Why are guns so important to Americans?

Weapons insure that the people will be able to protect themselves, their neighbors, their communities, their States and their Country. A populace denied the right to own weapons are nothing more than subjects to be ordered about at the whim of said Government, with no means to resist or fight back.

And as for the AK-47 comment, what a joke, so few of them are used in crimes as to be meaningless.

And yes I and millions more will go to the wall for our right to own weapons. And the Supreme Court agrees.

This response is so outdated. This isnt the 1700's. We have police, FBI, homeland security. When was the last time someone had to run outside and protect themselves from revolutionaries. If you were to raise your gun at anyone from "said government" you would be gunned down and disposed of, thats the reality of this world. You think a bunch of people with guns are going to be able to protect themselves from a hostile government. Give me a break.
This response is so outdated. This isnt the 1700's. We have police, FBI, homeland security. When was the last time someone had to run outside and protect themselves from revolutionaries. If you were to raise your gun at anyone from "said government" you would be gunned down and disposed of, thats the reality of this world. You think a bunch of people with guns are going to be able to protect themselves from a hostile government. Give me a break.

I guess you missed Viet Nam, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan not to mention Northern Ireland.

I assume you missed the break up of Yugoslavia as well. And the further break of other provinces of that former Country. I assume you did not know about Chechyen either?

There are NUMEROUS examples of an armed population taking on and in some cases winning against an organized military.

Further you fail to realize that when this country finally drops into open rebellion the military and the police will fracture as well with some on both sides of the fight.
This response is so outdated. This isnt the 1700's. We have police, FBI, homeland security. When was the last time someone had to run outside and protect themselves from revolutionaries. If you were to raise your gun at anyone from "said government" you would be gunned down and disposed of, thats the reality of this world. You think a bunch of people with guns are going to be able to protect themselves from a hostile government. Give me a break.

Well that's one of the dumbest posts ever. And on a message board with Ravi, that's saying something.
Ill tell you why guns are important to Americans. First of all, what else are kids from the mid west gonna do? Secondly, people love to exploit and manipulate what they think the second amendment really means, rather than just reading it and accepting it as something that people had to worry about 200 years ago. Its not like the government is going to attack you now, so really the second amendment does not apply to regular people. I doubt the founding fathers took the time to add an amendment for fucking target practice, no thats not what the second amendment was about. It was far more important than that and especially in those days.
I am very anti gun. I think they should all be collected and melted down to make something useful. When i say this most people look at me like I am crazy. You may too. I just want to know why people feel the need to have them. Please explain this need if you would be so kind.

Because we small town people cling to our guns and religion and have antipathy towards people who aren't like us.
Thats funny. You should be a comedian. Maybe you would have more rep power than zero doing that.

So you think it's okay for Obama to speak so poorly of the people that he's so desperately trying to "fight for"?
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I guess you missed Viet Nam, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan not to mention Northern Ireland.

I assume you missed the break up of Yugoslavia as well. And the further break of other provinces of that former Country. I assume you did not know about Chechyen either?

There are NUMEROUS examples of an armed population taking on and in some cases winning against an organized military.

Further you fail to realize that when this country finally drops into open rebellion the military and the police will fracture as well with some on both sides of the fight.

Look, I see you are ex-military and I appreciate the duties you have done. But you named a bunch of other Countries I could care less about. I was referring to the United States. You do live in The US dont you. The things you pointed out are the reason I would never live anywhere else in the world. Are you telling me you think those things can happen in the US.
Well that's one of the dumbest posts ever. And on a message board with Ravi, that's saying something.

Please explain why I am dumb, none of you gun owners have ever had to protect yourself from the US government. You throw out countries like Yugoslavia and others but this is the U.S. What the hell does that have to do with the United States and whether we should bear arms. What are you afraid of?
This response is so outdated. This isnt the 1700's. We have police, FBI, homeland security. When was the last time someone had to run outside and protect themselves from revolutionaries. If you were to raise your gun at anyone from "said government" you would be gunned down and disposed of, thats the reality of this world. You think a bunch of people with guns are going to be able to protect themselves from a hostile government. Give me a break.
Well that's one of the dumbest posts ever. And on a message board with glockmail, that's saying something.

This is fun! :lol:
Look, I see you are ex-military and I appreciate the duties you have done. But you named a bunch of other Countries I could care less about. I was referring to the United States. You do live in The US dont you. The things you pointed out are the reason I would never live anywhere else in the world. Are you telling me you think those things can happen in the US.

