Why be a liberal?

Come on, Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand.

You couldn't take a stand if your life depended on it.
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
I'm anti-all religions but they are still allowed here. Suck it, Jesus bitch.

And Christians are Americans in name only. They are required to put God above country when forced to. I am not.
You're bigot then, big surprise, most lefties are. Religions are "allowed" here because the founders made sure people couldn't force their beliefs onto others. Nor do you ever explain where the god/country divide is, we don't all live in your hate bubble.
The divide is - keep your god and gods out of public policy. This is a secular nation.
You're a total idiot. This is not a secular nation, our laws are but people are not laws. The majority are religious, or have a faith and the majority are Christian. You might not like it but that falls into the tough shit category. You can't impose your atheism on them, sorry.
Thread summary:

Several conservatives were enraged to the point of hysteria by religious freedom, and they now want their their precious authoritarian state to stomp hard on religious freedom.

Not every conservative is a Constitution-hating authoritarian, but most of them are.
. Hating Christianity is hating our constitution, so you want to maybe try your hatred in a better hidden form now ??
Are you really this fucking dumb? The OP, this whole thread, is a "stand".
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.
Thread summary:

Several conservatives were enraged to the point of hysteria by religious freedom, and they now want their their precious authoritarian state to stomp hard on religious freedom.

Not every conservative is a Constitution-hating authoritarian, but most of them are.
. Hating Christianity is hating our constitution, so you want to maybe try your hatred in a better hidden form now ??
There is no Christianity in out Godless Constitution. That was - intentional.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Two things.

1. The founders were classical liberals. They opposed intrusive government; even fought a war against the mightiest government on the planet to ensure that people were to be free of oppressive government. Your image doesn't show that it shows individual freedom to be who we are. You can't thank today's modern liberal for that. You can, however; thank our military for that.

2. Today's liberal is progressive. A progressive will give you this:


So I guess My questio is: Why are you a liberal?
You're calling me "fucking dumb" and you can't even figure out you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fence Sitter.

Now, tell us how smart you are again.


Holy crap.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.

Can anyone help with this? He really doesn't understand.

Holy crap.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Two things.

1. The founders were classical liberals. They opposed intrusive government; even fought a war against the mightiest government on the planet to ensure that people were to be free of oppressive government. Your image doesn't show that it shows individual freedom to be who we are. You can't thank today's modern liberal for that. You can, however; thank our military for that.

2. Today's liberal is progressive. A progressive will give you this:


So I guess My questio is: Why are you a liberal?
See the OP where the answer is with liberalism one gets - liberty.
No. Are you EVER going to make a point? Is this really the best deflection you can come up with?
It's called a "wife beater".

My point is, our own homegrown Christian rednecks don't treat their women much better than Muslims do. Think about that the next time you are throwing stones.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.

Can anyone help with this? He really doesn't understand.

Holy crap.
No one understands, Mac. You can't make a stand to save your life and I do little else.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Two things.

1. The founders were classical liberals. They opposed intrusive government; even fought a war against the mightiest government on the planet to ensure that people were to be free of oppressive government. Your image doesn't show that it shows individual freedom to be who we are. You can't thank today's modern liberal for that. You can, however; thank our military for that.

2. Today's liberal is progressive. A progressive will give you this:


So I guess My questio is: Why are you a liberal?
He's a regressive, NOT a liberal.

And they're trying to make this about "religious liberty" when no one is saying the woman can't wear what she's wearing.

It's the standard regressive deflect/pivot/attack approach. It's all they have here.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Two things.

1. The founders were classical liberals. They opposed intrusive government; even fought a war against the mightiest government on the planet to ensure that people were to be free of oppressive government. Your image doesn't show that it shows individual freedom to be who we are. You can't thank today's modern liberal for that. You can, however; thank our military for that.

