Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

To answer the question in the OP, it's because conservatives are selfish pieces of shit,.

but they give more to charity than liberals??
I'll repeat:

Conservatives tend to donate to their churches (tax deductable) which in turn, contribute a small amount of that back to actual charities. The predominant church in my area considers itself a charitable organization for the tax benefits but the actual amount of charity is about 1%.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our church is a big contributor to feeding the poor and providing services in the community to those that really need it.

This next Sunday morning we will meet at the regular service time and go en mass to the grocery stores and buy food instead of having the normal worship service. We do that several times a year.

What are you going to be doing this Sunday morning Moon Bat, laying in bed?

The third weekend of every month my wife and I go to the grocery store and buy food and donate it to our church's food pantry. We also help to support an orphanage.

What do you do Moon Bat other than bitch that the rich are not being taxed enough?
These liberal ding dings probably don't know that the very Meals on Wheels program that they have been whining about for the last month was founded and staffed by the Presbyterian church.
Why isn't it still?
Because they partnered with other charitable organizations like The United Way ( who is on their board of directors).
Do you?

Tell me how does what I make (my pie) have any impact on your income( your pie)?

You see....there is not a "Real Pie" that people are slicing up

It is a theoretical pie based on a graphical representation we call a "Pie Chart"


and you still can't tell me how what I make has any impact on what you make can you?

You seem to have trouble grasping the concept of a nationwide economy

Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
No, not a real pie, but a "theoretical economic pie" that everyone has to feed off of
Now, if Government sets the rules on who gets to slice the pie and who gets to decide how many pieces everyone gets...we have something called economic inequality
Ok then tell me how the guy in NYC who makes 10 million a month is responsible for you and 10 million other people not earning more

Again you struggle with the concept of a national economy
We are not talking about one person having millions, we are talking about $18 trillion in a country of 330 million people

Now...Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
Okay...go have all the liberals in Hollywood fork over their fare share and then you can worry about the CEO's you like to whine about.
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
You will note that earlier he was bloviating that by law we should be getting 4 weeks off or more. And that's why we need unions.

Now the tune changes because I work in healthcare and get 6 weeks. Which is average for most corporations BTW.
It's not average for corporations - not even close. Most corporations top out at 4 weeks. One that I've considered working for tops out at 5. I've never seen 6 in an American corporation. Here's one more reason that healthcare costs go up way faster than inflation and are bloated beyond any other industry.

Another good example of why pharma in particular is a scam is that they hire former beauty queens to go around a flirt with doctors. I knew one about 15 years ago that made 60k for a part time gig. She'd finish by lunch time and go home and drink rum and cokes all afternoon.
That's interesting because even the federal government give employees 6 weeks.
100+ pages and we still have over half the people arguing that you can't care about the poor unless you are liberal and giving the money of others to them.

Government will never be the mechanism to best help the poor. And no matter how many people want to pretend you are not justified in ignoring the poor because government programs exist. Go out and feed someone.

There is one thing we've never tried (at least in my lifetime) to end poverty, and that is to end the handouts.

If you get hungry enough, you'll take one of those jobs posted at every corner of every street in the US. If your income is not enough, you will work more hours to bring in that income. If there is nothing incentivizing you to not work more hours, you may end up working 60 plus hours a week.

I would love to see all handouts stopped for a period of two years just to see the end results. I'd bet a months paycheck we would reduce poverty more that way than giving people money they didn't work for. I bet with no handouts, less people would enter poverty in the first place. Like I said, it's never been tried. The closest we came to that was in the 90's with welfare reform, and that was a huge success.

But why look back at what worked? Just listen to liberals to solve poverty.
Take away food from the poor and you have a lot hungry people.
Take away housing from the poor and you have a lot more homeless people.
Take away healthcare from the poor and you have more sick people.

In the US you have 9 million single parent families on welfare which includes 19 million kids. Take away government support and you'll have more runaways, child prostitution, and juvenile crime. With very rare exception, a single mother in poverty can not make enough money to support a family and care for the kids.
You see....there is not a "Real Pie" that people are slicing up

It is a theoretical pie based on a graphical representation we call a "Pie Chart"


and you still can't tell me how what I make has any impact on what you make can you?

