Why be a liberal?

Thread summary:

Several conservatives were enraged to the point of hysteria by religious freedom, and they now want their their precious authoritarian state to stomp hard on religious freedom.

Not every conservative is a Constitution-hating authoritarian, but most of them are.
Like I said, you are deranged beyond comprehension. Drug abuse?
Thread summary:

Several conservatives were enraged to the point of hysteria by religious freedom, and they now want their their precious authoritarian state to stomp hard on religious freedom.

Not every conservative is a Constitution-hating authoritarian, but most of them are.
Like I said, you are deranged beyond comprehension. Drug abuse?
Be a man, for once, and show us your defense of religious freedom?
So, Mac1958 and Iceweasel are now proudly announcing how they're domestic enemies of the Constitution.

Me, I'm oathbound to oppose such people. I don't have a choice in the matter.
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
So what? Should she not be allowed to, Mr. can't take a stand?
I'm taking a stand all the way through this thread and all others, regressive.

The point is about the regressive's defense of the most oppressive and illiberal religion on the planet, regressive. Not the woman herself, regressive.

You think you're more intelligent than anyone who dares to disagree with you, but somehow that fact hasn't made it into your brain, regressive.
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Who said she was forced? Are Catholic women "forced" to attend Mass? Go to confession? Doesn't look forced to me - it looks like a choice meaning - liberty.
. If not forced, then she is a believer, but what she might believe could be dangerous to the American way of life or forms of thinking. Do you know what her thoughts are as she was in that pool ? No you don't know her thoughts, just like those who have been slain all over this nation now didn't know the thoughts of their killers when they decided to turn on them, and to kill them. It's really hard for the average American to trust a religion that is anti-American/anti-western lifestyles, and that can be either radical in their beliefs or dormant in their beliefs until something or someone triggers them, otherwise if those beliefs are anti-American or anti-western way of life. Can you blame people for being nervous after all that has transpired now ??
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This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Who said she was forced? Are Catholic women "forced" to attend Mass? Go to confession? Doesn't look forced to me - it looks like a choice meaning - liberty.
. If not forced, then she is a believer, but what she might believe could be dangerous to the American way of life or forms of thinking. Do you know what her thoughts are as she was that pool ? No you don't know her thoughts, just like those who have been slain all over this nation now didn't know the thoughts of their killers when they decided to turn on them, and to kill them. It's really hard for the average American to trust a religion that is anti-American/anti-western lifestyles, and that can be either radical in their beliefs or dormant in their beliefs, otherwise if those beliefs are anti-American or anti-western way of life. Can you blame people for being nervous after all that has transpired now ??
You people need to grow the fuck up and understand why the Founders banned you from doing what you want to do - ban Islam.
Always a good sign when they trot out the Straw Man.

The Constitution specifies freedom of religion.

You proudly oppose that freedom of religion here.

So where's the strawman?
You're invited to show me where I said the woman should not be allowed to wear what she's wearing.

I know that when you can't do that, you'll start the standard deflect/pivot/attack schtick.

Go ahead. What post number was that?
Always a good sign when they trot out the Straw Man.

The Constitution specifies freedom of religion.

You proudly oppose that freedom of religion here.

So where's the strawman?
There isn't one. Mac couldn't take a stand if his life depended on it.
Why won't you take a stand on anything, regressive?

Are you always a coward like this?
The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Always a good sign when they trot out the Straw Man.

The Constitution specifies freedom of religion.

You proudly oppose that freedom of religion here.

So where's the strawman?
There isn't one. Mac couldn't take a stand if his life depended on it.
Why won't you take a stand on anything, regressive?

Are you always a coward like this?
The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
Always a good sign when they trot out the Straw Man.

The Constitution specifies freedom of religion.

You proudly oppose that freedom of religion here.

So where's the strawman?
There isn't one. Mac couldn't take a stand if his life depended on it.
Why won't you take a stand on anything, regressive?

Are you always a coward like this?
The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
What a shame. The regressives defend a religion that treats women and gays like that, and they even go into spin mode after jihadist atrocities.

These are not liberals, they are "progressives" (ha).
No religion supports liberalism, Mac in the middle. That's why no religion is allowed to rule here.

Chrisitianity does...moron....Jesus even made it a tenet....render to Ceasar that which is Ceasar's.....
Christianity doesn't support liberalism. One can choose either God or something else. When forced one must choose God over country. It doesn't support freedom of speech, religion, or anything else. No religion does, not a one.
. And here you have it folks.. Righty Tighty is anti-christian, and therefore he is anti-American. There is a war on Christianity in America being conducted by the left, and because they know that the Muslims don't agree with Christianity (killing Christian's over across the pond), is it that they (the left) are using the Muslims as their proxy to wage war on the American Christian in which they (the radical liberal left) hate here ????????? Hmmmm. Interesting on what is taking place in all this to date.
What a shame. The regressives defend a religion that treats women and gays like that, and they even go into spin mode after jihadist atrocities.

These are not liberals, they are "progressives" (ha).
No religion supports liberalism, Mac in the middle. That's why no religion is allowed to rule here.

Chrisitianity does...moron....Jesus even made it a tenet....render to Ceasar that which is Ceasar's.....
Christianity doesn't support liberalism. One can choose either God or something else. When forced one must choose God over country. It doesn't support freedom of speech, religion, or anything else. No religion does, not a one.
. And here you have it folks.. Right is anti-christian, and therefore he is anti-American. There is a war on Christianity in America being conducted by the left, and because they know that the Muslims don't agree with Christianity (killing Christian's over across the pond), is it that they (the left) are using the Muslims as their proxy to wage war on the American Christian in which they (the radical liberal left) hate here ????????? Hmmmm. Interesting on what is taking place in all this to date.
I'm anti-all religions but they are still allowed here. Suck it, Jesus bitch.

And Christians are Americans in name only. They are required to put God above country when forced to. I am not.
The Constitution specifies freedom of religion.

You proudly oppose that freedom of religion here.

So where's the strawman?
There isn't one. Mac couldn't take a stand if his life depended on it.
Why won't you take a stand on anything, regressive?

Are you always a coward like this?
The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.

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