Why be a liberal?

There isn't one. Mac couldn't take a stand if his life depended on it.
Why won't you take a stand on anything, regressive?

Are you always a coward like this?
The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
Thread summary:

Several conservatives were enraged to the point of hysteria by religious freedom, and they now want their their precious authoritarian state to stomp hard on religious freedom.

Not every conservative is a Constitution-hating authoritarian, but most of them are.
Like I said, you are deranged beyond comprehension. Drug abuse?
Be a man, for once, and show us your defense of religious freedom?
You're a little boy so don't try to be cute with me. I said nothing against religious freedom, you hurl one turd after the other and can support none of it. Your game was old in the 5th grade.
Poor thing. What a shame. The regressives defend a religion that treats women and gays like that, and they even go into spin mode after jihadist atrocities.

These are not liberals, they are "progressives" (ha).
How do these people treat women?

You'll have to make your feeble & transparent attempt at deflection a bit more clear.

What would you say he is?
Watching the conservatives here live their lives on their knees, that only elicits sadness in us now. It's impossible to be angry at creatures who are so pitiful.

We've tried to save them, to make loyal Americans out of them again. It didn't work. They don't want to be saved. They've become addicted to licking the boots of their authoritarian masters. At this point, we have to cut them loose. Conservatives can't be helped until they want to be helped, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
You need to venture out into the world.

If that is too difficult, then I suggest you open an window.
. No windows in his mommy's basement.. lol
Why won't you take a stand on anything, regressive?

Are you always a coward like this?
The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
I'm sure that when mamooth returns, he'll be able to show me where I said the woman couldn't exercise her religious freedom.

I'm sure he'll knock it out of the park, with clear examples.

Because if he can't, that would make him a liar. And regressives are NEVER liars.
What you've said is, hey, I'm too stupid to understand the difference between religious freedom and that freedom used in ways that I disapprove of.
I'm sure that when mamooth returns, he'll be able to show me where I said the woman couldn't exercise her religious freedom.

I'm sure he'll knock it out of the park, with clear examples.

Because if he can't, that would make him a liar. And regressives are NEVER liars.
What you've said is, hey, I'm too stupid to understand the difference between religious freedom and that freedom used in ways that I disapprove of.
So you admit this has been a lie.

The OP is a stand. One cannot ban Muslims, Islam, the Burka, the Burkini, you name it. We have religious freedom here and I'll bury anyone who tries to take it away.

That's what a stand looks like, Mac in the middle.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
I'm sure that when mamooth returns, he'll be able to show me where I said the woman couldn't exercise her religious freedom.

I'm sure he'll knock it out of the park, with clear examples.

Because if he can't, that would make him a liar. And regressives are NEVER liars.
What you've said is, hey, I'm too stupid to understand the difference between religious freedom and that freedom used in ways that I disapprove of.
So you admit this has been a lie.

Of course it's not a lie, you idiot. What a Muslim woman wears is none of your fucking business. That's a stand BTW.
I'm anti-all religions but they are still allowed here. Suck it, Jesus bitch.

And Christians are Americans in name only. They are required to put God above country when forced to. I am not.
You're bigot then, big surprise, most lefties are. Religions are "allowed" here because the founders made sure people couldn't force their beliefs onto others. Nor do you ever explain where the god/country divide is, we don't all live in your hate bubble.
Take a stand for a change, Mr. Fence Sitter.
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

I'm anti-all religions but they are still allowed here. Suck it, Jesus bitch.

And Christians are Americans in name only. They are required to put God above country when forced to. I am not.
You're bigot then, big surprise, most lefties are. Religions are "allowed" here because the founders made sure people couldn't force their beliefs onto others. Nor do you ever explain where the god/country divide is, we don't all live in your hate bubble.
The divide is - keep your god and gods out of public policy. This is a secular nation.
Gun control.

Land control.

People control.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.

Demonstrating, yet again, what an abject failure at historical knowledge you are.

Time for you to grow up, junior.

"The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:

The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


And of course, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. A PRIVATE organization.

"The First Military Company Chartered in the Western Hemisphere
As the settlements, which followed the landing at Plymouth increased and spread, there was no organized military force for protection against the Indians. So-called "Train Bands" were formed in different settlements but these were only local volunteer companies and there was no joint action or centralized authority. Thus the subject of adequate military protection soon became a matter of serious consideration.

Many of the settlers had been members in England, of the Honourable Artillery Company at London (organized and chartered in 1527) and it was natural that the military training they had received in that Company should lead them fo form a similar organization in the new country. In 1637 a Company was formed for instruction in discipline and tactics, and that year Governor Winthrop was petitioned for a Charter. He refused the request because he feared the establishment of a military force, which might overthrow the civil power. However, the Governor finally granted a Charter in March, 1638, and on the first Monday in June following, an election of Officers was held on Boston Common. The Common then being an open field leading down to the Charles River. The most convenient place to cast the ballots was on the head of the drum, which was placed in front of the Company. Since that time, the Company has maintained the tradition of holding their annual elections on the Boston Common on the first Monday in June by casting the votes on the Drum Head."

Ancient Honorable Artillery Company Massachusetts AHA Ancients
I'd swear you think these men had no fucking common sense (when they had a great deal). Do you really believe that because the government has nukes they'd think it okay for you, personally, to have weapons of mass destruction? Honestly, use your head for once.
. He is giving you historical context, but you answer with idiocy.. lol
That is a stand you fucking idiot.
Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.

Demonstrating, yet again, what an abject failure at historical knowledge you are.

Time for you to grow up, junior.

"The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:

The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


And of course, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. A PRIVATE organization.

"The First Military Company Chartered in the Western Hemisphere
As the settlements, which followed the landing at Plymouth increased and spread, there was no organized military force for protection against the Indians. So-called "Train Bands" were formed in different settlements but these were only local volunteer companies and there was no joint action or centralized authority. Thus the subject of adequate military protection soon became a matter of serious consideration.

Many of the settlers had been members in England, of the Honourable Artillery Company at London (organized and chartered in 1527) and it was natural that the military training they had received in that Company should lead them fo form a similar organization in the new country. In 1637 a Company was formed for instruction in discipline and tactics, and that year Governor Winthrop was petitioned for a Charter. He refused the request because he feared the establishment of a military force, which might overthrow the civil power. However, the Governor finally granted a Charter in March, 1638, and on the first Monday in June following, an election of Officers was held on Boston Common. The Common then being an open field leading down to the Charles River. The most convenient place to cast the ballots was on the head of the drum, which was placed in front of the Company. Since that time, the Company has maintained the tradition of holding their annual elections on the Boston Common on the first Monday in June by casting the votes on the Drum Head."

Ancient Honorable Artillery Company Massachusetts AHA Ancients
I'd swear you think these men had no fucking common sense (when they had a great deal). Do you really believe that because the government has nukes they'd think it okay for you, personally, to have weapons of mass destruction? Honestly, use your head for once.
. He is giving you historical context, but you answer with idiocy.. lol
The idiot is one who thinks because wars used to be fought with things the average person might own you can own a personal nuclear weapon in case you are called to defend the nation. Unlike these morons I don't live in 1789.

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