Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Well after 50 pages I thought that I might summarise the general feeling.

1. Its their own fault.
2. Fuck em.
3. I did fine so why cant they ?
4. Fuck em.
5. I really hate them.
6. Its Gods will.
7. Fuck em.
8. I have done really well.
9. And so have my kids.
10. Fuck em.

Have I missed anything ?
Quite a bit, really. You missed the whole, "We need a Christian theocracy!!!" bit.
I dont think that charity and compassion are just Christian values.
it is promoted better and at a much higher volume than any other group.

I do feel oppressed by CEO salaries because most CEOs only seem to have the power to screw things up and make like more difficult for those of us in the trenches who have to innovate our way past their self serving, short term interests.

You always have the option of not buying the goods and services produced by any corporation that you feel oppressed by.

Can you give me a specific example of a CEO whose salary has oppressed you? Who, how much is his/her salary and how has it oppressed you? Don't respond in generalities. I want specifics.

The government oppresses us a million times more than any CEO.

I have a choice with corporations but I have no choice with this filthy oppressive government.

If I don't buy a good or service from a CEO's corporation I have only lost the utility of the good or service. If I I don't want to give a welfare queen my money then the fitly government will eventually send the jackbooted thugs to take my property by force or throw me in jail.

Do you understand the difference?

By the way, back in the 1970s I had some Disney stock that wasn't worth too much. Then the Disney Board of Directors hired Michael Eisner. Due to his leadership my stock grew in value tremendously and hundreds of millions people enjoyed the goods and services provided by the Disney corporation. If I remember correctly Eisner made a couple of hundred million each year. How was I or anybody else hurt by his salary?

I like oil company hiring CEOs that are competent and gets the oil out of the ground and into my gas tank, don't you?

I like my investment company hiring a CEO that takes care of my 401K for me. That keeps me happy. I don't care how much they pay him.

I like the CEO of Publix making money getting groceries to the local store. I like the CEO of General Mills getting the food from the ground to the grocery store, don't you?

I suspect that the only reason you hate CEO salaries is nothing more than greed and envy. The welfare queens and illegal aliens steals a lot more money from you than any CEO. You are simply confused about it.
The corporation that I work for now is a good example of the dynamic I'm describing. When I started, the company was run by the founder who took it from small start up to international corporation. He was an engineer turned entrepreneur who never forgot the value of the people who were working for him and he had numerous programs for training and recognition that showed him to be a true humanitarian. Fast forward about 5 or 10 years and he was getting too old to continue. That's when the usual cadre of self promoters, and business types who had no idea how to create a product all vying for their lucrative slot in the big corporation. The humanitarian aspect disappeared and was replaced by the usual mantra of downsize, outsource and exploit. As someone who innovates for a living, I can tell you that the idea that there are no limits to your slice of the pie has been listening to too many motivational speakers. As fast paced as the development cycle is, there are always limits and the guys at the top will make sure they get way more than anyone else.

And don't even get me started on Michael Eisner. He turned Disneyland into a tee shirt store. Talk about putting minimal value in and milking maximum money out.

Eisner did turn the Disney Corp into a T shirt company but people made money off the t shirts. Lots of money because other people wanted to buy the t-shirts. I made a nice profit on my stock. Hundreds of millions of people bought what Eisner was selling

If you don't ever want to buy anything made by Disney then that is fine. You don't ever have to contribute to the money that the CEO of Disney makes. It doesn't hurt you in the least how much the CEO of Disney makes, does it?

In fact it doesn't hurt you in the least what any CEO makes and that is the reason you never answered my questions, isn't it? You can't come up with any concrete examples of where some CEOs salary has ever hurt you, can you?

However, I can you a great example of how the filthy ass government hurts me. I have to pay taxes each year and other people gets some of the money that I earned. People that did nothing to earn the money that I gave the filthy government.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?
didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.
Well after 50 pages I thought that I might summarise the general feeling.

1. Its their own fault.
2. Fuck em.
3. I did fine so why cant they ?
4. Fuck em.
5. I really hate them.
6. Its Gods will.
7. Fuck em.
8. I have done really well.
9. And so have my kids.
10. Fuck em.

Have I missed anything ?
Quite a bit, really. You missed the whole, "We need a Christian theocracy!!!" bit.
I dont think that charity and compassion are just Christian values.
too bad you define compassion as taking someone else's money
and to say someone didn't give enough. It's amazing how they feel obligated to spend others money. I never see them offering to pay extra at tax time.

Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?

You still haven't answered my question but I will comment on your deflection.

Before Eisner Disney was a lackluster company. He was the change that produced a tremendous increase in profit that provided a product people wanted to buy and also jobs for many more people.

He was worth the money that the BODs paid him. I am glad he was hired and incentivized to make money because I got a nice little profit on my stock. In fact that profit did a lot to allow me to take an earlier retirement.

His salary helped me but you still haven't answered my question about giving examples of how a CEOs salary has hurt you.. You are not going to do it because you don't have an example. All you have is your hate, greed and envy, right?

I do feel oppressed by CEO salaries because most CEOs only seem to have the power to screw things up and make like more difficult for those of us in the trenches who have to innovate our way past their self serving, short term interests.

You always have the option of not buying the goods and services produced by any corporation that you feel oppressed by.

Can you give me a specific example of a CEO whose salary has oppressed you? Who, how much is his/her salary and how has it oppressed you? Don't respond in generalities. I want specifics.

The government oppresses us a million times more than any CEO.

I have a choice with corporations but I have no choice with this filthy oppressive government.

If I don't buy a good or service from a CEO's corporation I have only lost the utility of the good or service. If I I don't want to give a welfare queen my money then the fitly government will eventually send the jackbooted thugs to take my property by force or throw me in jail.

Do you understand the difference?

By the way, back in the 1970s I had some Disney stock that wasn't worth too much. Then the Disney Board of Directors hired Michael Eisner. Due to his leadership my stock grew in value tremendously and hundreds of millions people enjoyed the goods and services provided by the Disney corporation. If I remember correctly Eisner made a couple of hundred million each year. How was I or anybody else hurt by his salary?

I like oil company hiring CEOs that are competent and gets the oil out of the ground and into my gas tank, don't you?

I like my investment company hiring a CEO that takes care of my 401K for me. That keeps me happy. I don't care how much they pay him.

I like the CEO of Publix making money getting groceries to the local store. I like the CEO of General Mills getting the food from the ground to the grocery store, don't you?

I suspect that the only reason you hate CEO salaries is nothing more than greed and envy. The welfare queens and illegal aliens steals a lot more money from you than any CEO. You are simply confused about it.
The corporation that I work for now is a good example of the dynamic I'm describing. When I started, the company was run by the founder who took it from small start up to international corporation. He was an engineer turned entrepreneur who never forgot the value of the people who were working for him and he had numerous programs for training and recognition that showed him to be a true humanitarian. Fast forward about 5 or 10 years and he was getting too old to continue. That's when the usual cadre of self promoters, and business types who had no idea how to create a product all vying for their lucrative slot in the big corporation. The humanitarian aspect disappeared and was replaced by the usual mantra of downsize, outsource and exploit. As someone who innovates for a living, I can tell you that the idea that there are no limits to your slice of the pie has been listening to too many motivational speakers. As fast paced as the development cycle is, there are always limits and the guys at the top will make sure they get way more than anyone else.

And don't even get me started on Michael Eisner. He turned Disneyland into a tee shirt store. Talk about putting minimal value in and milking maximum money out.

Eisner did turn the Disney Corp into a T shirt company but people made money off the t shirts. Lots of money because other people wanted to buy the t-shirts. I made a nice profit on my stock. Hundreds of millions of people bought what Eisner was selling

If you don't ever want to buy anything made by Disney then that is fine. You don't ever have to contribute to the money that the CEO of Disney makes. It doesn't hurt you in the least how much the CEO of Disney makes, does it?

In fact it doesn't hurt you in the least what any CEO makes and that is the reason you never answered my questions, isn't it? You can't come up with any concrete examples of where some CEOs salary has ever hurt you, can you?

However, I can you a great example of how the filthy ass government hurts me. I have to pay taxes each year and other people gets some of the money that I earned. People that did nothing to earn the money that I gave the filthy government.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?
didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.

didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.

Living here in Central Florida I knew and know people that worked at Disney World. For them it was just a job. They made (make) a living doing what some boss told them to do. Before Eisner they worked for a lackluster company. After Esiner they worked for a profitable growing company.

Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?

You still haven't answered my question but I will comment on your deflection.

Before Eisner Disney was a lackluster company. He was the change that produced a tremendous increase in profit that provided a product people wanted to buy and also jobs for many more people.

He was worth the money that the BODs paid him. I am glad he was hired and incentivized to make money because I got a nice little profit on my stock. In fact that profit did a lot to allow me to take an earlier retirement.

