Why aren't people taking the Aryan Brotherhood seriously?

The Aryan Brotherhood as an organized gang does not exist outside of prison. Those who are "in" the Aryan Brotherhood exist outside of prison and carry on all kinds of criminal activities. Which is understandable because they really are criminals. But there is no organizational form outside of prison.

If you want the criminal organization that is the major Meth distributor in Palmdale, as well as in Temecula, Hemet, San Jacinto, etc it isn't the Aryan Brotherhood. It's the Vagos motorcycle gang. Some of Vagos were AB when they were in prison and some were not because the two have nothing to do with one another.

A couple of years ago Vagos in Hemet basically declared war on the police and started popping officers off using booby traps. Much like is happening in Texas now.

Exactly, and well explained. A LOT of the Vagos and Hells Angels are AB - if not most of them.
Figured as much, I heard if you join them you take an oath, AB for life. That would make no sense if you could just throw away your colors once you are released from prison.

I think what confuses people is that outside of the prisons, they join other gangs. Katz is right about them floating to other low-life crime scenarios. Hells Angels, Vagos, Nomads, etc.

Like being a Black Muslim, "Aryan Brotherhood" is secondary identifier rather than a gang name per se.

If I was AB in prison and got out, could I just get out of the life and become a mechanic or something? or am I still obligated to answer to the AB for something?
If I was AB in prison and got out, could I just get out of the life and become a mechanic or something? or am I still obligated to answer to the AB for something?

I honestly don't know. It's not like they have meetings or dues, but they recognize each other by their tats, and are expected to stick up for each other.
Figured as much, I heard if you join them you take an oath, AB for life. That would make no sense if you could just throw away your colors once you are released from prison.

I think what confuses people is that outside of the prisons, they join other gangs. Katz is right about them floating to other low-life crime scenarios. Hells Angels, Vagos, Nomads, etc.

Like being a Black Muslim, "Aryan Brotherhood" is secondary identifier rather than a gang name per se.

If I was AB in prison and got out, could I just get out of the life and become a mechanic or something? or am I still obligated to answer to the AB for something?

Not as long as you stay out of prison. They don't know who or where you are. Unlike gangs like MS-13 or Crips AB doesn't congregate and control territory. They get together in twos or sometimes threes.

You can't just ask to join a prison gang like AB. You have to prove what a bad ass you are. Usually by getting that ass beat down and not ratting out the guys who did it.
LEO takes them seriously. A couple of dozen have been locked up in Texas the last week, and they will sit their as the judges drag their feet on bail. Judges don't like folks who shoot court officials, not even a little bit.

This is a minor LEO issue, nothing more.

Sounds like you are supporting the same kind of behavior and discrimination that got the DAs killed in the first place. Oh well... it just takes longer for some people to undergetit.

Some people in the criminal justice system abuse thier authority. It happens. People like that sherrif in AZ ..I'm surprised that loud mouth egotistical fuck is still drawing breath.

It's easy for people to have some desire to pile on abuse to people that are already doing the penalty for thier crimes. For some ..like pediphiles and rapists I have no problem with that. They will never change anyway..piss on them. It's also easy to criticise people in prison joining something like the Arian Brotherhood. You don't know what prison is like. A white guy can be robbed continually ..beat up..or killed ...or gang raped ...without the protection and retribution against assholes in a prison environment. Not everyone that gets locked up can defend themselves independant of some backup.

It's also quite probable that the Arian Brotherhood's leadership did some things that brought on this conflict which has obviously spilled out into the community. The dynamics inside a prison between the prison admin and gaurds and a selfmade association, which is illegal anyway, can be quite hostile. There are unreasonable assholes in prison on both sides of the bars. Go figure.. :lol:

Hey scumbag.,..These people are CRIMINALS...SHould we now kowtow to mob rule so as to not offend them?
In reading your post, it appears you condone the killing of law enforcement and prosecutors..
It is my hope you become a crime victim and in seeking the assistance of law enforcement, you are ignored.
You are garbage.
Unfortunately, shit heads like you live forever.

Why I gotta be the "shithead that lives forever"? :lol: I'm a good god (Russell Wilson) loving member of my community. Myself and the property I'm commited to protect were assaulted by criminals at least 50 times in the last three years. Some were white meth types..no doubt..ABs in prison...they ALL go to prison eventually. Some were black gang bangers.. transcients...etc...all kinds. But I prevailed...AKA ..not a victim...because I and my Pitbulls and my Baseball bat beat thier dumb asses to the concrete. I rarely call the Seattle Police as I prefer to handle my victim status personally.

Anyway my previous posts were to inform you in this thread of some "truth" surrounding the dynamics of being in prison in the company of a lot of dangerous people. I have been known to be a "shithead". I will not deny it. Sometimes it has served me well. Sometimes not. For the past several years it has been the difference in survival. I do deny being a "scumbag". I doubt the Seattle Police at the North Precint consider me a "scumbag". They show me respect.

Whether you like me or not is of little consequence. I'll leave you with the fact that there are assholes in all walks of life regarding the "Justice system". Most prison inmates are assholes.. Some lawyers including AGs are assholes. A few DOC employees are assholes...Some DOJ people are assholes. I have no sympathy for assholes.
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Why I gotta be the "shithead that lives forever"? :lol: I'm a good god (Russell Wilson) loving member of my community. Myself and the property I'm commited to protect were assaulted by criminals at least 50 times in the last three years. Some were white meth types..no doubt..ABs in prison...they ALL go to prison eventually. Some were black gang bangers.. transcients...etc...all kinds. But I prevailed...AKA ..not a victim...because I and my Pitbulls and my Baseball bat beat thier dumb asses to the concrete. I rarely call the Seattle Police as I prefer to handle my victim status personally.

