Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.

Heathens throw around the term loopholes in Jesus' teachings but they never say what are those loopholes.

So share with us, what are some of those loopholes?

Y'all desperately try to distort what Jesus taught, to justify your hate and hostility towards the poor. You don't live Jesus' teachings. You're hateful frauds.
Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.

Heathens throw around the term loopholes in Jesus' teachings but they never say what are those loopholes.

So share with us, what are some of those loopholes?

Y'all desperately try to distort what Jesus taught, to justify your hate and hostility towards the poor. You don't live Jesus' teachings. You're hateful frauds.
or not!!!
Drop it already. democrats claim to be Christians as well. Remember Bubba Clinton carrying the 20 lb Bible into Church, then going off toa dalliance with Monica?

The best part was that the Rev. Jesse Jackson signed on as President Clinton's personal advisor. Here is a photo of Jackson and Clinton took at the time. The woman staffer circled in red was the Rev. Jackson's mistress at the time and in the photo, she is pregnant.
Y'all desperately try to distort what Jesus taught, to justify your hate and hostility towards the poor. You don't live Jesus' teachings. You're hateful frauds.

Why do all of you make these deplorable allegations but refuse to share what you mean?

Step up, spell it out for us, what is your specific allegation?
and you still can't tell me how what I make has any impact on what you make can you?

You seem to have trouble grasping the concept of a nationwide economy

Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
No, not a real pie, but a "theoretical economic pie" that everyone has to feed off of
Now, if Government sets the rules on who gets to slice the pie and who gets to decide how many pieces everyone gets...we have something called economic inequality
Ok then tell me how the guy in NYC who makes 10 million a month is responsible for you and 10 million other people not earning more

Again you struggle with the concept of a national economy
We are not talking about one person having millions, we are talking about $18 trillion in a country of 330 million people

Now...Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
and you still cannot answer my question

if it makes it any easier for you take ALL the people making a million dollars a year or more and then tell me how that makes ALL the rest of the people earn less than they do
Under voodoo, the rich don't pay their fair share and there's no money to invest in training and ed for jobs going begging. Duh. Shortfalls in fed aids to states also make state and local taxes and fees rise, taxes which kill the nonrich.

Once again, specifically for you, the slow learner.


The Republican approach to our least fortunate, is very hostile and cold-hearted. It's not what Jesus taught. Jesus didn't preach hate & greed
One of the things Jesus promoted was self reliance and self discipline. Lets not parse the holy ones message.

LMAO, really?

Please, do quote the scriptures where Jesus said "thou shalt hustle and flow, mutha fuckas, get that paper!"
Well, you're entitled to being hateful and greedy. But don't think of yourself as a 'Good Christian.' Because your treatment of the least fortunate among us, is not Christian. Jesus doesn't approve. Heaven may not await you.

All you Heathens do is whine in generalities. Come on, step up with your specifics. You don't have anything, do you?
The LDS church apparently has a very good PR department and a very creative accounting department (also a very active legal council but that's beside the point). Active members give a 10% tithe but of the money that goes to the church, about 1% goes to charity.

You really should do some research before you attack things of which you know nothing!
LMAO, really?

Please, do quote the scriptures where Jesus said "thou shalt hustle and flow, mutha fuckas, get that paper!"
hustle and flow, mutha fuckas???? No that is what Democrats do. And suckers like you fall for it every time.
Well, you're entitled to being hateful and greedy. But don't think of yourself as a 'Good Christian.' Because your treatment of the least fortunate among us, is not Christian. Jesus doesn't approve. Heaven may not await you.

All you Heathens do is whine in generalities. Come on, step up with your specifics. You don't have anything, do you?

Your hate and hostility towards the least fortunate among us has been expressed very clearly. They're all 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeymen to y'all. It's certainly not something Jesus preached. But that's ok, a mighty humbling will likely happen for many Republicans like you.

One day y'all may be in need, and you'll hope & pray for compassion. But you won't likely get it from your fellow Republicans. They could care less about you. In your cases, it will probably take a mighty humbling for you to find your humanity. When or if you're ever suffering and in need, your view of the poor will change dramatically. But i hope it doesn't take a humbling for y'all to find your humanity. You can find it right now. Good luck and God Bless.
Your hate and hostility towards the least fortunate among us has been expressed very clearly. They're all 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeymen to y'all. It's certainly not something Jesus preached. But that's ok, a mighty humbling will likely happen for many Republicans like you.

