Why are left-wing Democrats and neoconservatives against freedom?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Take a look at the one hour and 20 minute mark of the above video. ..it’s Nick Fuentes(already the trolls heads spin !!) he’s on YouTube on with a Jewish guest and a Jewish host. He was on Valuetainment money a very informative channel.

But like David Duke, Nick Fuentes has been suppressed by many platforms, major political platforms like YouTube … he’s not allowed to have his own channel there. While pro blm people have a channel, and CNN has a channel where they get into deranged conspiracy theories about white people.

I don’t agree with everything Nick Fuentes says … I might not even agree with any of his major world views I don’t follow the guy, but when I realize that neoconservatives and far left pro BLM people call the guy a white supremacist I said well there’s a good chance that none of that makes any sense and let’s just see what he has to say.

I remember CNN during the Trump presidency would show 10 second clips of Nick Fuentes. Why won’t they bring them on CNN for an interview. ??? Well we know why… because they’re propagandists.

but it’s amazing comparing the YouTube clips against Fuentes , and the Wikipedia article showing his biography, which simply makes things up about him.

What about pro BLM leaders who said “looting is a form of reparations”. Why do their Wikipedia articles look different from that of Nicholas Fuentes or even David Duke.

Unfortunately, with some people who have a short attention span, and who are triggered by hatred against white people, they will see the name Nick Fuentes, or David Duke, and just start flipping out. And a powerful country like America and on powerful political platform like YouTube there has to be free speech.

Free speech is under attack in America. There are even whack job politicians, who wanna put people in jail for “hate speech.”

I noticed that the trolls say “don’t you conservatives like it when companies can do what they want“ that’s a form of trolling. It’s either that or racism against whites… as well as a way to suppress conversation. It’s one of the weakest forms of debate I’ve seen here on the US message board.

I’m a Democrat and it is quite obvious that something has to be done about YouTube. While advancements have been made on YouTube for free-speech ….people like David Duke, Andrew Tate, and Nicolas Fuentes are banned on YouTube. It’s unacceptable but it is supported by left-wing Democrats and neoconservatives. Their way of silencing peoples free speech is to ban them off of platforms or get into so-called debates with people and just keep on calling them “white supremacists”, or “antisemites”. They simply don’t care that Nicolas Fuentes is a big-time supporter of the Jewish pro israeli Laura Loomer.

Again, I know this message is too long for the trolls to read. And that’s another part of the problem. But the fact that Nicholas Fuentes supports people who support Israel and people still call the guy an anti Semite white nationalist is beyond belief.

The point of this post is to say the obvious we have to have free speech on major political platforms like YouTube, which is probably the biggest political platform in the online world, other than maybe Twitter. Even if somebody says they liked what Hitler did they should be on YouTube. As if the anti-free-speech people must think that people are stupid. Everybody knows who Hitler is and practically nobody in the world supports him. Everybody sees videos of him giving speeches on the history channel. Nobody supports the guy. But YouTube will ban people if they think they admire Hitler.
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If a black man gets on YouTube and said “white people are the devil”(which I bet has occurred multiple times without repercussion) he should not be banned. What does YouTube think that people are so stupid in America that they will look at what somebody is saying and just agree with it.??? It literally makes no sense because the history channel has aired countless speeches by Adolf Hitler. People don’t watch the speeches and then go out and act on them.

Nick Fuentes and David Duke should be allowed to go back on YouTube.

Why are left-wing Democrats and neoconservatives against freedom?​

Freedom prevents pushing imposing a radical agenda onto the population.

In the past 80 years it has become obvious that "manipulation" via the Media aka your presented Y-tube example, takes too long and is therefore not suitable for fake-democracies that usually only provide respective party agendas to succeed for 4-8 years. Once the party changes - many - of the previous enabled manipulation are withdrawn or altered. Therefore it is a continuous up and down in regards to progress agendas, via manipulation - lastly only resulting into a general decline of fake-democratic led countries.

Logically the idea to prevent or restrict freedom - will lead to a faster control by fake-democratic parties to control the population.

BTW; fake news or intentional false statements are what they are = LIES - and lies are exclusively meant to deceive people. And therefore have no place or right within a freedom of speech. I have also never heard about a lie being democratic.
Take China as an example - no one is hindered or persecuted for criticizing issues - if intentional false statements come in - the CPC apparatus will come for you.

