Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine.
Selfish me me me doctrine?
Really? I do believe you have things ass backwards!

Slathering compassion and moral obligation propaganda
to make guilt an acceptable substitution for responsibility
and, give me, give me, give me, an obligation, is what it is!

Ask not what your country can do for you
Ask what you can do for your country

Poor people are not driving to the aid office,
Talking on iPhones, with blinged out manicured nails
and $300 weaves, wearing $200 Nike sneakers....

they're congregating under lower Wacker Drive,
wearing shoes that are too big or taped together
With dirt filled nails and scraggly hair...
wearing a potluck of dirty, raggedy clothes!

Poor people are not buying Doritos, Chips Ahoy cookies,
Coca-Cola, Tombstone Pizza, bags of candy and Starbucks Coffee...

They're out in front of McDonald's and Subway,
asking for something to eat, they'll even take your leftovers!

Poor people don't live in house's or apartments,
watching TV and taking showers before getting into bed...

They're under lower Wacker Drive, covered with newspapers,
they're camped outside, in doorways of businesses
that are closed until the morning, on benches, a box in the alley...
Unless they are lucky enough to get a cot at the shelter

Never actually sleeping but, dozing, with one eye open,
watching for rats, watching for other vagrants
watching for a handout, watching for punk ass kids,
keeping watch over what little they have.

6 poor people aren't living comfortably
In a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, split level house
newly renovated, 2 car garage and spaceous backyard
They are only paying $125 a month in rent, no utilities...

They're jammed together in a one bedroom, one bath
4 room, roach infested, run down piece of shit,
having to come up with $5/600 a month, plus utilities
It's not even that they're cruel. It's that they work so hard to hurt them even worse.
Oh please, helping the poor and supporting
lazy ass, spoiled, greedy, entitlement mentality irresponsibility
is a entirely different ballgame altogether!

Keeping people dependant, that are capable
hurts them more then it helps!

The people we should be helping, we don't

Besides, why is it that, somehow, there is an unwritten rule
That says, people who work hard and are responsible
have to pick up the slack for those who are not?
RWNJ traitors, who love Pooting and have the gall to say they're christian !!!, do all they can NOT to follow the teachings of Jesus. Then they come up with even more ways to keep people down
Christian or not, what do YOU do to help out those less fortunate?
Not what you feel our government should do,
Not what you feel Christians should be doing...What do YOU do?

How many times have you gone shopping
for an elderly neighbor, or relative or stranger this year?

How many times did you volunteer your time
at a shelter, soup kitchen or food bank last year?

How many coats, gloves, hats, scarfs,
blankets, boots, thermals have you donated this winter?

How many times have you had a bum sit with you
Inside an establishment to eat, instead of giving them money?

How many times have you been in line at the grocery store
And bought the groceries of the person behind you?

How many toys did you donate or collect
for Toys for Tots, this past christmas?

How many times have you washed a bums belongings?

How many school supplies and backpacks
Did you donate for underprivileged kids this school year?

What do YOU DO?
Reason is obvious. They blame others for their own failures. RWNJs blame blacks, Hispanics, children, the poor for their own mistakes and failures.
I'm sorry, if we're the failures, why are we expected to
Make life easier for those who are unaccountable and irresponsible?

Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.

Prove it...

Because I don't believe you.
Bleeding Heart Tightwads

I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Typical FAKE NEWS:

From your own fucking article:

In 2006 Arthur C. Brooks, now president of the American Enterprise Institute, authored the book Who Really Cares, which Los Angeles Times liberal columnist Michael Hiltzik has cited as "the source of the notion that conservatives are more generous." Hiltzik disputes this "received wisdom," citing a 2013 paper by MIT political scientists Michele F. Margolis and Michael W. Sances that found that, for individuals, the "relationship between conservatism and giving vanishes after adjusting for income and religiosity." In other words, conservatives are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to give to their churches than liberals.

Margolis and Sances also argue that, "At the state level, we find no evidence of a relationship between charitable giving and Republican presidential voteshare." Consider this new Chronicle study, then, another interesting rhetorical salvo in the ongoing debate about which side of the American political spectrum is more generous hearted, but not the final one.

Looks like conservatives don't read to good either... How about ye fucks actually read the articles ye post.

Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.

Prove it...

Because I don't believe you.
Bleeding Heart Tightwads

I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Point being. Liberals give to the arts. Conservatives to organizations that help the needy. Like I said.
Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

Here's the problem, churches get given charitable status so their pastor can get rich.... it's still counted as giving to charity, when really it's rich people trying to buy their way into heaven. Oh, the irony.
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.

Prove it...

Because I don't believe you.
Bleeding Heart Tightwads

I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Point being. Liberals give to the arts. Conservatives to organizations that help the needy. Like I said.

