Why are guns so important to Americans?

Please, everyone can see right through you. Condescendingly Pretending to laugh at your own internet joke is worse than actually laughing and acomplishes less of what you aimed to acomplish, which is getting everyone to think that by officially exiting a serious conversation using ridicule, by default makes you above the entire portion of that conversation. That in-itself is satire, in the most predictable way. The people of this board are not as stupid as you might think they are.

i was only addressing you, and you are apparently just as stupid as I thought you were.

have a nice culturally relativistic day, sunshine.
There ya go again. The only queer here is you. Remind us again how if someone robs a gun owner the victim should go to jail. Then explain what happens when a National Guard Armory is robbed? Who do we punish for that?

Loki is wrong alright, but you are an idiot on this subject.

You can't see how overboard his response is?

Then you can go fuck yourself, too, lad.
Please, everyone can see right through you. Condescendingly Pretending to laugh at your own internet joke is worse than actually laughing and acomplishes less of what you aimed to acomplish, which is getting everyone to think that by officially exiting a serious conversation using ridicule, by default makes you above the entire portion of that conversation. That in-itself is satire, in the most predictable way. The people of this board are not as stupid as you might think they are.

This post should also be a must-read for Loki, just to give him an indication of the kind of light we see him in...
This post should also be a must-read for Loki, just to give him an indication of the kind of light we see him in...
Yeah, I'm pretty well aware that you retards view the rest of us with a certain amount of suspicion.
Your pathetic reliance on a guns to make you feel like a man is fairly evident from your silly reaction to my post, you know.

Your post is the reaction of the type of gun owners who I've referred to as being gun-queers.

So is the above. To believe that people with guns do so to feel manly or macho is about as neurotic a statement.
I dont see what is wrong with anyone enjoying their firearms......they are a thing....just like a car...stamp collection....hobby...etc.

I also understand.....that if there is an inherent fear of firearms....one would view a firearms enthusiast as odd.

If I had a disdain for swimming.....and the idea of drowning or becoming "shark" turds plagued my nightmares.....I might have a hard time understanding the obsession of surfers.....I could possibly try to place restrictions on them....for their safety of course.

The difference between an armed criminal and a law abiding gun owner is simple.....

Armed Citizen - I like having this tool...it serves the purpose of hunting...lawfull self protection....it is fun to shoot lawfully....it is a challenge to master..(like most sports)....and they can be an investment to hand down to my children... + an armed society is a respectfull and safe one. I believe it is an important part of preserving this nations freedom.

Armed Criminal - I can get other peoples stuff with this thing....I can scare people with this thing....it makes me feel like a badass around my peers.....I can take revenge with this thing....I can control people with this thing.
I dont see what is wrong with anyone enjoying their firearms......they are a thing....just like a car...stamp collection....hobby...etc.

I also understand.....that if there is an inherent fear of firearms....one would view a firearms enthusiast as odd.

If I had a disdain for swimming.....and the idea of drowning or becoming "shark" turds plagued my nightmares.....I might have a hard time understanding the obsession of surfers.....I could possibly try to place restrictions on them....for their safety of course.

The difference between an armed criminal and a law abiding gun owner is simple.....

Armed Citizen - I like having this tool...it serves the purpose of hunting...lawfull self protection....it is fun to shoot lawfully....it is a challenge to master..(like most sports)....and they can be an investment to hand down to my children... + an armed society is a respectfull and safe one. I believe it is an important part of preserving this nations freedom.

Armed Criminal - I can get other peoples stuff with this thing....I can scare people with this thing....it makes me feel like a badass around my peers.....I can take revenge with this thing....I can control people with this thing.

How many people on this board have had to use their gun to protect your families. Please no BS'ers. I am just curious.
How many people on this board have had to use their gun to protect your families. Please no BS'ers. I am just curious.

A few days ago....some gang-bangers started having a feud in my front yard with my kids...and my neighbors kids in the front yard. It all happened so quick.

