Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Their bankrollers pay them to widen the gap between rich and poor, and you see it every one of their policies.

Specifically how and why?
Too bad he is too dim to realize how completely you just demolished him.

So true! I've never really known if they pretend to be so ignorant or they really are so ignorant. How does it enter their mind that just because someone WANTS a child, that doesn't mean they should have one unless THEY have the where with all to support and raise the child. How does someone else wanting a child, or have an "accident", suddenly become MY obligation to pay to raise them?
I've been around for 80 years. I've seen what happens here. You poor little patriotic rubes will eventually figure it out.

So share with us, specifically "what happens"?

In America, do workers start out in the lowest income bracket remain there all their lives or does it vary greatly?

What is the typical household income of a household where at least one of the workers is earning minimum wage?
One of these days i hope you learn what Jesus taught. It may surprise you

My guess is it is you who would be shocked.

What do you believe someone would learn about Jesus which could surprise them. Please be specific.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
I think they hate waste fraud abuse lazy people. So they will purge all the slackers off foodstamps and people so incapable they truly can't figure out, will seek and find help somewhere. Maybe they'll think twice before having another kid they can't afford.

But there have to be jobs that pay a living wage for the masses. If not you will see our population shrink. I don't see a problem with that but I know the corporations want growth not reduction.

Without immigration our population would already be declining. As the rest of the First World already is.

I certainly don't have any problem with that. I don't know why some people think that's a major issue. 315 million people is not enough?

The entitlement ponzi schemes fall apart
To answer the question in the OP, it's because conservatives are selfish pieces of shit, almost across the board, and they are only concerned about themselves. They don't hate the poor as much as libertarians, but they come close. Everything they say about "giving" is bullshit, their childish Christian religion breeds a bizarre sort of hypocrisy that permeates into every aspect of their self-centered, materialistic lives. They really are the worst of humanity.

You are full of it!

I feed my next door neighbors three time a week and I am white and they are Tejano.

You just want the government to do what you refuse to do!

You don't "feed" anyone anything, except US a bunch of bullshit. Who in the hell is DUMB enough to believe you? Hilarious how when discussing charity or the poor, the lying conservative scum come out of the woodwork claiming to be profesional do-gooders.

You are SO fucking full of shit. Shame on you for lying throught your inbred, redneck crooked teeth, you fucking fraud.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
if you actually thought about it, it is dems keeping them dependent and holding them back. The repubs want them to be successful. Not sure how you get where you got. your facts are messed up.

If Republicans wanted them to be successful, they'd educate them better and allow them to have decent healthcare. But they don't... in fact they don't want them doing better, if they do better they'll take the jobs they think their children are entitled to.

Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
Of course they can afford good food. Good food does not taste as good as bad food. Food is the way the poor reward themselves. They can't afford a new car but they can afford an ice cream cone. They can't afford a steak but they can afford a big mac.
No they cant afford good food. Good food costs more than bad food. How could you not know this?

A car is not good food nor is a steak. Red meat is terrible for you.
Hmmm Aparagus has been on sale for the last month at Smiths,Albertsons and Sprouts for .99 Lb.The month of Feb it was 1.29 lb Same with both yellow squash and zucchini .99 lb. carrots,cucumbers and onions always under a dollar at sprouts. You can also buy bags of fish ( swai,tilapia and cod)
Buy one get three free or buy one get two free at Albertsons if you watch for their sale ads and stock up. Salmon for 5.00 ea or less. Eating healthy is not that hard on a budget. Hate to break it to you.

Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
Of course they can afford good food. Good food does not taste as good as bad food. Food is the way the poor reward themselves. They can't afford a new car but they can afford an ice cream cone. They can't afford a steak but they can afford a big mac.
No they cant afford good food. Good food costs more than bad food. How could you not know this?

A car is not good food nor is a steak. Red meat is terrible for you.

