Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
Because when Whites are beaten up and murdered in NYC, Andrew Cuomo has already put Criminal Reform into law as of 2021 to protect the offenders.
Your emotional cry to protect humans of a specific population is probably because you are paranoid regarding yourself or others.
You should be pleased that every commercial on TV has a homosexual couple and an inter-racial couple, so those of your mindset are on the march to criminally marginalize Whites and heterosexuals.
Not to mention the fact that Trump never diluted the laws protecting older workers so companies keep firing people en masse and getting away with breaking the law by inserting loop holes that make breaking the law in certain ways obviates the law altogether.
Holy fucking shit! Seriously. I made the case that there is no national protections for transgender people and you counter with some crap about NYC, Cuomo and whites being beaten up and murdered? You are either psychotic or just playing a sick troll game. Then you blather about gays in commercials and Trump and older workers. You don't even grasp how stupid, off topic and rediculous you sound. NOTHER here in any way refutes the points that I made You are just throwing dung from your pie hole at the wall in ther hope that you can avoid and obfuscate the actual issue. Google Gish Gallop. That is all that you are able to do.
You haven't address the issue of why people of a specific population should be in their own legal category.
How about Jews?
How about Muslims?
How about Catholics?
How about Protestants?
You are absolutly right! I never did explain that. I gave you more credit than I should have. I assumed that you understood more than you do about how things work. My bad

So, now I will spoon feed it to you. Protected or suspect clases are used to determine the way in wich laws that may have a negative impact on those groups are evaluated by the courts. It is call the level of scutiny.

Suspect classification - Wikipedia

In United States constitutional law, a suspect classification is a class or group of persons meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are likely the subject of discrimination. These classes receive closer scrutiny by courts when an Equal Protection claim alleging unconstitutional discrimination is asserted against a law, regulation, or other government action, or sometimes private action. When a law …

Next stupid question
I honestly don't give a damn about your emotionally driven need to have yourself in a special category of legal protection.
I hear lots of emotional ninnies screaming about how they are victims but they seem to be victims no more than once every 10 years.
Prior to COVID, Blacks were attacking Jews every night in NYC, where the mayor didn't give a damn, and not one Jew called for a special law.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
No, you are.

You deny science.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
Because when Whites are beaten up and murdered in NYC, Andrew Cuomo has already put Criminal Reform into law as of 2021 to protect the offenders.
Your emotional cry to protect humans of a specific population is probably because you are paranoid regarding yourself or others.
You should be pleased that every commercial on TV has a homosexual couple and an inter-racial couple, so those of your mindset are on the march to criminally marginalize Whites and heterosexuals.
Not to mention the fact that Trump never diluted the laws protecting older workers so companies keep firing people en masse and getting away with breaking the law by inserting loop holes that make breaking the law in certain ways obviates the law altogether.
Holy fucking shit! Seriously. I made the case that there is no national protections for transgender people and you counter with some crap about NYC, Cuomo and whites being beaten up and murdered? You are either psychotic or just playing a sick troll game. Then you blather about gays in commercials and Trump and older workers. You don't even grasp how stupid, off topic and rediculous you sound. NOTHER here in any way refutes the points that I made You are just throwing dung from your pie hole at the wall in ther hope that you can avoid and obfuscate the actual issue. Google Gish Gallop. That is all that you are able to do.
You haven't address the issue of why people of a specific population should be in their own legal category.
How about Jews?
How about Muslims?
How about Catholics?
How about Protestants?
You are absolutly right! I never did explain that. I gave you more credit than I should have. I assumed that you understood more than you do about how things work. My bad

So, now I will spoon feed it to you. Protected or suspect clases are used to determine the way in wich laws that may have a negative impact on those groups are evaluated by the courts. It is call the level of scutiny.

Suspect classification - Wikipedia

In United States constitutional law, a suspect classification is a class or group of persons meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are likely the subject of discrimination. These classes receive closer scrutiny by courts when an Equal Protection claim alleging unconstitutional discrimination is asserted against a law, regulation, or other government action, or sometimes private action. When a law …

Next stupid question
I honestly don't give a damn about your emotionally driven need to have yourself in a special category of legal protection.
I hear lots of emotional ninnies screaming about how they are victims but they seem to be victims no more than once every 10 years.
Prior to COVID, Blacks were attacking Jews every night in NYC, where the mayor didn't give a damn, and not one Jew called for a special law.
Emotionally driven? Are you really that stupid? I gave you a legal explaination for thr need for protected classes Cut the shit about blacks ans Jews and deal with the issue. YOU are insufferable
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
No, you are.