Like you said but like you didn't back up....

Throwing sources at me is not backing yourself up, by the way.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
Because they eat terrible food and cant afford good food.
Because they use their link card
for the junk they couldn't afford otherwise!

Not to mention..Since the government guys their groceries,
aka, taxpayers, they have money to spend on...
McDonald's, Burgerking, Popeyes Chicken and J & J Fish
Liberals give their donations to the arts..conservatives to helping the needy.

Prove it...

Because I don't believe you.
Bleeding Heart Tightwads

I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Point being. Liberals give to the arts. Conservatives to organizations that help the needy. Like I said.

Like you said but like you didn't back up....

Throwing sources at me is not backing yourself up, by the way.
I'm sorry you can't read. Sounds like a personal problem.oh well...
Ridiculous. Our poor are wildly wealthy compared to much of the world. Liberals like to concoct sob stories to excite sympathy just to get more and more.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

This explains all the religious CONSERVATIVE charitable organizations that feed, clothe and even provide water shelter and medical care to poor people all over the world.

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Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

So to you...being religious and giving more to charity is a problem. You do have serious problems, don't you?

Are you saying that because more Conservatives think of others more than themselves and are religious, you, Progressives are excused from contributing nearly as much as do Conservatives.

GOT IT! You're excused from giving and are therefore entitled to take it from the pockets of those who EARNED the money.


I'm sorry, did you have a point to make or were you just throwing sources at me?
Point being. Liberals give to the arts. Conservatives to organizations that help the needy. Like I said.

Like you said but like you didn't back up....

Throwing sources at me is not backing yourself up, by the way.
I'm sorry you can't read. Sounds like a personal problem.oh well...

Imagine a university paper which was just sources..... it doesn't wash with me.

I'm talking to YOU. Not to the person who wrote the source.
Probably because conservatives are more likely to be religious.

I wonder how much more likely liberals are to give to charities rather than churches.

So to you...being religious and giving more to charity is a problem. You do have serious problems, don't you?

Are you saying that because more Conservatives think of others more than themselves and are religious, you, Progressives are excused from contributing nearly as much as do Conservatives.

GOT IT! You're excused from giving and are therefore entitled to take it from the pockets of those who EARNED the money.


Well, if you had read what I wrote, instead of looking at a few words and deciding you knew what I meant, it would have helped.

Giving to church is considered charity. However that doesn't mean the money is going to go to a good cause, do it? It could mean the money is going into the pastor's pocket, it could mean it's going on repairing the roof, it could mean a lot, it doesn't mean it's going to a good cause.

You seemed to ask a question, didn't put a question mark, then decided you had it, before you even waited for an answer. What the fuck?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Food high in calories, but lacking in nutrients. Fast food.

Fast food is EXPENSIVE, vegetables and poultry from the store are far cheaper. Your answer fails.

I'm not in disagreement. I'm telling you WHY they are fat. Their diet sucks, and they eat a shit ton of fast food (typically.) They are usually ignorant about nutrition and what to buy, how to cook, etc.

And, if for all that I don't show love, sympathy and compassion, I am "relentlessly cruel"?
Charities seem to be a big part of the US culture. Probably because your governments do not look after people properly.
Charities only seem to make a difference when they are backed with Government funding. Thats my observation in the UK.
How does providing endless government assistance to the poor help them get out of poverty? We need programs that help people when they fall in hard times and to help them get the education and skills they need to improve their life but at some point there has to be a cutoff for it. Giving out assistance with no end in sight only benefits the politicians pushing it they know they can tell the poor you don't vote for us you lose your assistance it secures them a voting bloc but does not help people get out of poverty.
Because there will never be enough jobs for everyone to have a high quality of life. As we speak the pool gets smaller and smaller. I agree there should be training but it costs money to train people which repubs are against.
yep, so why not bring in the immigrants to take away more jobs so you can keep people poor. yep, that is a left agenda.
Thats actually a money thing. They can pay immigrants less than citizens even though the immigrants are already trained and our citizens are not.
no, paying the immigrants is what keeps salaries down.
Thats what republicans and businesses want. They want to keep your salaries down. Why do you think they hate increasing the minimum wage?

Maybe because they never get increased production for it.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

/---- Why won't Libs allow the poor to escape the Democrat Plantation? Poverty went up under Obozo's regime.
Inequality is growing everywhere. The corporations are playing off their workforces in different countries.
That kid in Bangladesh isnt your enemy, the rich fucker with the corporate jet is your enemy.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Because they want their follower to believe they are being punished for their own good. Thats why a lot of the idiots that fell for Drumpf wanting to repeal Obamacare had no idea it was the same thing as the ACA.

/---- funny how Kimmel had to explain to his audience that ACA and Obozocare are the same before he made fun of those who didn't know.

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