One day y'all may be in need, and you'll hope & pray for compassion. But you won't likely get it from your fellow Republicans. They could care less about you. In your cases, it'll take a might humbling for you to find your humanity. When or if you're ever suffering and in need, your view of the poor will change dramatically. But i hope it doesn't take a humbling for y'all to find your humanity. You can find it right now. Good luck and God Bless.
well actually it was imports that caused the demise of the US auto manufacturer back thirty years ago. And the government allowed these cheaper cars in without taxing them for coming into the country. That is the actual root cause.

The result of which would have been the taxing of American cars being imported by those other countries. Lose, lose situation.
Y'all desperately try to distort what Jesus taught, to justify your hate and hostility towards the poor. You don't live Jesus' teachings. You're hateful frauds.

Still waiting for you to spell out what you are talking about in your ludicrous allegations. Come on my good man, step up and dazzle us with your brilliance!
Your hate and hostility towards the least fortunate among us has been expressed very clearly. They're all 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeymen to y'all. It's certainly not something Jesus preached. But that's ok, a mighty humbling will likely happen for many Republicans like you.

So step up boy, be specific. All you're doing here is making denigrating comments proving that you know nothing or are incredibly jealous.

Come on boy, no guts no glory. Quote the scripture that angers and fills you with the most hate.

I do feel oppressed by CEO salaries because most CEOs only seem to have the power to screw things up and make like more difficult for those of us in the trenches who have to innovate our way past their self serving, short term interests.

You always have the option of not buying the goods and services produced by any corporation that you feel oppressed by.

Can you give me a specific example of a CEO whose salary has oppressed you? Who, how much is his/her salary and how has it oppressed you? Don't respond in generalities. I want specifics.

The government oppresses us a million times more than any CEO.

I have a choice with corporations but I have no choice with this filthy oppressive government.

If I don't buy a good or service from a CEO's corporation I have only lost the utility of the good or service. If I I don't want to give a welfare queen my money then the fitly government will eventually send the jackbooted thugs to take my property by force or throw me in jail.

Do you understand the difference?

By the way, back in the 1970s I had some Disney stock that wasn't worth too much. Then the Disney Board of Directors hired Michael Eisner. Due to his leadership my stock grew in value tremendously and hundreds of millions people enjoyed the goods and services provided by the Disney corporation. If I remember correctly Eisner made a couple of hundred million each year. How was I or anybody else hurt by his salary?

I like oil company hiring CEOs that are competent and gets the oil out of the ground and into my gas tank, don't you?

I like my investment company hiring a CEO that takes care of my 401K for me. That keeps me happy. I don't care how much they pay him.

I like the CEO of Publix making money getting groceries to the local store. I like the CEO of General Mills getting the food from the ground to the grocery store, don't you?

I suspect that the only reason you hate CEO salaries is nothing more than greed and envy. The welfare queens and illegal aliens steals a lot more money from you than any CEO. You are simply confused about it.
The corporation that I work for now is a good example of the dynamic I'm describing. When I started, the company was run by the founder who took it from small start up to international corporation. He was an engineer turned entrepreneur who never forgot the value of the people who were working for him and he had numerous programs for training and recognition that showed him to be a true humanitarian. Fast forward about 5 or 10 years and he was getting too old to continue. That's when the usual cadre of self promoters, and business types who had no idea how to create a product all vying for their lucrative slot in the big corporation. The humanitarian aspect disappeared and was replaced by the usual mantra of downsize, outsource and exploit. As someone who innovates for a living, I can tell you that the idea that there are no limits to your slice of the pie has been listening to too many motivational speakers. As fast paced as the development cycle is, there are always limits and the guys at the top will make sure they get way more than anyone else.

And don't even get me started on Michael Eisner. He turned Disneyland into a tee shirt store. Talk about putting minimal value in and milking maximum money out.
What does a hedge fund manager do that is so great, so important, that he deserves making $37,000/hr?

Not that it is any of your business, but what should he be making? how much does he get to keep? do you pay more in taxes than he does?

And why is it better for this country that he pays 10% less of a tax rate than I do?
Because if you are to be taken seriously, at $37,000/hr he pays far more in taxes than you even make...far more, which under the left wing system means he does far more for the poor than you do, if you really want to hurt the poor, let that guy pay what you pay in taxes, that would be hurting them.
The LDS church apparently has a very good PR department and a very creative accounting department (also a very active legal council but that's beside the point). Active members give a 10% tithe but of the money that goes to the church, about 1% goes to charity.

You really should do some research before you attack things of which you know nothing!
JFC, I live in Utah, a have family who belong to the church, it's been a longstanding thorn in my side to which I've done a ton of research. What the fuck do you know about it?

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