You seem to have trouble grasping the concept of a nationwide economy

Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
No, not a real pie, but a "theoretical economic pie" that everyone has to feed off of
Now, if Government sets the rules on who gets to slice the pie and who gets to decide how many pieces everyone gets...we have something called economic inequality
Ok then tell me how the guy in NYC who makes 10 million a month is responsible for you and 10 million other people not earning more

Again you struggle with the concept of a national economy
We are not talking about one person having millions, we are talking about $18 trillion in a country of 330 million people

Now...Think of it as A REALLY BIG PIE
Okay...go have all the liberals in Hollywood fork over their fare share and then you can worry about the CEO's you like to whine about.
Those liberals in Hollywood support policies that will raise their taxes

Wealthy Repbublicans want to cut programs that help the poor
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
You will note that earlier he was bloviating that by law we should be getting 4 weeks off or more. And that's why we need unions.

Now the tune changes because I work in healthcare and get 6 weeks. Which is average for most corporations BTW.
It's not average for corporations - not even close. Most corporations top out at 4 weeks. One that I've considered working for tops out at 5. I've never seen 6 in an American corporation. Here's one more reason that healthcare costs go up way faster than inflation and are bloated beyond any other industry.

Another good example of why pharma in particular is a scam is that they hire former beauty queens to go around a flirt with doctors. I knew one about 15 years ago that made 60k for a part time gig. She'd finish by lunch time and go home and drink rum and cokes all afternoon.
That's interesting because even the federal government give employees 6 weeks.
Maximum is five weeks after 15 years
The facts are the industrialists cashed in short term profits while they refused to invest in the modernization of their facilities. It was management who designed and built crappy cars nobody wanted.....the workers just did what they were told

Short term? How many decades was the auto industry based in and around Detroit building plants and turning out tens of millions of automobiles?

You have yet to point out how those manufacturers "used up" Detroit. The Unions forced our cars to be more expensive, leaving a huge market for lower priced moving into the market.

To be competitive, they were forced out of Detroit causing the collapse of a formerly great city.

Ford has been paying more for health insurance for their employees and families than they have been paying for steel, since 1977. Oddly enough, that system of employer group health plans, instead of single payer plans, like Medicare for all, is just peachy with the Right. But, when I hear that the Right blames the unions of the demise of American auto manufacturers, instead of on the ridiculous employer group health plan system, I marvel at the hypocrisy.
No one starts/runs a business just to hire people… Dip shit

I don't have the slightest idea of what your point is. My point is simply that the republicans, by blocking single payer health insurance, have, instead, saddled employers with the cost of health insurance, making manufacturers uncompetitive in the world market, and then blaming unions for the decline in sales of American cars.

Try to focus.

A good Christian certainly wouldn't feel that way. It's not what Jesus preached. Unfortunately, too many Republicans who like to consider themselves 'Good Christians', are some of the worst people you'll ever met. They actually despise the least fortunate among us. Jesus is not proud of them. Like i said before, you wanna be greedy & hateful, so be it. But don't call yourself a 'Good Christian.' Because that's not what Jesus was about.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you would ever go to church the Bible very clearly (both the Old and New Testaments) teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

Nowhere does it say that Christians should outsource charity to a bloated, out of control, oppressive, debt ridden, corrupt, government run by bureaucrats whose bosses are dishonest politicians elected by special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you seem to be an authority on Christianity were you in church yesterday? I went to church. We met in the morning and then had a short devotion and then the congregation left the church and went to the local grocery stores and bought food for our food pantry that will be distributed to needed charities in the area. We do this about three or four times a year and yesterday just happen to be one of the days.

So what were you doing yesterday morning Moon Bat? Laying in bed while Christians (mostly right wingers in my church) were out feeding the poor?
Yep. Did the same ...one of our senior centers gives out lists of items requested by seniors every month. Took them three boxes full of stuff like ...

