Why are Liberals lying so much about the HL Ruling?

In other words, you were wrong.

Are you really that stupid? Stopping and preventing ovulation is exactly what it does. Do you understand how ovulation works? What ovulation is? I am guessing no.

You do understand ovulation begins before the egg is released from the ovary right?

You're not getting it. It's after the egg is fertilized. That is their belief. That's the issue and that is why you can't address it.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.
Oh Even Better ~ I'm Quoting The FDA label which is the legal prescribing information.

but you know more behind the scene info that the rest of us need to trust you with :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Which is being proven false... As I quoted. Are you claiming the FDA never gets it wrong?

The FDA get's it's information from the drug company. The Quality of the FDA is not the question. Right now that FDA prescribing information is the Law.

Which is why they are trying to change it, because it is false. The FDA label does not make it true. Do you get that?
Are you really that stupid? Stopping and preventing ovulation is exactly what it does. Do you understand how ovulation works? What ovulation is? I am guessing no.

You do understand ovulation begins before the egg is released from the ovary right?

You're not getting it. It's after the egg is fertilized. That is their belief. That's the issue and that is why you can't address it.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.

Their belief is their religious right. Pissant.
I will explain it this way... When you become pregnant your body produces progesterone so you no longer ovulate. Plan B is made from progestin the synthetic form of progesterone. Progestin is in many forms of birth control. It tricks your body into not ovulating. It does not prevent implantation.
Are you really that stupid? Stopping and preventing ovulation is exactly what it does. Do you understand how ovulation works? What ovulation is? I am guessing no.

You do understand ovulation begins before the egg is released from the ovary right?

You're not getting it. It's after the egg is fertilized. That is their belief. That's the issue and that is why you can't address it.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.

How many times do we have to keep posting that Plan B does abort a fertilized egg?
What do you call it when you restrict someones choices? Whatever you call it, thats what it is.

Wow, restricting their choices from 20 to 16, how horrible.

Thanks for admitting its a restriction dumbass.

Checkmate and the two fools who thanked you :lol:

Do you have any idea how much insurance is limiting our choices? My father in law, on medicare has had his gliberide taken away and is given ziperide instead. It doesn't help his diabetes and he's had some serious issues, but medicare has limited his choice to ziperide, he has no other choice. Why do you believe someone should have a choice of 20 for birthcontrol?!? When he has a only one choice for something which will prolong his life and they won't for the one that works?!?

Yeah, we're paying for the gliberide. If they want one of the 4 choice Hobby Lobby's insurance doesn't pay for, they can pay for it themselves.
Plan B is not covered by insurance anyway so why the complaint that Hobby Lobby won't pay for it when no one else does either.
You're not getting it. It's after the egg is fertilized. That is their belief. That's the issue and that is why you can't address it.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.

How many times do we have to keep posting that Plan B does abort a fertilized egg?

It doesn't. I have provided a link stating so.
Or do you want to claim every birth control some hobby lobby covers that has progestin in it causes a fertilized egg to abort?

I will post it again, since you guys seem to be extra stupid today.
"ata from recent studies continues to provide strong evidence that Plan B does not prevent implantation (this also seems to be true for Ella, another emergency contraceptive option). The majority of research claims that the primary way that Plan B works is by preventing or delaying ovulation--if Plan B is taken before ovulation occurs. By not allowing the egg to release, there is nothing available for sperm to fertilize, thus preventing a pregnancy from occurring."

“Does not prevent embryo implantation and therefore cannot be labeled as abortifacient.”
In 2007, studies demonstrated evidence that Plan B did not prevent the attachment of human embryos to the uterine wall. Researchers obtained discarded fertilized eggs from fertility clinics. After exposing these eggs to the progestin (found in Plan B) in a simulated environment, results demonstrated that the presence of the progestin did not prevent the eggs from attaching to cells that line the uterus."

Which is being proven false... As I quoted. Are you claiming the FDA never gets it wrong?

The FDA get's it's information from the drug company. The Quality of the FDA is not the question. Right now that FDA prescribing information is the Law.

Which is why they are trying to change it, because it is false. The FDA label does not make it true. Do you get that?
I get it exactly. Until that label is changed it is what it is....
No, I don't. Because it stops or prevents. You have no idea what you are talking about.


I gave you a chance to do some basic research and learn the facts, you chose to stick with being wrong. Your claim is that the only thing Plan B does is stop ovulation.