His salary helped me but you still haven't answered my question about giving examples of how a CEOs salary has hurt you.. You are not going to do it because you don't have an example. All you have is your hate, greed and envy, right?
I already told you about the corporation I work for and how the climate changed once the founder was replaced with the typical greedy opportunist. Did you miss that?
You always have the option of not buying the goods and services produced by any corporation that you feel oppressed by.

Can you give me a specific example of a CEO whose salary has oppressed you? Who, how much is his/her salary and how has it oppressed you? Don't respond in generalities. I want specifics.

The government oppresses us a million times more than any CEO.

I have a choice with corporations but I have no choice with this filthy oppressive government.

If I don't buy a good or service from a CEO's corporation I have only lost the utility of the good or service. If I I don't want to give a welfare queen my money then the fitly government will eventually send the jackbooted thugs to take my property by force or throw me in jail.

Do you understand the difference?

By the way, back in the 1970s I had some Disney stock that wasn't worth too much. Then the Disney Board of Directors hired Michael Eisner. Due to his leadership my stock grew in value tremendously and hundreds of millions people enjoyed the goods and services provided by the Disney corporation. If I remember correctly Eisner made a couple of hundred million each year. How was I or anybody else hurt by his salary?

I like oil company hiring CEOs that are competent and gets the oil out of the ground and into my gas tank, don't you?

I like my investment company hiring a CEO that takes care of my 401K for me. That keeps me happy. I don't care how much they pay him.

I like the CEO of Publix making money getting groceries to the local store. I like the CEO of General Mills getting the food from the ground to the grocery store, don't you?

I suspect that the only reason you hate CEO salaries is nothing more than greed and envy. The welfare queens and illegal aliens steals a lot more money from you than any CEO. You are simply confused about it.
The corporation that I work for now is a good example of the dynamic I'm describing. When I started, the company was run by the founder who took it from small start up to international corporation. He was an engineer turned entrepreneur who never forgot the value of the people who were working for him and he had numerous programs for training and recognition that showed him to be a true humanitarian. Fast forward about 5 or 10 years and he was getting too old to continue. That's when the usual cadre of self promoters, and business types who had no idea how to create a product all vying for their lucrative slot in the big corporation. The humanitarian aspect disappeared and was replaced by the usual mantra of downsize, outsource and exploit. As someone who innovates for a living, I can tell you that the idea that there are no limits to your slice of the pie has been listening to too many motivational speakers. As fast paced as the development cycle is, there are always limits and the guys at the top will make sure they get way more than anyone else.

And don't even get me started on Michael Eisner. He turned Disneyland into a tee shirt store. Talk about putting minimal value in and milking maximum money out.

Eisner did turn the Disney Corp into a T shirt company but people made money off the t shirts. Lots of money because other people wanted to buy the t-shirts. I made a nice profit on my stock. Hundreds of millions of people bought what Eisner was selling

If you don't ever want to buy anything made by Disney then that is fine. You don't ever have to contribute to the money that the CEO of Disney makes. It doesn't hurt you in the least how much the CEO of Disney makes, does it?

In fact it doesn't hurt you in the least what any CEO makes and that is the reason you never answered my questions, isn't it? You can't come up with any concrete examples of where some CEOs salary has ever hurt you, can you?

However, I can you a great example of how the filthy ass government hurts me. I have to pay taxes each year and other people gets some of the money that I earned. People that did nothing to earn the money that I gave the filthy government.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?
didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.
Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.
so are you saying you don't try to make the most you can? Wow, then every professional sports athlete that wants more than anyone ever are all conservatives? Let's see, that's basketball, baseball, football, hockey, bowling, soccer. Hell, even the women's soccer athletes want as much as the men? what a bunch of money seeking beaches.
Well after 50 pages I thought that I might summarise the general feeling.

1. Its their own fault.
2. Fuck em.
3. I did fine so why cant they ?
4. Fuck em.
5. I really hate them.
6. Its Gods will.
7. Fuck em.
8. I have done really well.
9. And so have my kids.
10. Fuck em.

Have I missed anything ?

They are not really poor
Cant be poor and own a fridge.
Fridge?.....our poor eat caviar and lobster for breakfast

didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.

Living here in Central Florida I knew and know people that worked at Disney World. For them it was just a job. They made (make) a living doing what some boss told them to do. Before Eisner they worked for a lackluster company. After Esiner they worked for a profitable growing company.
and they all want him to fail. hahahaahhhahahhaaha these fking goofs are fking goofy.

Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.

That is bullshit. You are really confused about things like this.

Political leaning have little or nothing to do with creativity.

By the way Moon Bat, making money is a good thing. It keeps you off welfare that keeps other people from having to pay your bills. It is being a "creative" welfare queens that is a bad thing.

Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people poured their creativity and talent into making Disneyland one of the coolest places in the world and as it happened, it turned a nice profit at the same time. Then this greedy fucking parasite moves in and in a classic case of short term self interest, makes it half as cool as it once was. Sorry, this is the seedy belly on capitalism at work. Why couldn't he have picked an industry that's already been ruined like health insurance to ply his trade?

You still haven't answered my question but I will comment on your deflection.

Before Eisner Disney was a lackluster company. He was the change that produced a tremendous increase in profit that provided a product people wanted to buy and also jobs for many more people.

He was worth the money that the BODs paid him. I am glad he was hired and incentivized to make money because I got a nice little profit on my stock. In fact that profit did a lot to allow me to take an earlier retirement.

His salary helped me but you still haven't answered my question about giving examples of how a CEOs salary has hurt you.. You are not going to do it because you don't have an example. All you have is your hate, greed and envy, right?
I already told you about the corporation I work for and how the climate changed once the founder was replaced with the typical greedy opportunist. Did you miss that?
you have no idea what fking happened once that guy left. Zippola. businesses don't generally just give up when revenues are good. so, go for take two.

didn't those tens and hundreds of thousands of people make a buck? Or are you saying they did out the goodness of their hearts? you all are too funny I have to admit that. comedians all of you.

Living here in Central Florida I knew and know people that worked at Disney World. For them it was just a job. They made (make) a living doing what some boss told them to do. Before Eisner they worked for a lackluster company. After Esiner they worked for a profitable growing company.
and they all want him to fail. hahahaahhhahahhaaha these fking goofs are fking goofy.
that one fking greedy ass old man has hundreds of thousand people working for his company everywhere in the world and he's a bad guy. Only in a libturd hollow mind.

That's when a reasonable person such as myself can only conclude that the libturds don't want people working. i.e., hitlery.
Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.

Heathens throw around the term loopholes in Jesus' teachings but they never say what are those loopholes.

So share with us, what are some of those loopholes?

Y'all desperately try to distort what Jesus taught, to justify your hate and hostility towards the poor. You don't live Jesus' teachings. You're hateful frauds.

Just because a person does not support a government that panders to the so-called poor doesn't mean a person personally doesn't.

Government just hands out money with few questions asked while individuals can examine a particular situation to determine if his or her charity IS warranted. What most of us have seen with government charity are people who have learned to milk the system. Sure, they can work, but opt not to. They can buy their own food, but allow taxpayers to buy their food for them so they can spend their resources on alcohol, tobacco, pet products, perfumes and flowers.

Then you on the left (mostly Godless people in the first place) try to cast guilt onto us by using religion. In the mind of a leftists, a person could provide charity on their own, but if they don't support government forcefully taking money and giving it to others of governments choice, they are not being Christian.

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. You simply cannot criticize others and their Christian values when you use government systems to promote laziness, advance even more poverty, encourage the decay of morality, and feel good about yourself since government theft is the only charity you are involved in.
Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.

Heathens throw around the term loopholes in Jesus' teachings but they never say what are those loopholes.

So share with us, what are some of those loopholes?

Y'all desperately try to distort what Jesus taught, to justify your hate and hostility towards the poor. You don't live Jesus' teachings. You're hateful frauds.

Just because a person does not support a government that panders to the so-called poor doesn't mean a person personally doesn't.

Government just hands out money with few questions asked while individuals can examine a particular situation to determine if his or her charity IS warranted. What most of us have seen with government charity are people who have learned to milk the system. Sure, they can work, but opt not to. They can buy their own food, but allow taxpayers to buy their food for them so they can spend their resources on alcohol, tobacco, pet products, perfumes and flowers.

Then you on the left (mostly Godless people in the first place) try to cast guilt onto us by using religion. In the mind of a leftists, a person could provide charity on their own, but if they don't support government forcefully taking money and giving it to others of governments choice, they are not being Christian.

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. You simply cannot criticize others and their Christian values when you use government systems to promote laziness, advance even more poverty, encourage the decay of morality, and feel good about yourself since government theft is the only charity you are involved in.
ray, they think they speak for the poor. these low life do nothings think they are better than the poor and can just speak for them. How white eh?

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