Face moisturizer
Hair gel
Dental floss
Dog food
Reading glasses

A good Christian certainly wouldn't feel that way. It's not what Jesus preached. Unfortunately, too many Republicans who like to consider themselves 'Good Christians', are some of the worst people you'll ever met. They actually despise the least fortunate among us. Jesus is not proud of them. Like i said before, you wanna be greedy & hateful, so be it. But don't call yourself a 'Good Christian.' Because that's not what Jesus was about.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you would ever go to church the Bible very clearly (both the Old and New Testaments) teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

Nowhere does it say that Christians should outsource charity to a bloated, out of control, oppressive, debt ridden, corrupt, government run by bureaucrats whose bosses are dishonest politicians elected by special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you seem to be an authority on Christianity were you in church yesterday? I went to church. We met in the morning and then had a short devotion and then the congregation left the church and went to the local grocery stores and bought food for our food pantry that will be distributed to needed charities in the area. We do this about three or four times a year and yesterday just happen to be one of the days.

So what were you doing yesterday morning Moon Bat? Laying in bed while Christians (mostly right wingers in my church) were out feeding the poor?

Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.
Drop it already. democrats claim to be Christians as well. Remember Bubba Clinton carrying the 20 lb Bible into Church, then going off toa dalliance with Monica?
Or Oblahblah spouting scriptures and then getting cooked up
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
You will note that earlier he was bloviating that by law we should be getting 4 weeks off or more. And that's why we need unions.

Now the tune changes because I work in healthcare and get 6 weeks. Which is average for most corporations BTW.
It's not average for corporations - not even close. Most corporations top out at 4 weeks. One that I've considered working for tops out at 5. I've never seen 6 in an American corporation. Here's one more reason that healthcare costs go up way faster than inflation and are bloated beyond any other industry.

Another good example of why pharma in particular is a scam is that they hire former beauty queens to go around a flirt with doctors. I knew one about 15 years ago that made 60k for a part time gig. She'd finish by lunch time and go home and drink rum and cokes all afternoon.
That's interesting because even the federal government give employees 6 weeks.
Then your Big Health corp and the fed gov't are better than anywhere else, ignoramus dupe. And at scamming the people.

A good Christian certainly wouldn't feel that way. It's not what Jesus preached. Unfortunately, too many Republicans who like to consider themselves 'Good Christians', are some of the worst people you'll ever met. They actually despise the least fortunate among us. Jesus is not proud of them. Like i said before, you wanna be greedy & hateful, so be it. But don't call yourself a 'Good Christian.' Because that's not what Jesus was about.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you would ever go to church the Bible very clearly (both the Old and New Testaments) teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

Nowhere does it say that Christians should outsource charity to a bloated, out of control, oppressive, debt ridden, corrupt, government run by bureaucrats whose bosses are dishonest politicians elected by special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you seem to be an authority on Christianity were you in church yesterday? I went to church. We met in the morning and then had a short devotion and then the congregation left the church and went to the local grocery stores and bought food for our food pantry that will be distributed to needed charities in the area. We do this about three or four times a year and yesterday just happen to be one of the days.

So what were you doing yesterday morning Moon Bat? Laying in bed while Christians (mostly right wingers in my church) were out feeding the poor?

Typical Republican. Always looking for 'loopholes' in Jesus' teachings. You Republicans need a grand 'Come to Jesus' Meeting. Because most of you are not living his teachings. Your hostile abusive approach to the least fortunate among us, is exactly the opposite of what Jesus stood for. You're not the 'Good Christians' you think you are.
Probably because those appearing as the least fortunate among us are the least fortunate because they are criminals and scammers.

Well, you're entitled to being hateful and greedy. But don't think of yourself as a 'Good Christian.' Because your treatment of the least fortunate among us, is not Christian. Jesus doesn't approve. Heaven may not await you.
Democrats demand the seperation of church and state. Therefore they don't get to demand things while invoking Jesus.