Depending upon where you are in your cycle, Plan B One-Step may work in one of these ways:

  • It may prevent or delay ovulation.
  • It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.
It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.
Plan B (Morning-After Pill): Effectiveness and Side Effects

"What Research Shows

Data from recent studies continues to provide strong evidence that Plan B does not prevent implantation (this also seems to be true for Ella, another emergency contraceptive option). The majority of research claims that the primary way that Plan B works is by preventing or delaying ovulation--if Plan B is taken before ovulation occurs. By not allowing the egg to release, there is nothing available for sperm to fertilize, thus preventing a pregnancy from occurring."

"In several research studies, women were given Plan B after determining (via hormone tests) which women had ovulated and which had not. The results all showed that none of the women who took Plan B before ovulation became pregnant (these results really help to emphasize how Plan B works by delaying ovulation). Pregnancies only occurred in women who took Plan B on or after the day of ovulation, and these women became pregnant at the same rate as women who have not taken Plan B. Such results prompted researchers Noé, Croxatto, Salvatierra, and Reyes (2011) to conclude that Plan B
“Does not prevent embryo implantation and therefore cannot be labeled as abortifacient.”
How Plan B Works


I will also add this.

"In 2007, studies demonstrated evidence that Plan B did not prevent the attachment of human embryos to the uterine wall. Researchers obtained discarded fertilized eggs from fertility clinics. After exposing these eggs to the progestin (found in Plan B) in a simulated environment, results demonstrated that the presence of the progestin did not prevent the eggs from attaching to cells that line the uterus."

"So, the majority of research reveals that using Plan B does not cause any changes in the lining of the uterus (endometrium). Because Plan B does not have any effect on endometrium, researchers have concluded that this emergency contraceptive cannot prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. Many researchers have further explained the notion that Plan B does not stop implantation from occurring is probably the reason that it's not 100% effective at preventing an unintended pregnancy--as well as why Plan B is less effective the longer you wait to use it."

Two different studies have proven it ineffective in causing eggs to not implant... Sigh

This about the third time I have posted this.

Doesn't change the fact that your repeated claims that it works by by delaying ovulation were wrong, does it?
Are you really that stupid? Stopping and preventing ovulation is exactly what it does. Do you understand how ovulation works? What ovulation is? I am guessing no.

You do understand ovulation begins before the egg is released from the ovary right?

You're not getting it. It's after the egg is fertilized. That is their belief. That's the issue and that is why you can't address it.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.

Their belief is their religious right. Pissant.

You are beyond stupid. How do you remember to breath?

You lost. Get over it.
Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.

How many times do we have to keep posting that Plan B does abort a fertilized egg?

It doesn't. I have provided a link stating so.
Or do you want to claim every birth control some hobby lobby covers that has progestin in it causes a fertilized egg to abort?

I will post it again, since you guys seem to be extra stupid today.
"ata from recent studies continues to provide strong evidence that Plan B does not prevent implantation (this also seems to be true for Ella, another emergency contraceptive option). The majority of research claims that the primary way that Plan B works is by preventing or delaying ovulation--if Plan B is taken before ovulation occurs. By not allowing the egg to release, there is nothing available for sperm to fertilize, thus preventing a pregnancy from occurring."

“Does not prevent embryo implantation and therefore cannot be labeled as abortifacient.”
In 2007, studies demonstrated evidence that Plan B did not prevent the attachment of human embryos to the uterine wall. Researchers obtained discarded fertilized eggs from fertility clinics. After exposing these eggs to the progestin (found in Plan B) in a simulated environment, results demonstrated that the presence of the progestin did not prevent the eggs from attaching to cells that line the uterus."


Simulated laboratory environments are not all that reliable.

Yes before ovulation occurs.
If fertilization does occur, Plan B One-Step may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb. If a fertilized egg is implanted prior to taking Plan B One-Step, the drug will not work and pregnancy proceeds normally
Which you keep ingoing.
"According to product labels, Plan B works mainly by preventing/delaying ovulation or by avoiding fertilization (by altering the movement of sperm and/or egg). "http://contraception.about.com/od/planbonestep/a/How-Plan-B-Works.htm

In other words, you were wrong.

Are you really that stupid? Stopping and preventing ovulation is exactly what it does. Do you understand how ovulation works? What ovulation is? I am guessing no.

You do understand ovulation begins before the egg is released from the ovary right?

Your own links proved that only occurs if it is taken at the right time. There is also a question if it actually does delay ovulation even if taken at the right time. The latest studies suggest that it actually prevents fertilization.

But, please, feel free to keep making claims you have debunked.
Are you really that stupid? Stopping and preventing ovulation is exactly what it does. Do you understand how ovulation works? What ovulation is? I am guessing no.

You do understand ovulation begins before the egg is released from the ovary right?

You're not getting it. It's after the egg is fertilized. That is their belief. That's the issue and that is why you can't address it.

Their belief is not based in fact, moron. Plan B has no effect on a fertilized egg.


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