Two of the ass holes produced machette's and the other grabbed a large shovel leaned against the front of my house........

If you have ever been in a fight ......you would know that you become completely oblivious to your surroundings (as a general rule)

Imagine the flailing of machette's and shovels with a 6 year old....two 2 yr olds and a 1 year old in the way......picture my precious baby girl or my son with a machette imbedded in their skull. Think about it.

I didnt produce my weapon.......as a responsible Gun owner....I tried all my options first.....grab the children up without getting a shovel in my head.....yelling at them to go the f@#$ away...wife called the cops.

Had the flailing of weapons been to close to my children.....I would have produced the gun....and I imagine the incident would have come to a swift end.

On the other hand.....if one of my kids was hurt.....three gang-bangers would now be dealing with bad cases of lead poisoning.....and that is no BS.

Try not to trivialize the situation with coulda , woulda , shoulda's.....and admit that its a good thing I had it with me "Just in case"...and that this accused "gun-wacko" has a sound mind and exercised good judgement.

I dont have a trained attack dog.....nor do I wish to fight machetes with a frying pan.......as a law-abiding citizen...I should be given the upper hand in this kind of situation if the need is presented.

No BS.
A few days ago....some gang-bangers started having a feud in my front yard with my kids...and my neighbors kids in the front yard. It all happened so quick.

Two of the ass holes produced machette's and the other grabbed a large shovel leaned against the front of my house........

If you have ever been in a fight ......you would know that you become completely oblivious to your surroundings (as a general rule)

Imagine the flailing of machette's and shovels with a 6 year old....two 2 yr olds and a 1 year old in the way......picture my precious baby girl or my son with a machette imbedded in their skull. Think about it.

I didnt produce my weapon.......as a responsible Gun owner....I tried all my options first.....grab the children up without getting a shovel in my head.....yelling at them to go the f@#$ away...wife called the cops.

Had the flailing of weapons been to close to my children.....I would have produced the gun....and I imagine the incident would have come to a swift end.

On the other hand.....if one of my kids was hurt.....three gang-bangers would now be dealing with bad cases of lead poisoning.....and that is no BS.

Try not to trivialize the situation with coulda , woulda , shoulda's.....and admit that its a good thing I had it with me "Just in case"...and that this accused "gun-wacko" has a sound mind and exercised good judgement.

I dont have a trained attack dog.....nor do I wish to fight machetes with a frying pan.......as a law-abiding citizen...I should be given the upper hand in this kind of situation if the need is presented.

No BS.

Do you live in fricken compton or something. Sounds like a crazy neighborhood. Look, if you live in some type of warzone type community then you have 2 choices. 1)Move, 2) Or do your best to protect yourself. Its just strange because I lived in SW Washington DC(basically a warzone) for 8 months when I was really broke and the job thing wasnt going well. I was a white guy living in a boarding house with 6 other people and all were convicts. Guess what, I never had a gun, never got robbed. It always seemed to me like people who were always in conflict were the ones running their mouth or looking for it.
Do you live in fricken compton or something. Sounds like a crazy neighborhood. Look, if you live in some type of warzone type community then you have 2 choices. 1)Move, 2) Or do your best to protect yourself. Its just strange because I lived in SW Washington DC(basically a warzone) for 8 months when I was really broke and the job thing wasnt going well. I was a white guy living in a boarding house with 6 other people and all were convicts. Guess what, I never had a gun, never got robbed. It always seemed to me like people who were always in conflict were the ones running their mouth or looking for it.

Being a gun owner and being "people who were always in conflict were the ones running their mouth or looking for it" are not mutually inclusive.

While discretion is a good thing, it won't save you in all cases. It's a bit to late to reconsider when someone pulls a weapon on you. Your comment does not take into consideration the criminals out there who indiscriminantly prey on law-abiding citizens and count on your not having a means of defense as part of their plans.
Necritan makes a good point in that this point generally gets clouded by perception.

