Why are so many young women attracted to bad boys?

What's really frustrating is that I was texting with a young woman [with a boyfriend] who appeared to be sad, anxious, and was giving me signals that maybe, maybe, she cared for me. I can share it all here, sans personal info, and you can tell me exactly where I went wrong if I did.

Basically we had been texting on Facebook for a while and working together as friends and buying each other coffee and then she gave me her number and we were texting a lot on the phone and then she called me late last night at 1am and told me she really liked and cared about me and felt she could trust me to vent her personal issues with. As the conversations unfolded [we had been texting back and forth during the day and evening] I let slip that I cared about her and had feelings for her. I really do in spite of her having a boyfriend and being miserable. Now it's like it all stopped, and I'm feeling a little hurt like what did I do? I was just being honest with my feelings. We've been working over a year together as friends. I feel hurt, like I did something wrong and I don't know what. I texted her again and asked how she was feeling [last night she had shared with me that she suffers from an eating disorder and was maybe going back to the psych ward for bulimia], but everything since I let her know that I cared for her and her health has since been ignored. It just... hurts, and I feel confused. She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too. I...

My first piece of advice: don't ever be the rebound guy. I think a woman needs time after a break up to stand on her own two feet before jumping into another relationship. Otherwise, it could nag in the back of her mind if she left the relationship for the right reasons. Second, she obviously likes and trusts you, and now that you revealed your true feelings, it could have impacted her in a few ways...she feels guilty for confiding in someone who might be viewed as having ulterior motives, she is afraid of misleading you, she feels awkward if there is no chemistry. She probably respects you a lot, and now has concerns about losing a friend/confidant.
look we are all waiting for World War 3 to start ...ok?

we are only amusing ourselves in the meantime...
Hmmm. Not sure if true.

Oh yeah. It's true. I've observed it ever since girls were invented, back when I was in junior high school in the 1640s.

I don't have an answer, just checking to see if anyone else did. But the question's been out there a looooooong long time.
So is pogo a girl or a guy?....if she is a girl way too guyish..if he is guy, way too girlish
What's really frustrating is that I was texting with a young woman [with a boyfriend] who appeared to be sad, anxious, and was giving me signals that maybe, maybe, she cared for me. I can share it all here, sans personal info, and you can tell me exactly where I went wrong if I did.

Basically we had been texting on Facebook for a while and working together as friends and buying each other coffee and then she gave me her number and we were texting a lot on the phone and then she called me late last night at 1am and told me she really liked and cared about me and felt she could trust me to vent her personal issues with. As the conversations unfolded [we had been texting back and forth during the day and evening] I let slip that I cared about her and had feelings for her. I really do in spite of her having a boyfriend and being miserable. Now it's like it all stopped, and I'm feeling a little hurt like what did I do? I was just being honest with my feelings. We've been working over a year together as friends. I feel hurt, like I did something wrong and I don't know what. I texted her again and asked how she was feeling [last night she had shared with me that she suffers from an eating disorder and was maybe going back to the psych ward for bulimia], but everything since I let her know that I cared for her and her health has since been ignored. It just... hurts, and I feel confused. She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too. I...

My first piece of advice: don't ever be the rebound guy. I think a woman needs time after a break up to stand on her own two feet before jumping into another relationship. Otherwise, it could nag in the back of her mind if she left the relationship for the right reasons. Second, she obviously likes and trusts you, and now that you revealed your true feelings, it could have impacted her in a few ways...she feels guilty for confiding in someone who might be viewed as having ulterior motives, she is afraid of misleading you, she feels awkward if there is no chemistry. She probably respects you a lot, and now has concerns about losing a friend/confidant.

She's still in a relationship with her boyfriend. He's just immature and treats her like crap. I figured if I gently pursued her heart, maybe a desired outcome could happen.