In fake democratic countries such as e.g. Germany, a Trump and alike, would all be certainly bankrupt and serving prison time, due to constant law suits and court sentencing in regards to obvious, intentional fake defamation of people and intentionally spreading lies. Simply because there are laws in place to prevent and punish liars.

As such, as long freedom can't be taken away or restricted - idiotic manipulation e.g. via the media, or in the educational field - aka schools, will continue.
And idiotic manipulation does work very well - see; Lefty&libs or MAGA's. It just takes too long and does not serve a countries/populations true interests.
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A business, which is what YouTube is, is fully understandably not wanting a white supremacists espousing his hate on their business.

Should Wal Mart allow the KKK a kiosk in their stores? You are suggesting that YouTube basically do that.

It has nothing to do with free speech protections.

Take a look at the one hour and 20 minute mark of the above video. ..it’s Nick Fuentes(already the trolls heads spin !!) he’s on YouTube on with a Jewish guest and a Jewish host. He was on Valuetainment money a very informative channel.

But like David Duke, Nick Fuentes has been suppressed by many platforms, major political platforms like YouTube … he’s not allowed to have his own channel there. While pro blm people have a channel, and CNN has a channel where they get into deranged conspiracy theories about white people.

I don’t agree with everything Nick Fuentes says … I might not even agree with any of his major world views I don’t follow the guy, but when I realize that neoconservatives and far left pro BLM people call the guy a white supremacist I said well there’s a good chance that none of that makes any sense and let’s just see what he has to say.

I remember CNN during the Trump presidency would show 10 second clips of Nick Fuentes. Why won’t they bring them on CNN for an interview. ??? Well we know why… because they’re propagandists.

but it’s amazing comparing the YouTube clips against Fuentes , and the Wikipedia article showing his biography, which simply makes things up about him.

What about pro BLM leaders who said “looting is a form of reparations”. Why do their Wikipedia articles look different from that of Nicholas Fuentes or even David Duke.

Unfortunately, with some people who have a short attention span, and who are triggered by hatred against white people, they will see the name Nick Fuentes, or David Duke, and just start flipping out. And a powerful country like America and on powerful political platform like YouTube there has to be free speech.

Free speech is under attack in America. There are even whack job politicians, who wanna put people in jail for “hate speech.”

I noticed that the trolls say “don’t you conservatives like it when companies can do what they want“ that’s a form of trolling. It’s either that or racism against whites… as well as a way to suppress conversation. It’s one of the weakest forms of debate I’ve seen here on the US message board.

I’m a Democrat and it is quite obvious that something has to be done about YouTube. While advancements have been made on YouTube for free-speech ….people like David Duke, Andrew Tate, and Nicolas Fuentes are banned on YouTube. It’s unacceptable but it is supported by left-wing Democrats and neoconservatives. Their way of silencing peoples free speech is to ban them off of platforms or get into so-called debates with people and just keep on calling them “white supremacists”, or “antisemites”. They simply don’t care that Nicolas Fuentes is a big-time supporter of the Jewish pro israeli Laura Loomer.

Again, I know this message is too long for the trolls to read. And that’s another part of the problem. But the fact that Nicholas Fuentes supports people who support Israel and people still call the guy an anti Semite white nationalist is beyond belief.

The point of this post is to say the obvious we have to have free speech on major political platforms like YouTube, which is probably the biggest political platform in the online world, other than maybe Twitter. Even if somebody says they liked what Hitler did they should be on YouTube. As if the anti-free-speech people must think that people are stupid. Everybody knows who Hitler is and practically nobody in the world supports him. Everybody sees videos of him giving speeches on the history channel. Nobody supports the guy. But YouTube will ban people if they think they admire Hitler.

He is far right , conservative.

Take a look at the one hour and 20 minute mark of the above video. ..it’s Nick Fuentes(already the trolls heads spin !!) he’s on YouTube on with a Jewish guest and a Jewish host. He was on Valuetainment money a very informative channel.

But like David Duke, Nick Fuentes has been suppressed by many platforms, major political platforms like YouTube … he’s not allowed to have his own channel there. While pro blm people have a channel, and CNN has a channel where they get into deranged conspiracy theories about white people.

I don’t agree with everything Nick Fuentes says … I might not even agree with any of his major world views I don’t follow the guy, but when I realize that neoconservatives and far left pro BLM people call the guy a white supremacist I said well there’s a good chance that none of that makes any sense and let’s just see what he has to say.