Promise me my country will never fold......promise me I will never be subject to home invasion.....promise me my wife will never get raped.....promise me no one will ever try to kidnap my children.......

If you can promise me that.....I'll melt down my guns and turn them into little peace symbols.

You live in a cloud..... a Anti-gun , Disney Smog Cloud......according to where you live.

What will you do if your "Little" town has a "for real" riot and they come knockin down your door stealing , raping , etc......???

You gonna throw my peace symbols at em???
Promise me my country will never fold......promise me I will never be subject to home invasion.....promise me my wife will never get raped.....promise me no one will ever try to kidnap my children.......

If you can promise me that.....I'll melt down my guns and turn them into little peace symbols.

You live in a cloud..... a Anti-gun , Disney Smog Cloud......according to where you live.

What will you do if your "Little" town has a "for real" riot and they come knockin down your door stealing , raping , etc......???

You gonna throw my peace symbols at em???

You watch too many movies. First of all people do break into peoples houses but I havent heard of any news where someone who was in bed asleep, woke up, grabbed their most prize possession and busted a cap in the perpetrator. It just doesnt happen. Rapists dont go to peoples houses and pull the wife from the dinner table. As for what I would do well if anyone breaks in my house, well they will get torn to bits by my 3 dogs that weigh 300+ combined, most likely they wont even come near when they hear the barks. As for me worrying about some sort of revolution, Well thats just fricken crazy. Stop watching those apocalypse movies and wake up. I'm not a tree hugger and I believe in action when needed. I could care less about people having guns who feel the need to shoot their dinner instead of going to Safeway and getting it the easy way. Its just all the B.S. explanations on why people need to bear arms. Just admit it, it makes you feel cool, its a power thing and you need them to hold off all those rapists, kidnappers and out of control governments. By the way I live in Tampa and hate Disney you Douche bag.
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You're a hack.

Firearms are used defensively thousands of times per year, even hundreds of thousands of times by some estimates.

Your argument about the 2A being outdated isn't very compelling.

Either you believe in the Constitution and it's continued relevance, or you do not.

Let's just do away with the 4th and 5th Amendments. I mean, unreasonable search and seizure, and due process are outdated in the age of global terrorism, eh Chuck?

What about the 1A? It was written in a time where pornography and gay pride parades didn't exist. Let's axe it.

It goes without saying, folks - I don't believe that crap. Wouldn't be surprised if our new buddy Chuckster does.

Sucks having your own logic (or lack thereof) used against you, doesn't it Chucky?
You're a hack.

Firearms are used defensively thousands of times per year, even hundreds of thousands of times by some estimates.

Your argument about the 2A being outdated isn't very compelling.

Either you believe in the Constitution and it's continued relevance, or you do not.

Let's just do away with the 4th and 5th Amendments. I mean, unreasonable search and seizure, and due process are outdated in the age of global terrorism, eh Chuck?

What about the 1A? It was written in a time where pornography and gay pride parades didn't exist. Let's axe it.

It goes without saying, folks - I don't believe that crap. Wouldn't be surprised if our new buddy Chuckster does.

Sucks having your own logic (or lack thereof) used against you, doesn't it Chucky?

One million Americans have been killed by guns since 1960. Most of them either killed themselves or a friend or family member. Guns are a threat to the people who own them.
One million Americans have been killed by guns since 1960.

According to the VPC. Unfortunately, that was a number Josh Sugarmann pulled out of his ass since nether he nor the VPC's mindless drones (Read: YOU) can tell me where that number came from.

*Cue Korky copying and pasting a VPC press release that again fails to explain from whence the figure was derived*
One million Americans have been killed by PEOPLE since 1960. Most of them either killed themselves or a friend or family member. PEOPLE are a threat to the people who own them.


guns are an inamimate object, its the people USING them that have killed
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I am very anti gun. I think they should all be collected and melted down to make something useful. When i say this most people look at me like I am crazy. You may too. I just want to know why people feel the need to have them. Please explain this need if you would be so kind.

Considering the ratio between citizens and police officers I say we all need a gun. If we ban guns do you think they are all going to magically disappear that would be a no. The criminals would just sell and buy them on the black market.

I don't know about you but if a criminal were to break into my house I at least want to be on the same playing field to be able to fire back. I know the police cannot be at my home at the drop of a hat by that time I could be dead if I am unable to defend myself. How about that answer as to why we like guns

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