You deny science.
Genetalia ain't nothing!
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
Because when Whites are beaten up and murdered in NYC, Andrew Cuomo has already put Criminal Reform into law as of 2021 to protect the offenders.
Your emotional cry to protect humans of a specific population is probably because you are paranoid regarding yourself or others.
You should be pleased that every commercial on TV has a homosexual couple and an inter-racial couple, so those of your mindset are on the march to criminally marginalize Whites and heterosexuals.
Not to mention the fact that Trump never diluted the laws protecting older workers so companies keep firing people en masse and getting away with breaking the law by inserting loop holes that make breaking the law in certain ways obviates the law altogether.
Holy fucking shit! Seriously. I made the case that there is no national protections for transgender people and you counter with some crap about NYC, Cuomo and whites being beaten up and murdered? You are either psychotic or just playing a sick troll game. Then you blather about gays in commercials and Trump and older workers. You don't even grasp how stupid, off topic and rediculous you sound. NOTHER here in any way refutes the points that I made You are just throwing dung from your pie hole at the wall in ther hope that you can avoid and obfuscate the actual issue. Google Gish Gallop. That is all that you are able to do.
You haven't address the issue of why people of a specific population should be in their own legal category.
How about Jews?
How about Muslims?
How about Catholics?
How about Protestants?
You are absolutly right! I never did explain that. I gave you more credit than I should have. I assumed that you understood more than you do about how things work. My bad

So, now I will spoon feed it to you. Protected or suspect clases are used to determine the way in wich laws that may have a negative impact on those groups are evaluated by the courts. It is call the level of scutiny.

Suspect classification - Wikipedia

In United States constitutional law, a suspect classification is a class or group of persons meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are likely the subject of discrimination. These classes receive closer scrutiny by courts when an Equal Protection claim alleging unconstitutional discrimination is asserted against a law, regulation, or other government action, or sometimes private action. When a law …

Next stupid question
I honestly don't give a damn about your emotionally driven need to have yourself in a special category of legal protection.
I hear lots of emotional ninnies screaming about how they are victims but they seem to be victims no more than once every 10 years.
Prior to COVID, Blacks were attacking Jews every night in NYC, where the mayor didn't give a damn, and not one Jew called for a special law.
Emotionally driven? Are you really that stupid? I gave you a legal explaination for thr need for protected classes Cut the shit about blacks ans Jews and deal with the issue. YOU are insufferable
You gave a reason that is not part of the reality of history.
No one's beating them up or refusing to sell them merchandise or firing them.
It's all paranoia.

Hire Women!
Wage Equality!
Yep...Fire the men and suddenly the professional workforce is 51% female and wages are levelling out and more and more men with advanced degrees are unemplyed.
Do you ever read anything but The Gay Times?
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
No, you are.

You deny science.
hooray for science, without it we wouldnt have nuclear weapons
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
if you dont give a fuck...get lost
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
Then you're simply emotionally disturbed.

You want to advocate?
Go to a demonstration.

Older male?
If you're still gainfully employed, you belong to a Union.
Good for you.
That's why I'm not anti-Union.
Write letters to the editor of papers.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
Because when Whites are beaten up and murdered in NYC, Andrew Cuomo has already put Criminal Reform into law as of 2021 to protect the offenders.
Your emotional cry to protect humans of a specific population is probably because you are paranoid regarding yourself or others.
You should be pleased that every commercial on TV has a homosexual couple and an inter-racial couple, so those of your mindset are on the march to criminally marginalize Whites and heterosexuals.
Not to mention the fact that Trump never diluted the laws protecting older workers so companies keep firing people en masse and getting away with breaking the law by inserting loop holes that make breaking the law in certain ways obviates the law altogether.
Holy fucking shit! Seriously. I made the case that there is no national protections for transgender people and you counter with some crap about NYC, Cuomo and whites being beaten up and murdered? You are either psychotic or just playing a sick troll game. Then you blather about gays in commercials and Trump and older workers. You don't even grasp how stupid, off topic and rediculous you sound. NOTHER here in any way refutes the points that I made You are just throwing dung from your pie hole at the wall in ther hope that you can avoid and obfuscate the actual issue. Google Gish Gallop. That is all that you are able to do.
You haven't address the issue of why people of a specific population should be in their own legal category.
How about Jews?
How about Muslims?
How about Catholics?
How about Protestants?
You are absolutly right! I never did explain that. I gave you more credit than I should have. I assumed that you understood more than you do about how things work. My bad

So, now I will spoon feed it to you. Protected or suspect clases are used to determine the way in wich laws that may have a negative impact on those groups are evaluated by the courts. It is call the level of scutiny.

