Why are guns so important to Americans?

I can tell you I had first hand experience with this.
Of course--just not from the idiot family side of it.

I'm talking no less than 4 generations of gun ownership, including class 3 license holders; no less than 4 generations of children living around, and with loaded weapons; no less than 4 generations of toddlers and teenagers with unsupervised access to loaded guns; and not one instance of these "tragedies" the anti-rights crowd wrings their hands about.

It should be no surpise to you, that I refuse to accept that these tragedies are in any way caused, or made possible by, or the responsibility of guns.

Let me let you in on a little bit of wisdom handed down by my gun owning forebears: "There is an over-abudance of idiots in this world; they are not an endangered species--we should stop treating them like one."

When I was in High School in 1988 we had a shooting out our High School and the Vice Principal was killed and another administrator was shot and wounded.
I presume your point is that in your High School, you had compulsory firearm safety classes (like your federally funded and mandated compulsory sex, and drug education classes) which failed to instill respect for the lethal potential of guns, and teach these idiots how to safely handle guns, and the seriousness of the consequences attached to abuse of guns? No?

...and These were 2 young kids who stole the gun from their parents room...
Oh! Your point is that despite their parents having instilled a healthy respect for the property of others, the lethal potential of guns; that they fully explained how to safely handle guns, and the seriousness of the consequences attached to the abuse of guns; that having established firm rules regarding the guns in the house, these idiots still managed to fuck up? Yes? This is going to be your point?

...and their dad was a cop(I believe, it been a long time).
Oh. A government protected bully, with an over-developed sense of entitlement to inflict violence on others. I'll just bet your point is to demonstrate that this sociopath's progeny, and the sadistic example he set, contributed to tragedy these idiots committed. No?

Anybody can forget or screw up once and thats all it takes.
Well this true of just about ANY-FUCKING-THING AT ALL. Just all the more so when you're discussing idiots.

If your kids know you have guns then they can get to them.
Yeah. If you're an idiot, chances are your kids are idiots. And if you're an idiot, you've probably failed to engender an informed respect for people as well as guns, let alone instill a value set that precludes committing such sensless acts of violence.
I think that those who own guns do have the right yes indeed, but that does not mean it is the responsible thing to do. Take a walk through the inner citys of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York.....and then come and tell me the how the second amendment relates to these people. When you get a high density of people raised in a different culture and taught to abuse guns....then you would not be so proud of the second amendment.
Given the draconian gun laws citizens of all three cities are subject to - it DOESN'T.

This is why we need to get Heller incorporated.

P.S. "These people." Nice touch. Bigot.
LOL i bet he didnt expect THAT results
Given the draconian gun laws citizens of all three cities are subject to - it DOESN'T.

This is why we need to get Heller incorporated.

P.S. "These people." Nice touch. Bigot.

Draconian? Is that what you say about the three strikes laws as well? Are three drunk driving offenses not enough for harsh punishment? Or 3 concealed weapons offenses, is the punishment for that draconian? How contradicting to support the death penalty and torture, yet blindly categorize larger citys as draconian governed.

And one more thought, is there anyone on this message board that does not give a first response with a verbal attack out of left field. Has everyone gone off the reservation here or is serious debate not in fashion anymore. How can anyone respond with any respect to this type of stuff? One of your biggest flaws (and DIVE CONS) is an inability to stay culturally relativistic when talking about anyone or anything.

On top of that, everyone knows this is all a joke to Divecon, for christ sake he sent me positive rep attached to negative comments. What does that tell you? He is zipping through trying to leave negative reps so fast that he forgets to even switch the button to negative. What a meaningless waste of time.
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Draconian? Is that what you say about the three strikes laws as well? Are three drunk driving offenses not enough for harsh punishment? Or 3 concealed weapons offenses, is the punishment for that draconian? How contradicting to support the death penalty and torture, yet blindly categorize larger citys as draconian governed.

And one more thought, is there anyone on this message board that does not give a first response with a verbal attack out of left field. Has everyone gone off the reservation here or is serious debate not in fashion anymore. How can anyone respond with any respect to this type of stuff? One of your biggest flaws (and DIVE CONS) is an inability to stay culturally relativistic when talking about anyone or anything.
its not a flaw
i have experience that tells me with the kind of stupidity you post that its not worth it to bother with debate
Draconian? Is that what you say about the three strikes laws as well? Are three drunk driving offenses not enough for harsh punishment? Or 3 concealed weapons offenses, is the punishment for that draconian? How contradicting to support the death penalty and torture, yet blindly categorize larger citys as draconian governed.

And one more thought, is there anyone on this message board that does not give a first response with a verbal attack out of left field. Has everyone gone off the reservation here or is serious debate not in fashion anymore. How can anyone respond with any respect to this type of stuff? One of your biggest flaws (and DIVE CONS) is an inability to stay culturally relativistic when talking about anyone or anything.

On top of that, everyone knows this is all a joke to Divecon, for christ sake he sent me positive rep attached to negative comments. What does that tell you? He is zipping through trying to leave negative reps so fast that he forgets to even switch the button to negative. What a meaningless waste of time.

how can i take you seriously when you use terms like "culturally relativistic" in this context? barfing out your Anthro 101 textbook really doesn't bring anything to the table, ace.
On top of that, everyone knows this is all a joke to Divecon, for christ sake he sent me positive rep attached to negative comments. What does that tell you? He is zipping through trying to leave negative reps so fast that he forgets to even switch the button to negative. What a meaningless waste of time.
OOPS :redface: you got me on that one
you get away with it this time
how can i take you seriously when you use terms like "culturally relativistic" in this context? barfing out your Anthro 101 textbook really doesn't bring anything to the table, ace.

