Why Are Leftist Cops Wasting Taxpayer Money With This??

What dont you learn to give more context to your sentences so people know what the fuck you're talking about? Did you mean Booty? When you say "he didn't support that" what is the "that" that you're taking about? You expect me to read your mind?
Learn to forum. Good grief
If you would learn to forum and follow the conversation, you wouldnt need to be spoon fed, dumbfuck.
Is this your version of "he doesn't know what the 3 sea shells are"? Are you the comic relief or did you have a point you wanted to make? Kind of hard to make it when I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Is this your version of "he doesn't know what the 3 sea shells are"? Are you the comic relief or did you have a point you wanted to make? Kind of hard to make it when I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Classic leftist tard babble
Speaking you're mind doesn't include vandalizing other peoples property with your messages of hate. It never did. In fact thinking you have a right to do what you want to other people's property is the authoritarian point of view. Dipshit.

The report never mentions vandalism.
The report never mentions vandalism.
It mentions them distributing their hate pamphlets and stickers with swastikas on them at synagogues, I inferred vandalism, which they probably wish they were charged with because they're facing over a 100 counts of aggravated harassment. That sounds worse. 😄
It mentions them distributing their hate pamphlets and stickers with swastikas on them at synagogues, I inferred vandalism, which they probably wish they were charged with because they're facing over a 100 counts of aggravated harassment. That sounds worse. 😄

Like I said, distribution is not vandalism. If that is truly all they were doing I don't see a crime.

If they were damaging property then it is a different story, but the report made no mention of that.
Like I said, distribution is not vandalism. If that is truly all they were doing I don't see a crime.

If they were damaging property then it is a different story, but the report made no mention of that.
I called it vandalism because I was being gentle. The authorities are not. Same way like if you like up your shirt to show someone a gun in your waist and tell them to watch themselves you can be charged with brandishing a firearm which is a misdemeanor or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, which is a felony. It's all about discretion. 😂
I inferred vandalism
No, you assumed vandalism.

Are they guilty of trespassing? Yes.

Should they be prosecuted for the backwards, hate-filled, moronic beliefs? NO. WHY? Because it opens the door for all sorts of GOVERNMENT abuses.

But, you're too stupid to have any foresight, so I am not surprised that you approve of the bullshit.
There was no vandalism, jackass.

"Hate crime" is another excuse for thought police. It will bite you in the ass at some point, but you're too dumb to see it coming.
You're problem is that you're a moron. No one is being charged with bad thoughts, these people are being charged with bad actions. Hope that helps you out. 😄
No, you assumed vandalism.

Are they guilty of trespassing? Yes.

Should they be prosecuted for the backwards, hate-filled, moronic beliefs? NO. WHY? Because it opens the door for all sorts of GOVERNMENT abuses.

But, you're too stupid to have any foresight, so I am not surprised that you approve of the bullshit.
No, I was being generous when I described it as vandalism, the police decided to play hardball. In this instance I'm not going to shed any tears. 😁
I called it vandalism because I was being gentle. The authorities are not. Same way like if you like up your shirt to show someone a gun in your waist and tell them to watch themselves you can be charged with brandishing a firearm which is a misdemeanor or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, which is a felony. It's all about discretion. 😂

No, it isn't. Leaving pamphlets on a table is not a threat. A gun in your waistband is an implied threat.

I guess you aren't smart enough to understand the difference.

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