Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

really, you don't recall your own post about paying extra in taxes? what log did you just roll out from under?

It's actually very sad you hate our less fortunate so much. That might be some bad Karma. You never know when or if you'll be in need someday. If you ever are, you'll hope & pray for kindness from others.
looks as if it's you bubba, but fear not no one cares about you!

Ya never know. Some folks need to be humbled before they can truly become human. If you ever are in need, you better hope & pray that most folks aren't like you. I wouldn't count on greedy Republicans to help you out. To them, you'll be just another 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman.
so now you are the voice of humans? how god like son!!! you are a raging libturd that has no idea what it's like to be poor but feel you can project it. I laugh at scum like you ace!! here.......

Like i said, greedy Republican folks may have created a lot of bad Karma for themselves. When or if they're humbled, they'll see the light. They'll thank God that not all folks are greedy Republicans. They'll truly be grateful. They will have found their humanity.
you still raging out loud?

What small businesses/corporations make appliances, TVs or cars?

If you feel so oppressed by the salary of some corporate CEO then don't buy the products made by the corporation. Problems solved.

You have a lot more choice over that than I have when the filthy ass government forces me to pay money to the welfare queens, don't you?

By the way Moon Bat. Since you felled oppressed by the salaries of some people did you feel oppressed when Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary got paid $600K by the Russians for a stupid speech and then million paid to their money laundering foundation when Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State?
Where did you see me trying to justify any of that?

So your answer is that you do or you don't feel oppressed by the Clinton's getting filthy rich selling government influence and laundering the money through their charity foundation?
WTF? I have no idea how you reach the bizarre conclusions you do.
Sadly, most Republicans will have to be humbled first, before they can truly become human. When or if they ever find themselves in need, they'll hope & pray most folks aren't like them. They'll hope & pray for compassion from others. They may then become good kind people.
look at the loony toon thinking he is god. haahhaahhaahahaa, poor poor raging libturd, has no idea what a poor person feels, but projects his view of them. It clearly marks you as the true hater of poor. thanks for showing us all your colors.

Lose your hate & hostility towards the least fortunate among us. You're creating a whole lotta bad Karma for yourself. You never know when you're gonna get humbled.

But that's what it'll take for many of you Republicans to find your humanity. When or if you're ever in need, you'll regret your hate for the poor. You'll pray for any help you can get. And i'll tell ya, it won't likely be Republicans who help you out.
Sadly, most Republicans will have to be humbled first, before they can truly become human. When or if they ever find themselves in need, they'll hope & pray most folks aren't like them. They'll hope & pray for compassion from others. They may then become good kind people.
look at the loony toon thinking he is god. haahhaahhaahahaa, poor poor raging libturd, has no idea what a poor person feels, but projects his view of them. It clearly marks you as the true hater of poor. thanks for showing us all your colors.

Lose your hate & hostility towards the least fortunate among us. You're creating a whole lotta bad Karma for yourself. You never know when you're gonna get humbled.

But that's what it will take for many of you Republicans to find your humanity. When or if you're ever in need, you'll regret your hate for the poor. You'll pray for any help you can get. And i'll tell ya, it won't likely be Republicans who help you out.
dude, you're falling fast, you should really stop embarrassing yourself like this.
However I have never had to cope on a temporary zero hours contract.
Low pay,no pay,no security,bills................pension provision can wait till later.

What percentage of workers have "temporary zero hour contracts" all their careers and what does that have to do with personal responsibility?

People have been trained to expect that they don't have to bear any personal responsibility for their retirement, that responsibility belongs to the government.
Sadly, most Republicans will have to be humbled first, before they can truly become human. When or if they ever find themselves in need, they'll hope & pray most folks aren't like them. They'll hope & pray for compassion from others. They may then become good kind people.
look at the loony toon thinking he is god. haahhaahhaahahaa, poor poor raging libturd, has no idea what a poor person feels, but projects his view of them. It clearly marks you as the true hater of poor. thanks for showing us all your colors.

Lose your hate & hostility towards the least fortunate among us. You're creating a whole lotta bad Karma for yourself. You never know when you're gonna get humbled.

But that's what it will take for many of you Republicans to find your humanity. When or if you're ever in need, you'll regret your hate for the poor. You'll pray for any help you can get. And i'll tell ya, it won't likely be Republicans who help you out.
dude, you're falling fast, you should really stop embarrassing yourself like this.

