Why Are Democrats So Silent About Biden’s Border Crisis?

Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

First debate Biden told immigrants to flood our border.

Can you post the quote? The actual words...

How about Biden’s own words?
Why are you ignorant?

Serious question... are you retarded?! The tweet you’re referencing is an outright lie. Biden did not tell illegal immigrants to surge the border. And the reason why you won’t post an actual quote is because you can’t find one that fits that lie. He’s talking about asylum seekers in that video so stop posting lies.

how about those stats I’ve been asking about. Got any to show how Trump slowed things down over his term?

They listened to Uncle Joe, that’s why our borders are now being flooded.

“I would in fact make sure that there is – that we immediately surge to the border all those people who are seeking asylum.

They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are,” he continued. “We’re a nation that says ‘if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come!”

Thank you! Finally an honest quote. Caravans come at the beginning of every administration. Happened to Trump as well.

Yes Biden is much more inviting to immigrants than Trump was. This will make those wanting to break the law to feel more emboldened. But, he has never invited illegals to flood the border or promoted illegal activity. He is talking about asylum seekers and a legal process

Yes, Biden told them to flood the border.
Trump kept the caravans out, Biden let them in and is releasing COVID infected illegals into America without even tracking them.

Show the stats of how trump slowed border entries

Again, why are all Leftards ignorant?
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

First debate Biden told immigrants to flood our border.

Can you post the quote? The actual words...

How about Biden’s own words?
Why are you ignorant?

Serious question... are you retarded?! The tweet you’re referencing is an outright lie. Biden did not tell illegal immigrants to surge the border. And the reason why you won’t post an actual quote is because you can’t find one that fits that lie. He’s talking about asylum seekers in that video so stop posting lies.

how about those stats I’ve been asking about. Got any to show how Trump slowed things down over his term?

They listened to Uncle Joe, that’s why our borders are now being flooded.

“I would in fact make sure that there is – that we immediately surge to the border all those people who are seeking asylum.

They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are,” he continued. “We’re a nation that says ‘if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come!”

Thank you! Finally an honest quote. Caravans come at the beginning of every administration. Happened to Trump as well.

Yes Biden is much more inviting to immigrants than Trump was. This will make those wanting to break the law to feel more emboldened. But, he has never invited illegals to flood the border or promoted illegal activity. He is talking about asylum seekers and a legal process

Yes, Biden told them to flood the border.
Trump kept the caravans out, Biden let them in and is releasing COVID infected illegals into America without even tracking them.

Show the stats of how trump slowed border entries

Again, why are all Leftards ignorant?

The graph in your article goes through 2017. Let’s see through 2019
Show the stats of how trump slowed border entries

Try to rise above the childish bickering. It prevents everybody from getting around to accepting the truth.

Both the D party and the R party are mainly interested in holding up the status quo of the American way that is ripping off the working class people.

Biden's big money gift was huge for his popularity but it almost certainly stops there, and that's regardless of whether Biden wanted to continue to try or not!

The establishment is too strong for Biden to break and he knows it. He's a fkng part of it!

Best hope ever is in Trump's working class people acting out against the establishment American way when they broke into the Capitol. It was a big joke and a fake revolution, but it showed intentions being directed in the right direction at least!

No matter that they were misguided and misdirected by Trump for his motives alone. They at least though they were nearly real revolutionaries!

Maybe next time?
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

First debate Biden told immigrants to flood our border.

Can you post the quote? The actual words...

How about Biden’s own words?
Why are you ignorant?

Serious question... are you retarded?! The tweet you’re referencing is an outright lie. Biden did not tell illegal immigrants to surge the border. And the reason why you won’t post an actual quote is because you can’t find one that fits that lie. He’s talking about asylum seekers in that video so stop posting lies.

how about those stats I’ve been asking about. Got any to show how Trump slowed things down over his term?

They listened to Uncle Joe, that’s why our borders are now being flooded.

“I would in fact make sure that there is – that we immediately surge to the border all those people who are seeking asylum.

They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are,” he continued. “We’re a nation that says ‘if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come!”

Thank you! Finally an honest quote. Caravans come at the beginning of every administration. Happened to Trump as well.

Yes Biden is much more inviting to immigrants than Trump was. This will make those wanting to break the law to feel more emboldened. But, he has never invited illegals to flood the border or promoted illegal activity. He is talking about asylum seekers and a legal process

Yes, Biden told them to flood the border.
Trump kept the caravans out, Biden let them in and is releasing COVID infected illegals into America without even tracking them.

Show the stats of how trump slowed border entries

Again, why are all Leftards ignorant?

