Why are so many young women attracted to bad boys?

Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

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And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.
You ignore her till she makes the move. The key is not to be a dick . Oh I should clarify that. To ignore I mean don't attempt to show any sexual interest in her. I don't mean act like she doesn't exist. Women need a challenge for some reason

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Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

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And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.
You ignore her till she makes the move. The key is not to be a dick . Oh I should clarify that. To ignore I mean don't attempt to show any sexual interest in her. I don't mean act like she doesn't exist. Women need a challenge for some reason

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And what move is that?
Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.
You ignore her till she makes the move. The key is not to be a dick . Oh I should clarify that. To ignore I mean don't attempt to show any sexual interest in her. I don't mean act like she doesn't exist. Women need a challenge for some reason

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Hmm. Sounds kind of like a way to avoid rejection . . . I still don't know what you would be waiting for. If I don't think a guy is interested, I move on. Otherwise, you might come across looking like a stalker or something. :D

Have you been married long? Maybe the last time you were trying to get with a girl, it was a very young girl, is why I ask. Most mature women would not appreciate being "played" like that. You are either interested or not.
Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

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Boy, if you think women are the ones with the egos, yew jest ain't payin' attention.

Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.

Lmao you are a mangina. son women need attention. All kinds. they need you to reinforce that they are pretty or smart or needed. That is ego. They also hate if a man is not sexually attracted to them.

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ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.
She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too
That sentence is supposed end..."just not in that way.' Have you ever had that conversation with a woman before that ended well? It might be a bit awkward for a minute but it's best to just move on.

What's really frustrating is that I was texting with a young woman [with a boyfriend] who appeared to be sad, anxious, and was giving me signals that maybe, maybe, she cared for me. I can share it all here, sans personal info, and you can tell me exactly where I went wrong if I did.

Basically we had been texting on Facebook for a while and working together as friends and buying each other coffee and then she gave me her number and we were texting a lot on the phone and then she called me late last night at 1am and told me she really liked and cared about me and felt she could trust me to vent her personal issues with. As the conversations unfolded [we had been texting back and forth during the day and evening] I let slip that I cared about her and had feelings for her. I really do in spite of her having a boyfriend and being miserable. Now it's like it all stopped, and I'm feeling a little hurt like what did I do? I was just being honest with my feelings. We've been working over a year together as friends. I feel hurt, like I did something wrong and I don't know what. I texted her again and asked how she was feeling [last night she had shared with me that she suffers from an eating disorder and was maybe going back to the psych ward for bulimia], but everything since I let her know that I cared for her and her health has since been ignored. It just... hurts, and I feel confused. She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too. I...

My first piece of advice: don't ever be the rebound guy. I think a woman needs time after a break up to stand on her own two feet before jumping into another relationship. Otherwise, it could nag in the back of her mind if she left the relationship for the right reasons. Second, she obviously likes and trusts you, and now that you revealed your true feelings, it could have impacted her in a few ways...she feels guilty for confiding in someone who might be viewed as having ulterior motives, she is afraid of misleading you, she feels awkward if there is no chemistry. She probably respects you a lot, and now has concerns about losing a friend/confidant.

She's still in a relationship with her boyfriend. He's just immature and treats her like crap. I figured if I gently pursued her heart, maybe a desired outcome could happen.

I'm just confused because I'm getting very mixed signals, and I feel hurt that it's like all communication just got cut. If she wasn't interested, why would she get so personal with the details of her life, giving me her number without me even asking and then texting me in the middle of the night?
Because she thinks of you as a friend or like an older brother she can rely on to vent her frustrations on. Dude, she is just not in to you. Sorry to be blunt, but I will not enable your pain further thinking you have a chance with her. You don't. You are in the friend stage and will probably stay there if she doesn't get too freaked out now that you told her how you feel about her.

Well said.
Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Boy, if you think women are the ones with the egos, yew jest ain't payin' attention.

Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.

