Why American Workers Pay Twice As Much In Taxes As Wealthy Investors

We are deeply in debt?

There are others ways to help that. Either stop spending more than we know we have and/or have the half that pay zero income taxes do their part.

Sure tell repubs to stop spending. So ask those with nothing to pay taxes. Brilliant.

I'm asking those that live in society to contribute to society. That's what you pieces of shit on the left use to justify a progressive tax system. Suddenly, when it involves those that don't contribute to society actually doing what you claim should be done, you run from it.

I'm an independent. When will congress stop spending?

Bullshit. That's the cop out from lefties that don't have the guts to admit what they are. Funny how all of you claiming that status support the left side of the aisle when it comes to policy.

I could take some chicken shit, make it look like and call it chicken salad. Would you eat it?

Do I? I asked what regulations. How is that left or right?
Any of them that would negatively affect you and your family. I don't care specifically which ones just those.

So you don't specifically know any? Blind faith?

No, I simply don't care which ones as long as you suffer. It's not the means I'm concerned with but the ends.

I didn't think you had a clue.

The only thing I'm concerned with is that you suffer from it. I don't care if it's from the head down or feet up. The ends justify the means and the means don't matter as long as the ends do the job.

Yes no clue. I'm not suffering... I'm laughing at you however.

You laughing at me is like expecting a black person to stop looting during a hurricane. It's meaningless.
There are others ways to help that. Either stop spending more than we know we have and/or have the half that pay zero income taxes do their part.

Sure tell repubs to stop spending. So ask those with nothing to pay taxes. Brilliant.

I'm asking those that live in society to contribute to society. That's what you pieces of shit on the left use to justify a progressive tax system. Suddenly, when it involves those that don't contribute to society actually doing what you claim should be done, you run from it.

I'm an independent. When will congress stop spending?

Bullshit. That's the cop out from lefties that don't have the guts to admit what they are. Funny how all of you claiming that status support the left side of the aisle when it comes to policy.

I could take some chicken shit, make it look like and call it chicken salad. Would you eat it?

Do I? I asked what regulations. How is that left or right?

I said don't care what as long as the result is you suffering.
So you don't specifically know any? Blind faith?

No, I simply don't care which ones as long as you suffer. It's not the means I'm concerned with but the ends.

I didn't think you had a clue.

The only thing I'm concerned with is that you suffer from it. I don't care if it's from the head down or feet up. The ends justify the means and the means don't matter as long as the ends do the job.

Yes no clue. I'm not suffering... I'm laughing at you however.

You laughing at me is like expecting a black person to stop looting during a hurricane. It's meaningless.

Asking specifics about your beliefs is meaningless.

When will congress stop spending?
Sure tell repubs to stop spending. So ask those with nothing to pay taxes. Brilliant.

I'm asking those that live in society to contribute to society. That's what you pieces of shit on the left use to justify a progressive tax system. Suddenly, when it involves those that don't contribute to society actually doing what you claim should be done, you run from it.

I'm an independent. When will congress stop spending?

Bullshit. That's the cop out from lefties that don't have the guts to admit what they are. Funny how all of you claiming that status support the left side of the aisle when it comes to policy.

I could take some chicken shit, make it look like and call it chicken salad. Would you eat it?

Do I? I asked what regulations. How is that left or right?

I said don't care what as long as the result is you suffering.

So you think something you know nothing about will help the economy. Low information.
No, I simply don't care which ones as long as you suffer. It's not the means I'm concerned with but the ends.

I didn't think you had a clue.

The only thing I'm concerned with is that you suffer from it. I don't care if it's from the head down or feet up. The ends justify the means and the means don't matter as long as the ends do the job.

Yes no clue. I'm not suffering... I'm laughing at you however.

You laughing at me is like expecting a black person to stop looting during a hurricane. It's meaningless.

Asking specifics about your beliefs is meaningless.

When will congress stop spending?

No, I believe removing regulations that would cause you to personally suffer is OK.
I didn't think you had a clue.

The only thing I'm concerned with is that you suffer from it. I don't care if it's from the head down or feet up. The ends justify the means and the means don't matter as long as the ends do the job.

Yes no clue. I'm not suffering... I'm laughing at you however.

You laughing at me is like expecting a black person to stop looting during a hurricane. It's meaningless.

Asking specifics about your beliefs is meaningless.

When will congress stop spending?

No, I believe removing regulations that would cause you to personally suffer is OK.
I'm doing quite well.
I didn't think you had a clue.

The only thing I'm concerned with is that you suffer from it. I don't care if it's from the head down or feet up. The ends justify the means and the means don't matter as long as the ends do the job.

Yes no clue. I'm not suffering... I'm laughing at you however.

You laughing at me is like expecting a black person to stop looting during a hurricane. It's meaningless.

Asking specifics about your beliefs is meaningless.

When will congress stop spending?

No, I believe removing regulations that would cause you to personally suffer is OK.

