Why are white people so awkward around and obsessed with black people?

She's a sock; how would a new member know in 4 days that Unk is Onyx's sock? (Not that I would know if that's true, but no 4 day newbie would know that).
I don't think she's A's sock, though.
Are you gonna go cry to black people that you were a victim of racism because this one time a black woman on the internet called you a c*nt?
She's a hater's sock, seeing how many white people (s)he can offend. She'd love it if I went crying and believing that blacks are bad, nasty, irrational, thanks to her words. That's her agenda.
She's a sock; how would a new member know in 4 days that Unk is Onyx's sock? (Not that I would know if that's true, but no 4 day newbie would know that).
I don't think she's A's sock, though.
Are you gonna go cry to black people that you were a victim of racism because this one time a black woman on the internet called you a c*nt?
She's a hater's sock, seeing how many white people (s)he can offend. She'd love it if I went crying and believing that blacks are bad, nasty, irrational, thanks to her words. That's her agenda.

One would have to be a moron to not quickly realize unk and onyx are the same person. He's not very clever plus he needed a way to interact with his multiple personalities.

Nope you're only offended because you can't play dumb this time since you're on the receiving end. No way to weasel your way out the discussion of race, no excuses you can come up with to justify it. Admit I made you feel uncomfortable. Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.
Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.

Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.
Don't put words in my mouth. No where in my post did I say or implied that whites are responsible for mine or the failure of other black people. I wanted to know why the hell can't they let us be without always being obsessed with us. Whites on the other hand have connected everything I say and do with my race. Heck I can't even drink juice around them without one being shocked its not grape or watermelon flavored. They have deep preconceived notions of how all black people eat, talk, dress, think, and behave. Some act dumbfounded if I don't instantly get along with a white guy that has black friends. "But other black people like him!" Seriously.
Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.

Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.
Don't put words in my mouth. No where in my post did I say or implied that whites are responsible for mine or the failure of other black people. I wanted to know why the hell can't they let us be without always being obsessed with us. Whites on the other hand have connected everything I say and do with my race. Heck I can't even drink juice around them without one being shocked its not grape or watermelon flavored. They have deep preconceived notions of how all black people eat, talk, dress, think, and behave. Some act dumbfounded if I don't instantly get along with a white guy that has black friends. "But other black people like him!" Seriously.
White people dont understand the difference between a reason and an excuse. To them its all the same. They ask you a question and when you give them a reason they claim its an excuse. I dont play that game with them. I let them think what they want to.
She's a sock; how would a new member know in 4 days that Unk is Onyx's sock? (Not that I would know if that's true, but no 4 day newbie would know that).
I don't think she's A's sock, though.
Are you gonna go cry to black people that you were a victim of racism because this one time a black woman on the internet called you a c*nt?
She's a hater's sock, seeing how many white people (s)he can offend. She'd love it if I went crying and believing that blacks are bad, nasty, irrational, thanks to her words. That's her agenda.

One would have to be a moron to not quickly realize unk and onyx are the same person. He's not very clever plus he needed a way to interact with his multiple personalities.

Nope you're only offended because you can't play dumb this time since you're on the receiving end. No way to weasel your way out the discussion of race, no excuses you can come up with to justify it. Admit I made you feel uncomfortable. Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.

Asslickius' sock should get lost in the wash.
Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.

Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.
But many blacks are successful, some highly successful. They live in the same world you do. Their skin color didn't keep them down so you are all about excuses. You can blame your failures on your attitude.
Don't put words in my mouth. No where in my post did I say or implied that whites are responsible for mine or the failure of other black people. I wanted to know why the hell can't they let us be without always being obsessed with us. Whites on the other hand have connected everything I say and do with my race. Heck I can't even drink juice around them without one being shocked its not grape or watermelon flavored. They have deep preconceived notions of how all black people eat, talk, dress, think, and behave. Some act dumbfounded if I don't instantly get along with a white guy that has black friends. "But other black people like him!" Seriously.
I don't know any white people obsessed with blacks. I don't know anyone who cares what you drink, what you drive, where you eat, etc. You sound a tad paranoid.
She's a sock; how would a new member know in 4 days that Unk is Onyx's sock? (Not that I would know if that's true, but no 4 day newbie would know that).
I don't think she's A's sock, though.
Are you gonna go cry to black people that you were a victim of racism because this one time a black woman on the internet called you a c*nt?
She's a hater's sock, seeing how many white people (s)he can offend. She'd love it if I went crying and believing that blacks are bad, nasty, irrational, thanks to her words. That's her agenda.