I'm just confused because I'm getting very mixed signals, and I feel hurt that it's like all communication just got cut. If she wasn't interested, why would she get so personal with the details of her life, giving me her number without me even asking and then texting me in the middle of the night?
What's really frustrating is that I was texting with a young woman [with a boyfriend] who appeared to be sad, anxious, and was giving me signals that maybe, maybe, she cared for me. I can share it all here, sans personal info, and you can tell me exactly where I went wrong if I did.

Basically we had been texting on Facebook for a while and working together as friends and buying each other coffee and then she gave me her number and we were texting a lot on the phone and then she called me late last night at 1am and told me she really liked and cared about me and felt she could trust me to vent her personal issues with. As the conversations unfolded [we had been texting back and forth during the day and evening] I let slip that I cared about her and had feelings for her. I really do in spite of her having a boyfriend and being miserable. Now it's like it all stopped, and I'm feeling a little hurt like what did I do? I was just being honest with my feelings. We've been working over a year together as friends. I feel hurt, like I did something wrong and I don't know what. I texted her again and asked how she was feeling [last night she had shared with me that she suffers from an eating disorder and was maybe going back to the psych ward for bulimia], but everything since I let her know that I cared for her and her health has since been ignored. It just... hurts, and I feel confused. She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too. I...

My first piece of advice: don't ever be the rebound guy. I think a woman needs time after a break up to stand on her own two feet before jumping into another relationship. Otherwise, it could nag in the back of her mind if she left the relationship for the right reasons. Second, she obviously likes and trusts you, and now that you revealed your true feelings, it could have impacted her in a few ways...she feels guilty for confiding in someone who might be viewed as having ulterior motives, she is afraid of misleading you, she feels awkward if there is no chemistry. She probably respects you a lot, and now has concerns about losing a friend/confidant.

She's still in a relationship with her boyfriend. He's just immature and treats her like crap. I figured if I gently pursued her heart, maybe a desired outcome could happen.

I'm just confused because I'm getting very mixed signals, and I feel hurt that it's like all communication just got cut. If she wasn't interested, why would she get so personal with the details of her life, giving me her number without me even asking and then texting me in the middle of the night?

You've admitted to "gently pursuing" her, so she isn't volunteering this behavior without encouragement. She could have misinterpreted your intentions as a concerned friend, and now she is the one feeling confused. I would suggest to not attempt to resolve this any further through texting...speak to her in person and lay it all out for her. She needs to see your face and hear your voice to make the most informed decision going forward.

weaklings ....but I do respect their progressive left wing feelings

lemme go puke now
What's really frustrating is that I was texting with a young woman [with a boyfriend] who appeared to be sad, anxious, and was giving me signals that maybe, maybe, she cared for me. I can share it all here, sans personal info, and you can tell me exactly where I went wrong if I did.

Basically we had been texting on Facebook for a while and working together as friends and buying each other coffee and then she gave me her number and we were texting a lot on the phone and then she called me late last night at 1am and told me she really liked and cared about me and felt she could trust me to vent her personal issues with. As the conversations unfolded [we had been texting back and forth during the day and evening] I let slip that I cared about her and had feelings for her. I really do in spite of her having a boyfriend and being miserable. Now it's like it all stopped, and I'm feeling a little hurt like what did I do? I was just being honest with my feelings. We've been working over a year together as friends. I feel hurt, like I did something wrong and I don't know what. I texted her again and asked how she was feeling [last night she had shared with me that she suffers from an eating disorder and was maybe going back to the psych ward for bulimia], but everything since I let her know that I cared for her and her health has since been ignored. It just... hurts, and I feel confused. She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too. I...

My first piece of advice: don't ever be the rebound guy. I think a woman needs time after a break up to stand on her own two feet before jumping into another relationship. Otherwise, it could nag in the back of her mind if she left the relationship for the right reasons. Second, she obviously likes and trusts you, and now that you revealed your true feelings, it could have impacted her in a few ways...she feels guilty for confiding in someone who might be viewed as having ulterior motives, she is afraid of misleading you, she feels awkward if there is no chemistry. She probably respects you a lot, and now has concerns about losing a friend/confidant.

She's still in a relationship with her boyfriend. He's just immature and treats her like crap. I figured if I gently pursued her heart, maybe a desired outcome could happen.