Does even the right claim you? Your stupidity is impressive.
Theses tax threads are always a righty shell game where they want to screw over the working man.

Fed income taxes are not the only taxes in the world !
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

That only works if you get rid of all deductions

Because the person without kids is always going to pay more than a person with kids even if their income are the same

A flat tax is the only fair tax

No deduction no exemptions you pay the same on every dollar you earn that way people who earn more pay more. The same rate can be applied to capital gains as well.
Theses tax threads are always a righty shell game where they want to screw over the working man.

Fed income taxes are not the only taxes in the world !
But they are the only ones worth talking about on a national forum

If you want to whine about state taxes then get on a local board in your state
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

That only works if you get rid of all deductions

Because the person without kids is always going to pay more than a person with kids even if their income are the same

A flat tax is the only fair tax

No deduction no exemptions you pay the same on every dollar you earn that way people who earn more pay more. The same rate can be applied to capital gains as well.

Could easily be more fair than what we have now.
By dropping regulations, which is being done, and we see the increase in better jobs already. The obummer regulations removed jobs and put people on welfare. Trump is correcting that. GDP for August was 3.0% ouch, obummer never got better than 1.8%

Which regulations specifically?
New Report Reveals the Number of Obama Regulations Trump Has Killed

"The Trump administration has stopped over 800 regulations proposed under former president Barack Obama, according to a new White House report.

Reuters reported Thursday:

The White House said Thursday it had withdrawn or removed from active consideration more than 800 proposed regulations that were never finalized during the Obama administration as it works to shrink the federal government's regulatory footprint."

That isn't specific at all. Tell which ones he got rid of that will make this huge difference.
why? I'm not beholding to you anything. you asked I gave you them. go read rabbit.

So you have no clue. I didn't think so.
I'm good. You asked I delivered. not sure what action you feel you are deserved, but nothing from me. 800 regulations, you choose the ones you wish to read. The fact remains the GDP went up 3.0% for a month for the first time since bush. wow.

that's a fking lot of regulations one man put on our country don't you think? wow. nothing like keeping the citizens down. it is soooooo libturdie.
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

That only works if you get rid of all deductions

Because the person without kids is always going to pay more than a person with kids even if their income are the same

A flat tax is the only fair tax

No deduction no exemptions you pay the same on every dollar you earn that way people who earn more pay more. The same rate can be applied to capital gains as well.

Could easily be more fair than what we have now.

It is the only fair way to tax income
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

I don't think so.

So equality only applies when you want it to apply? It's OK, the pittance you'd supply if what I asked happened wouldn't amount to enough to buy a $.25 piece of candy.

They pay the same amount as everyone else for the income they earn. That is on the first 9275 folks making a million dollars a year still pay on only 10% on that. Then they get taxed at 15% for income between 9276 and 37,650. And then 25% on the next 91,150 and so on.....

While half of the country pays no income taxes at all. I thought you lefties believed living in this country involved contributing to society? Guess not.
they pay no fed income tax because they have not earned enough over the standard deduction and personal exemption to be taxed ...the WEALTHIEST also pay no fed income tax on the standard deduction and personal exemption amounts as well. no one is getting something up on someone else.
Let’s say you and I are neighbors. You’re an emergency room doctor, and I don’t work, thanks to a pile of money my grandparents left me.


You spend your days and nights stitching up gunshot wounds and helping children survive asthma attacks. I’ve gotten really good at World of Warcraft, winning Ebay auctions, and frying shishito peppers to just the right crispiness.

Let’s also say we both report $300,000 in income to the Internal Revenue Service this year. Who pays more in taxes?

You do, by a lot. You owe the IRS about $38,500 more, assuming each of us pays the maximum with no special deductions. I also have more flexibility to lower my burden with tax planning strategies and other tricks, and I get to skip about $24,000 in payroll taxes that you and your employer must fork over each year.

Why American Workers Pay Twice as Much in Taxes as Wealthy Investors
Johnny Dipshit makes $15.00 per hour and pays $3,000.00 in taxes.

Filmore Fuckstick is a high-level executive with lots of education, providing lots of value to his company, and is rewarded with salary and stock options vesting regularly. He probably makes the equivalent of $2000.00 per hour. He pays $68,000.00 per year in taxes.

Who pays more taxes?
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

No! In less than a generation such a tax system will create a Caste System!

So much for your claims of equality.


Huh? I support a progressive income tax system, how does that equate to equality? It's fair and a requirement for a democratic society to survive.

A progressive tax system isn't equal. It taxes at unequal percentages.

Only to a POS progressive is something that's unequal the same and fair. That's OK. Those that pay that higher percentage will still always have more than the freeloaders paying nothing.

Of course. The more money you earn, the more you pay. If everyone paid 10% on their earned income, the average citizen would pay $5k on 50K, and the person who makes 500k will pay 50K.

