Why aren't people taking the Aryan Brotherhood seriously?

You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

Could you have been anymore wrong? So much for what you know...
Why aren't people taking the Aryan Brotherhood seriously?

Oh but we are. The Republican Party is being closely monitored. You can't try voter suppression then blend into the background. It makes you MORE, not LESS noticible.

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