Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.

The tories are the rich mans party and in theory they should be unelectable.

However, usually in tough times, they can make an appeal to the worst in all of us and get enough votes to get elected.

The press is 80% tory owned and cheer leads for them.

Their central message is that they believe in creating opportunity.

But that is just a lie.

Their whole belief system is based on protecting their own interests.

As a major part of that they genuinely believe that poverty is the fault of the poor and that they should be punished for the crime of being poor.

Its incredibly ugly and has no spiritual basis.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.

The tories are the rich mans party and in theory they should be unelectable.

However, usually in tough times, they can make an appeal to the worst in all of us and get enough votes to get elected.

The press is 80% tory owned and cheer leads for them.

Their central message is that they believe in creating opportunity.

But that is just a lie.

Their whole belief system is based on protecting their own interests.

As a major part of that they genuinely believe that poverty is the fault of the poor and that they should be punished for the crime of being poor.

Its incredibly ugly and has no spiritual basis.

If poverty is not the fault of those who participate in it, then who's fault is if if you are poor?

Over here it's very simple. Poverty is the condition of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to get money. The way to get money is to get a job. The way to keep the money you make is don't be irresponsible and spend your money foolishly. Save as much as you can and avoid things like buying new cars, new video game systems, the newest cell phone of the most expensive plans, and most of all, don't have any children until you have secured a career, a home, and some savings.
Like his inaugural crowd size? And why would we want to stop it, like the right did to crush the occupy movement? You fuckers shot mace into the faces of protesters, corralled hundreds of people and arrested them all, in order to stop their Constitutional right to dissent.

People like you are absolutely cruel. Your posts prove it. Your posts are completely void of humanity, but filled with intolerance and disdain.

You don't understand the difference between the police reacting to law breakers and people trying to take the law into their own hands? Of course the police are usually on the side of the right because the left are natural born criminals. We respect our laws, we respect our police, we respect property be it private or public. The left is just the opposite.

No, they were yours. You're just not adult enough to accept responsibility for what you've done.

How does that make any sense---even to a liberal like you? Why would Republican constituents want to close down their own town hall meetings???? That would be like the left trying to close down "Weirdo's in Dresses" night downtown or something..

The Democrats realized they were quickly becoming even more hated by the public with their childish actions, that they decided to continue them accept lay the blame at the feet of their enemy. It's just like when they sent their troublemakers to Trump rallies acting like they were really Trump supporters.

I was putting destruction of property into perspective. Not seeing the difference between someone who destroys country's and someone who destroys property, is another indication why you people are so cruel.

Go back to junior high school. One is a legal governmental action and the other is domestic violence.

No, Mitch closed down government that screwed a nation just to protest the great Barack Obama.

Mitch couldn't close down the government if he wanted to. When a President refuses to go along with our law makers in Congress and Senate, it's the President that causes the shutdown.

You originally said "main" streets. How very disingenuous of you trying to move the goal posts?

What goalposts? Yes, main streets, as in streets heavily used by the public. Would you like a link to a dictionary site????

Attacking someone who did not attack you first, is not a legitimate war. If we start riots and you start wars, who's the more cruel human being?

Show me where it's written (besides that tiny mind of yours) that a war is not legitimate if somebody fires the first shot. What war General would agree with you? What military strategist would agree with that?

George Bush started a war of aggression, which is a war crime BTW, that resulted in the deaths of over 1 million people, but you're aggravated over some book? I have to say, you're cruelty is there for all to see.

A million people, huh? Have any credible proof of a million people?
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
There is a simplistic narrative here. Life can be a bit more complicated than "work hard,get money,dont be poor". At least in my observation.
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
the so called poor do not suffer in this country
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents

Why is that? How many hours are they working a week? What kind of lifestyle do they have? What are they spending their money on?

Better yet, let's start from the beginning; a kid in high school just leaving for the working world. How does that person become poor and stay there?
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
That's pretty much it. A rich person most likely wealthy because they worked hard all their life to produce wealth. A middle-class person is likely middle-class because they secured a decent paying job and learned a trade. Low income people became that way because their income is low or nonexistent.

With the exception of those who are mentally or physically incapable of providing for themselves, how else does one become poor and maintain poverty???

Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Like I said all along keep your socialism to yourself, leave the rest of us out of it.
We are not all in this together, does not take a fucking Village, there should not be a safe house for every snowflake on every corner.
There is no such thing as individuality and any sort of freedom in a socialist environment... fact

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