Consider how our social structure will change, when those who make millions are able to "donate" money to members of Congress and State and City Councils. A perfect way to create a third world country, all they need to do is make contraception illegal, outlaw labor unions and magically make the United States into a caste system killing the American drram
How many times does someone have to pay taxes on THEIR money? once, twice, 3 times, or more? I guess since a liberal cant make money they want everyone to be taxed to where there isn't any money left to tax, then everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. That is how a libfucks thinks, because they are jealous of those that have succeeded in life.
If what you say is correct, why is the IRS revenue source calling you a liar? Seems to me that the poor isn't paying enough and should be paying a hell of a lot more. No I don't feel pity for the poor, as at one time I was poor, but I didn't stay a victim of liberalism, but moved on with Gods gift and excelled at what I did.

why not just stop spending what they haven't got? hmmm debt ceiling?

Sure, that's a solution. A very simple solution which belies what a budget is; what a budget is, is a plan. And, plans go awry! Natural disasters, man made disasters, epidemics and pandemics, and wars cannot be predicted and thus planned for, and when they happen the budget gets blown out the window.

The best way to control spending is to control the Pols. As I've posted a number of times we need a Constitutional Amendment giving the POTUS the line-item veto. The Congress can override his or her veto, and the voter can decide on each issue vetoed and / or overridden as to which person(s) they want to be held accountable.

Are you saying we shouldn't have a budget? If you're not going to stick to the plan, why have one. The interesting thing is that you support a plan that has as part of it, spending more than we bring in. That's not a budget.

I'm not saying (I didn't write) we should not have a budget. My point is very simple, budgets predict expenditures for a year, sometimes two, but those predictions are rarely correct. Adjustments need to be made for unforeseen events, like the N. Korean Kook, Harvey and Irma.

However, The Congress will make a budget, some of the items will be pork, others items will be necessary but insufficient. Let POTUS decide what to cut, and in his message to The Congress ask them to use the money cut to take care of urgent needs. Then the two chambers can work it out and send the revised budget back to the White House.

I've been doing budgets for many years. They have been correct every time. Those adjustments can be built in. If predictions are made based on the past, they can be very accurate.

Any item spent for which the Constitution doesn't give authority to spend is pork. Let the Constitution, not a bunch of politicians wanting to get reelected decide.

You're full of shit. Budgets on a grand scale always need adjustments. How well do you think the budgets in Texas and Florida predicted the damages this past few weeks?
Which regulations specifically?
New Report Reveals the Number of Obama Regulations Trump Has Killed

"The Trump administration has stopped over 800 regulations proposed under former president Barack Obama, according to a new White House report.

Reuters reported Thursday:

The White House said Thursday it had withdrawn or removed from active consideration more than 800 proposed regulations that were never finalized during the Obama administration as it works to shrink the federal government's regulatory footprint."

That isn't specific at all. Tell which ones he got rid of that will make this huge difference.
why? I'm not beholding to you anything. you asked I gave you them. go read rabbit.

So you have no clue. I didn't think so.
I'm good. You asked I delivered. not sure what action you feel you are deserved, but nothing from me. 800 regulations, you choose the ones you wish to read. The fact remains the GDP went up 3.0% for a month for the first time since bush. wow.

that's a fking lot of regulations one man put on our country don't you think? wow. nothing like keeping the citizens down. it is soooooo libturdie.

Yes all you have is generically 800. You don't seem to know a single thing about those 800 however.
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

That only works if you get rid of all deductions

Because the person without kids is always going to pay more than a person with kids even if their income are the same

A flat tax is the only fair tax

No deduction no exemptions you pay the same on every dollar you earn that way people who earn more pay more. The same rate can be applied to capital gains as well.

Could easily be more fair than what we have now.

It is the only fair way to tax income

I think many are shocked by the idea of a flat tax. But they need to remember Buffett is pretty sure he is taxed at a lower rate than his secretary. Once deductions are eliminated many of the rich may now be paying more than before. And at least the middle class can safely say the rich guy is paying the same rate as them. Now if you have enough accountants they are probably paying less than the middle class for a rate.
All income should be taxed at the same rate regardless how it was earned.

Shouldn't everyone pay the same percentage in taxes on their income regardless of how much they make?

That only works if you get rid of all deductions

Because the person without kids is always going to pay more than a person with kids even if their income are the same

A flat tax is the only fair tax

No deduction no exemptions you pay the same on every dollar you earn that way people who earn more pay more. The same rate can be applied to capital gains as well.

Could easily be more fair than what we have now.

It is the only fair way to tax income

I think many are shocked by the idea of a flat tax. But they need to remember Buffett is pretty sure he is taxed at a lower rate than his secretary. Once deductions are eliminated many of the rich may now be paying more than before. And at least the middle class can safely say the rich guy is paying the same rate as them. Now if you have enough accountants they are probably paying less than the middle class for a rate.

There's an easy way for those that think they should payer to do so. Pay more.

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