Pray you don't get humbled my friend. Your views on the least fortunate among us will change dramatically. Nothing like a good ole humbling to help folks find their humanity. Sometimes it's the only way that can be achieved.
All poor folks are 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeymen to the average white Republican. They generalize and demonize. It makes them feel justified in hating and abusing the least fortunate among us. It's exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught. Yet most of them truly believe the pearly gates await them. They're lost hateful souls.
Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

Republicans give more to their churches
Means money goes to Pastors, church maintenance, a new organ, robes for the choir

Doesn't mean the money is going to poor families
I understand that some super pastors even have private jets ?
Surely not.

Gets them closer to heaven
A good Christian certainly wouldn't feel that way. It's not what Jesus preached. Unfortunately, too many Republicans who like to consider themselves 'Good Christians', are some of the worst people you'll ever met. They actually despise the least fortunate among us. Jesus is not proud of them. Like i said before, you wanna be greedy & hateful, so be it. But don't call yourself a 'Good Christian.' Because that's not what Jesus was about.

You dodged the question.

Take another shot: "Share with us specifically what are these 'loopholes'."

WTF? I have no idea how you reach the bizarre conclusions you do.

You alluded you felt you were oppressed by CEO salaries so I just wanted to find out if you also felt oppressed by the the Clinton's exorbitantly high salary.

I don't feel oppressed my any CEO salary. I feel the Clintons are corrupt and by selling government influence to get rich screws all Americans. I feel oppressed by this filthy ass highly taxed welfare state government that takes my money and gives it away.

Do you disagree with any of those three things?
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
The well off should never have to pay for the poor…
Is that a Christian stance ?
There is no obligation in the Christian faith for one group to take care of the other group…

There is a real dumb ugliness in your opinions. I wonder if you are trolling ?
God takes care of those who take care of themselves...
So there is no obligation to help those in need ?

My thinking on this is changing. I used to believe that government should use its power to force the rich to pay for the poor. But, I now see that while we as individuals should help those in need, it's not the legitimate role of government to do that. The Constitution gives Congress the power to do specific things. To do those things, it is authorized to collect taxes to pay the debts of the United States.
The facts are the industrialists cashed in short term profits while they refused to invest in the modernization of their facilities. It was management who designed and built crappy cars nobody wanted.....the workers just did what they were told

Short term? How many decades was the auto industry based in and around Detroit building plants and turning out tens of millions of automobiles?

You have yet to point out how those manufacturers "used up" Detroit. The Unions forced our cars to be more expensive, leaving a huge market for lower priced moving into the market.

To be competitive, they were forced out of Detroit causing the collapse of a formerly great city.
The facts are the industrialists cashed in short term profits while they refused to invest in the modernization of their facilities. It was management who designed and built crappy cars nobody wanted.....the workers just did what they were told

Short term? How many decades was the auto industry based in and around Detroit building plants and turning out tens of millions of automobiles?

You have yet to point out how those manufacturers "used up" Detroit. The Unions forced our cars to be more expensive, leaving a huge market for lower priced moving into the market.

To be competitive, they were forced out of Detroit causing the collapse of a formerly great city.
well actually it was imports that caused the demise of the US auto manufacturer back thirty years ago. And the government allowed these cheaper cars in without taxing them for coming into the country. That is the actual root cause.

And making the american worker look like the schmuck.

WTF? I have no idea how you reach the bizarre conclusions you do.

You alluded you felt you were oppressed by CEO salaries so I just wanted to find out if you also felt oppressed by the the Clinton's exorbitantly high salary.

I don't feel oppressed my any CEO salary. I feel the Clintons are corrupt and by selling government influence to get rich screws all Americans. I feel oppressed by this filthy ass highly taxed welfare state government that takes my money and gives it away.

Do you disagree with any of those three things?
I do feel oppressed by CEO salaries because most CEOs only seem to have the power to screw things up and make life more difficult for those of us in the trenches who have to innovate our way out of their self serving, short term interests.

I cared about Clinton's speaking fees when they had t

WTF? I have no idea how you reach the bizarre conclusions you do.

You alluded you felt you were oppressed by CEO salaries so I just wanted to find out if you also felt oppressed by the the Clinton's exorbitantly high salary.

I don't feel oppressed my any CEO salary. I feel the Clintons are corrupt and by selling government influence to get rich screws all Americans. I feel oppressed by this filthy ass highly taxed welfare state government that takes my money and gives it away.