2. Today's liberal is progressive. A progressive will give you this:


So I guess My questio is: Why are you a liberal?
See the OP where the answer is with liberalism one gets - liberty.
See My reply that refutes that.
You see, we've had liberty for over 230 years. Liberals have been slowly chipping it away since about 1911. Loss of liberty begins when one favors government over the individual.

Today's liberal favors a mob to shout down and/or attack people who do not believe in their world view.

Go thank a person who has sacrificed for this nation for your freedom.
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Who said she was forced? Are Catholic women "forced" to attend Mass? Go to confession? Doesn't look forced to me - it looks like a choice meaning - liberty.
. If not forced, then she is a believer, but what she might believe could be dangerous to the American way of life or forms of thinking. Do you know what her thoughts are as she was that pool ? No you don't know her thoughts, just like those who have been slain all over this nation now didn't know the thoughts of their killers when they decided to turn on them, and to kill them. It's really hard for the average American to trust a religion that is anti-American/anti-western lifestyles, and that can be either radical in their beliefs or dormant in their beliefs, otherwise if those beliefs are anti-American or anti-western way of life. Can you blame people for being nervous after all that has transpired now ??
You people need to grow the fuck up and understand why the Founders banned you from doing what you want to do - ban Islam.
. Islam won't save your anti-American ways in which you regressives are conducting in America, so you need to grow up. You won't win this war no matter how much you align yourselves with your proxy's.
No. Are you EVER going to make a point? Is this really the best deflection you can come up with?
It's called a "wife beater".

My point is, our own homegrown Christian rednecks don't treat their women much better than Muslims do. Think about that the next time you are throwing stones.
Ah. Thanks for the clarification of your deflection.

After this I don't have a problem with the fact that the most illiberal religion on the planet treats women like dogs and gays even worse. And the next time I see one of them committing an atrocity I'll think about that wife beater.

Phew. This all makes sense now.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Two things.

1. The founders were classical liberals. They opposed intrusive government; even fought a war against the mightiest government on the planet to ensure that people were to be free of oppressive government. Your image doesn't show that it shows individual freedom to be who we are. You can't thank today's modern liberal for that. You can, however; thank our military for that.

2. Today's liberal is progressive. A progressive will give you this:


So I guess My questio is: Why are you a liberal?
He's a regressive, NOT a liberal.

And they're trying to make this about "religious liberty" when no one is saying the woman can't wear what she's wearing.

It's the standard regressive deflect/pivot/attack approach. It's all they have here.
You really are dumb, Mac. That's a shame. From the OP on you haven't understood a fucking thing (and still can't take a stand like - I approve of the burkini if one wants to wear it.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Two things.

1. The founders were classical liberals. They opposed intrusive government; even fought a war against the mightiest government on the planet to ensure that people were to be free of oppressive government. Your image doesn't show that it shows individual freedom to be who we are. You can't thank today's modern liberal for that. You can, however; thank our military for that.

2. Today's liberal is progressive. A progressive will give you this:


So I guess My questio is: Why are you a liberal?
He's a regressive, NOT a liberal.

And they're trying to make this about "religious liberty" when no one is saying the woman can't wear what she's wearing.

It's the standard regressive deflect/pivot/attack approach. It's all they have here.
You really are dumb, Mac. That's a shame. From the OP on you haven't understood a fucking thing (and still can't take a stand like - I approve of the burkini if one wants to wear it.
Come on Mr. Fence Sitter, take a stand for once.
No. Are you EVER going to make a point? Is this really the best deflection you can come up with?
It's called a "wife beater".

My point is, our own homegrown Christian rednecks don't treat their women much better than Muslims do. Think about that the next time you are throwing stones.
A tank top means you beat your wife? Your stupidity is boundless. But hacking clits and noses of would be worse in my opinion. Not your obviously but your pea brain is a toggle switch.
Exactly what fence would I be sitting on there, Mac?
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.

Can anyone help with this? He really doesn't understand.

Holy crap.
He isn't interested in understanding. In fact, the entire purpose of this thread is to troll and anger people. For some strange reason, some people get off on that kind of thing.

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