One would have to be a moron to not quickly realize unk and onyx are the same person. He's not very clever plus he needed a way to interact with his multiple personalities.

Nope you're only offended because you can't play dumb this time since you're on the receiving end. No way to weasel your way out the discussion of race, no excuses you can come up with to justify it. Admit I made you feel uncomfortable. Don't worry you can always log off and not have to think about your race in your day to day life. The myth of a post racial society is always there to ease your white guilt. Run along now little girl.

All this hate and rage over these comments:

Is the Race Relations forum always like this?
Usually, these threads live in the basement; I'm just being helpful where you're new. I don't make reports.

I don't feel uncomfortable about your topic, but there's no sense trying to have a discussion with you. As a dyed in the wool WASP, I don't have much TO say about your topic. How the fuck would I know? I was here because I got so damned sick of Trump and Clinton threads.
I still think you're a hater's sock. There is no other reason for anyone to attack an innocent bystander trying to give you some helpful advice. You've got no point except some stereotypical horseshit about what you think white women are thinking and feeling.
Maybe Sassy's. Or Tilly's. Except I'd like to think neither of them are that evil.
Don't put words in my mouth. No where in my post did I say or implied that whites are responsible for mine or the failure of other black people. I wanted to know why the hell can't they let us be without always being obsessed with us. Whites on the other hand have connected everything I say and do with my race.
You've said you believe Whites are obsessed with you (Blacks) and connect everything you say and do with your race. Could you be more specific. Because I'm White and I'm certainly not obsessed with Blacks and I really don't know what you mean by connecting everything Blacks say and do with their race.

Heck I can't even drink juice around them without one being shocked its not grape or watermelon flavored.
Does this happen often? And does it happen with just one White person or all of them, or a lot of them, or just a few of them?

They have deep preconceived notions of how all black people eat, talk, dress, think, and behave.
How do these preconceived notions manifest? Do White people often express these preconceived notions to you?

Some act dumbfounded if I don't instantly get along with a white guy that has black friends. "But other black people like him!" Seriously.
Does this happen a lot? Can you describe a typical example of this behavior?
there's a lot of other types of threads on USMB a lot of them are just kinda fun, nothing serious. Maybe about music, pictures word games etc. Its kind of nice when they attract posters from across opposing political sides but I have noticed over time most of these guys who are obsessed with the fact that they know what 'white' people are thinking or obsessed with, never choose to take part. They pretty much only have one thing on their mind. Race. Which is why they see others as being obsessed by race. It's called projecting. They've even gone as far as observing white people in restrooms and by day 37 had determined that white people never wash their hands.
The race obsession you've pointed out is readily observable in TV guest appearances. With extremely few exceptions, regardless of format or topic, Black guest speakers will bring race into a discussion or commentary.

Also, there are some Black comedians whose performances I really enjoy, but without exception their routines are almost exclusively race-based.
You dont have to deal with the same issues Blacks and Hispanics do. You dont have to get up every morning and fight racism at some level everyday.
Please tell us about some actual examples in your own daily experience.
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You dont have to deal with the same issues Blacks and Hispanics do. You dont have to get up every morning and fight racism at some level everyday.
Please tell us about some actual examples in your own daily experience.
It wouldnt be anything you would understand. If you could understand you wouldnt have to ask the question.
You dont have to deal with the same issues Blacks and Hispanics do. You dont have to get up every morning and fight racism at some level everyday.
Please tell us about some actual examples in your own daily experience.
It wouldnt be anything you would understand. If you could understand you wouldnt have to ask the question.
Why am I not surprised by that slippery reply.
You dont have to deal with the same issues Blacks and Hispanics do. You dont have to get up every morning and fight racism at some level everyday.
Please tell us about some actual examples in your own daily experience.
It wouldnt be anything you would understand. If you could understand you wouldnt have to ask the question.
Why am I not surprised by that slippery reply.
Because you understand that your understanding is lacking. I at least give you that.
Because you understand that your understanding is lacking. I at least give you that.
What I clearly understand is the difference between sensible, intelligent, sociable Black people and jive-ass n!ggers who never quit running their bullshit games and simply will not accept that they aren't getting over on Whitey.

