Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

One of the things Jesus promoted was self reliance and self discipline. Lets not parse the holy ones message.
This kind of bogus Christianity seems to be very popular amongst those who would prefer to see folk suffer than pay an extra penny in taxes.
do you pay more than what the tax code says you should pay? Put your fking money where your mouth is Ace!!
Which point,that I havent made, are you responding to ?
really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?
The Republican approach to our least fortunate, is very hostile and cold-hearted. It's not what Jesus taught. Jesus didn't preach hate & greed
One of the things Jesus promoted was self reliance and self discipline. Lets not parse the holy ones message.
This kind of bogus Christianity seems to be very popular amongst those who would prefer to see folk suffer than pay an extra penny in taxes.
do you pay more than what the tax code says you should pay? Put your fking money where your mouth is Ace!!
Which point,that I havent made, are you responding to ?
really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?

It's actually very sad you hate our less fortunate so much. That might be some bad Karma. You never know when or if you'll be in need someday. If you ever are, you'll hope & pray for kindness from others. You'll hope & pray that folks aren't all greedy Republicans.

What small businesses/corporations make appliances, TVs or cars?

If you feel so oppressed by the salary of some corporate CEO then don't buy the products made by the corporation. Problems solved.

You have a lot more choice over that than I have when the filthy ass government forces me to pay money to the welfare queens, don't you?

By the way Moon Bat. Since you felled oppressed by the salaries of some people did you feel oppressed when Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary got paid $600K by the Russians for a stupid speech and then million paid to their money laundering foundation when Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State?
One of the things Jesus promoted was self reliance and self discipline. Lets not parse the holy ones message.
This kind of bogus Christianity seems to be very popular amongst those who would prefer to see folk suffer than pay an extra penny in taxes.
do you pay more than what the tax code says you should pay? Put your fking money where your mouth is Ace!!
Which point,that I havent made, are you responding to ?
really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?

It's actually very sad you hate our less fortunate so much. That might be some bad Karma. You never know when or if you'll be in need someday. If you ever are, you'll hope & pray for kindness from others.
looks as if it's you bubba, but fear not no one cares about you!
Ridiculous. Our poor are wildly wealthy compared to much of the world.

Yes they are no thanks to republicans.

But yet it was Obama's administration that created more poverty, less family income, more welfare recipients and dismal economic growth.

Obama must really love the poor because the sonofabitch sure created bunch of them, didn't he?
Ok then tell me how the guy in NYC who makes 10 million a month is responsible for you and 10 million other people not earning more

Again you struggle with the concept of a national economy
We are not talking about one person having millions, we are talking about $18 trillion in a country of 330 million people

Now...Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
and you still cannot answer my question

if it makes it any easier for you take ALL the people making a million dollars a year or more and then tell me how that makes ALL the rest of the people earn less than they do

Let me make it easier for you...

We are talking about a GIGANTIC pie that everyone in the nation has to eat off of


You are thinking of tiny pies

why won't you answer my question?

Maybe because you can't.

You got your answer as simply as I can make it

You just don't like the answer
you didn't answer me at all

because you can't

because there is no pie

wealth is not a zero sum game

what other people make has nothing to do with your income

the net worth of other people has nothing to do with your net worth

What small businesses/corporations make appliances, TVs or cars?

If you feel so oppressed by the salary of some corporate CEO then don't buy the products made by the corporation. Problems solved.

You have a lot more choice over that than I have when the filthy ass government forces me to pay money to the welfare queens, don't you?

By the way Moon Bat. Since you felled oppressed by the salaries of some people did you feel oppressed when Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary got paid $600K by the Russians for a stupid speech and then million paid to their money laundering foundation when Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State?
Where did you see me trying to justify any of that?
This kind of bogus Christianity seems to be very popular amongst those who would prefer to see folk suffer than pay an extra penny in taxes.
do you pay more than what the tax code says you should pay? Put your fking money where your mouth is Ace!!
Which point,that I havent made, are you responding to ?
really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?

It's actually very sad you hate our less fortunate so much. That might be some bad Karma. You never know when or if you'll be in need someday. If you ever are, you'll hope & pray for kindness from others.
looks as if it's you bubba, but fear not no one cares about you!

Ya never know. Some folks need to be humbled before they can truly become human. If you ever are in need, you better hope & pray that most folks aren't like you. I wouldn't count on greedy Republicans to help you out. To them, you'll be just another 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman.
and you still can't tell me how what I make has any impact on what you make can you?

You seem to have trouble grasping the concept of a nationwide economy

Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
No, not a real pie, but a "theoretical economic pie" that everyone has to feed off of
Now, if Government sets the rules on who gets to slice the pie and who gets to decide how many pieces everyone gets...we have something called economic inequality
Ok then tell me how the guy in NYC who makes 10 million a month is responsible for you and 10 million other people not earning more

Again you struggle with the concept of a national economy
We are not talking about one person having millions, we are talking about $18 trillion in a country of 330 million people

Now...Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
and you still cannot answer my question

if it makes it any easier for you take ALL the people making a million dollars a year or more and then tell me how that makes ALL the rest of the people earn less than they do
Under voodoo, the rich don't pay their fair share and there's no money to invest in training and ed for jobs going begging. Duh. Shortfalls in fed aids to states also make state and local taxes and fees rise, taxes which kill the nonrich.
define fair share
This is exactly what I've been talking about.

