Why aren’t Palestinians welcome

You’ll love this, just like your hero Joe Biden.

You have zero ability to think! If that truck had been bombed, there would be nothing left! Those bottles are still full! The carboard boxes are not burnt or even wet from leaking bottles. God created the perfect victim for Hamas propaganda in you, dumbass!
Ok then now we are getting to the root of it. You think Jews are the real Palestinians so you don’t like that the Arabs have claimed the label. Why couldnt you just be honest about it from the start ?
I was. Where the WB is now was TransJordan so they are Jordanian
Not an ounce of support for your lie in that post. Sorry.
He’s Jewish. Do you label him an antisemite?
Where is the bombed truck?
The truck trailer is in the video. It is sitting still packed with water bottles in boxes. None of bottles on the ground are even leaking and the boxes are not burned or even wet. To me. it looks exactly like what you would expect if a truck with an unsecured load took a turn too fast.
Why Jordanian and not TransJordanian? Thats also where Palestine was, why not Palestinian?
Trans Jordan became Jordan. Palestine is a region. It’s like calling all of us North American. It’s nonsensical. You would not understand. You’re dumb.
Trans Jordan became Jordan. Palestine is a region. It’s like calling all of us North American. It’s nonsensical. You would not understand. You’re dumb.
oh no did you call me dumb?! thats harsh man... harsh.

Now back to the discussion.

TransJordan was only established for a few decades. Palestine was the identity for centuries. Thats how these people and the rest of the world identify.

I understand that you're Jewish and you think you're supposed to disagree or dismiss that term. You just need to try a little harder to understand why and explain it better. You also need a better answer for what you think these people should be referred to if not Palestinian... Because Jordanian is not going to cut it.
oh no did you call me dumb?! thats harsh man... harsh.

Now back to the discussion.

TransJordan was only established for a few decades. Palestine was the identity for centuries. Thats how these people and the rest of the world identify.

I understand that you're Jewish and you think you're supposed to disagree or dismiss that term. You just need to try a little harder to understand why and explain it better. You also need a better answer for what you think these people should be referred to if not Palestinian... Because Jordanian is not going to cut it.
Whose identity?

I do Not need to do anything. You don’t understand. TransJordan became WB and Jordan. So the residents of the WB are Jordanian. It’s not overly difficult to understand
Whose identity?

I do Not need to do anything. You don’t understand. TransJordan became WB and Jordan. So the residents of the WB are Jordanian. It’s not overly difficult to understand
You need to do a lot of things... If you think the people of WB are Jordanian then start calling them that. Stop calling them Palestinian. Be my guest and see how easy a time you have communicating about the subject.

But unless you want to be a hypcrite... If you're going to keep referring them as Palestinians out of one side of your mouth then say they are Jordanians out of the other, you're just gonna keep sounding like a fool.

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