household rules for the house I paid for and they lived in while attending college I paid for.

They seemed to make great decisions, and have turned out better than I had hoped for so far. I'd like to think it's partly because they had a loving father and mother to raise them throughout their lives, who tried to set a good example for them, but some of it is just luck, genetics, and them being gifted with intelligence. Being raised in a Republican area, with low crime, and similarly good children to associate with probably matters tremendously.

Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.
>Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.

Can't be male without a Y chromosome, that's for sure. I learned that in middle school.
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Thanks for a thoughtful reply that makes others think too.

It's quite complicated.

Does a father have a right to interface in a non-physical manner with his own biological children in a manner which may upset them greatly?

Does a court have a right to tell a father what words he may or may not say to his own children?

Does a 14-yr-old's desires to act in a certain way over-ride a father's right to attempt to modify a minor's behavior he deems to be undesirable?

I know the answer here, probably. A parent has a right to raise their children they have custody of in the manner they choose as long as it is not considered harmful. In this case, the court has ruled that the father's conduct is harmful, even though the father probably has good intentions in his own mind. The court feels that "gender identity" is supported by science, and is so important that the minor's right to self-identify outweighs the father's right to raise his children as he sees appropriate, knowing that some children go through "phases" and often change significantly during puberty, when it is allowed to occur naturally.

When I was young, I hung out with mainly girls. I wasn't feminine; girls seemed to be smarter. I also wanted to be a stuntman. I turned out to be an engineer.

I remember when being a "tom boy" used to be a frequent thing among young girls. They were the most fun. Most of them seemed to outgrow it. I think it's probably called something different now. :)
And thank you for bringing such badly needed intelligence and thoughtfulness and rationality to the board. Most people on here think that this is a big fucking joke, and have no interest in learning anything that will bump up against their bigoted views. Rather they dumb it down to a mud slinging circle jerk

You are right in saying that it is complicated but there are answers for those who seek them and are willing to learn. I come from a child welfare/protective services background . My first thought is that when it's a matter of the best interest of the child, vs. the rights of the parents, the decision should always be in favor of the child. However, it is not always clear what exactly is in the childs best interest.

However, in this case it is pretty clear to me. As you point out, the court feels that "gender identity" is supported by science. I agree and many mental health professionals do also. Regardless of the cause of gender dysphoria and whether or not it is biological, it is a feeling that is very real to a child (or adult) Failure to address it in a suportive and rational and responsible way is detrimental to the childs mental health and can result in self destuctive behavior and depression.

What do I mean by that.? I am certainly not suggesting that the child undergo any sort of irreversable gender reassignment. But he needs to have an opportunity to explore his feeings and gender identity ti see where it goes. He needs professional help, not to "cure him" but to help him to find his way. And he needs a supportive environment in his home as well. He needs to be allowed to be a boy, or as non binary, for as long as he needs to.

As such, what this father is doing (where is the mother?) amounts to emotional abuse and the court is right in telling the father what to do ( althogh jail is a bit harsh and I don't think that would happen in this country) Parental rights are not absolute and if the parent or parents refused to put the childs best interest first, foster care might be an option.

And yes, I can relate to you childhood experiences, which was a long time ago for me. It was a time when being trans was unheard of and being gay was being sick freak and no one would admit to it. Trans and gay are, of course not new. They are just more visable because more, and more people feel safe in comming out and being authentic with themselves and others, and that is a good thing for our collective mental health. At the same time, there are morons and bigots, right here on this board, who claim that there is a liberal conspiracy to turn kids gay and trans.m That is as stupid as stupid gets

Anyway thank you again for your input and for inspiring me to write this
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Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.
Once again you are a moron. See post 176 and see if it possible for you to learn something. I doubt it
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.
Once again you are a moron. See post 176 and see if it possible for you to learn something. I doubt it
You have nothing. You can't argue on the merits of my position because science proves I'm right and you deny science.

Your game is weak.
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.
Once again you are a moron. See post 176 and see if it possible for you to learn something. I doubt it
You have nothing. You can't argue on the merits of my position because science proves I'm right and you deny science.

Your game is weak.
You have a position? What a fucking joke. Your only "position" is that i am a sciencce denier, while you have presents NO science at all Did you read post 176? Did you understand post 176? Do you have any reasonable or rational response to post 176? Of course not. You are nothingh more than a zombie troll bot who does not even know that you are dead
Last edited:
Apparently, in Canada, the push for transgender rights is now superior to those of a parent to care for their own biological children. This is quite concerning....

Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter

The judge's gag order includes:

"a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

"b) CD shall not directly, or indirectly through an agent or third party, publish or share information or documentation relating to AB’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, medical status or therapies."

Just wow.

This is not about transgender rights. It is about the mental health of a 14 year old, an age at which HE is very aware of HIS gender identity. Feelings of gender dysphoria must be dealt with in a responsible way, or the next thing they they may be dealing with is suicide
Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.
>Once again you demonstrate you are a science denier. Science says she is a female.

Can't be male without a Y chromosome, that's for sure. I learned that in middle school.
So now we somhow know what this child's chromosome profile is?? Hint, external genitillia does not always tell the whole story.

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