Why are democrats automatically considered pussies?

And what might those be?

People like to insult in an anonymous arena. [same]

Left says warmonger, right says pussies. [opposite]

Those are observations, not reasons.

So I observe people tossing insults and I can not reason out that they do so b/c they like it?

It could also be done b/c it makes them feel supperior to the other person by degrading them.

Whipping out insutls every chance I get, isn't something I choose to do, so all this is, of course, my opinion, since I don't have a degree in insultery.
so they're republicans? :confused:

Name the republicans who advocate for bigger government, more entitlement spending, less freedom?

let's keep the list short and name the ones who don't, okay?

here it is...

That's what I thought.. A non answer.. Liberalism is the queen of entitlements.. I don't know the hell you think you're fooling here but whatever snaps your carrot.
Name the republicans who advocate for bigger government, more entitlement spending, less freedom?

let's keep the list short and name the ones who don't, okay?

here it is...

That's what I thought.. A non answer.. Liberalism is the queen of entitlements.. I don't know the hell you think you're fooling here but whatever snaps your carrot.

Who didn't vote for the Patriot act?

Who stood against the creation and continuation of the TSA?
Why are democrats automatically considered pussies?

Well that's kind of pigeon holing those poor dems ain't it? I mean they're not all really pussies. Some are sissies, some are cry babys, some are cowards, some are whiners, some are losers and some are all of the above.
let's keep the list short and name the ones who don't, okay?

here it is...

That's what I thought.. A non answer.. Liberalism is the queen of entitlements.. I don't know the hell you think you're fooling here but whatever snaps your carrot.

Who didn't vote for the Patriot act?

Who stood against the creation and continuation of the TSA?

Certainly not O-Bam Bam who CRUCIFIED Booooooooooooooooooosh for it.. Lastly, the Tea Party Senator, Senator Jim DeMint held hearings on the TSA and their unchecked power.. so you tell me??

Upcoming Senate TSA Oversight Hearing | The Bilerico Project
Who gives a damn what they "advocate" for?

How about we go by what republicans did when they had full control from 2001-2007, would anyone in their right mind say they were even making a marginal attempt at reducing the spending, size and strength of the federal government?
Dem's always talk tough and have a tendency to make useless comments by calling someone a vile name or describe them as a racist. This conduct replaces their actions when they were young and frightened of their shadow .... when they would stamp their feet and run home to their mommy. Today they feel safe knowing that the legal system will protect their free speech rights and the threat of a suit will protect their butts from the people they verbally attack!
This is one particular political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of democrats that are/were not pussies. It might be a lot shorter than the pussy list, but it should be enough to dispel the stereotype. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that democrats are automatically considered pussies?

Your premise is faulty.

Lots of Democrats are tough as nails.

It's the Liberals who are pussies. :razz:
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Who gives a damn what they "advocate" for?

How about we go by what republicans did when they had full control from 2001-2007, would anyone in their right mind say they were even making a marginal attempt at reducing the spending, size and strength of the federal government?

I can't argue with you on spending.. Republicans spent like drunken sailors on shore leave while having control of both Houses BUT WE, the CONSERVATIVE voter held our own to account, unlike the liberal sheeple who lie down and take it up the butt, NEVER holding democrats to account.. You can bitch and moan about either party but until you or anyone else for that matter is actually willing to vote against your own or the party loyals, I don't want to hear shit about it.
This is one particular political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of democrats that are/were not pussies. It might be a lot shorter than the pussy list, but it should be enough to dispel the stereotype. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that democrats are automatically considered pussies?

Your premise is faulty.

Lots of Democrats are tough a nails.

It's the Liberals who are pussies. :razz:

lol!! Are there truly any democrats left who don't tow the liberal line? Regardless, that was funny!
This is one particular political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of democrats that are/were not pussies. It might be a lot shorter than the pussy list, but it should be enough to dispel the stereotype. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that democrats are automatically considered pussies?

Your premise is faulty.

Lots of Democrats are tough a nails.

It's the Liberals who are pussies. :razz:

No doubt some are..

But the ones I know..aren't..

Or these guys..

Hulk Hogan Has Obama's Back - NYTimes.com
Ex-NFL player Tillman killed in Afghanistan - World news - msnbc.com
That's what I thought.. A non answer.. Liberalism is the queen of entitlements.. I don't know the hell you think you're fooling here but whatever snaps your carrot.

Who didn't vote for the Patriot act?

Who stood against the creation and continuation of the TSA?

Certainly not O-Bam Bam who CRUCIFIED Booooooooooooooooooosh for it.. Lastly, the Tea Party Senator, Senator Jim DeMint held hearings on the TSA and their unchecked power.. so you tell me??

Upcoming Senate TSA Oversight Hearing | The Bilerico Project

so now we are up to 3 maybe 4.

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