"Why are the polls SO CLOSE?"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I sat through a lot of the Robert Reich video below to see whether, at any point, he would stop looking outward and start looking inward. I stuck around for about half of it.

So, "why are the polls so close?" Some of the theories they cover:
  • The polls are wrong
  • The media is propping up Trump to keep it close and get views and clicks
  • People are tuning out the news and facts because they're overwhelmed and exhausted
  • The public doesn't know Harris well enough so they'll take the devil I know
  • People respond to fear than to "nice messages"
  • Harris has not done a good enough job of defining herself
  • They don't understand what a madman Trump is
  • Voters are not considering their own economic self interest
  • Mysogyny
  • Racism
I've watched many of these conversations, and I have yet to see a Democrat ask "could it be US, and more specifically, the way we advocate for our positions? Do we go too far? Do we overreach? Have we made ourselves unattractive in some way? If so, how? How can we change our approach (not our ideals, but the way we advocate for them) to make ourselves more attractive?"

When a party loses, the last place it looks is the mirror. Personally, I think (and I was warning about this for years here) that some of the tactics the Dems have deployed (particularly the way they've weaponized PC and Identity Politics) have played a significant role in the rise and growth and staying power of Trumpism.

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I sat through a lot of the Robert Reich video below to see whether, at any point, he would stop looking outward and start looking inward. I stuck around for about half of it.

So, "why are the polls so close?" Some of the theories they cover:
  • The polls are wrong
  • The media is propping up Trump to keep it close and get views and clicks
  • People are tuning out the news and facts because they're overwhelmed and exhausted
  • The public doesn't know Harris well enough so they'll take the devil I know
  • People respond to fear than to "nice messages"
  • Harris has not done a good enough job of defining herself
  • They don't understand what a madman Trump is
  • Voters are not considering their own economic self interest
  • Mysogyny
  • Racism
I've watched many of these conversations, and I have yet to see a Democrat ask "could it be US, and more specifically, the way we advocate for our positions? Do we go too far? Do we overreach? Have we made ourselves unattractive in some way? If so, how? How can we change our approach to make ourselves more attractive?"

When a party loses, the last place it looks is the mirror. Personally, I think (and I was warning about this for years here) that some of the tactics the Dems have deployed (particularly in the areas of PC and Identity Politics) have played a significant role in the rise and growth and staying power of Trumpism.

Ive seen far more analysis that Trump is grossly underpolled. If he is truly ahead nationally by one or two points than this shouldnt even be close.
I sat through a lot of the Robert Reich video below to see whether, at any point, he would stop looking outward and start looking inward. I stuck around for about half of it.

So, "why are the polls so close?" Some of the theories they cover:
  • The polls are wrong
  • The media is propping up Trump to keep it close and get views and clicks
  • People are tuning out the news and facts because they're overwhelmed and exhausted
  • The public doesn't know Harris well enough so they'll take the devil I know
  • People respond to fear than to "nice messages"
  • Harris has not done a good enough job of defining herself
  • They don't understand what a madman Trump is
  • Voters are not considering their own economic self interest
  • Mysogyny
  • Racism
I've watched many of these conversations, and I have yet to see a Democrat ask "could it be US, and more specifically, the way we advocate for our positions? Do we go too far? Do we overreach? Have we made ourselves unattractive in some way? If so, how? How can we change our approach (not our ideals, but the way we advocate for them) to make ourselves more attractive?"

When a party loses, the last place it looks is the mirror. Personally, I think (and I was warning about this for years here) that some of the tactics the Dems have deployed (particularly the way they've weaponized PC and Identity Politics) have played a significant role in the rise and growth and staying power of Trumpism.

Elissa Slotkin, D for Senate in MI, says her internal polls show Harris losing in MI. I see that happening too for reasons I've already been over.

No one deserves a second Trump presidency more than you, Mac. Maybe look in your own mirror
Ive seen far more analysis that Trump is grossly underpolled. If he is truly ahead nationally by one or two points than this shouldnt even be close.

Hubby and I in the swing state of MI. Each of us contacted several times by pollsters and like most good "Trumpsters", as Mac puts it, we never respond.


Black dude came to our door last week, stumping for TRUMP. Yes. Black guy canvassing for Trump.

Not a single Harris sign in my neighborhood. I have never seen that this close to the election.
Polls are manipulated, just like the “fake news” is and voting machines are. Demwits are by no means known by their “honest” methods.
Sure, we all can't be as "honest" as Trump and his cult.

Trump urged Justice officials to declare election 'corrupt'​

AP News
https://apnews.com › article › trump-urged-justice-depa...

Jul 30, 2021 — President Donald Trump urged senior Justice Department officials to declare the 2020 election results “corrupt” in a December phone call.

President Donald Trump urged senior Justice Department officials to declare the results of the 2020 election “corrupt” in a December phone call, according to handwritten notes from one of the participants in the conversation.

“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen,” Trump said at one point to then-Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, according to notes taken by Richard Donoghue, who was then Rosen’s deputy and who was also on the call.