Lmao you are a mangina. son women need attention. All kinds. they need you to reinforce that they are pretty or smart or needed. That is ego. They also hate if a man is not sexually attracted to them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Yes, women enjoy compliments, just like men enjoy being told they are handsome and strong. Why do you say only women have "egos." All people have egos. That is part of being a person.
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Hmm. I think it's really the other way around. Lol. This is like very immature stuff. I'm in my 30s though, and this is not how I enjoy being treated.
Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.
You ignore her till she makes the move. The key is not to be a dick . Oh I should clarify that. To ignore I mean don't attempt to show any sexual interest in her. I don't mean act like she doesn't exist. Women need a challenge for some reason

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Hmm. Sounds kind of like a way to avoid rejection . . . I still don't know what you would be waiting for. If I don't think a guy is interested, I move on. Otherwise, you might come across looking like a stalker or something. :D

Have you been married long? Maybe the last time you were trying to get with a girl, it was a very young girl, is why I ask. Most mature women would not appreciate being "played" like that. You are either interested or not.
Sure you dont....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.
You ignore her till she makes the move. The key is not to be a dick . Oh I should clarify that. To ignore I mean don't attempt to show any sexual interest in her. I don't mean act like she doesn't exist. Women need a challenge for some reason

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Hmm. Sounds kind of like a way to avoid rejection . . . I still don't know what you would be waiting for. If I don't think a guy is interested, I move on. Otherwise, you might come across looking like a stalker or something. :D

Have you been married long? Maybe the last time you were trying to get with a girl, it was a very young girl, is why I ask. Most mature women would not appreciate being "played" like that. You are either interested or not.
Sure you dont....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Look buddy, you get to be a certain age and you grow tired of silly little juvenile games, you know?
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Umm... not on the planet I grew up on, Jake....
I find this behavior extremely annoying personally. I think there are way too many men who are nothing more than overgrown 16-year-olds. In fact, I would go so far as to say that my son is more mature and better behaved than some men I have encountered on these forums who claim to be in their 40s, 50s, or even older.
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Umm... not on the planet I grew up on, Jake....
Yeah, you were unaware of it is all.
Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Boy, if you think women are the ones with the egos, yew jest ain't payin' attention.

Ignore her? And then what happens when she forgets about you and moves on to someone who she can actually have fun with? :)
Except they have egos and can't.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

And can't what?

My next question is, then what? How long do you ignore her and what are you waiting for? Do you think she is just going to lose control and jump your bones? :D Ha-ha! So . . . what is the next step after the "ignore" period.

Lmao you are a mangina. son women need attention. All kinds. they need you to reinforce that they are pretty or smart or needed. That is ego. They also hate if a man is not sexually attracted to them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Yes, women enjoy compliments, just like men enjoy being told they are handsome and strong. Why do you say only women have "egos." All people have egos. That is part of being a person.
You are definitely female. You keep thinking men don't see the difference in us

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Hmm. I think it's really the other way around. Lol. This is like very immature stuff. I'm in my 30s though, and this is not how I enjoy being treated.
Oh, I agree the issue on the thread is immature, yes. But attracting girls is very, very easy; always has been; always will be.
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Hmm. I think it's really the other way around. Lol. This is like very immature stuff. I'm in my 30s though, and this is not how I enjoy being treated.
Oh, I agree the issue on the thread is immature, yes. But attracting girls is very, very easy; always has been; always will be.

Girls, but not confident and mature women. ;)
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Hmm. I think it's really the other way around. Lol. This is like very immature stuff. I'm in my 30s though, and this is not how I enjoy being treated.
Oh, I agree the issue on the thread is immature, yes. But attracting girls is very, very easy; always has been; always will be.

Girls, but not confident and mature women. ;)
Of course attracting confident and mature women is simply.

You wish! :D
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Hmm. I think it's really the other way around. Lol. This is like very immature stuff. I'm in my 30s though, and this is not how I enjoy being treated.
Oh, I agree the issue on the thread is immature, yes. But attracting girls is very, very easy; always has been; always will be.

Girls, but not confident and mature women. ;)
Of course attracting confident and mature women is simply.

You wish! :D
ChrisL, every man knows exactly when a woman gets interested in the guy as a challenge.

That moment is as obvious as an elephant in a monkey cage.

And, no, males are not going to share how they know that with you.

Just accept that girls are so obvious to most boys. Straight up fact.

Hmm. I think it's really the other way around. Lol. This is like very immature stuff. I'm in my 30s though, and this is not how I enjoy being treated.
Oh, I agree the issue on the thread is immature, yes. But attracting girls is very, very easy; always has been; always will be.

Girls, but not confident and mature women. ;)
Of course attracting confident and mature women is simply.

You wish! :D
Of course attracting confident and mature women is simply. Keeping them attracted depends on the individual woman, of course, but each has a key to her heart.

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