Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.
Liberal nonsense? Are you saying corporations don't have a bigger voice in government than I do? Are you saying they don't have the ability to buy government with the over 29,000 lobbyists currently in Washington? And are you saying they don't pay 10% less of a tax rate on their profits? That liberal nonsense?

Corporations are not people. They only exist on paper. They should not have the same rights as a human being. They should not have any voice in government whatsoever. This country is "We the People", not "We the People, Inc."

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
Yeah well, not all of them offer those packages and many of those packages are conditional.

Well yeah, except that that pesky SC disagrees with you.
You were due, dupe. Health costs went way up under Booosh. Not as much as public university...and college loans. Keep voting GOP, dupe.
They went way up but I never saw it. University, college loans...it was due...

WTF are you talking about?
If they didn't go up for 8 years, you were damn lucky. And were due for a rise. After all, Bluegin's Cadillac Corp is pushing up the costs lol.
Must be why the government is bloated since they get the same benefits plus higher wages than the general public.
Like Big Health and you...but I'm for raising others up rather than you down like GOPers...ON Wisconsin!
No you aren't which is why you try to keep them dependant on the government to live.
the right wing insists on conditions for social safety nets over need.
How much pain must the poor endure before they are motivated enough to go to work? They get motivated to demand more money from other people who do work. They just aren't motivated enough to do what they need to do to get a job themselves.
Socialism is about, "suffering". Capitalism is about, "voluntary social transactions that involve, mutually beneficial trade". Only the national socialist right wing, has a problem with equal protection of the law.
This is one of the most consistent right wing fallacies out there. Poor people in American are not "wildly weathy" compared to the rest of the world's poor.

When the United States maintained a Naval base in Subic Bay, Philippines, there was a river just outside the main gate that was affectionately called "Shit River". It was where the raw sewage from Olangapo would flow.

Sailors would throw pesos (they were coins back then) into the river and kids would dive down and retrieve them. If they found them, they got to keep them. That's how a lot of families were supported. By there kids diving for pesos. Through human shit.

That's poor...

They are, in some ways, worse off, because the poor in other first world countries have access to health care that American poor people don 't have.

Poor people here can't see a doctor?

Since when?

Also, much of the health care that foreign poor have access to is donated by doctors and organizations, many of which are in America. Maybe if these people and organizations started helping here at home our poor would be better taken care of...

They have access to better education than American poor people have, and have a better chance at working their way out of poverty.

Hey, when you're diving through shit for pesos, your advancement opportunities are pretty fuckin' limited...

American working people don't have paid vacations, unemployment insurance, maternity or family leave...

Which American working people are those?

Blanket statements are usually pretty stupid. You shouldn't make them...

and they have fewer worker rights or protections.

This is just blatant ignorance...

The idea that owning a flat screen TV or a microwave makes one "wildly wealthy" is ridiculous, given that the only kind of TV you can buy is a flat screen, and a microwave oven costs $100, or less.

Ask some kid diving through shit if he thinks someone who has a $75 microwave is rich...
You don't understand the difference between the police reacting to law breakers and people trying to take the law into their own hands?
Said residents of Wiemar, Germany, many years ago.

Of course the police are usually on the side of the right because the left are natural born criminals.
People are born criminal? That explains your cruelty.

We respect our laws, we respect our police, we respect property be it private or public.
You just don't respect people? If you respect the law, then why would you arrest a journalist covering an event? Why would you arrest someone passing by the event?

DC Police Resume Unlawful Mass Arrest Tactic at Inauguration Protests
On Sept. 27, 2002, the District of Columbia police department, together with the U.S. Park Police, arrested nearly 400 anti-globalization protesters, tourists, bystanders, legal observers and passers-by. The two police agencies encircled Pershing Park, refused to let anyone leave and then mass arrested everyone who happened to be present and trapped by law enforcement in the park. Many were held bound wrist to ankle in stress-and-duress positions on a police gym floor for about 24 hours.

I seriously doubt a group who doesn't respect the borders of sovereign nations, would respect "public or private property".

How does that make any sense---even to a liberal like you? Why would Republican constituents want to close down their own town hall meetings???? That would be like the left trying to close down "Weirdo's in Dresses" night downtown or something..
Why would the left go to a right wing town hall? That makes lesser sense.

