Why be a liberal?

This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Who said she was forced? Are Catholic women "forced" to attend Mass? Go to confession? Doesn't look forced to me - it looks like a choice meaning - liberty.
. If not forced, then she is a believer, but what she might believe could be dangerous to the American way of life or forms of thinking. Do you know what her thoughts are as she was that pool ? No you don't know her thoughts, just like those who have been slain all over this nation now didn't know the thoughts of their killers when they decided to turn on them, and to kill them. It's really hard for the average American to trust a religion that is anti-American/anti-western lifestyles, and that can be either radical in their beliefs or dormant in their beliefs, otherwise if those beliefs are anti-American or anti-western way of life. Can you blame people for being nervous after all that has transpired now ??
You people need to grow the fuck up and understand why the Founders banned you from doing what you want to do - ban Islam.
. Islam won't save your anti-American ways in which you regressives are conducting in America, so you need to grow up. You won't win this war no matter how much you align yourselves with your proxy's.
No religion defends or supports liberalism but liberalism allows for religious freedom. See how that works now?

And there is no proxy war. You don't get Jesus in the White House, and they don't get Muhammad.
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.

Can anyone help with this? He really doesn't understand.

Holy crap.
He isn't interested in understanding. In fact, the entire purpose of this thread is to troll and anger people. For some strange reason, some people get off on that kind of thing.
Well, I'm not sure. Look how defensive he got. I think the whole thing went right over his head.
Holy shit, did you not read what I said?

WTF. Come on, Einstein, think it through.

Too funny.

If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.

Can anyone help with this? He really doesn't understand.

Holy crap.
He isn't interested in understanding. In fact, the entire purpose of this thread is to troll and anger people. For some strange reason, some people get off on that kind of thing.
So it would seem. My mistake, I thought he might be smarter than that and was just being a pussy.
If you are saying something, no one knows what it is. Answer the question, what fence am I sitting on?
Holy crap, seriously. Okay.

You kept lying that I'm "in the middle" and "won't take a stand". So I played the same game with you.

I love how it worked, I love how defensive you've been.

But honestly, I didn't think I would have to EXPLAIN it, I was assuming you'd pick up on it right away.


But from now on, I'll keep stuff as simple as a I can for you.
The OP is a stand, you idiot, as is the rest of the thread. Now I know why you can't take a stand, you don't know what the fuck one is.

Can anyone help with this? He really doesn't understand.

Holy crap.
He isn't interested in understanding. In fact, the entire purpose of this thread is to troll and anger people. For some strange reason, some people get off on that kind of thing.
Well, I'm not sure. Look how defensive he got. I think the whole thing went right over his head.
Without doubt. I don't think he is bright enough to grasp these concepts and just parrots others in a hope to glean attention. Still, he's a troll and the thread is designed for that purpose.
Is right vs left in this country a war?

Is right wing and left wing a yin and a yang that need each other to fly?

Or is the political right and political left two warring kingdoms competing for exclusive dominion over the same space?
Ah. Thanks for the clarification of your deflection.

After this I don't have a problem with the fact that the most illiberal religion on the planet treats women like dogs and gays even worse. And the next time I see one of them committing an atrocity I'll think about that wife beater.

Phew. This all makes sense now.
That'll be $4.50 (+tax). You gotta pay to read my posts.
No religion defends or supports liberalism but liberalism allows for religious freedom. See how that works now?
You have everything backwards. Religious freedom allows for liberalism. That's why fundy Islamic cultures have none and why liberalism thrives here. Libs here oppose strict constitutionalists on the supreme court and prefer progressives instead. So much for praising that secular document!

Instead, post modern liberalism is a religion in its' own right. Beliefs trump reality. Disagreeing with liberalism makes you evil.
No religion defends or supports liberalism but liberalism allows for religious freedom. See how that works now?
You have everything backwards. Religious freedom allows for liberalism.
Ah, no. There is no religious freedom in Christianity. Jesus did not say, hey, believe whatever you damn well please. No disciple or pope ever said that either.
No religion defends or supports liberalism but liberalism allows for religious freedom. See how that works now?
You have everything backwards. Religious freedom allows for liberalism.
Ah, no. There is no religious freedom in Christianity. Jesus did not say, hey, believe whatever you damn well please. No disciple or pope ever said that either.
You shift subjects like jello. You went from law to beliefs. In Christianity Jesus overrode The Law of Moses so there is no provision to stone homosexuals and why man must handle the law instead.
Is right vs left in this country a war?

Is right wing and left wing a yin and a yang that need each other to fly?

Or is the political right and political left two warring kingdoms competing for exclusive dominion over the same space?
This nation was founded left. The right are the enemies of liberty. Americans in name only.
You keep puking up the same shit and can't defend any of it. If the founders wanted a socialist state they would have set one up.
No religion defends or supports liberalism but liberalism allows for religious freedom. See how that works now?
You have everything backwards. Religious freedom allows for liberalism.
Ah, no. There is no religious freedom in Christianity. Jesus did not say, hey, believe whatever you damn well please. No disciple or pope ever said that either.
You shift subjects like jello. You went from law to beliefs. In Christianity Jesus overrode The Law of Moses so there is no provision to stone homosexuals and why man must handle the law instead.
Unlike you, I can handle more than one subject at a time. And Jesus came to fulfill the law, not overturn it. His words, not mine. He was a Jew and he never walked away from that.
Is right vs left in this country a war?

Is right wing and left wing a yin and a yang that need each other to fly?

Or is the political right and political left two warring kingdoms competing for exclusive dominion over the same space?
This nation was founded left. The right are the enemies of liberty. Americans in name only.
You keep puking up the same shit and can't defend any of it. If the founders wanted a socialist state they would have set one up.
Who said they wanted a Socialist State (although Paine did). The founded a secular nation based upon liberalism.
A tank top means you beat your wife? Your stupidity is boundless. But hacking clits and noses of would be worse in my opinion. Not your obviously but your pea brain is a toggle switch.
That tank top didn't get its name because the many people that wear them like to knit.
No religion defends or supports liberalism but liberalism allows for religious freedom. See how that works now?
You have everything backwards. Religious freedom allows for liberalism.
Ah, no. There is no religious freedom in Christianity. Jesus did not say, hey, believe whatever you damn well please. No disciple or pope ever said that either.
You shift subjects like jello. You went from law to beliefs. In Christianity Jesus overrode The Law of Moses so there is no provision to stone homosexuals and why man must handle the law instead.
Unlike you, I can handle more than one subject at a time. And Jesus came to fulfill the law, not overturn it. His words, not mine. He was a Jew and he never walked away from that.
YouY subject. You throw spitballs and that's it. And fulfilling the law means it was done and no longer the law.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
What is the point here?
Is right vs left in this country a war?

Is right wing and left wing a yin and a yang that need each other to fly?

Or is the political right and political left two warring kingdoms competing for exclusive dominion over the same space?
This nation was founded left. The right are the enemies of liberty. Americans in name only.
You keep puking up the same shit and can't defend any of it. If the founders wanted a socialist state they would have set one up.
Who said they wanted a Socialist State (although Paine did). The founded a secular nation based upon liberalism.
You say the same thing over and over but that doesn't create facts. Go ahead and prove it. You can't. I, however, can prove we were founded as a small limited government, mostly by successful capitalists who had freedom very much in mind. Even thought guns were so important it was the second thing they said.

The exact opposite that every modern day liberal believes in.

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