Suspect classification - Wikipedia

In United States constitutional law, a suspect classification is a class or group of persons meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are likely the subject of discrimination. These classes receive closer scrutiny by courts when an Equal Protection claim alleging unconstitutional discrimination is asserted against a law, regulation, or other government action, or sometimes private action. When a law …

Next stupid question
I honestly don't give a damn about your emotionally driven need to have yourself in a special category of legal protection.
I hear lots of emotional ninnies screaming about how they are victims but they seem to be victims no more than once every 10 years.
Prior to COVID, Blacks were attacking Jews every night in NYC, where the mayor didn't give a damn, and not one Jew called for a special law.
Emotionally driven? Are you really that stupid? I gave you a legal explaination for thr need for protected classes Cut the shit about blacks ans Jews and deal with the issue. YOU are insufferable
You gave a reason that is not part of the reality of history.
No one's beating them up or refusing to sell them merchandise or firing them.
It's all paranoia.

Hire Women!
Wage Equality!
Yep...Fire the men and suddenly the professional workforce is 51% female and wages are levelling out and more and more men with advanced degrees are unemplyed.
Do you ever read anything but The Gay Times?
You are hysterical and I do not mean in a funny way. Get the fuck over it
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
if you dont give a fuck...get lost
Who the fuck are you and what is your problem>?
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
Because when Whites are beaten up and murdered in NYC, Andrew Cuomo has already put Criminal Reform into law as of 2021 to protect the offenders.
Your emotional cry to protect humans of a specific population is probably because you are paranoid regarding yourself or others.
You should be pleased that every commercial on TV has a homosexual couple and an inter-racial couple, so those of your mindset are on the march to criminally marginalize Whites and heterosexuals.
Not to mention the fact that Trump never diluted the laws protecting older workers so companies keep firing people en masse and getting away with breaking the law by inserting loop holes that make breaking the law in certain ways obviates the law altogether.
Holy fucking shit! Seriously. I made the case that there is no national protections for transgender people and you counter with some crap about NYC, Cuomo and whites being beaten up and murdered? You are either psychotic or just playing a sick troll game. Then you blather about gays in commercials and Trump and older workers. You don't even grasp how stupid, off topic and rediculous you sound. NOTHER here in any way refutes the points that I made You are just throwing dung from your pie hole at the wall in ther hope that you can avoid and obfuscate the actual issue. Google Gish Gallop. That is all that you are able to do.
You haven't address the issue of why people of a specific population should be in their own legal category.
How about Jews?
How about Muslims?
How about Catholics?
How about Protestants?
You are absolutly right! I never did explain that. I gave you more credit than I should have. I assumed that you understood more than you do about how things work. My bad

So, now I will spoon feed it to you. Protected or suspect clases are used to determine the way in wich laws that may have a negative impact on those groups are evaluated by the courts. It is call the level of scutiny.

Suspect classification - Wikipedia

In United States constitutional law, a suspect classification is a class or group of persons meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are likely the subject of discrimination. These classes receive closer scrutiny by courts when an Equal Protection claim alleging unconstitutional discrimination is asserted against a law, regulation, or other government action, or sometimes private action. When a law …

Next stupid question
I honestly don't give a damn about your emotionally driven need to have yourself in a special category of legal protection.
I hear lots of emotional ninnies screaming about how they are victims but they seem to be victims no more than once every 10 years.
Prior to COVID, Blacks were attacking Jews every night in NYC, where the mayor didn't give a damn, and not one Jew called for a special law.
Emotionally driven? Are you really that stupid? I gave you a legal explaination for thr need for protected classes Cut the shit about blacks ans Jews and deal with the issue. YOU are insufferable
You gave a reason that is not part of the reality of history.
No one's beating them up or refusing to sell them merchandise or firing them.
It's all paranoia.

