why are jobless claims rising at the busiest time of the year


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Why are jobless claims rising at the busiest commercial time of the year?
(posted from a tablet)
Isn't it generally after Christmas and the end of all the Christmas shopping when the jobless claims rise because all the retailers are laying off the extra workers they temporarily hired for the Christmas season?

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Recent jobs data has demonstrated the labor market's resilient return to strength, but the latest initial jobless claims numbers released Thursday paint a different story.

Seasonally adjusted initial jobless claims increased 68,000 to 368,000 for the week ended Dec. 7, 22% higher than a revised figure released a week earlier. The four-week moving average jumped 6,000 to 328,750.

The increase in new claims for government unemployment benefits has negated recent declines and is higher than expected. According to analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters, new claims were forecast to rise a modest 20,000 to 320,000 over the week.

Initial Jobless Claims Rise, Bucking Latest Trends - TheStreet
historically numbers drop now because of seasonal workers. what will happen when the January layoffs occur?
Why are jobless claims rising at the busiest commercial time of the year?
(posted from a tablet)
Isn't it generally after Christmas and the end of all the Christmas shopping when the jobless claims rise because all the retailers are laying off the extra workers they temporarily hired for the Christmas season?

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Recent jobs data has demonstrated the labor market's resilient return to strength, but the latest initial jobless claims numbers released Thursday paint a different story.

Seasonally adjusted initial jobless claims increased 68,000 to 368,000 for the week ended Dec. 7, 22% higher than a revised figure released a week earlier. The four-week moving average jumped 6,000 to 328,750.

The increase in new claims for government unemployment benefits has negated recent declines and is higher than expected. According to analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters, new claims were forecast to rise a modest 20,000 to 320,000 over the week.

Initial Jobless Claims Rise, Bucking Latest Trends - TheStreet

The sad fact is that the normal increase in hiring for the holidays is not offsetting the massive layoffs due to Obamacare. And as one other member suggested, those chickens will likely really come home to roost when all those temporary holiday employees are laid off after Christmas.
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Why are jobless claims rising at the busiest commercial time of the year?
(posted from a tablet)
Isn't it generally after Christmas and the end of all the Christmas shopping when the jobless claims rise because all the retailers are laying off the extra workers they temporarily hired for the Christmas season?

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Recent jobs data has demonstrated the labor market's resilient return to strength, but the latest initial jobless claims numbers released Thursday paint a different story.

Seasonally adjusted initial jobless claims increased 68,000 to 368,000 for the week ended Dec. 7, 22% higher than a revised figure released a week earlier. The four-week moving average jumped 6,000 to 328,750.

The increase in new claims for government unemployment benefits has negated recent declines and is higher than expected. According to analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters, new claims were forecast to rise a modest 20,000 to 320,000 over the week.

Initial Jobless Claims Rise, Bucking Latest Trends - TheStreet

You need to research 'seasonally adjusted'.
its a flat economy, another reason, we all know that many retailers are just giving part times more hours right thru the year. the real test will come in Mid-January, then lets see if unemployment drops back to 7.3. {but if u live in Florida, its our long 4 month season in full gear!}.
Why are jobless claims rising at the busiest commercial time of the year?
(posted from a tablet)
Isn't it generally after Christmas and the end of all the Christmas shopping when the jobless claims rise because all the retailers are laying off the extra workers they temporarily hired for the Christmas season?

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Recent jobs data has demonstrated the labor market's resilient return to strength, but the latest initial jobless claims numbers released Thursday paint a different story.

Seasonally adjusted initial jobless claims increased 68,000 to 368,000 for the week ended Dec. 7, 22% higher than a revised figure released a week earlier. The four-week moving average jumped 6,000 to 328,750.

The increase in new claims for government unemployment benefits has negated recent declines and is higher than expected. According to analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters, new claims were forecast to rise a modest 20,000 to 320,000 over the week.

Initial Jobless Claims Rise, Bucking Latest Trends - TheStreet

The sad fact is that the normal increase in hiring for the holidays is not offsetting the massive layoffs due to Obamacare. And as one other member suggested, those chickens will likely really come home to roost when all those temporary holiday employees are laid off after Christmas.