These slick, self-pitying, smarter-than-everybody n!ggers are the manifest cause of the ongoing conflict between White cops and Blacks and the reason why integration is not moving forward -- and probably never will.

So what is your smart-ass response to that?
Because you understand that your understanding is lacking. I at least give you that.
What I clearly understand is the difference between sensible, intelligent, sociable Black people and jive-ass n!ggers who never quit running their bullshit games and simply will not accept that they aren't getting over on Whitey.

These slick, self-pitying, smarter-than-everybody n!ggers are the manifest cause of the ongoing conflict between White cops and Blacks and the reason why integration is not moving forward -- and probably never will.

So what is your smart-ass response to that?
My response is to tell you not to be so angry. It will shorten your life span.
Seriously? I live in an mostly white area. They always bring up random "black" subjects around me. They bring up crap like Trayvon Martin, BLM, Obama, voting for Hillary and stupid "N word" aka "I was nice to a black person once" stories. Sometimes they like to decide which words blacks do and don't find offensive. Oh god don't forget the "I have black friends" crap too. Are they aware how stupid they sound? I don't need whites to tell me about being black or about black people.

Don't even get me started on the wigger ones. They're obsessed with the media portrayal of black culture yet hate on actual black people 24/7. Its hilarious seeing a group of white boys driving around the suburbs blasting Lil Wayne sagging their pants and using outdated over the top Ebonics. When they talk about blacks its always "****** this ****** that" but would swear they're blacker than I am because they know more rap music and/or grew up poor. Sorry I don't relate to your white trash problems. I'm black because my parents are black.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transformed tho. What happens to all of the racial hatred? What happens to all that energy? Its fluid. The most racist bus driver I had ever encountered in my life as a black man asked to suck my black (you know what) about a year later on the street. LMAO!!! It goes from fetishism, to murderous hatred, to fear, to copying black culture, and back again. It's all the same energy moving fluidly. That's an explanation of how it moves. Why is it here???? I have no idea what force human or inhuman brought it here
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Seriously? I live in an mostly white area. They always bring up random "black" subjects around me. They bring up crap like Trayvon Martin, BLM, Obama, voting for Hillary and stupid "N word" aka "I was nice to a black person once" stories. Sometimes they like to decide which words blacks do and don't find offensive. Oh god don't forget the "I have black friends" crap too. Are they aware how stupid they sound? I don't need whites to tell me about being black or about black people.

Don't even get me started on the wigger ones. They're obsessed with the media portrayal of black culture yet hate on actual black people 24/7. Its hilarious seeing a group of white boys driving around the suburbs blasting Lil Wayne sagging their pants and using outdated over the top Ebonics. When they talk about blacks its always "****** this ****** that" but would swear they're blacker than I am because they know more rap music and/or grew up poor. Sorry I don't relate to your white trash problems. I'm black because my parents are black.

Eminem is still the best rapper ever
Seriously? I live in an mostly white area. They always bring up random "black" subjects around me. They bring up crap like Trayvon Martin, BLM, Obama, voting for Hillary and stupid "N word" aka "I was nice to a black person once" stories. Sometimes they like to decide which words blacks do and don't find offensive. Oh god don't forget the "I have black friends" crap too. Are they aware how stupid they sound? I don't need whites to tell me about being black or about black people.

Don't even get me started on the wigger ones. They're obsessed with the media portrayal of black culture yet hate on actual black people 24/7. Its hilarious seeing a group of white boys driving around the suburbs blasting Lil Wayne sagging their pants and using outdated over the top Ebonics. When they talk about blacks its always "****** this ****** that" but would swear they're blacker than I am because they know more rap music and/or grew up poor. Sorry I don't relate to your white trash problems. I'm black because my parents are black.

Eminem is still the best rapper ever
Best white rapper ever. Top 10 against everyone else.

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