Felons or dupes? Treatment of Trump's fake electors has ...​

https://www.politico.com › news › 2024/05/11 › trump...

May 11, 2024 — In Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, every fake elector is facing felony charges except one, whose charges were dropped in a cooperation deal.
Both parties have done everything they can to divide the country in every way possible.

It has been a concerted and organized effort on the part of the duopoly to ensure they maintain control.

This is why until something changes every election will be razor close, and no party will ever come close to a 60 seat majority in the Senate.

And we the people will keep fighting each other over things like movies and sports and music and stupid shit.
Polls have proven to be unreliable in recent years.

They may give a spot view of where candidates stand among those contacted

But they fail at predicting who will show up to vote, who has recently registered, where the energy is
I sat through a lot of the Robert Reich video below to see whether, at any point, he would stop looking outward and start looking inward. I stuck around for about half of it.

So, "why are the polls so close?" Some of the theories they cover:
  • The polls are wrong
  • The media is propping up Trump to keep it close and get views and clicks
  • People are tuning out the news and facts because they're overwhelmed and exhausted
  • The public doesn't know Harris well enough so they'll take the devil I know
  • People respond to fear than to "nice messages"
  • Harris has not done a good enough job of defining herself
  • They don't understand what a madman Trump is
  • Voters are not considering their own economic self interest
  • Mysogyny
  • Racism
I've watched many of these conversations, and I have yet to see a Democrat ask "could it be US, and more specifically, the way we advocate for our positions? Do we go too far? Do we overreach? Have we made ourselves unattractive in some way? If so, how? How can we change our approach (not our ideals, but the way we advocate for them) to make ourselves more attractive?"

When a party loses, the last place it looks is the mirror. Personally, I think (and I was warning about this for years here) that some of the tactics the Dems have deployed (particularly the way they've weaponized PC and Identity Politics) have played a significant role in the rise and growth and staying power of Trumpism.

Robert Reich?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Have we made ourselves unattractive in some way? If so, how? How can we change our approach (not our ideals, but the way we advocate for them) to make ourselves more attractive?"
Its pretty obvious whose side this fence jockey is on

To MAGAs he offers nothing but unmitigated scorn and hate

But the dems?

Constructive criticism
Both parties have done everything they can to divide the country in every way possible.

It has been a concerted and organized effort on the part of the duopoly to ensure they maintain control.

This is why until something changes every election will be razor close, and no party will ever come close to a 60 seat majority in the Senate.

And we the people will keep fighting each other over things like movies and sports and music and stupid shit.
MAGAs are not to blame for the schism within America unless you think the policies they are fighting for are wrong
MAGAs are not to blame for the schism within America unless you think the policies they are fighting for are wrong

MAGA is the result of the schism within America more so than to blame for it.

40 years of purposely dividing the country and telling each side the other side is the enemy is bound to bring about something like the MAGA movement.
I sat through a lot of the Robert Reich video below to see whether, at any point, he would stop looking outward and start looking inward. I stuck around for about half of it.

So, "why are the polls so close?" Some of the theories they cover:
  • The polls are wrong
  • The media is propping up Trump to keep it close and get views and clicks
  • People are tuning out the news and facts because they're overwhelmed and exhausted
  • The public doesn't know Harris well enough so they'll take the devil I know
  • People respond to fear than to "nice messages"
  • Harris has not done a good enough job of defining herself
  • They don't understand what a madman Trump is
  • Voters are not considering their own economic self interest
  • Mysogyny
  • Racism
I've watched many of these conversations, and I have yet to see a Democrat ask "could it be US, and more specifically, the way we advocate for our positions? Do we go too far? Do we overreach? Have we made ourselves unattractive in some way? If so, how? How can we change our approach (not our ideals, but the way we advocate for them) to make ourselves more attractive?"

When a party loses, the last place it looks is the mirror. Personally, I think (and I was warning about this for years here) that some of the tactics the Dems have deployed (particularly the way they've weaponized PC and Identity Politics) have played a significant role in the rise and growth and staying power of Trumpism.

To be fair the Democrats over 35 years have won every single popular presidential election that didnt involve 9/11. Over the last two decades it's been by millions and millions.

Biden +7M
Clinton +3M
Obama +13M over two elections

So it's hard to say it is their policies which poll very well. The issues are 1. the electoral college and 2. political marketing, not substance. Hillary did a poor job campaigning electorally otherwise we'd be looking decades of democratic white houses.

Still, the democrats have not figured out how to combat the nonsense noise of the right. As for the areas you think the democrats go to far on consider this: The right gets so aggressive demonizing outlier marginalized communities the democrats are forced to stand up for them regardless of their niche.
MAGA is the result of the schism within America more so than to blame for it.

40 years of purposely dividing the country and telling each side the other side is the enemy is bound to bring about something like the MAGA movement.
What you complain about are MAGAs who stubbornly refuse to go along with your “progressive” aka leftwing agenda

We are standing in the way of what libs want to do and that pisses you off

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