The LDS church apparently has a very good PR department and a very creative accounting department (also a very active legal council but that's beside the point). Active members give a 10% tithe but of the money that goes to the church, about 1% goes to charity.
well name your tithing percentage outside taxes.
It's probably about 0.8%. That put me at about 8x the average church member and I don't go on about it.
what is that about a dime?
No, it's probably about enough to keep you in the manner to which you've become accustomed.
It's a delusional 'justification' for their hatred of the least fortunate among us. They actually see their hate & hostility as being very 'Christian.' But Jesus didn't preach that kind of 'Christianity.' Jesus can't be pleased with most Republicans who consider themselves 'Good Christians.'
You are delusional
Sadly, most Republicans will have to be humbled first, before they can truly become human. When or if they ever find themselves in need, they'll hope & pray most folks aren't like them. They'll hope & pray for compassion from others. They may then become good kind people.
This is exactly what I've been talking about.

The LDS church apparently has a very good PR department and a very creative accounting department (also a very active legal council but that's beside the point). Active members give a 10% tithe but of the money that goes to the church, about 1% goes to charity.
well name your tithing percentage outside taxes.
It's probably about 0.8%. That put me at about 8x the average church member and I don't go on about it.
what is that about a dime?
No, it's probably about enough to keep you in the manner to which you've become accustomed.
a nickle then?
This is exactly what I've been talking about.

The LDS church apparently has a very good PR department and a very creative accounting department (also a very active legal council but that's beside the point). Active members give a 10% tithe but of the money that goes to the church, about 1% goes to charity.
well name your tithing percentage outside taxes.
It's probably about 0.8%. That put me at about 8x the average church member and I don't go on about it.
what is that about a dime?
No, it's probably about enough to keep you in the manner to which you've become accustomed.
a nickle then?
Is that all you're able to collect at the freeway on ramp?
Cute try.

The subject was income passed from a Sub Chapter S Corporation and regular income to an independent tax payer. Of which, there is, as you know, NONE.

Come back when you grow up.
What I posted clearly shows capital gains at 15%, when I pay 25%.

Now you're lying. You claimed that because someone used a Sub Chapter S Corporation, they somehow miraculously saved ten to fifteen on their taxes. Flat out not true and now, typical for a Progressive, you're struggling to change what you said.

Here is what you said:

Doesn't matter whether they are type S or type C, they pay 10% less of a tax rate than I do and that is wrong."

Grow up.
do you pay more than what the tax code says you should pay? Put your fking money where your mouth is Ace!!
Which point,that I havent made, are you responding to ?
really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?

It's actually very sad you hate our less fortunate so much. That might be some bad Karma. You never know when or if you'll be in need someday. If you ever are, you'll hope & pray for kindness from others.
looks as if it's you bubba, but fear not no one cares about you!

Ya never know. Some folks need to be humbled before they can truly become human. If you ever are in need, you better hope & pray that most folks aren't like you. I wouldn't count on greedy Republicans to help you out. To them, you'll be just another 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman.
so now you are the voice of humans? how god like son!!! you are a raging libturd that has no idea what it's like to be poor but feel you can project it. I laugh at scum like you ace!! here.......
well name your tithing percentage outside taxes.
It's probably about 0.8%. That put me at about 8x the average church member and I don't go on about it.
what is that about a dime?
No, it's probably about enough to keep you in the manner to which you've become accustomed.
a nickle then?
Is that all you're able to collect at the freeway on ramp?
so that's where you got it from. interesting.

What small businesses/corporations make appliances, TVs or cars?

If you feel so oppressed by the salary of some corporate CEO then don't buy the products made by the corporation. Problems solved.

You have a lot more choice over that than I have when the filthy ass government forces me to pay money to the welfare queens, don't you?

By the way Moon Bat. Since you felled oppressed by the salaries of some people did you feel oppressed when Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary got paid $600K by the Russians for a stupid speech and then million paid to their money laundering foundation when Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State?
Where did you see me trying to justify any of that?

So your answer is that you do or you don't feel oppressed by the Clinton's getting filthy rich selling government influence and laundering the money through their charity foundation?
Which point,that I havent made, are you responding to ?
really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?

It's actually very sad you hate our less fortunate so much. That might be some bad Karma. You never know when or if you'll be in need someday. If you ever are, you'll hope & pray for kindness from others.
looks as if it's you bubba, but fear not no one cares about you!

Ya never know. Some folks need to be humbled before they can truly become human. If you ever are in need, you better hope & pray that most folks aren't like you. I wouldn't count on greedy Republicans to help you out. To them, you'll be just another 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman.
so now you are the voice of humans? how god like son!!! you are a raging libturd that has no idea what it's like to be poor but feel you can project it. I laugh at scum like you ace!! here.......

Like i said, greedy Republican folks may have created a lot of bad Karma for themselves. When or if they're humbled, they'll see the light. They'll thank God that not all folks are greedy Republicans. They'll truly be grateful. They will have found their humanity.
Sadly, most Republicans will have to be humbled first, before they can truly become human. When or if they ever find themselves in need, they'll hope & pray most folks aren't like them. They'll hope & pray for compassion from others. They may then become good kind people.
look at the loony toon thinking he is god. haahhaahhaahahaa, poor poor raging libturd, has no idea what a poor person feels, but projects his view of them. It clearly marks you as the true hater of poor. thanks for showing us all your colors.

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