Ok, this is the essence of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Since conservatives have little to no creative impulse, everything is about making a buck. Those of us who are creative also have to eat so we try to earn money in interesting ways and aren't looking for the largest short term gain we can possibly get. However, that doesn't mean we don't feel screwed when an opportunist funnels the fruits of our creativity primarily to themselves.

That is bullshit. You are really confused about things like this.

Political leaning have little or nothing to do with creativity.

By the way Moon Bat, making money is a good thing. It keeps you off welfare that keeps other people from having to pay your bills. It is being a "creative" welfare queens that is a bad thing.
I'm far from welfare. I probably make more money than you even though I have an interesting career rather than one that sucks my soul. The reason more people don't have these types of careers is because they require more education and aptitude than most people can muster. They also tend to be pretty specialized. If there's a downside, it's that.

Oh BTW, name me a creative conservative.

I had a good creative career as an Engineering Director. I hired many creative conservative engineers in my time. Even a few Liberal ones.

You are full of bullshit if you suggest that political belief is somehow tied to creativity.

When are you going to stop your deflection and answer the question I asked you three or four times?
Most engineers know nothing about history and politics, so are usually GOP dupes. Their creativity and knowledge is limited to engineering, like yours, dupe. So many accountants, doctors, lawyers, marketers, DITTO.

Have you ever considered not insulting others when you communicate? You might find you can get people to listen more if you stopped
100+ pages and we still have over half the people arguing that you can't care about the poor unless you are liberal and giving the money of others to them.

Government will never be the mechanism to best help the poor. And no matter how many people want to pretend you are not justified in ignoring the poor because government programs exist. Go out and feed someone.

There is one thing we've never tried (at least in my lifetime) to end poverty, and that is to end the handouts.

If you get hungry enough, you'll take one of those jobs posted at every corner of every street in the US. If your income is not enough, you will work more hours to bring in that income. If there is nothing incentivizing you to not work more hours, you may end up working 60 plus hours a week.

I would love to see all handouts stopped for a period of two years just to see the end results. I'd bet a months paycheck we would reduce poverty more that way than giving people money they didn't work for. I bet with no handouts, less people would enter poverty in the first place. Like I said, it's never been tried. The closest we came to that was in the 90's with welfare reform, and that was a huge success.

But why look back at what worked? Just listen to liberals to solve poverty.
Take away food from the poor and you have a lot hungry people.
Take away housing from the poor and you have a lot more homeless people.
Take away healthcare from the poor and you have more sick people.

In the US you have 9 million single parent families on welfare which includes 19 million kids. Take away government support and you'll have more runaways, child prostitution, and juvenile crime. With very rare exception, a single mother in poverty can not make enough money to support a family and care for the kids.
Have you ever asked the question what made her a single mother?
The Republican approach to our least fortunate, is very hostile and cold-hearted. It's not what Jesus taught. Jesus didn't preach hate & greed
One of the things Jesus promoted was self reliance and self discipline. Lets not parse the holy ones message.
This kind of bogus Christianity seems to be very popular amongst those who would prefer to see folk suffer than pay an extra penny in taxes.
You can always volunteer to collect canned food for the post office I hear they still need volunteers for the month of May.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
You will note that earlier he was bloviating that by law we should be getting 4 weeks off or more. And that's why we need unions.

Now the tune changes because I work in healthcare and get 6 weeks. Which is average for most corporations BTW.
It's not average for corporations - not even close. Most corporations top out at 4 weeks. One that I've considered working for tops out at 5. I've never seen 6 in an American corporation. Here's one more reason that healthcare costs go up way faster than inflation and are bloated beyond any other industry.

Another good example of why pharma in particular is a scam is that they hire former beauty queens to go around a flirt with doctors. I knew one about 15 years ago that made 60k for a part time gig. She'd finish by lunch time and go home and drink rum and cokes all afternoon.
That's interesting because even the federal government give employees 6 weeks.
Then your Big Health corp and the fed gov't are better than anywhere else, ignoramus dupe. And at scamming the people.
So does Honeywell and Intel...
100+ pages and we still have over half the people arguing that you can't care about the poor unless you are liberal and giving the money of others to them.

