Why Aren't Mexicans Who March Against America Arrest For Sedition?

Sedition is a term of law ........ ]

yes. it is... and it's something you clearly know nothing about.

but thanks so much for the barrage of racist, xenophobic posts.

i'm sure you'll get a warm reception from the other racists on the board.
Sedition is a term of law ........ ]

yes. it is... and it's something you clearly know nothing about.

but thanks so much for the barrage of racist, xenophobic posts.

i'm sure you'll get a warm reception from the other racists on the board.

just as your racist antics get warm fuzzies from your side of the aisle. :cuckoo:

you won't find a racist bone in my body, babe.

nice try, though.

i have to ask... why do you feel the need to defend the ugliest and most indefensible people who show up here just because they're rightwingnuts?
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yes. it is... and it's something you clearly know nothing about.

but thanks so much for the barrage of racist, xenophobic posts.

i'm sure you'll get a warm reception from the other racists on the board.

just as your racist antics get warm fuzzies from your side of the aisle. :cuckoo:

you won't find a racist bone in my body, babe.

nice try, though.

you support La Raza, the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus. yep,, you have racism you have joined them in their fight against legal Americans who want our borders secured by calling us racist.. yep lady that's racism.. babe.
LOL not all Mexicans are evil. My wife is of Latino descent, her family has been here for a long time, legally, she was born here, and they are good honest, decent people.


Look at that we agree. The VAST MAJORITY of latinos are very good people. There are however some really BAD ones.

Of course - just because one marries an honest, decent Mexican, does not mean ALL are honest, decent Mexicans.
Ten recipients were born outside the United States mainland, one each in Chile and Spain, four in Mexico and four in Puerto Rico. Seaman Philip Bazaar from Chile received the medal in January 1865 and Seaman John Ortega from Spain in December 1865. The first native Mexican recipient was Staff Sergeant Marcario Garcia and the first Puerto Rican was PFC Fernando Luis Garcia.[5] 1st Lt. Rudolph B. Davila, of Hispanic-Filipino descent, was the only person of Filipino ancestry to receive the medal for his actions in the war in Europe during World War II.[6] Private Joe P. Martinez was the first Hispanic-American recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for combat heroism on American soil during the same conflict.[7] 1st Lt. Baldomero Lopez, is the only Hispanic graduate of the United States Naval Academy recipient of the Medal of Honor[8]. Captain Humbert Roque Versace was the first recipient of the Medal of Honor to be given to an Army POW for his actions during captivity in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.

List of Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Months later as young Private First Class Silvestre Herrera was fighting for survival in France, he was also studying to become a United States Citizen. Survival took precedence over study, and he still had a long way to go before taking his citizenship test.

Silvestre's unit was operating in the vicinity of Mertzwiller, France when on March 15, 1945 events occured that changed Silvestre's life forever. As his platoon was moving down a road they came under heavy enemy fire from the woods, forcing most of the men to seek cover. Not Silvestre. His one man charge on the enemy stronghold ended the threat and resulted in his single-handed capture of 8 enemy soldiers. But Silvestre's day was just beginning.

The immediate threat ended, the platoon continued down the road. Suddenly they came under fire again, from a second enemy stronghold. This time a mine field stood between the soldiers and the enemy gun emplacement. The pinned down platoon was at the mercy of the enemy guns.....Silvestre's fellow soldiers were helpless before inevitable disaster. With incredible courage the young PFC stood to his feet and entered the mine field to attack the enemy. Mines exploded around him but he continued on, attempting to not only attack the enemy but to draw their fire away from his comrades. Suddenly a mine exploded beneath him, severing his leg below the knee. Enemy fire continued to rake the field as Silvestre collapsed to the ground, then struggled back up on his one good leg and the shattered remains of the other to continue the attack.

Private Herrera couldn't be stopped. He was determine to attack the enemy that threatened to destroy his platoon. Then another mine exploded, this one beneath his remaining good leg, severing it below the knee. Unable to continue his advance, despite intense pain and the unchecked bleeding of the stumps below his knees, Silvestre lay in the minefield to pin down the enemy while others of his platoon skirted the minefield to flank and capture the enemy. Later Silvestre said, "I was protecting my squad with a machinegun. I was trying to draw their fire. I stepped on one (land mine), it blew me up. Then I stepped on another one with another foot. I was fighting them on my knees."

Silvestre Herrera, Medal of Honor

It's a fact that latino soldiers are valiant - but so are many of other races. One must never forget ALL of those who fight valiantly for our country to protect our freedom! NO MATTER WHAT RACE!!! NEVER MINIMIZE THE VALOR OF SO MANY.......
And yet Americans aren't paying attention to this and it is not shown on the media to inform Americans of the evil Mexicans who seek to destroy Americans of all races. Show this in the black community and they will understand perfectly. Mexicans are evil!

LOL not all Mexicans are evil. My wife is of Latino descent, her family has been here for a long time, legally, she was born here, and they are good honest, decent people.

Did Mexico care about all the innocent people who had to die in WW2?

50 million people?

Where was the Mexican Army?​

What does that have to do with anything? Where was the Swedish Army?
Palin responded, “I think they look at us as another Alaska family, that adapts to job situations and enjoys Alaska. So they can relate to us. You know, we’re just another family that, you know, juggles kids’ busy schedules, juggles jobs, and still has fun doing all that stuff. And so, you know, there’s, there’s lots of Alaskan families that do that and then really there’s a lot of American families that do the same." (Note: You really have to see and hear how he says it to get the full effect.)