The Democrats realized they were quickly becoming even more hated by the public with their childish actions, that they decided to continue them accept lay the blame at the feet of their enemy. It's just like when they sent their troublemakers to Trump rallies acting like they were really Trump supporters.
You live in a fantasy world if you think people will believe dumbass shit like that. Like I said, you make this shit up because you don't have the stones to take responsibility for the things you do.

Go back to junior high school. One is a legal governmental action and the other is domestic violence.
Attacking someone who did not attack you first, is not legal government action. Or do you side with Nixon when he said, "If the President does it, its not illegal".

Mitch couldn't close down the government if he wanted to. When a President refuses to go along with our law makers in Congress and Senate, it's the President that causes the shutdown.
What lawmakers? Congress refused to "make law" for 8 straight years.

What goalposts? Yes, main streets, as in streets heavily used by the public. Would you like a link to a dictionary site????
And on those streets you had corporations closing down local businesses.

Show me where it's written (besides that tiny mind of yours) that a war is not legitimate if somebody fires the first shot. What war General would agree with you? What military strategist would agree with that?
Then why don't you get up from your computer right now, go outside, walk up to the first person you see and punch them in the mouth as hard as you can, then come back and tell us how it went?

A million people, huh? Have any credible proof of a million people?
The fact that you are so cavalier in regards to a million people losing their lives over something you not only support, but defend, speaks volumes about your inhumanity and cruelty towards others.

ORB International, an independent polling agency located in London, published estimates of the total war casualties in Iraq since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003...At over 1.2 million deaths

I have to thank you, because each one of your posts is answering the "why" the right is cruel to others and not just the poor.
They went way up but I never saw it. University, college loans...it was due...

WTF are you talking about?
If they didn't go up for 8 years, you were damn lucky. And were due for a rise. After all, Bluegin's Cadillac Corp is pushing up the costs lol.
Must be why the government is bloated since they get the same benefits plus higher wages than the general public.
Like Big Health and you...but I'm for raising others up rather than you down like GOPers...ON Wisconsin!
No you aren't which is why you try to keep them dependant on the government to live.
the right wing insists on conditions for social safety nets over need.
Sounds more like liberals. Nobody " needs" an Obama phone but doling them out makes Democrats seem "cool" so.....
Waiting for CNN headline: Trump team talked to Booger Man during campaign.
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
the so called poor do not suffer in this country

Biafra suffer? no
Do they struggle to pay for basic necessities?
yes they do
Only in Conservative comic books
The wealthy were, for the most part, born on third base and act like they have hit a triple
Even our President did not rise from poverty
The concept of pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard and you too can be rich is going the way of a winning lottery ticket

The ladder to success is broken. Most Americans are lucky if they can stay on the same wrung as their parents
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Helping the rich is.......Patriotism
Helping the poor is.......Socialism
What is relentless is the billions of hard working Republican citizens tax dollars that go into welfare to support deadbeats.
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Helping the rich is.......Patriotism
Helping the poor is.......Socialism

Forcing someone to do a thing is compulsion, not compassion. Giving someone something does not help them, it furthers the problem by reinforcing the behavior that is the root cause of the problem.
Health,education,environment have always been factors in poverty.
Just as relevant now is the amount of control that unaccountable corporations have.
Zero hours contracts act as a barrier to people on so many levels and will further the inequality.

Somebody on zero hours , or temp, contract cannot get credit,cannot get a mortgage and doesnt pay into a pension scheme. They have a life on hold.

Of course when workers jib against the injustice of this they are told to shut up or the company will move to India.

Its the same argument that the corps use when they threaten governments as they are doing now in the UK over brexit.

Its an unequal struggle.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Helping the rich is.......Patriotism
Helping the poor is.......Socialism
Liberals dont help the poor.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Helping the rich is.......Patriotism
Helping the poor is.......Socialism
Liberals dont help the poor.
poor women are welcome to "hit me up" for full body massage with happy ending, one to three hours at a time.
The nanny state will never work for the good, It is corupt to the core always has been always will be. Jack weed
Yes, lets go back to the victorian era where the old died in workhouses and kids went up chimneys. Fuckwit.
Socialism may be your answer, look where you live.
Leave the rest of us out of it
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Helping the rich is.......Patriotism
Helping the poor is.......Socialism

Forcing someone to do a thing is compulsion, not compassion. Giving someone something does not help them, it furthers the problem by reinforcing the behavior that is the root cause of the problem.
It is part of belonging to a society
They force you to do many things......but you benefit much more from the strength of a society

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