Why are democrat elites pushing for electric vehicles when.. read: Disadvantages of Electric Cars

I am sure there are many environmentalists who are climate change ideologues whether there is big money in it or not. But we are talking politics here, and both political parties look for ways to convince people that they are a better choice than the other party, and the democrats do get a lot of donations/support from those people. And in league with the media, academia, and Hollywood among others, they have convinced a lot of people that we are all gonna die soon if we don't spend trillions of dollars on climate change. IOW, standard democrat operating procedure. Some democrats actually are ideologues that totally believe that, while I suspect there are many others who may be skeptical but push the party line anyway, not caring about things like debt and deficits.
not caring about anything besides being in power
I don't "rage" against anything. Nimrod. I point out moronic government directives. As soon as a Tesla inspired broadcast energy system is developed, so that your car sports an antenna that gathers in the electricity it needs to run then, and only then, will EV's revolutionize the auto industry. And i look forward to that day happening.

Oil is far too precious a commodity to be used for vehicles. The sad reality though is that at this time oil is by far the most energy efficient means of travel.
What government "directives?" (CA aside). As far as I can see, they are offering incentives. Private industry will take care of the rest.
They spontaneously combust the same way an electric car does.

Something goes wrong. It happened to someone in my family.

No, they don't. A gasoline powered vehicle will sit peacefully for decades through hot and cold with no problem. The only time they ever had trouble was in Cali (figures) when the Air Resources Board mandated that the fuel makers add MTBE into the gasoline. They were warned that this would have a destructive effect on older fuel systems, but they ignored the warnings, so there were a few carbeques until the car makers figured out how to prevent the issue.

But, that was a GOVERNMENT CAUSED problem.
What government "directives?" (CA aside). As far as I can see, they are offering incentives. Private industry will take care of the rest.

Banning ICE powered vehicles is an "incentive"?

Are you truly that stupid?
Nothing to do with it. And you would know this if you actually knew how things worked. :)
Progs are the greatest orators of plans and agendas. Then they put it into practice. The last two years is proof enough and we see how poverty has not been eliminated for 60 years since the War on Poverty started.
No, they don't. A gasoline powered vehicle will sit peacefully for decades through hot and cold with no problem. The only time they ever had trouble was in Cali (figures) when the Air Resources Board mandated that the fuel makers add MTBE into the gasoline. They were warned that this would have a destructive effect on older fuel systems, but they ignored the warnings, so there were a few carbeques until the car makers figured out how to prevent the issue.

But, that was a GOVERNMENT CAUSED problem.
We started up our family car one winter and was letting it warm up. Came back 5 minutes later and it was engulfed in flames.
You are outraged. About something as silly as an electric car.

Are you truly that feeble?

You love to throw out big words, sadly, they are as incompetent as you are. I actually like hybrids. They are incredibly powerful and every sportscar firm uses hybrid technology for their Hypercars. And they are truly astounding. Le mans, has a new hypercar class, and it is probably the best competition since the halcyon Ford vs Ferrari days.

What I don't like are useless, illogical, and costly government mandates. I truly don't mind EV's. They have their uses. Limited yes, but in a close knit city, like Paris, or London, they will do fine.

But hey, you are the proponent.

Let's see YOUR EV.
We started up our family car one winter and was letting it warm up. Came back 5 minutes later and it was engulfed in flames.

What year?

So there aren't nearly as many charging stations as gas stations, which we knew

Then there's the cost. Most Americans cannot afford them

(You have to go down half way to find Disadvantages)

From the site​

Longer Recharge Time​

Compared to the couple of minutes it takes to fill a fuel tank, it takes about 4-6 hours to charge an electric car fully.

And the list goes on
They have their agenda and that's all they know. Screw the facts. They simply get in the way of their agenda.
Dunno. Cars break. We didn’t have a forensic autopsy or anything.

Your car fire is exactly what MTBE did to cars. Based on the time frame, and the time of the fire, within 10 minutes of starting it up, that is the CLASSIC MTBE carbeque scenario.

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