Hijacking the english language to fit your narrow definition of a combination of words that you looked up on wikipedia, does not get you anywhere on this message board buddy. Maybe thats why your rep power is as weak as your attempt to jump in at random and try to derail the conversation.
Hijacking the english language to fit your narrow definition of a combination of words that you looked up on wikipedia, does not get you anywhere on this message board buddy. Maybe thats why your rep power is as weak as your attempt to jump in at random and try to derail the conversation.
ooh, i'm stung...
honest, and relative to almost any culture...

except Laplanders

edit- are you really giving me shit about my "rep power"?
how precious
even amongst Laplanders
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I think that those who own guns do have the right yes indeed, but that does not mean it is the responsible thing to do. Take a walk through the inner citys of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York.....and then come and tell me the how the second amendment relates to these people. When you get a high density of people raised in a different culture and taught to abuse guns....then you would not be so proud of the second amendment.

Come and take a walk throught the midwest and and explain why they should have their rights removed for the sake of the city idiots.
ooh, i'm stung...
honest, and relative to almost any culture...

except Laplanders

edit- are you really giving me shit about my "rep power"?
how precious
even amongst Laplanders

Please, everyone can see right through you. Condescendingly Pretending to laugh at your own internet joke is worse than actually laughing and acomplishes less of what you aimed to acomplish, which is getting everyone to think that by officially exiting a serious conversation using ridicule, by default makes you above the entire portion of that conversation. That in-itself is satire, in the most predictable way. The people of this board are not as stupid as you might think they are.
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I think that those who own guns do have the right yes indeed, but that does not mean it is the responsible thing to do. Take a walk through the inner citys of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York.....and then come and tell me the how the second amendment relates to these people. When you get a high density of people raised in a different culture and taught to abuse guns....then you would not be so proud of the second amendment.

I wouldn't want to take a stroll through any of those places.....

However.....I propose a plan....due to most gun violence in certain areas being gang-related.

I propose the armament of gang-members....with the most accurate and easy to use firearms possible.....perhaps long slide 9mm striker fired pistols without any manual safeties to confuse them.

Then.....through a state paid system....they are rigorously "Trained" in pistol fighting techniques...dealing with weapon malfunction's...drawing quickly from concealed....target aquisition...Mozambique drills...the whole nine.

This will be the sure way to expedite the Darwinian process of elimination among the inner city scum.:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Maybe even publicly held gang-member wild west gunfights!!!! Place them in a building with bullet proof walls to protect the innocent on the outside.......have each gang-member sign a waiver before the fight too.
Place each 22 LongRifle pistol (makes it more interesting) in a sealed container to be remotely unlocked at the same time.....which ever gang-member can grab their piece first and plant accurate shots first wins!!!!!!More often than not....it would be a mutual slaying due to the ammunition used.:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Just trying to come up with a good way to control the gun-violence while simultaneously protecting the innocent.
I hate criminals, I hate thugs, I hate violent criminal thugs. I hate what they do to innocent people. I do believe that prison should rehabilitate them if possible but that's not because I like them, it's because I want one less criminal, violent, thug in society when the prison gates are opened.
I am absloutely sure, that if you're unsure about this, you're an idiot. I can only hope you arm yourself anyway, and then, like an idiot, kill yourself (and just as important: your progeny) to benefit humanity.

That was totally uncalled for, Loki.

You do realize, don't you, that based on nothing more that I've explored gun ownership, you just told this board that you hope I kill my family, right?

What kind of fucking neurotic shit is that, sport?

Your pathetic reliance on a guns to make you feel like a man is fairly evident from your silly reaction to my post, you know.

Your post is the reaction of the type of gun owners who I've referred to as being gun-queers.
That was totally uncalled for, Loki.

You do realize, don't you, that based on nothing more that I've explored gun ownership, you just told this board that you hope I kill my family, right?

What kind of fucking neurotic shit is that, sport?

Your pathetic reliance on a guns to make you feel like a man is fairly evident from your silly reaction to my post, you know.

Your post is the reaction of the type of gun owners who I've referred to as being gun-queers.

There ya go again. The only queer here is you. Remind us again how if someone robs a gun owner the victim should go to jail. Then explain what happens when a National Guard Armory is robbed? Who do we punish for that?

Loki is wrong alright, but you are an idiot on this subject.
That was totally uncalled for, Loki.

You do realize, don't you, that based on nothing more that I've explored gun ownership, you just told this board that you hope I kill my family, right?
You have this all wrong. That statemnt is not so much about your exploration of gun ownership, as much as it is about idiocy. Allow me to rephrase it in the form you provided: Based on nothing more than you're an idiot, producing more idiots to inflict their idiocy upon the rest of us, I just told this board that I hope you kill yourself and your family to the benefit of humanity.

What kind of fucking neurotic shit is that, sport?
It's not neurotic (pro tip: look up big words before you use them); it's an insensitively expressed statement applauding natural selection.

Allow me to reprhase the sentiment again--perhaps more sensitively: If you're an idiot: based on you being an idiot, and the strong likelihood that your progeny are also idiots (and/or possess idiot genes), I would find it convenient if your idiot genetics self destructed.

Do you feel better now, . . . sport?

Your pathetic reliance on a guns to make you feel like a man is fairly evident from your silly reaction to my post, you know.
False and retarded accusation--I don't rely on guns to feel like a man. I rely on guns to shoot things; what would you have me rely on?

Your post is the reaction of the type of gun owners who I've referred to as being gun-queers.
Your reaction to my post is the kind of evidence I use to support my suspicion that you're a bit retarded.

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