Hire Women!
Wage Equality!
Yep...Fire the men and suddenly the professional workforce is 51% female and wages are levelling out and more and more men with advanced degrees are unemplyed.
Do you ever read anything but The Gay Times?
You are hysterical and I do not mean in a funny way. Get the fuck over it
If I'm hysterical, why are you the one advocating every day for gays to get special protection?
Gays are humans and protected by law.
No company will ever fire a sexual deviant without firing others to cover their asses.
It's obvious you know nothing about how clever company attorneys are.
Your ignorance is appalling.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
if you dont give a fuck...get lost
Who the fuck are you and what is your problem>?
Who the fuck are you when you know zero about how corporate attorneys get around legislation?
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
Then you're simply emotionally disturbed.

You want to advocate?
Go to a demonstration.

Older male?
If you're still gainfully employed, you belong to a Union.
Good for you.
That's why I'm not anti-Union.
Write letters to the editor of papers.
You continue to demonstrate a pathetic inability to address the issue in a rational, objective and reasonable way,
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed
You can’t argue on the science, clearly.
I would not wast my time trying with morons like you
You are the moron as the law already protects all US citizens; you simply want more protection for sexual deviants.
Really? What law is that? What law protects transgender people from abuse and discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodations and financial transactions? WHAT FUCKING LAW!??
Yer welcome.

. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Related Products

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e and following) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin (including membership in a Native American tribe).
"sex" has been open to interpretation and not applied to gender identity or sexual orientation . Cut the bullshit!
It is illegal to discriminate against you based on you being a male or female, Stupid.

Everyone is one or the other, according to science.
Yourrepeatedly calling me stupi does not make you sound very smart. Clearly you do not have a grasp of the issue
This far your sole talking point is that a specific set of the population must be protected from something that they are already protected.
Of course you don’t give a damn about anyone who is not a deviant.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia

As of February 2019, Congress has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption,
but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed]

In addition ....This EO covered employment and education only and is limited to schools receiving federal funds
U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[

And there is this

Trump's Labor Dept. goes through with gutting LGBTQ ...
Dec 07, 2020 · “The executive order signed in 2014, which protects employees from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald...

and this.

Trump Administration Erases Transgender Civil Rights Protections in Health Care - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

NOW tell us again why legislation is not need.
In order for me to understand where you are coming from...
In which decade of your life are you?
In which cities did you spend your life from high school to about 30?
What industry are you in or were you in?
I have to understand why your knowledge of how business attorneys and politicians manipulate the legal system in their favor 100% of the time.

The main 2 groups I have met who have your resistance to reality are teachers and mentally ill attorneys.
It's obvious you never worked for a large firm and got screwed.
Fuck no! This is just another one of your troll games. Deal with the issue or shut up. This is about discrimination, plain and simple . Sure the system is manipulated. That is why we need laws against discrimination.
You are a troll...
I am not calling for people to be attacked in anyway whatsoever due to their sexual identity or activity.
Such behavior should be private but perverts such as yourself want everybody to let it all hang out because you are a sexual deviant.
I would love to see your Links to widespread examples of proven discrimination due to sexual deviancy.
These are way more examples of people being discriminated against for their age or even for their salary and benefits costs to the company.
You are fucking insane and delusional!
You are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.
You are not special and not a target and you're not getting permission to start a movement of getting special treatment in every realm of law and life.
You are right. I am not special and I am not a target. I am a straight, cisgender, older male who advocates for LGBT folks .Go ahead and call me a liar. I really don't give a fuck
Then you're simply emotionally disturbed.

You want to advocate?
Go to a demonstration.

Older male?
If you're still gainfully employed, you belong to a Union.
Good for you.
That's why I'm not anti-Union.
Write letters to the editor of papers.
You continue to demonstrate a pathetic inability to address the issue in a rational, objective and reasonable way,
What's does your argument consist of?
Sexual Deviants are an endangered species and we must protect them!
How many sexual deviants do you know in real life?
My community has at least 2 dozen male couples living together who don't rub it in anybody's faces and we get along just fine.
f I'm hysterical, why are you the one advocating every day for gays to get special protection?
NOT specuial protection. EQUAL protection under the law,
Are you insane?
You said 2 days ago you never posted such a sentence!
Is there an actual piece of legislation that heteros have more protection under the law?
Are you out of your demented mind?!
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
No, push men in little girls restrooms, why?

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