Do you disagree with any of those three things?
I do feel oppressed by CEO salaries because most CEOs only seem to have the power to screw things up and make like more difficult for those of us in the trenches who have to innovate our way past their self serving, short term interests.

As for Clinton, I felt oppressed when her speaking fees could influence policy in the favor of the corporations that were paying them. If she gets money for a book now, I could care less how much she makes.
The facts are the industrialists cashed in short term profits while they refused to invest in the modernization of their facilities. It was management who designed and built crappy cars nobody wanted.....the workers just did what they were told

Short term? How many decades was the auto industry based in and around Detroit building plants and turning out tens of millions of automobiles?

You have yet to point out how those manufacturers "used up" Detroit. The Unions forced our cars to be more expensive, leaving a huge market for lower priced moving into the market.

To be competitive, they were forced out of Detroit causing the collapse of a formerly great city.

Ford has been paying more for health insurance for their employees and families than they have been paying for steel, since 1977. Oddly enough, that system of employer group health plans, instead of single payer plans, like Medicare for all, is just peachy with the Right. But, when I hear that the Right blames the unions of the demise of American auto manufacturers, instead of on the ridiculous employer group health plan system, I marvel at the hypocrisy.
Owners/managers , I dont differentiate. The slice of the pie is the key. If one side takes more then the other side has less. It couldnt be more straightforward.

A typical misconception of Progressives.

They cannot wrap their head around the FACT that the pie does not remain the same size, it GROWS!

Progressives whine about it but they can never point out specifically how my making another $100.00 a week costs ANYONE, ANYWHERE to LOSE $100.00 a week.

By the way, there is a HUGE difference between an owner and a manager! The fact that you don't know the difference goes a long way to explaining your ignorance about out economy.
The facts are the industrialists cashed in short term profits while they refused to invest in the modernization of their facilities. It was management who designed and built crappy cars nobody wanted.....the workers just did what they were told

Short term? How many decades was the auto industry based in and around Detroit building plants and turning out tens of millions of automobiles?

You have yet to point out how those manufacturers "used up" Detroit. The Unions forced our cars to be more expensive, leaving a huge market for lower priced moving into the market.

To be competitive, they were forced out of Detroit causing the collapse of a formerly great city.

Ford has been paying more for health insurance for their employees and families than they have been paying for steel, since 1977. Oddly enough, that system of employer group health plans, instead of single payer plans, like Medicare for all, is just peachy with the Right. But, when I hear that the Right blames the unions of the demise of American auto manufacturers, instead of on the ridiculous employer group health plan system, I marvel at the hypocrisy.
No one starts/runs a business just to hire people… Dip shit
Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.

Heathens throw around the term loopholes in Jesus' teachings but they never say what are those loopholes.

So share with us, what are some of those loopholes?

I do feel oppressed by CEO salaries because most CEOs only seem to have the power to screw things up and make like more difficult for those of us in the trenches who have to innovate our way past their self serving, short term interests.

You always have the option of not buying the goods and services produced by any corporation that you feel oppressed by.

Can you give me a specific example of a CEO whose salary has oppressed you? Who, how much is his/her salary and how has it oppressed you? Don't respond in generalities. I want specifics.

The government oppresses us a million times more than any CEO.

I have a choice with corporations but I have no choice with this filthy oppressive government.

If I don't buy a good or service from a CEO's corporation I have only lost the utility of the good or service. If I I don't want to give a welfare queen my money then the fitly government will eventually send the jackbooted thugs to take my property by force or throw me in jail.

Do you understand the difference?

By the way, back in the 1970s I had some Disney stock that wasn't worth too much. Then the Disney Board of Directors hired Michael Eisner. Due to his leadership my stock grew in value tremendously and hundreds of millions people enjoyed the goods and services provided by the Disney corporation. If I remember correctly Eisner made a couple of hundred million each year. How was I or anybody else hurt by his salary?

I like oil company hiring CEOs that are competent and gets the oil out of the ground and into my gas tank, don't you?

I like my investment company hiring a CEO that takes care of my 401K for me. That keeps me happy. I don't care how much they pay him.

I like the CEO of Publix making money getting groceries to the local store. I like the CEO of General Mills getting the food from the ground to the grocery store, don't you?

I suspect that the only reason you hate CEO salaries is nothing more than greed and envy. The welfare queens and illegal aliens steals a lot more money from you than any CEO. You are simply confused about it.

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