News Hounds: Todd Palin, The Former Secessionist, Suggests Alaskans Are Not Americans

Why does the White Wing always give a bye to Sarah Palin's treasonous and secessionist husband? If you're a conservative white winger, you can be a "traitor"? It's OK?
Palin responded, “I think they look at us as another Alaska family, that adapts to job situations and enjoys Alaska. So they can relate to us. You know, we’re just another family that, you know, juggles kids’ busy schedules, juggles jobs, and still has fun doing all that stuff. And so, you know, there’s, there’s lots of Alaskan families that do that and then really there’s a lot of American families that do the same." (Note: You really have to see and hear how he says it to get the full effect.)

News Hounds: Todd Palin, The Former Secessionist, Suggests Alaskans Are Not Americans

Why does the White Wing always give a bye to Sarah Palin's treasonous and secessionist husband? If you're a conservative white winger, you can be a "traitor"? It's OK?

Please learn the meaning of the word traitor before you go around calling someone a traitor. That is a most serious accusation to throw around just for political reasons.
Palin responded, “I think they look at us as another Alaska family, that adapts to job situations and enjoys Alaska. So they can relate to us. You know, we’re just another family that, you know, juggles kids’ busy schedules, juggles jobs, and still has fun doing all that stuff. And so, you know, there’s, there’s lots of Alaskan families that do that and then really there’s a lot of American families that do the same." (Note: You really have to see and hear how he says it to get the full effect.)

News Hounds: Todd Palin, The Former Secessionist, Suggests Alaskans Are Not Americans

Why does the White Wing always give a bye to Sarah Palin's treasonous and secessionist husband? If you're a conservative white winger, you can be a "traitor"? It's OK?

Please learn the meaning of the word traitor before you go around calling someone a traitor. That is a most serious accusation to throw around just for political reasons.

Does the state of Texas ring a bell????
Why does the White Wing always give a bye to Sarah Palin's treasonous and secessionist husband? If you're a conservative white winger, you can be a "traitor"? It's OK?

Please learn the meaning of the word traitor before you go around calling someone a traitor. That is a most serious accusation to throw around just for political reasons.

Does the state of Texas ring a bell????

]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.

You wold have a hard time convicting anyone in Texas of conspiring to overthrow the government.
American politicians are more interested in protecting their re-election possibilities with the support of the illegal aliens, their supporters, and their enablers. They would never do anything, including following the letter of the law as it regards to aliens, that would put a dent in their re-election chances. That part of their oath that deals with "Protect and defend the Constitution" has very little, or no meaning to them.
Ten recipients were born outside the United States mainland, one each in Chile and Spain, four in Mexico and four in Puerto Rico. Seaman Philip Bazaar from Chile received the medal in January 1865 and Seaman John Ortega from Spain in December 1865. The first native Mexican recipient was Staff Sergeant Marcario Garcia and the first Puerto Rican was PFC Fernando Luis Garcia.[5] 1st Lt. Rudolph B. Davila, of Hispanic-Filipino descent, was the only person of Filipino ancestry to receive the medal for his actions in the war in Europe during World War II.[6] Private Joe P. Martinez was the first Hispanic-American recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for combat heroism on American soil during the same conflict.[7] 1st Lt. Baldomero Lopez, is the only Hispanic graduate of the United States Naval Academy recipient of the Medal of Honor[8]. Captain Humbert Roque Versace was the first recipient of the Medal of Honor to be given to an Army POW for his actions during captivity in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.

List of Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Months later as young Private First Class Silvestre Herrera was fighting for survival in France, he was also studying to become a United States Citizen. Survival took precedence over study, and he still had a long way to go before taking his citizenship test.

Silvestre's unit was operating in the vicinity of Mertzwiller, France when on March 15, 1945 events occured that changed Silvestre's life forever. As his platoon was moving down a road they came under heavy enemy fire from the woods, forcing most of the men to seek cover. Not Silvestre. His one man charge on the enemy stronghold ended the threat and resulted in his single-handed capture of 8 enemy soldiers. But Silvestre's day was just beginning.

The immediate threat ended, the platoon continued down the road. Suddenly they came under fire again, from a second enemy stronghold. This time a mine field stood between the soldiers and the enemy gun emplacement. The pinned down platoon was at the mercy of the enemy guns.....Silvestre's fellow soldiers were helpless before inevitable disaster. With incredible courage the young PFC stood to his feet and entered the mine field to attack the enemy. Mines exploded around him but he continued on, attempting to not only attack the enemy but to draw their fire away from his comrades. Suddenly a mine exploded beneath him, severing his leg below the knee. Enemy fire continued to rake the field as Silvestre collapsed to the ground, then struggled back up on his one good leg and the shattered remains of the other to continue the attack.

Private Herrera couldn't be stopped. He was determine to attack the enemy that threatened to destroy his platoon. Then another mine exploded, this one beneath his remaining good leg, severing it below the knee. Unable to continue his advance, despite intense pain and the unchecked bleeding of the stumps below his knees, Silvestre lay in the minefield to pin down the enemy while others of his platoon skirted the minefield to flank and capture the enemy. Later Silvestre said, "I was protecting my squad with a machinegun. I was trying to draw their fire. I stepped on one (land mine), it blew me up. Then I stepped on another one with another foot. I was fighting them on my knees."

Silvestre Herrera, Medal of Honor

It's a fact that latino soldiers are valiant - but so are many of other races. One must never forget ALL of those who fight valiantly for our country to protect our freedom! NO MATTER WHAT RACE!!! NEVER MINIMIZE THE VALOR OF SO MANY.......

What is so hard about looking up stats for the MEXICAN ARMY during WW2? They never sent any troops to fight the "Nazis". But then they call any white American that doesn't agree with the Mexican invasion of the US a "nazi". Therefore the Mexicans are HYPOCRITES!

And 43 out of 3,400 total is not very impressive.
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