Government will never be the mechanism to best help the poor. And no matter how many people want to pretend you are not justified in ignoring the poor because government programs exist. Go out and feed someone.

There is one thing we've never tried (at least in my lifetime) to end poverty, and that is to end the handouts.

If you get hungry enough, you'll take one of those jobs posted at every corner of every street in the US. If your income is not enough, you will work more hours to bring in that income. If there is nothing incentivizing you to not work more hours, you may end up working 60 plus hours a week.

I would love to see all handouts stopped for a period of two years just to see the end results. I'd bet a months paycheck we would reduce poverty more that way than giving people money they didn't work for. I bet with no handouts, less people would enter poverty in the first place. Like I said, it's never been tried. The closest we came to that was in the 90's with welfare reform, and that was a huge success.

But why look back at what worked? Just listen to liberals to solve poverty.
Yup, crime is the answer, not welfare, training and cheap ed., UE, spending on infrastructure, or food stamps. ANYTHING to save the greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

Who, besides you, brought up crime?

A good Christian certainly wouldn't feel that way. It's not what Jesus preached. Unfortunately, too many Republicans who like to consider themselves 'Good Christians', are some of the worst people you'll ever met. They actually despise the least fortunate among us. Jesus is not proud of them. Like i said before, you wanna be greedy & hateful, so be it. But don't call yourself a 'Good Christian.' Because that's not what Jesus was about.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you would ever go to church the Bible very clearly (both the Old and New Testaments) teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

Nowhere does it say that Christians should outsource charity to a bloated, out of control, oppressive, debt ridden, corrupt, government run by bureaucrats whose bosses are dishonest politicians elected by special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you seem to be an authority on Christianity were you in church yesterday? I went to church. We met in the morning and then had a short devotion and then the congregation left the church and went to the local grocery stores and bought food for our food pantry that will be distributed to needed charities in the area. We do this about three or four times a year and yesterday just happen to be one of the days.

So what were you doing yesterday morning Moon Bat? Laying in bed while Christians (mostly right wingers in my church) were out feeding the poor?
Yep. Did the same ...one of our senior centers gives out lists of items requested by seniors every month. Took them three boxes full of stuff like ...

Face moisturizer
Hair gel
Dental floss
Dog food
Reading glasses
So now THEY are the exception that proves the rule. Does that make you feel better about supporting the Oblivious Rich White People's Party that ruins the nonrich and the country to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share? And no that's not you...
This is exactly what I've been talking about.

The LDS church apparently has a very good PR department and a very creative accounting department (also a very active legal council but that's beside the point). Active members give a 10% tithe but of the money that goes to the church, about 1% goes to charity.
Tithe isn't for charity. BTW
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
You will note that earlier he was bloviating that by law we should be getting 4 weeks off or more. And that's why we need unions.

Now the tune changes because I work in healthcare and get 6 weeks. Which is average for most corporations BTW.
It's not average for corporations - not even close. Most corporations top out at 4 weeks. One that I've considered working for tops out at 5. I've never seen 6 in an American corporation. Here's one more reason that healthcare costs go up way faster than inflation and are bloated beyond any other industry.

Another good example of why pharma in particular is a scam is that they hire former beauty queens to go around a flirt with doctors. I knew one about 15 years ago that made 60k for a part time gig. She'd finish by lunch time and go home and drink rum and cokes all afternoon.
That's interesting because even the federal government give employees 6 weeks.
Then your Big Health corp and the fed gov't are better than anywhere else, ignoramus dupe. And at scamming the people.
So does Honeywell and Intel...
But they deserve it, not being a GOP/gov't scam...
All poor folks are 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeymen to the average white Republican. They generalize and demonize. It makes them feel justified in hating and abusing the least fortunate among us. It's exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught. Yet most of them truly believe the pearly gates await them. They're lost hateful souls.
Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

Republicans give more to their churches
Means money goes to Pastors, church maintenance, a new organ, robes for the choir

Doesn't mean the money is going to poor families
Tithe goes to salaries...offering to charity.

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