What graph? Illegal Border crossings hit a 45 year low 10 months after as you pointed out, illegals surged to the border January 2017.
Show the stats of how trump slowed border entries

Try to rise above the childish bickering. It prevents everybody from getting around to accepting the truth.

Both the D party and the R party are mainly interested in holding up the status quo of the American way that is ripping off the working class people.

Biden's big money gift was huge for his popularity but it almost certainly stops there, and that's regardless of whether Biden wanted to continue to try or not!

The establishment is too strong for Biden to break and he knows it. He's a fkng part of it!

Best hope ever is in Trump's working class people acting out against the establishment American way when they broke into the Capitol. It was a big joke and a fake revolution, but it showed intentions being directed in the right direction at least!

No matter that they were misguided and misdirected by Trump for his motives alone. They at least though they were nearly real revolutionaries!

Maybe next time?
I halfway agree with you except for the part about the capital riot. That was an embarrassment to our country and based on a lie. I dont think those people have any credibly left. If you want to beat the establishment you do so by pushing for transparency and accountability. More honesty and facts. Not lies and manipulation
Where’s AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the other usual suspects as tens of thousands of children are locked up?

You guys can't decide if they are locked up or running loose with a fake virus being spread.

We know the facility is 729% over capacity. If Trump was president, you would be shitting your diaper.

I think many are shitting their diapers. The story is in prime circulation on CNN and I’m heard Dems speaking out on the Reg. You seem very concerned about the partisan politics of the issue. Why’s that?

I know the border wasn't completely closed, but there was no crisis when biden won the election.

There was before the election but Rump kept you and I looking at other things so we wouldn't notice.

Lol, the caravans started as soon as Biden was confirmed the president. The illegals are wearing Biden t shirts.

What do the stats say?

First debate Biden told immigrants to flood our border.

Can you post the quote? The actual words...

How about Biden’s own words?
Why are you ignorant?

Serious question... are you retarded?! The tweet you’re referencing is an outright lie. Biden did not tell illegal immigrants to surge the border. And the reason why you won’t post an actual quote is because you can’t find one that fits that lie. He’s talking about asylum seekers in that video so stop posting lies.

how about those stats I’ve been asking about. Got any to show how Trump slowed things down over his term?

They listened to Uncle Joe, that’s why our borders are now being flooded.

“I would in fact make sure that there is – that we immediately surge to the border all those people who are seeking asylum.

They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are,” he continued. “We’re a nation that says ‘if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come!”

Thank you! Finally an honest quote. Caravans come at the beginning of every administration. Happened to Trump as well.

Yes Biden is much more inviting to immigrants than Trump was. This will make those wanting to break the law to feel more emboldened. But, he has never invited illegals to flood the border or promoted illegal activity. He is talking about asylum seekers and a legal process

Yes, Biden told them to flood the border.
Trump kept the caravans out, Biden let them in and is releasing COVID infected illegals into America without even tracking them.

Show the stats of how trump slowed border entries

Again, why are all Leftards ignorant?

What graph? Illegal Border crossings hit a 45 year low 10 months after as you pointed out, illegals surged to the border January 2017.

And then what happened in 2018 and 2019?
I think AOC has been pretty vocal... but why are you expecting members of Joes party to be speaking out in public? Is that how you think a good party should act. Is that how you saw the republicans act?
Isn't AOC more concern about Climate Change than children and the border issue?
She isn't a one trick pony. I'd say be very scared, but that seems to be a permanent condition with the typical RWNJ. :itsok:
AOC is as dumb as a bag of retarded hammers. She supposedly has a degree in economics.

"Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family."
The marxist filthy fucking soulless animals maintain that there's only one proper way to separate children from their parents...

With a coat-hanger.
I believe they're waiting until it gets as bad as it was in 2019.

I’ve noticed you post a lot of super cool one liners...Is that because if you expand on your position and add context you’ll look foolish?
Well if what’s he is saying is super cool then what’s the need to say more?! Nobody likes long rants, they have like a zero super cool factor
I think AOC has been pretty vocal... but why are you expecting members of Joes party to be speaking out in public? Is that how you think a good party should act. Is that how you saw the republicans act?
Isn't AOC more concern about Climate Change than children and the border issue?
She isn't a one trick pony. I'd say be very scared, but that seems to be a permanent condition with the typical RWNJ. :itsok:
AOC is as dumb as a bag of retarded hammers. She supposedly has a degree in economics.

"Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family."

Yeah, she is a 3rd world fem-a-nazi that can't even get a date on lizzy websites. She is so ugly it makes dogs want to barf...lol. But, once President Trump returns, he will make sure she hangs to death on the WH lawn. It will get him the highest TV ratings of all time; all the world will be watching. Can't get any better justice than a live hanging in prime time. Maybe President Trump will publicly take a long piss in her ashes...lol
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