I remember CNN during the Trump presidency would show 10 second clips of Nick Fuentes. Why won’t they bring them on CNN for an interview. ??? Well we know why… because they’re propagandists.

but it’s amazing comparing the YouTube clips against Fuentes , and the Wikipedia article showing his biography, which simply makes things up about him.

What about pro BLM leaders who said “looting is a form of reparations”. Why do their Wikipedia articles look different from that of Nicholas Fuentes or even David Duke.

Unfortunately, with some people who have a short attention span, and who are triggered by hatred against white people, they will see the name Nick Fuentes, or David Duke, and just start flipping out. And a powerful country like America and on powerful political platform like YouTube there has to be free speech.

Free speech is under attack in America. There are even whack job politicians, who wanna put people in jail for “hate speech.”

I noticed that the trolls say “don’t you conservatives like it when companies can do what they want“ that’s a form of trolling. It’s either that or racism against whites… as well as a way to suppress conversation. It’s one of the weakest forms of debate I’ve seen here on the US message board.

I’m a Democrat and it is quite obvious that something has to be done about YouTube. While advancements have been made on YouTube for free-speech ….people like David Duke, Andrew Tate, and Nicolas Fuentes are banned on YouTube. It’s unacceptable but it is supported by left-wing Democrats and neoconservatives. Their way of silencing peoples free speech is to ban them off of platforms or get into so-called debates with people and just keep on calling them “white supremacists”, or “antisemites”. They simply don’t care that Nicolas Fuentes is a big-time supporter of the Jewish pro israeli Laura Loomer.

Again, I know this message is too long for the trolls to read. And that’s another part of the problem. But the fact that Nicholas Fuentes supports people who support Israel and people still call the guy an anti Semite white nationalist is beyond belief.

The point of this post is to say the obvious we have to have free speech on major political platforms like YouTube, which is probably the biggest political platform in the online world, other than maybe Twitter. Even if somebody says they liked what Hitler did they should be on YouTube. As if the anti-free-speech people must think that people are stupid. Everybody knows who Hitler is and practically nobody in the world supports him. Everybody sees videos of him giving speeches on the history channel. Nobody supports the guy. But YouTube will ban people if they think they admire Hitler.

Freedom only means following the lefty agenda. If you stray away from the hive you will either be re-assimilated or taken care of in some other manner so that everyone left will be free to live under the lefty regime.
Democrats crying that YouTube, which is 100% controlled by Democrats, is now banning Democrats?

History shows us that all Marxist/Fascist governments eat their own. Everything is fine and dandy when you censor Republicans, now that they are getting around to eliminating Democrat's speech, they are going to far?

Democrats should learn history.
A business, which is what YouTube is, is fully understandably not wanting a white supremacists espousing his hate on their business.

Should Wal Mart allow the KKK a kiosk in their stores? You are suggesting that YouTube basically do that.

It has nothing to do with free speech protections.
It’s not about business. It’s about political motivation. David Duke used to have hundreds of videos on YouTube. Now he’s banned.

Why are left-wing Democrats and neoconservatives against freedom?​

Freedom prevents pushing imposing a radical agenda onto the population.

In the past 80 years it has become obvious that "manipulation" via the Media aka your presented Y-tube example, takes too long and is therefore not suitable for fake-democracies that usually only provide respective party agendas to succeed for 4-8 years. Once the party changes - many - of the previous enabled manipulation are withdrawn or altered. Therefore it is a continuous up and down in regards to progress agendas, via manipulation - lastly only resulting into a general decline of fake-democratic led countries.

Logically the idea to prevent or restrict freedom - will lead to a faster control by fake-democratic parties to control the population.

BTW; fake news or intentional false statements are what they are = LIES - and lies are exclusively meant to deceive people. And therefore have no place or right within a freedom of speech. I have also never heard about a lie being democratic.
Take China as an example - no one is hindered or persecuted for criticizing issues - if intentional false statements come in - the CPC apparatus will come for you.

In fake democratic countries such as e.g. Germany, a Trump and alike, would all be certainly bankrupt and serving prison time, due to constant law suits and court sentencing in regards to obvious, intentional fake defamation of people and intentionally spreading lies. Simply because there are laws in place to prevent and punish liars.