I can buy a bag of Swai Fish at HEB for a little over six dollars. Call me a liar on that.

I can buy a small bag of black beans around a dollar at HEB.

I can buy cheap veggies at HEB.

I also can buy frozen veggies at Kroger one dollar per bag.

So tell me how is it that you can not afford healthy food!?!

I prefer my fish to be fresh but unless I go fishing then I have to buy frozen at HEB or fresh at the local Vietnames store.

So there is no excuse to eat poorly!
Exactly. Fresh veggies and fruit are fairly cheap at Sprouts. Right now bell peppers are 2/1.00. Aparagus .98 lb. Apples .98 lb and carrots .98 lb. Bunches of red or gold beets .98 ea. If a person wants cantaloupe Albertsons has them right now buy one get one free. Along with 10lb bags of russet potatoes for 1.77 ea.

Shopping healthy on a budget isn't hard.

Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
Of course they can afford good food. Good food does not taste as good as bad food. Food is the way the poor reward themselves. They can't afford a new car but they can afford an ice cream cone. They can't afford a steak but they can afford a big mac.
No they cant afford good food. Good food costs more than bad food. How could you not know this?

A car is not good food nor is a steak. Red meat is terrible for you.

I can buy a bag of Swai Fish at HEB for a little over six dollars. Call me a liar on that.

I can buy a small bag of black beans around a dollar at HEB.

I can buy cheap veggies at HEB.

I also can buy frozen veggies at Kroger one dollar per bag.

So tell me how is it that you can not afford healthy food!?!

I prefer my fish to be fresh but unless I go fishing then I have to buy frozen at HEB or fresh at the local Vietnames store.

So there is no excuse to eat poorly!
Exactly. Fresh veggies and fruit are fairly cheap at Sprouts. Right now bell peppers are 2/1.00. Aparagus .98 lb. Apples .98 lb and carrots .98 lb. Bunches of red or gold beets .98 ea. If a person wants cantaloupe Albertsons has them right now buy one get one free. Along with 10lb bags of russet potatoes for 1.77 ea.

Shopping healthy on a budget isn't hard.
But it is not as emotionally rewarding.

Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.

Prove it...

Because I don't believe you.
Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

I did read obviously, YOU did not or are trying to wiggle out of your own lies.

Your quote from my post simply reiterates that Conservatives give far more to charities than the selfish Progressives.
Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

This one Progressives cannot win. Progressives surely want to help others. Just NOT WITH THEIR MONEY.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity
By Peter Panepento

Households that describe themselves as conservative tend to give more money to charities than moderate and liberal households, according to a new survey.

In a survey of 3,300 households that donated money to charity in the past 12 months, the company Campbell Rinker, in Valencia, Calif., asked respondents about their political ideology.

Of those surveyed, those who live in conservative households donated an average of $3,255 to charities outside of places of worship during the past year. By comparison, moderate households donated $2,926 and liberal households donated $1,879.

Conservatives also give significantly more money to their place of worship than liberals and moderates.

The survey found conservatives gave, on average, $1,841 to their places of worship during the past year — compared with $1,115 for moderates and $499 for liberals.

But while conservatives give more than their peers, they are less likely to spread the word to others about their giving experiences.

Among liberal donors, 84 percent said they had recommended a charity to friends, family, or colleagues. That compares with 75 percent of moderates and 59 percent of conservatives.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
Of course they can afford good food. Good food does not taste as good as bad food. Food is the way the poor reward themselves. They can't afford a new car but they can afford an ice cream cone. They can't afford a steak but they can afford a big mac.
the republicans want them drug tested in Firms they own; and to deny and disparage the poor, steak and lobster if they fail any drug tests.

Clueless. The companies only drug test to get cheaper workman's compensation rates and nothing more.
a Florida governor owned an interest in drug testing companies. he was also for drug testing welfare recipients.

Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.

Prove it...

Because I don't believe you.
Bleeding Heart Tightwads

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