Why America Abandoned The Greatest Economy In History

Back in 2005 and 2006 , President Bush proposed the idea of investing the Social Security trust fund in the stock market. Libs vetoed the idea.

However, if we had done it, stocks have more than doubled since then. Social Security checks have not, OTOH.

Old people would be doing a lot better today.
Absolutely correct. It's why you can't afford a new vehicle.

Everything trickles down and you lose as a bottom feeder
We all see new cars on US roads everyday.

Rural maga fuckup is still buying those $75K truck right off the lot fully loaded.
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Absolutely correct. It's why you can't afford a new vehicle.

Everything trickles down and you lose as a bottom feeder
No actually it's just the opposite.

Besides, management was making 3-400 times what floor workers made and without them,, nothing is produced.
If there is one statistic that best captures the transformation of the American economy over the past half century, it may be this: Of Americans born in 1940, 92 percent went on to earn more than their parents; among those born in 1980, just 50 percent did. Over the course of a few decades, the chances of achieving the American dream went from a near-guarantee to a coin flip.

What happened?

The transfer of wealth from the working class, to the morbidly rich. That's what happened. We now just need to teach this to the Gen Z and later generations, and how to take that wealth back from the "Entitled Worthless", of whom it does not belong.

I blame them Mario Brothers. They ruined more people's futures than the Koch Brothers.
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If there is one statistic that best captures the transformation of the American economy over the past half century, it may be this: Of Americans born in 1940, 92 percent went on to earn more than their parents; among those born in 1980, just 50 percent did. Over the course of a few decades, the chances of achieving the American dream went from a near-guarantee to a coin flip.

What happened?

The transfer of wealth from the working class, to the morbidly rich. That's what happened. We now just need to teach this to the Gen Z and later generations, and how to take that wealth back from the "Entitled Worthless", of whom it does not belong.
Reagan convinced over half the country to vote against their own economic self interests in favor of voting for overblown social paranoia, and that was that. 40 years later the trickle down scam has been exposed for the scam it is. And over half the country is still voting on trannies in bathrooms, racist tropes, and abortion.

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Reagan convinced over half the country to vote against their own economic self interests in favor of voting for overblown social paranoia, and that was that. 40 years later the trickle down scam has been exposed for the scam it is. And half the country is still voting on trannies in bathrooms, racist tropes, and abortion.


How is bending a knee to the Liberal Elite and kissing the ass of a union boss or government official in my "self interest"?

The Ghetto Community has continued to listen to Rev. Sharpton and their other leaders for many decades, yet don't seem to be doing nearly as well as the Honky Conservatives.
How is bending a knee to the Liberal Elite and kissing the ass of a union boss or government official in my "self interest"?

The Ghetto Community has continued to listen to Rev. Sharpton and their other leaders for many decades, yet don't seem to be doing nearly as well as the Honky Conservatives.
What the fuck are you posting about racist fuckup.
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The two biggest factors against our economy are outsourcing labor and automation.

A company has one job, to make a profit. One of the few expenses against profit that can be controlled is labor.
And Unions have caused companies to go automated. Unions promise the moon, and then when it is found out that lie, the Union tells their moronic member to go out and strike.
If there is one statistic that best captures the transformation of the American economy over the past half century, it may be this: Of Americans born in 1940, 92 percent went on to earn more than their parents; among those born in 1980, just 50 percent did. Over the course of a few decades, the chances of achieving the American dream went from a near-guarantee to a coin flip.

What happened?

The transfer of wealth from the working class, to the morbidly rich. That's what happened. We now just need to teach this to the Gen Z and later generations, and how to take that wealth back from the "Entitled Worthless", of whom it does not belong.
Not that this observation about the predatory class isn't true in and of itself, but this isn't the issue in terms of the declines you mention.

The US enjoyed an insane global advantage coming out of WWII, but that was never going to last, and hasn't.

The issues since 1945:


Too many, and they're now dragging the economy down, and making housing and healthcare impossibly expensive as they hoard as much of everything as they can.

But their die-off has begun, and nearly half will be gone in 10 years, and nearly all in 20.

2/Military cost of Empire.

From Truman to Biden & with nary a respite, trillions squandered by the Deep State in the mass murder/military slaughter of millions around the globe, all against the Will of The People.

I don't know when or if this will stop short of national collapse or some form of revolution.

3/Loss of Post WWII economic advantage.

In 1945, the US was the one massive developed economy and infrastructure unwrecked by war.

We rode that for about 25 years before the cracks happened, and combined with too many Boomers and too much fascism/global terrorism on our part, here we are.

So yeah, robber barons are bad, but it's the other things, stupid.
And Unions have caused companies to go automated. Unions promise the moon, and then when it is found out that lie, the Union tells their moronic member to go out and strike.
You both play stupid and embrace it.
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