I'm just confused because I'm getting very mixed signals, and I feel hurt that it's like all communication just got cut. If she wasn't interested, why would she get so personal with the details of her life, giving me her number without me even asking and then texting me in the middle of the night?
Go up to her and ask you want a nice guy and are tired of dating assholes right?
Well then dump him and go out with me or forever shut the hell up.
Hmmm. Not sure if true.

Oh yeah. It's true.

I don't have an answer, just checking to see if anyone else did. But the question's been out there a looooooong long time.
Ok. Serious answer. Girls like bad boys because they think they can tame them and know secretly they can't but want to try. And that's it in a nutshell.

OK then..... what happens when she finds out he's not a real asshole, but was just playing one on TV in order to get her?

In general, Pogo. Examples.

Bad Boy are security. They be BAD. Protectors. Strong. MAN.

Nice guys usually are too nice to lead. Women may say they don't want a controller/leader, but they do in certain areas. If the bad boy is an abuser...then no. Women do not want that. They want a man that has a firm hold on MAN CARD. Usually that means bad boys.
My wife agrees with you.
As the title says.

Why is it that when a man treats women as if they're special, apologizes for things like bumping into them, and is always so nice and kind to them... they're just not attracted?

But when you start behaving more dominantly, stop apologizing period, don't automatically treat women like they're special, and have a 'hard-to-get- aura... suddenly they start wanting you?

I ended up with five different phone numbers over the last two weeks from young women when I decided to start listening to dating advice from men online.

WHY is this? It's like when you're a really nice guy, they just aren't attracted. I don't understand it. But when you do a 180 and stop being so nice, suddenly they want you. It makes no fucking sense.

Some women like a challenge.
Getting a guy to fall for you that is not the "fall for a woman type" - usually that type of woman is very self centered and egotistical anyway, so you are better off without them.
What's really frustrating is that I was texting with a young woman [with a boyfriend] who appeared to be sad, anxious, and was giving me signals that maybe, maybe, she cared for me. I can share it all here, sans personal info, and you can tell me exactly where I went wrong if I did.

Basically we had been texting on Facebook for a while and working together as friends and buying each other coffee and then she gave me her number and we were texting a lot on the phone and then she called me late last night at 1am and told me she really liked and cared about me and felt she could trust me to vent her personal issues with. As the conversations unfolded [we had been texting back and forth during the day and evening] I let slip that I cared about her and had feelings for her. I really do in spite of her having a boyfriend and being miserable. Now it's like it all stopped, and I'm feeling a little hurt like what did I do? I was just being honest with my feelings. We've been working over a year together as friends. I feel hurt, like I did something wrong and I don't know what. I texted her again and asked how she was feeling [last night she had shared with me that she suffers from an eating disorder and was maybe going back to the psych ward for bulimia], but everything since I let her know that I cared for her and her health has since been ignored. It just... hurts, and I feel confused. She told me I had a lot to offer, that I had so many good traits, that I was a gentle sweetheart, and that she cares for and likes me too. I...

My first piece of advice: don't ever be the rebound guy. I think a woman needs time after a break up to stand on her own two feet before jumping into another relationship. Otherwise, it could nag in the back of her mind if she left the relationship for the right reasons. Second, she obviously likes and trusts you, and now that you revealed your true feelings, it could have impacted her in a few ways...she feels guilty for confiding in someone who might be viewed as having ulterior motives, she is afraid of misleading you, she feels awkward if there is no chemistry. She probably respects you a lot, and now has concerns about losing a friend/confidant.

She's still in a relationship with her boyfriend. He's just immature and treats her like crap. I figured if I gently pursued her heart, maybe a desired outcome could happen.

I'm just confused because I'm getting very mixed signals, and I feel hurt that it's like all communication just got cut. If she wasn't interested, why would she get so personal with the details of her life, giving me her number without me even asking and then texting me in the middle of the night?
Because she thinks of you as a friend or like an older brother she can rely on to vent her frustrations on. Dude, she is just not in to you. Sorry to be blunt, but I will not enable your pain further thinking you have a chance with her. You don't. You are in the friend stage and will probably stay there if she doesn't get too freaked out now that you told her how you feel about her.
As the title says.

