Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Yes, I just got through kicking a poor person.

In my own defense though, I tripped over a dead body who had starved to death in the streets while avoiding the corpses of dead children who were denied universal healthcare as I was on my way to watch old people be thrown off cliffs.

You Stalinists come up with the most magical tales.....

/--- which is it? Americans are all starving or they are all fat? And why are children dying if Obozocare is still the law of the land?
Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

So to you...being religious and giving more to charity is a problem. You do have serious problems, don't you?

Are you saying that because more Conservatives think of others more than themselves and are religious, you, Progressives are excused from contributing nearly as much as do Conservatives.

GOT IT! You're excused from giving and are therefore entitled to take it from the pockets of those who EARNED the money.


Well, if you had read what I wrote, instead of looking at a few words and deciding you knew what I meant, it would have helped.

Giving to church is considered charity. However that doesn't mean the money is going to go to a good cause, do it? It could mean the money is going into the pastor's pocket, it could mean it's going on repairing the roof, it could mean a lot, it doesn't mean it's going to a good cause.

You seemed to ask a question, didn't put a question mark, then decided you had it, before you even waited for an answer. What the fuck?
Churches run the homeless shelters, food pantries,urban gardens etc.
Republicans believe the poor do not suffer enough
If you make it too easy on them they will never want to be rich

I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Point being. Liberals give to the arts. Conservatives to organizations that help the needy. Like I said.

Like you said but like you didn't back up....

Throwing sources at me is not backing yourself up, by the way.
I'm sorry you can't read. Sounds like a personal problem.oh well...

Imagine a university paper which was just sources..... it doesn't wash with me.

I'm talking to YOU. Not to the person who wrote the source.
Conservatives also donate more blood. While liberals contiue to bloviate about people dying.
I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Point being. Liberals give to the arts. Conservatives to organizations that help the needy. Like I said.

Like you said but like you didn't back up....

Throwing sources at me is not backing yourself up, by the way.
I'm sorry you can't read. Sounds like a personal problem.oh well...

Imagine a university paper which was just sources..... it doesn't wash with me.

I'm talking to YOU. Not to the person who wrote the source.
Conservatives also donate more blood. While liberals contiue to bloviate about people dying.
Do you ever back up these claims with facts ?
I give blood but I have never been asked about my politics.
'Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?'

Why are snowflakes always making these Fake News / False narrative stories to try to make themselves feel better about themselves and the vile things they do?

I guess it's just 'who they are'...
I find it funny that poor people can afford cigarettes but they can't afford to buy some rice, beans and frozen vegetables
Let's do some math

A family of 4 eat from the dollar menu because they think it's cheaper than shopping

so that's 12 meals a day
let's say a meal costs 4 dollars per person 2 burgers, fries and a soda

that's 48 dollars a day eating fast food

48 times 7 is 336 dollars a week

are you people really telling me that a family of 4 cannot eat a well balanced healthy diet on 336 dollars a week?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.

simple fare of staples like rice, beans, flour, oats etc are far less expensive than the dollar menu
/---- In Manhattan a guy was pan handling while smoking. Cigs are $10 a pack in NYC.

I lost count of how many times I hear people whining they have no money while sucking on a butt and drinking a 5 dollar coffee
Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

So to you...being religious and giving more to charity is a problem. You do have serious problems, don't you?

Are you saying that because more Conservatives think of others more than themselves and are religious, you, Progressives are excused from contributing nearly as much as do Conservatives.

GOT IT! You're excused from giving and are therefore entitled to take it from the pockets of those who EARNED the money.

Private charity only covers multitudes of sins, not official poverty through "manna from a public sector, whenever we cannot rely on any god."
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.

simple fare of staples like rice, beans, flour, oats etc are far less expensive than the dollar menu
/---- In Manhattan a guy was pan handling while smoking. Cigs are $10 a pack in NYC.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player does not play Blu-Ray
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.

simple fare of staples like rice, beans, flour, oats etc are far less expensive than the dollar menu
/---- In Manhattan a guy was pan handling while smoking. Cigs are $10 a pack in NYC.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player does not play Blu-Ray
Mr. Trump and the Poor, have one thing in common; we only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay.

Don't complain; be Patriotic.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

The selfish people are the welfare queens that think they are entitled to have somebody else to pay their bills.

I am not a Republican but I am a Conservative. I am against all welfare, entitlements, subsidies and bailouts.

I don't think it is right for the oppressive government to take my money by force and give it away to somebody else. That is thievery.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.

simple fare of staples like rice, beans, flour, oats etc are far less expensive than the dollar menu
/---- In Manhattan a guy was pan handling while smoking. Cigs are $10 a pack in NYC.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player does not play Blu-Ray
Mr. Trump and the Poor, have one thing in common; we only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay.

Don't complain; be Patriotic.
Shitforbrains thinks there is someone in America who voluntarily pays more taxes than they need to.
At least Trump pays a lot more in taxes than fuckhead Obama.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player does not play Blu-Ray


The Heritage Foundation did a great study on what "being poor" in the US really means. it doesn't really mean being poor.

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor

The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau as taken from various government reports:

  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
  • Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
  • 43 percent have Internet access.
  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
  • One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.

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