Anyway my previous posts were to inform you in this thread of some "truth" surrounding the dynamics of being in prison in the company of a lot of dangerous people. I have been known to be a "shithead". I will not deny it. Sometimes it has served me well. Sometimes not. For the past several years it has been the difference in survival. I do deny being a "scumbag". I doubt the Seattle Police at the North Precint consider me a "scumbag". They show me respect.

Whether you like me or not is of little consequence. I'll leave you with the fact that there are assholes in all walks of life regarding the "Justice system". Most prison inmates are assholes.. Some lawyers including AGs are assholes. A few DOC employees are assholes...Some DOJ people are assholes. I have no sympathy for assholes.

Apparently Seattle is vastly different than Los Angeles. Out here, a baseball bat and pitbulls will get you nothing more than a one way trip to the morgue. You gotsda bat, dey gotsda gat.

The gang that Greschner said was “started up as a white self-defense group in a single pen,” has evolved into a multinational criminal syndicate with hugely profitable drug trafficking and gambling operations and protection rackets within prisons across the country. On the streets, the AB is involved in practically any profitable criminal enterprise, including murder-for-hire, armed robbery, gun running, methamphetamine manufacturing, counterfeiting and identity theft.

Former ?Commissioner? John Greschner Discusses Life and Death in the Aryan Brotherhood | Southern Poverty Law Center
The Aryan Brotherhood has never been infiltrated. So the FBI is lying when they say they have been trying to infiltrate this white supremacist group. The reason why they have never been infiltrated is because they do not exist outside the prison system. Once out, the "members" go on being whatever low live criminal they were before, but there is no organization outside the prison system to infiltrate.

They exist outside of prison.

Up in Idaho, Aryan Nations has a significant presence. I've run into them up there. Here in California they keep a lower profile, but are known to be major Meth distributors working out of Palmdale, San Bernardino, and other shit hole communities. Like cockroaches, you may not see them, but they're there.

I wouldn't confuse the AB with just any Aryan name.
The Aryan Brotherhood as an organized gang does not exist outside of prison. Those who are "in" the Aryan Brotherhood exist outside of prison and carry on all kinds of criminal activities. Which is understandable because they really are criminals. But there is no organizational form outside of prison.

If you want the criminal organization that is the major Meth distributor in Palmdale, as well as in Temecula, Hemet, San Jacinto, etc it isn't the Aryan Brotherhood. It's the Vagos motorcycle gang. Some of Vagos were AB when they were in prison and some were not because the two have nothing to do with one another.

A couple of years ago Vagos in Hemet basically declared war on the police and started popping officers off using booby traps. Much like is happening in Texas now.

You seem to be fairly well informed. Are you a peckerwood?
Figured as much, I heard if you join them you take an oath, AB for life. That would make no sense if you could just throw away your colors once you are released from prison.

I think what confuses people is that outside of the prisons, they join other gangs. Katz is right about them floating to other low-life crime scenarios. Hells Angels, Vagos, Nomads, etc.

Like being a Black Muslim, "Aryan Brotherhood" is secondary identifier rather than a gang name per se.

If I was AB in prison and got out, could I just get out of the life and become a mechanic or something? or am I still obligated to answer to the AB for something?

You AB? HAHAHA all kidding aside, yes you would still be obligated to the AB. Peckerwood for life!

The gang that Greschner said was “started up as a white self-defense group in a single pen,” has evolved into a multinational criminal syndicate with hugely profitable drug trafficking and gambling operations and protection rackets within prisons across the country. On the streets, the AB is involved in practically any profitable criminal enterprise, including murder-for-hire, armed robbery, gun running, methamphetamine manufacturing, counterfeiting and identity theft.

Former ?Commissioner? John Greschner Discusses Life and Death in the Aryan Brotherhood | Southern Poverty Law Center

And silence from the nay sayers and skeptics.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

I think you owe the AB an apology.
Who knows who is killing these officials. Its easy to blame the AB. They are one of the most unorganized groups as a whole. lol.

Your listening to mainstream too much. Other news articles are saying its other government officials.

Who knows what the truth is?
Who knows who is killing these officials. Its easy to blame the AB. They are one of the most unorganized groups as a whole. lol.

Your listening to mainstream too much. Other news articles are saying its other government officials.

Who knows what the truth is?

I think the AB is owed an apology by this idiot for blaming them without any evidence. It's as you said, it appears a fired Judge is the culprit.
Who knows who is killing these officials. Its easy to blame the AB. They are one of the most unorganized groups as a whole. lol.

Your listening to mainstream too much. Other news articles are saying its other government officials.

Who knows what the truth is?

the media really needed it to be the AB

the day is still long

perhaps the media could invent

this guys ties to the AB

which they have gotten quite good at
AB does not exist outside of the prisons. That is why there was no AB involvement in these murders. The left isn't saying much about the arrest which is what they do when they are wrong. They just don't mention it again.
Who does the AB have to kill to get some respect in Texas? :lol:

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