Why is it that when a man treats women as if they're special, apologizes for things like bumping into them, and is always so nice and kind to them... they're just not attracted?

But when you start behaving more dominantly, stop apologizing period, don't automatically treat women like they're special, and have a 'hard-to-get- aura... suddenly they start wanting you?

I ended up with five different phone numbers over the last two weeks from young women when I decided to start listening to dating advice from men online.

WHY is this? It's like when you're a really nice guy, they just aren't attracted. I don't understand it. But when you do a 180 and stop being so nice, suddenly they want you. It makes no fucking sense.
Because no matter what the hairy lesbian feminist say a women wants a man not a mangina

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Best way to get in a girls pants is to ignore her... women have huge egos and hate being ignored

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As the title says.

Why is it that when a man treats women as if they're special, apologizes for things like bumping into them, and is always so nice and kind to them... they're just not attracted?

But when you start behaving more dominantly, stop apologizing period, don't automatically treat women like they're special, and have a 'hard-to-get- aura... suddenly they start wanting you?

I ended up with five different phone numbers over the last two weeks from young women when I decided to start listening to dating advice from men online.

WHY is this? It's like when you're a really nice guy, they just aren't attracted. I don't understand it. But when you do a 180 and stop being so nice, suddenly they want you. It makes no fucking sense.
Because no matter what the hairy lesbian feminist say a women wants a man not a mangina

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Seems to me somebody who uses a term like "mangina" ----- would be the one with the self-insecurity issues.
Wake...why would you focus on someone with bulimia probs, that cried to you about her boyfriend, and uses you as a sob post? Maybe you should explore why you are attracted to women that LIKE bad boys, of which you are not?
As the title says.

Why is it that when a man treats women as if they're special, apologizes for things like bumping into them, and is always so nice and kind to them... they're just not attracted?

But when you start behaving more dominantly, stop apologizing period, don't automatically treat women like they're special, and have a 'hard-to-get- aura... suddenly they start wanting you?

I ended up with five different phone numbers over the last two weeks from young women when I decided to start listening to dating advice from men online.

WHY is this? It's like when you're a really nice guy, they just aren't attracted. I don't understand it. But when you do a 180 and stop being so nice, suddenly they want you. It makes no fucking sense.
Because no matter what the hairy lesbian feminist say a women wants a man not a mangina

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Seems to me somebody who uses a term like "mangina" ----- would be the one with the self-insecurity issues.
Boy if you take offense to the term Mangina then chances are you are one. No respects a little bitch .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Wake...why would you focus on someone with bulimia probs, that cried to you about her boyfriend, and uses you as a sob post? Maybe you should explore why you are attracted to women that LIKE bad boys, of which you are not?
Oh please give me a break. Most women want real men. Also most women treat men like shit. They don't think they do but they do. It comes from years of being told that because they have a vagina they are magically smarter and more kind and moral then a man.... when in truth women individually can be smarter then some men they tend to be more irrational and violent. Difference is men are shamed into not saying anything about the abuse. ... how often have you hit your man for saying something you didn't like or for happened to look at a girl walking by?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Wake...why would you focus on someone with bulimia probs, that cried to you about her boyfriend, and uses you as a sob post? Maybe you should explore why you are attracted to women that LIKE bad boys, of which you are not?
Oh please give me a break. Most women want real men. Also most women treat men like shit. They don't think they do but they do. It comes from years if being told because they have a vagina they are magically smarter and more kind and moral then a man.... when in truth women individually can be smarter then some men they tend to be more irrational and violent. Difference is men are shamed into not saying anything about the abuse. ... how often have you hit your for dating something you didn't like or happened to look at a girl walking by?

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OIC. You are a pretend wannabe bad boy. Sorry. You aren't.
And your reading comprehension is pretty awful as well.

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