Why are guns so important to Americans?

Yeah nothing elitist about taking away guns because you think its for our own good.

No, those who want to take away your gun want to do for THEIR OWN GOOD, you ninny.

do you honestly think the liberals give a damn if guns owners and their guns ONLY killed those who owned them?

Now I do not advocate taking away your guns, but if I did it would be for MY safety, not yours.
No, those who want to take away your gun want to do for THEIR OWN GOOD, you ninny.

do you honestly think the liberals give a damn if guns owners and their guns ONLY killed those who owned them?

Now I do not advocate taking away your guns, but if I did it would be for MY safety, not yours.

It would be wise to know what one means by 'our' before going off on a name calling tirade. My experience, guns or otherwise, has been that elitists think they know what's best for everybody.
That is but a minor consideration to what I was talking about.....

I would never take away guns. you can have your peashooters but under conditions - like say taking a firearms course, making sure you don't have a criminal record and restricting the type of firearms you can have....

I give em one (background checks). But they already have it anyways.

Maybe the gun grabbers should have a little more knowledge about firearms in general before they determine which ones are unsafe for us peasant elitists.

Once again.....what the hell do restrictions do to the law abiding???
If I ever encounter a gun it will be pointed at me, so I have no particular interest in interpreting the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Otherwise I have no opinion on the subject.
If I ever encounter a gun it will be pointed at me, so I have no particular interest in interpreting the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Otherwise I have no opinion on the subject.

Can you elaborate?? Are you saying that the common interpretation of an Individual right means you can point a gun at whomever you want for whatever reason??
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If I ever encounter a gun it will be pointed at me, so I have no particular interest in interpreting the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Otherwise I have no opinion on the subject.
just as it is your right to not wn a gun, it is our right to own one if we chose to

funny how libs only like choice when it comes to killing the unborn, but in everything else they want to tell us whats best for us
If I ever encounter a gun it will be pointed at me, so I have no particular interest in interpreting the 2nd amendment as an individual right.

Otherwise I have no opinion on the subject.

So you have no interaction with police? Never see them? never go near them? None exist near you? How about the military? Never been in a store that sells weapons?

You would remove my rights because a criminal might do something wrong? Using that logic we need to repel the vote cause we all know false votes, illegal votes and fake votes get cast. No one should be driving or own cars either cause, well they can kill and people use them without insurance or licenses as well.

I can go on.
It would be wise to know what one means by 'our' before going off on a name calling tirade. My experience, guns or otherwise, has been that elitists think they know what's best for everybody.

"Our" as in those liberals you lumped together as thought we were all of exactly the same mind on every issue.

You speak in generalities like in your previous post, expect me to think you and perhaps even call, a partisan ninny.
just as it is your right to not wn a gun, it is our right to own one if we chose to

funny how libs only like choice when it comes to killing the unborn, but in everything else they want to tell us whats best for us

i see a republican vp candidate who likes nothing more than telling people what is best for them...i.e. no sex education...working well for her family why not for all of american...o yea and lets teach myths in the class room next to science so our kids can fall even more behind in math and science scores.

Your post would have a lot more validity if they were not always blaming someone (liberals) for something (everything) why are conservatives playing the victim of late?
No, those who want to take away your gun want to do for THEIR OWN GOOD, you ninny.

do you honestly think the liberals give a damn if guns owners and their guns ONLY killed those who owned them?

Now I do not advocate taking away your guns, but if I did it would be for MY safety, not yours.

in states with concealed permits...crime rates drop ....so seems i am doing a lot more to protect you than you are yourself....
Are you calling me an elitist......and stupid?? Wow.....good rebuttal. I thought we finally had some good dialogue going here. Guess not.

Hell no. My elitist comment wasn't aimed at the fact you love your peashooters, it was aimed specifically at Loki for his outlook on life in general. He's one of those tech nerds who taps away at his keyboard with his lovely superiority complex, all the while wondering why life hasn't quite turned out as he expected. So, he comes on boards like this spouting his rhetoric, feeling all warm and fuzzy at how "smart" he is, and how "dumb" the rest of us are, using sarcasm and dry wit as his main weapon, but at the end of the day he's nothing special. IOW, his powder's dry, he just don't know it.

It is good dialogue. You live in the real world, whereas Loki lives in....well Loki land...
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I give em one (background checks). But they already have it anyways.

Maybe the gun grabbers should have a little more knowledge about firearms in general before they determine which ones are unsafe for us peasant elitists.

Once again.....what the hell do restrictions do to the law abiding???

What's the definition of a firearm under the second? A nuke? A neutron bomb? A stinger missile? A .357 magnum? Hell, the didn't even have single-shot magazines back in the day, let alone semi autos or full autos...

At the end of the day, I've been speaking to you Yanks and your fascination with guns for the best part of five years. Nobody has ever changed their mind. I rarely comment, unless I feel like stirring..:lol:

I know you'll never change your mind and vice versa. All I will say, and most gun-lovers have disagreed with me on this - I feel a society that has restrictions on firearms is a lot more civilised than one that doesn't...
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