As such, as long freedom can't be taken away or restricted - idiotic manipulation e.g. via the media, or in the educational field - aka schools, will continue.
And idiotic manipulation does work very well - see; Lefty&libs or MAGA's. It just takes too long and does not serve a countries/populations true interests.
If I’m following you correctly, you’re basically talking about a slippery slope. And that’s what we’ve seen ever since the banning of somebody like David Duke. It’s just got even worse from there. Whatever the far left-wing says is what YouTube and Facebook goes along with.

The most unimaginable, egregious censorship by YouTube and twitter before musk was the removal of Donald Trump.
Democrats and neocons don't believe in freedom because people wouldn't want anything they're offering if they weren't forced to take it.
The pro American push back has been a boycott of things like Bud Light and target.
Democrats crying that YouTube, which is 100% controlled by Democrats, is now banning Democrats?

History shows us that all Marxist/Fascist governments eat their own. Everything is fine and dandy when you censor Republicans, now that they are getting around to eliminating Democrat's speech, they are going to far?

Democrats should learn history.
I don’t know if any individual Democrats have been banned off YouTube. Youtube as you said, and as others have said, influenced and perhaps bought and paid for by far left-wing politicians. But certainly RFK Junior has been censored on YouTube. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard has as well?

This all seemingly started sometime back in 2017 when David Duke was banned off YouTube after him it was tons of conservatives and Republicans like him who were banned some without any reason given.

The worst of it was when Twitter banned Trump under propaganda motives. It’s as if they’re trying to tell the American people that they’re so stupid that they can’t handle someone’s opinion.
It’s not about business. It’s about political motivation. David Duke used to have hundreds of videos on YouTube. Now he’s banned.

Again, their choice. Now if you can prove that the government forced it you will have a case. If not, that's just the way it is.
If I’m following you correctly, you’re basically talking about a slippery slope. And that’s what we’ve seen ever since the banning of somebody like David Duke. It’s just got even worse from there. Whatever the far left-wing says is what YouTube and Facebook goes along with.

The most unimaginable, egregious censorship by YouTube and twitter before musk was the removal of Donald Trump.
David Duke has no right to any private venue.
Again, their choice. Now if you can prove that the government forced it you will have a case. If not, that's just the way it is.
Either way it goes to show YouTube is politically motivated. Their decisions don’t make sense. David Duke had tons of videos up and then he gets banned.

Also YouTube removing the dislike button is a way to manipulate things politically… as any pro BLM video from espn or pro Joe Biden video on YouTube is overwhelmingly disliked.

What do you personally think about this thing? Do you think that people should be banned on YouTube for having opinions you don’t agree with?

I thought it was interesting to hear what one of the Jewish guests on the video above said …to say that one way to breed racism and antisemitism is to ban people as this creates or lends to this idea that there’s some all powerful force behind these bans… the fact seems to support that because we did not have the type of mass school shootings by young white men in the 1960s or 70s that we do today. Maybe not but certainly we didn’t have mass school shooting, a High divorce rate or child born out of wedlock rate that we have today,

Even the racist shooter who was from outside of buffalo, but who came to Buffalo to kill 10 Black people at a tops supermarket. …He was motivated by Nazism in Ukraine. he thought that Jews controlled the media and that kind of stuff.
Either way it goes to show YouTube is politically motivated.

Which is their right to be.

Their decisions don’t make sense. David Duke had tons of videos up and then he gets banned.

Also YouTube removing the dislike button is a way to manipulate things politically… as any pro BLM video from espn or pro Joe Biden video on YouTube is overwhelmingly disliked.

What do you personally think about this thing? Do you think that people should be banned on YouTube for having opinions you don’t agree with?

Not any of my business. I'm sort of big that way. I'm not big on forcing a business to take up my politics.

I thought it was interesting to hear what one of the Jewish guests on the video above said …to say that one way to breed racism and antisemitism is to ban people as this creates or lends to this idea that there’s some all powerful force behind these bans… the fact seems to support that because we did not have the type of mass school shootings by young white men in the 1960s or 70s that we do today. Maybe not but certainly we didn’t have mass school shooting, a High divorce rate or child born out of wedlock rate that we have today,

Even the racist shooter who was from outside of buffalo, but who came to Buffalo to kill 10 Black people at a tops supermarket. …He was motivated by Nazism in Ukraine. he thought that Jews controlled the media and that kind of stuff.

YouTube, Twitter, TikTok has gave people a big stage to say "Look at me". Probably not a good thing but I'm not sure what you do about that.

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