Why Are Democrats So Silent About Biden’s Border Crisis?

Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There have always been problems at the border. Definitely a need to make changes

Trump had it pretty much under control and Mexico was working with us. Biden did away with Trump's policies and now we have a crisis and Mexico is pissed at us.

That’s not how I see it. I think we have had a problem at the border for decades. I think Trumps numbers in 2019 before Covid showed a surge. I think that surge has resumed. Biden is more inviting to immigration so that would likely encourage more illegal immigration as a result... but I don’t think the cause and effect that you painted is realistic

I disagree, the media would've been all over it as a lie and a broken campaign promise during the 2020 election. If illegals were crossing the border by the thousands.
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There have always been problems at the border. Definitely a need to make changes

Trump had it pretty much under control and Mexico was working with us. Biden did away with Trump's policies and now we have a crisis and Mexico is pissed at us.

That’s not how I see it. I think we have had a problem at the border for decades. I think Trumps numbers in 2019 before Covid showed a surge. I think that surge has resumed. Biden is more inviting to immigration so that would likely encourage more illegal immigration as a result... but I don’t think the cause and effect that you painted is realistic

I disagree, the media would've been all over it as a lie and a broken campaign promise during the 2020 election. If illegals were crossing the border by the thousands.

They weren’t in 2020 because of COViD. I posted a chart. Do you think the data is fake?. How did 2019 compare to 2016 and 2018? Post your stats.
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

Chingchang, have you ever found anything that you won't lie about for your dear leaders? Is there a line you won't cross?

It's all about the extra rations of rice... hmm?
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

Good question. It needs to be address. Hell, it needed to be addressed in Bush Jrs time. George tried to but was shot down by his own party. And it's never been addressed since. This isn't a new problem. It dates back over 12 years or more. And it needs to be addressed.

If the Dems refuse to address it right now it's going to continue because don't look for the Reps to ever fix it. And I have no idea why.

It’s all the Right is talking about. What do you mean it needs to be addressed?! It’s all over the place

I am starting to hear the Left starting to talk about it in the news. I don't give much credance to anything the Rightwingnutjobs go off on. But when the other side starts bringing it up then there is a severe problem. I don't give Biden any free rides. And I certainly won't give a Dem controlled Congress one either.

No Dem politician has said the border is in a crisis, nor do they care it is.
Biden told foreigners to flood our border and they’re doing it, at the cost of lives.

Can I see the quote where Biden told foreigners to flood the border? Cause I can sure as hell show you a quote where he told them not to. Wanna see it?!

I don’t see Biden. Where’s the Biden quote?

Quote ya want? He wants "Truth over Facts". If ya did hear that one ,you are a Dog Faced Pony Soldier

Huh? What are you talking about?

I just gave you TWO Biden Quotes. Don't like them?

I didn’t see one quote. I saw videos of other people talking. and what the hell does “truth over facts” have to do with anything?!

Biden made the gaff during his faux campaign. Try googaling it. He also called a voter a "Dog face pony soldier". Have no idea what he meant ,but he SAID it. Either look it up ,or take a machete suppository.

I know of the gaffs... I have no clue why you find them relevant to anything we are talking about

See what you posted #63. It asked for Biden quotes. I supplied a couple.

I asked... “Can I see the quote where Biden told foreigners to flood the border?”

You did not supply anything of the sort

No. You said "I don't see Biden. Where's the Biden quote?" At least be consistent.

Haha, yes... I asked “Can I see the quote where Biden told foreigners to flood the border?” And the person I was talking to posted two videos of other people talking mumbo jumbo but no Biden quotes as I requested, so I replied... "I don't see Biden. Where's the Biden quote?"

If you are going to chime in on a conversation then at the very least take the time to know what you’re talking about before start talking shit. You won’t sound so foolish... or maybe you will.

So Biden didn't sound foolish calling a voter a "Dog face Pony Soldier" ? Besides ,I enjoy butting in. Adds flavor to the conversation. (snicker)

Of course he sounded foolish saying that. He says foolish things all the time. What made you think we were talking about that subject though?? We weren’t.

Nothing. Like I said. I was butting in for no good reason. Sure got a reaction though. (hehe)

Wonderful. I guess when you can’t beat em with intelligence, trolling is all you got.

Made ya look! Made ya Look! (snicker)
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

Chingchang, have you ever found anything that you won't lie about for your dear leaders? Is there a line you won't cross?

It's all about the extra rations of rice... hmm?

I haven’t lied about a thing so we are all good there!
Boost to the economy? LOL, you've got to be kidding, there are more than enough articles online showing they get much more than they "boost". Although you may want to consider "boosting" your own economy by eliminating many of your immigration rules.
America's politics is completely corrupted and so by extension, the thinking of many Americans has been corrupted.

I disagree but I feel no need to provide anymore evidence than you have provided as your argument.


I think it would be just a waste of effort in trying to introduce humanitarian concerns as a part of my argument. I'll just make reference to that as a possible future talking point if it's called for.

Great, you can't walk the walk, you'd rather talk the BS.
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

They're trying to help find solutions. But they are also aware that things are NOT like they were under the Trump Administration and Republicans are fools for trying to use this against Biden. The Biden Administration isn't losing track of the children, and taking them away from their families and losing them. Unlike the Trump Administration, no children have died.

What are Republicans doing? Trying to make political hay over the difficulties the Biden Administration are having cleaning up Donald Trump's mess on the Southern Border. All this does is remind us WHY there's a mess on the Southern Border.
No kidding, must be nice to have enough money and willingness to support them.