People who's only exposure to guns is the evening news or hearing shots fired in the middle of city or hearing about the person killed down the block just don't get why some pople have a problem with heavy regulaton or outright banning of a factor that negatively affected so many people.

Likewise, sportmen like myself who have used guns to hunt and target shoot and by extension bond with friends and familly and have never experienced a negative incident with a gun in their lives in spite of being surrounded by them just don't get why their is a need to heavily regulate or outright ban guns.

Need is the argument that is used so often. We NEED to ban them or we NEED regulation or you don't NEED those guns. The problem with the need argument is that it doesn't work in this country because we aren't a need based society. We are a free country where we get to do what we want as long as doing so doesn't impeded the freedom of others. If you really want to make need your argument, then I suggest you start by looking at your life style and standard of living and doing away with the things you don't NEED before you tell anyone else what they shouldn't have because they don't NEED it.
Do you live in fricken compton or something. Sounds like a crazy neighborhood. Look, if you live in some type of warzone type community then you have 2 choices. 1)Move, 2) Or do your best to protect yourself. Its just strange because I lived in SW Washington DC(basically a warzone) for 8 months when I was really broke and the job thing wasnt going well. I was a white guy living in a boarding house with 6 other people and all were convicts. Guess what, I never had a gun, never got robbed. It always seemed to me like people who were always in conflict were the ones running their mouth or looking for it.

No....not Compton....lol. The fact remains......I have it "if" the need arises. Some people....especially here in Kalifornistan.....keep food....batteries....water etc in case a massive earthquake were to strike. It can and "will" eventually happen. A gun isn't such a bad idea for that scenario either.....protecting ones life giving stuff...(water , food) ain't a bad idea.

A gun in the right hands poses no threat....it is a tool.....and criminal activity...while more prevailant in certain areas...can happen anywhere.....anywhere....why not be prepared???
Sure you can have pride in owning a gun, just as long as you realize how many people fought and died in the military, and are dying in the inner city so you can have target practice on sundays. I am not saying gang members are fighting for the second amendment, I am saying they are the baggage that comes with the second amendment.

Maybe it is'nt fair to take away everyones guns for the few (hundreds of thousands) of people abusing them but I certainly would'nt complain about it. Who in the world would actually fight and die for the right of someone, anyone over the age of 18 to hold a gun. I think that after 200 years, our prioritys would have changed a bit dont you?

And another thing to complain about. Police. What the fuck are the police doing, playing grab ass while the rate of gun related violence sky rockets? Ill tell you what we need less of......sneaky little cops hiding out like chicken fucks getting you on radar 5-10 miles above the speed limit, handing out thousand dollar fines to someone who cant afford it, to someone who probably will lose their job in the next 6 months. How about focusing our police force on getting rid of one of the top three causes of death in my city (LA), gang violence.

Let me see, should they hide out with radar guns and fine the the middle class thousands of dollars, further hurting the economy, or should they tackle the biggest and most obvious problem of the past decade. You be the judge.
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No....not Compton....lol. The fact remains......I have it "if" the need arises. Some people....especially here in Kalifornistan.....keep food....batteries....water etc in case a massive earthquake were to strike. It can and "will" eventually happen. A gun isn't such a bad idea for that scenario either.....protecting ones life giving stuff...(water , food) ain't a bad idea.

A gun in the right hands poses no threat....it is a tool.....and criminal activity...while more prevailant in certain areas...can happen anywhere.....anywhere....why not be prepared???

I'm not against banning guns, I have made several posts because I just didnt understand why people were so intent on owning them. I have received several posts explaining why and I'm good with that. But its like you said, how do we keep the wacko's and idiots from getting them. I think if Gun Organizations helped with this then you would get less flack(maybe they already do, I dont know). I didnt grow up in the south, I have never owned a gun although I have shot one a few times so I was just looking for different points a view.
Sure you can have pride in owning a gun, just as long as you realize how many people fought and died in the military, and are dying in the inner city so you can have target practice on sundays. I am not saying gang members are fighting for the second amendment, I am saying they are the baggage that comes with the second amendment.