Economics is something I don't understand. I admit it. (I am comforted by the belief that no one else understands economics either, and that applies double for actual Economists....like that loon who writes for the New York Times and won a Nobel Prize for his useless, even harmful, prattle.)

But, if what you say is true, there is going to be a shit-storm in January...with Obamacare leading the way...and it is way way overdue.

So, this is one the Board Liberals ought to address.

Is the traditional temporary heavy hiring for Christmas NOT offsetting the layoffs caused by Obamacare?
well if all of the 57 states (well 56) go thru a very frigid winter (Florida is still warm), then you know the weather will be a factor being for millions, leaving their homes to go shopping/spending will be close to impossible whether its either very cold or stuck in an al gore 3 foot high snow storm.
well if all of the 57 states (well 56) go thru a very frigid winter (Florida is still warm), then you know the weather will be a factor being for millions, leaving their homes to go shopping/spending will be close to impossible whether its either very cold or stuck in an al gore 3 foot high snow storm.

It's 57 plus two more and ALaska/Hawaii.
Is it me, or do our forum nutters seem giddy with anticipation this holiday season? Such cute little buggers......hoping and praying that Santa brings them shitty economic news for Christmas!
Is it therapeutic? Does dropping a dozen whiney, bitchy negative posts per day here allow you to function for the rest of your day?

Are any of the sourpusses who have posted in this thread aware that consumer spending rose beyond expectations and inflation has not, as many of you had hoped, brought widespread misery?

Try a little positive thinking, nutters. Your highly developed bullshit production units will allow you to believe that the good news is due to GOP obstruction of Obama policies. I promise.
Is it therapeutic? Does dropping a dozen whiney, bitchy negative posts per day here allow you to function for the rest of your day?

Are any of the sourpusses who have posted in this thread aware that consumer spending rose beyond expectations and inflation has not, as many of you had hoped, brought widespread misery?

Try a little positive thinking, nutters. Your highly developed bullshit production units will allow you to believe that the good news is due to GOP obstruction of Obama policies. I promise.

Their ideological blinders won't tell them everything is okey until they have their man in the Oval Office.

This is a bipartisan disease, of course.
Is it therapeutic? Does dropping a dozen whiney, bitchy negative posts per day here allow you to function for the rest of your day?

Are any of the sourpusses who have posted in this thread aware that consumer spending rose beyond expectations and inflation has not, as many of you had hoped, brought widespread misery?

Try a little positive thinking, nutters. Your highly developed bullshit production units will allow you to believe that the good news is due to GOP obstruction of Obama policies. I promise.

Their ideological blinders won't tell them everything is okey until they have their man in the Oval Office.

This is a bipartisan disease, of course.

Oh, but of course! Liberals always do their best to tank the economy when there is a Repulican in the WH. The evidence for that is ........is........er..........well.....it just is, dammit!
well we do have a president who is adamant about letting white people get rich, and creating millions of jobs like they did under Bush and Clinton! remember how he refused to bail out small business owners in the 800 Billion Dollar stimulus? it was as if he was giving them the finger when it came to, "How Much For Small Business?". NOTHING! and after the stimulus, the economy kept crashing in 2009!
Is it therapeutic? Does dropping a dozen whiney, bitchy negative posts per day here allow you to function for the rest of your day?

Are any of the sourpusses who have posted in this thread aware that consumer spending rose beyond expectations and inflation has not, as many of you had hoped, brought widespread misery?

Try a little positive thinking, nutters. Your highly developed bullshit production units will allow you to believe that the good news is due to GOP obstruction of Obama policies. I promise.

Their ideological blinders won't tell them everything is okey until they have their man in the Oval Office.

This is a bipartisan disease, of course.

Oh, but of course! Liberals always do their best to tank the economy when there is a Repulican in the WH. The evidence for that is ........is........er..........well.....it just is, dammit!

The evidence is obvious. That is exactly what happens. Dems control Congress under a Republicna president and the economy goes into recession.

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