Neither Canada or America is short of the amount of money it would take to do what is right.

In fact, on the positive side of accepting more and more immigrants, they provide needed labour and that becomes an asset in that it grows the economy in 'appropriate' ways.

And so even though your 'must be nice' is snark, I can still interpret it as an invitation to a worthwhile and better conversation.

The boost to the economy I refer to is definitely not to be found in the mistreatment of immigrants in not allowing them to be permanent citizens, which would allow the abuse of any minimum wage laws to be ignored.

Boost to the economy? LOL, you've got to be kidding, there are more than enough articles online showing they get much more than they "boost". Although you may want to consider "boosting" your own economy by eliminating many of your immigration rules.

Yes, there are, but like most things online, they're mostly lies.

The reality is that the government would have never let them stay if they hadn't been making money off them being in the country. Illegal immigrants contribute far more than they cost the economy.

How Trump handled the Border Crisis

View attachment 470126

LOL Guess you forgot the wall Trump was building. You also seem to have forgotten that the stuttering fuck stopped construction on the fully funded wall.

You also forgot he handcuffed ICE and invited all those illegals, who cost we tax payers billions each year, into our country. Now we have thousands more in our country. Thanks to the stuttering fuck.

If the media really wanted to get to the border they would. Fox had several segments on the stuttering fucks mess at the border.

Its no wonder he doesn't want the press at the border. If they were there and actually reported the truth I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck. The mid terms look good for the Reps.
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

They're trying to help find solutions. But they are also aware that things are NOT like they were under the Trump Administration and Republicans are fools for trying to use this against Biden. The Biden Administration isn't losing track of the children, and taking them away from their families and losing them. Unlike the Trump Administration, no children have died.

What are Republicans doing? Trying to make political hay over the difficulties the Biden Administration are having cleaning up Donald Trump's mess on the Southern Border. All this does is remind us WHY there's a mess on the Southern Border.

Hey, I got it....we’ll just put them on busses, and drop them in your country....fair?
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

I think AOC has been pretty vocal... but why are you expecting members of Joes party to be speaking out in public? Is that how you think a good party should act. Is that how you saw the republicans act?

I see, so party over country is a good thing as long as it applies to the democrats, it's only bad when you're criticizing republicans. Got it.
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

Did the count the same as they did corona deaths? Before Biden became president?
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

I think AOC has been pretty vocal... but why are you expecting members of Joes party to be speaking out in public? Is that how you think a good party should act. Is that how you saw the republicans act?

I see, so party over country is a good thing as long as it applies to the democrats, it's only bad when you're criticizing republicans. Got it.

Haha, where did you get that nonsense from?! It certainly isn’t something that I said!
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

Did the count the same as they did corona deaths? Before Biden became president?

You tell me... I asked for your stats not more questions
No kidding, must be nice to have enough money and willingness to support them.

Neither Canada or America is short of the amount of money it would take to do what is right.

In fact, on the positive side of accepting more and more immigrants, they provide needed labour and that becomes an asset in that it grows the economy in 'appropriate' ways.

And so even though your 'must be nice' is snark, I can still interpret it as an invitation to a worthwhile and better conversation.

The boost to the economy I refer to is definitely not to be found in the mistreatment of immigrants in not allowing them to be permanent citizens, which would allow the abuse of any minimum wage laws to be ignored.

Boost to the economy? LOL, you've got to be kidding, there are more than enough articles online showing they get much more than they "boost". Although you may want to consider "boosting" your own economy by eliminating many of your immigration rules.

Yes, there are, but like most things online, they're mostly lies.

The reality is that the government would have never let them stay if they hadn't been making money off them being in the country. Illegal immigrants contribute far more than they cost the economy.

Terrific, so the cost is "only" $54 Billion, what the fuck is wrong with you loons.
No kidding, must be nice to have enough money and willingness to support them.

Neither Canada or America is short of the amount of money it would take to do what is right.

In fact, on the positive side of accepting more and more immigrants, they provide needed labour and that becomes an asset in that it grows the economy in 'appropriate' ways.

And so even though your 'must be nice' is snark, I can still interpret it as an invitation to a worthwhile and better conversation.

The boost to the economy I refer to is definitely not to be found in the mistreatment of immigrants in not allowing them to be permanent citizens, which would allow the abuse of any minimum wage laws to be ignored.

Boost to the economy? LOL, you've got to be kidding, there are more than enough articles online showing they get much more than they "boost". Although you may want to consider "boosting" your own economy by eliminating many of your immigration rules.

Yes, there are, but like most things online, they're mostly lies.

The reality is that the government would have never let them stay if they hadn't been making money off them being in the country. Illegal immigrants contribute far more than they cost the economy.

Terrific, so the cost is "only" $54 Billion, what the fuck is wrong with you loons.
I wonder how much $54 Billion could have helped Americans who are homeless.
America isn't viable without being able to pay low wages and having illegal immigrants who will accept low wages.
That was true even before China's rise to power and now the problem is compounded by America's inability to compete with China in any economic sector.

All happening as China has ascended to 19th. on quality of life for it's people and the US has sunk to 15th.

Blame the border crises on both political parties. Racism in America is the only reason why thre are problems and ridiculous solutions like building a border wall.

Only Americans are paying the price for their mistakes. The world's leading democracies can be seen to be holding the top ten places on 'quality of life'.

disclaimer: all of which must be commie lies to make America look bad.

Gawd blus the land of the gun!

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