Maybe it is'nt fair to take away everyones guns for the few (hundreds of thousands) of people abusing them but I certainly would'nt complain about it. Who in the world would actually fight and die for the right of someone, anyone over the age of 18 to hold a gun. I think that after 200 years, our prioritys would have changed a bit dont you?

And another thing to complain about. Police. What the fuck are the police doing, playing grab ass while the rate of gun related violence sky rockets? Ill tell you what we need less of......sneaky little cops hiding out like chicken fucks getting you on radar 5-10 miles above the speed limit, handing out thousand dollar fines to someone who cant afford it, to someone who probably will lose their job in the next 6 months. How about focusing our police force on getting rid of one of the top three causes of death in my city (LA), gang violence.

Let me see, should they hide out with radar guns and fine the the middle class thousands of dollars, further hurting the economy, or should they tackle the biggest and most obvious problem of the past decade. You be the judge.

No "law abiding" gun owner will argue the respect that is due to the men whom have died to protect the rights of Americans...none.

I dont take gun ownership lightly...nor will I trivialize it by thinking of it in terms of a "Sunday Hobby". It is much bigger than that.

The gang violence is a result of cultural problems.....not the presence of guns.

As long as murder...violence , crime ,theft , rape exists......guns are necessary.

Police do need to attack the "real" problems indeed......but everyone else should be ready to deal with what life throws at them on their own.....because the police aren't always there....nor are they "required" to take a knife , bullet or anything for you.

My gun is kinda like a life insurance policy....

Would you climb a cliff without taking proper safety measures??

Would you drive without a seatbelt or perhaps ride a motor-cycle without a helmet???? You may never have an accident in your life.....but if you do.....what then???

When it comes down to life and death....the choices...for me..are quite clear. I choose life.
Sure you can have pride in owning a gun, just as long as you realize how many people fought and died in the military, and are dying in the inner city so you can have target practice on sundays. I am not saying gang members are fighting for the second amendment, I am saying they are the baggage that comes with the second amendment.

Maybe it is'nt fair to take away everyones guns for the few (hundreds of thousands) of people abusing them but I certainly would'nt complain about it. Who in the world would actually fight and die for the right of someone, anyone over the age of 18 to hold a gun. I think that after 200 years, our prioritys would have changed a bit dont you?

Again you fail to grasp the concept of perception. I don't know where your negative perspective comes from. What I do know is that that non-naegative uses of firearms far, far out weigh the negative onces. It is further ironic that you don't cast the same ire on to other objects involved in similarily negative results. More people die in car accidents each year. Who on earth would one fight to let you ride in such a death machine? Alcohol kills all kinds of people every year and ruins families through alcoholism. Who on earth would fight to let you imbide such a behavior altering substance? People die of smoking or get sick as a result of second hand smoke. Who would fight to allow you to puff away on such carcinogenic product?

Stop being so high a righteous seeing as how don't have the first clue what the principles are that this country was founded on and fights for. People fight not for these individual things, but for the right to CHOOSE them or not. They don't fight so you can decided for us the things we need and don't, they fight so we can decide for ourselves not just what we need but whatever we chose.
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Yeah nothing elitist about taking away guns because you think its for our own good.

That is but a minor consideration to what I was talking about.....

I would never take away guns. you can have your peashooters but under conditions - like say taking a firearms course, making sure you don't have a criminal record and restricting the type of firearms you can have....
That is but a minor consideration to what I was talking about.....

I would never take away guns. you can have your peashooters but under conditions - like say taking a firearms course, making sure you don't have a criminal record and restricting the type of firearms you can have....

I'll give 2 out of the 3.

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