Why aren't people taking the Aryan Brotherhood seriously?

No one calls them the Aryan Brotherhood any more. Now, they are called core members the Republican Party.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

But it is true, right?

Disgusting trolls like you are why we have trouble taking each other seriously. You harm the side you claim to support with your childishness by giving the impression that all of them are as stupid and hate filled as you are. Luckily, I know there's an ignore feature on this board! I know you'll keep posting, but I'll never know what you say. :lol:
No one calls them the Aryan Brotherhood any more. Now, they are called core members the Republican Party.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

But it is true, right?

Disgusting trolls like you are why we have trouble taking each other seriously. You harm the side you claim to support with your childishness by giving the impression that all of them are as stupid and hate filled as you are. Luckily, I know there's an ignore feature on this board! I know you'll keep posting, but I'll never know what you say. :lol:

Tell the truth...when traffic gets bad on the freeways ..you put your hands over your eyes!!!

No one calls them the Aryan Brotherhood any more. Now, they are called core members the Republican Party.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

But it is true, right?

Disgusting trolls like you are why we have trouble taking each other seriously. You harm the side you claim to support with your childishness by giving the impression that all of them are as stupid and hate filled as you are. Luckily, I know there's an ignore feature on this board! I know you'll keep posting, but I'll never know what you say. :lol:

Take it seriously for a moment. What's rdean really saying? Republicans are the enemies of democrats and must be eliminated. That's the way democrats really feel and why it needs to be taken seriously. We are no longer the United States. We aren't United in anything.
Why? It's true isn't it?

See, it didn't even take 20 minutes.

No one calls them the Aryan Brotherhood any more. Now, they are called core members the Republican Party.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

But it is true, right?

That is so strange, they call themselves Democrats.

No one calls them the Aryan Brotherhood any more. Now, they are called core members the Republican Party.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

But it is true, right?

Disgusting trolls like you are why we have trouble taking each other seriously. You harm the side you claim to support with your childishness by giving the impression that all of them are as stupid and hate filled as you are. Luckily, I know there's an ignore feature on this board! I know you'll keep posting, but I'll never know what you say. :lol:

Take it seriously for a moment. What's rdean really saying? Republicans are the enemies of democrats and must be eliminated. That's the way democrats really feel and why it needs to be taken seriously. We are no longer the United States. We aren't United in anything.

That guy doesn't speak for all Democrats, nor all Liberals. He's just a troll who picks one side with one ID and the other using another ID and is here only to flame people. He's trash and unworthy of attention.
Nobody takes the AB seriously because everyone knows it is yet another "hate group" created by our govt to blame things on. 90% of AB members are govt agents.
I don't think we're referring to it as hate group. Most posters on this thread understand its a criminal profit group/prison group. We aren't trying to make whites look bad if that's what you mean.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

Where is the evidence that the AB was involved in these murders?
The Aryan Brotherhood is mainly a white gang formed in prisons, reactionary to black and hispanic gangs that often control prisons. So, does that mean that 90% of the Aryan brotherhood agents are in prison?
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

Where is the evidence that the AB was involved in these murders?

Hey, Lonestar, they are being suspected as of now, so I apologize if I implied otherwise. The police don't have direct evidence as of now. But they do believe it is this group and it was also tied to another shooting in Colorado.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

LEO takes them seriously. A couple of dozen have been locked up in Texas the last week, and they will sit their as the judges drag their feet on bail. Judges don't like folks who shoot court officials, not even a little bit.

This is a minor LEO issue, nothing more.

Sounds like you are supporting the same kind of behavior and discrimination that got the DAs killed in the first place. Oh well... it just takes longer for some people to undergetit.

Some people in the criminal justice system abuse thier authority. It happens. People like that sherrif in AZ ..I'm surprised that loud mouth egotistical fuck is still drawing breath.

It's easy for people to have some desire to pile on abuse to people that are already doing the penalty for thier crimes. For some ..like pediphiles and rapists I have no problem with that. They will never change anyway..piss on them. It's also easy to criticise people in prison joining something like the Arian Brotherhood. You don't know what prison is like. A white guy can be robbed continually ..beat up..or killed ...or gang raped ...without the protection and retribution against assholes in a prison environment. Not everyone that gets locked up can defend themselves independant of some backup.

It's also quite probable that the Arian Brotherhood's leadership did some things that brought on this conflict which has obviously spilled out into the community. The dynamics inside a prison between the prison admin and gaurds and a selfmade association, which is illegal anyway, can be quite hostile. There are unreasonable assholes in prison on both sides of the bars. Go figure.. :lol:

Hey scumbag.,..These people are CRIMINALS...SHould we now kowtow to mob rule so as to not offend them?
In reading your post, it appears you condone the killing of law enforcement and prosecutors..
It is my hope you become a crime victim and in seeking the assistance of law enforcement, you are ignored.
You are garbage.
Unfortunately, shit heads like you live forever.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

No one calls them the Aryan Brotherhood any more. Now, they are called core members the Republican Party.

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

You are being boycotted.
When I get through with you, your posts will be ignored.

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