Why be a liberal?

With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
We = liberals (the only adults around).
You are no Liberal.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.
Liberalism is what grants to you - liberty.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics

Exactly. Those are not the beliefs of "modern liberalism". Your concept of "social justice" alone undermines your claim.

Not much justice in this world, but we do our best (some of us).
Claims sanctimonious providence.

Rejects religion.

Fucking hypocrite.
Progress, and actual question.

Ann Coulter can say whatever the hell she likes (and does) in a private or at a public forum. I defend free speech so that's no issue.

And a bakery is a public accommodation (not a church). Baking cakes for cash is not serving God. Save your hatred for - church.
So you strongly disagree with those who stopped Coulter from speaking, correct?

And I know the "public accommodation" law is the excuse of the regressives. I'm talking the philosophy of freedom of expression.

So you strongly disagree with those who stopped Coulter from speaking, correct?
I don't agree with stopping people from speaking their minds. There is a time and a place (of course).
And I rest my case.

Thanks for your help.
Adults know when to speak and when to shut the fuck up. It's something we teach our children.
Yes. As an Adult I do know when to speak.

And I don't teach my children to " Shut the fuck up!"

You should. A good thing to know.
So you strongly disagree with those who stopped Coulter from speaking, correct?

And I know the "public accommodation" law is the excuse of the regressives. I'm talking the philosophy of freedom of expression.

So you strongly disagree with those who stopped Coulter from speaking, correct?
I don't agree with stopping people from speaking their minds. There is a time and a place (of course).
And I rest my case.

Thanks for your help.
Adults know when to speak and when to shut the fuck up. It's something we teach our children.
Yes. As an Adult I do know when to speak.

And I don't teach my children to " Shut the fuck up!"

You should. A good thing to know.
I won't be needing your guidance and approval.
I don't agree with stopping people from speaking their minds. There is a time and a place (of course).
And I rest my case.

Thanks for your help.
Adults know when to speak and when to shut the fuck up. It's something we teach our children.
Yes. As an Adult I do know when to speak.

And I don't teach my children to " Shut the fuck up!"

You should. A good thing to know.
I won't be needing your guidance and approval.
A mistake, but normal for your kind.
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.
Liberalism is what grants to you - liberty.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics

As opposed to Classical Liberalism, modern day progrssives are authoritarian by nature. They pay lip service to "liberalism", but underlying everything they do is an increase in coercive government power.

And liberalism "gives" you nothing. Human Rights are a Natural Right. Governments take those Rights from you.

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government."

And just what are these modern-day progressives up to that is cause you such angst?

Gun control.

Land control.

People control.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
Liberalism is what grants to you - liberty.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics

As opposed to Classical Liberalism, modern day progrssives are authoritarian by nature. They pay lip service to "liberalism", but underlying everything they do is an increase in coercive government power.

And liberalism "gives" you nothing. Human Rights are a Natural Right. Governments take those Rights from you.

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government."

And just what are these modern-day progressives up to that is cause you such angst?

Gun control.

Land control.

People control.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.
As opposed to Classical Liberalism, modern day progrssives are authoritarian by nature. They pay lip service to "liberalism", but underlying everything they do is an increase in coercive government power.

And liberalism "gives" you nothing. Human Rights are a Natural Right. Governments take those Rights from you.

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government."

And just what are these modern-day progressives up to that is cause you such angst?

Gun control.

Land control.

People control.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.

Demonstrating, yet again, what an abject failure at historical knowledge you are.

Time for you to grow up, junior.

"The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:

The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


And of course, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. A PRIVATE organization.

"The First Military Company Chartered in the Western Hemisphere
As the settlements, which followed the landing at Plymouth increased and spread, there was no organized military force for protection against the Indians. So-called "Train Bands" were formed in different settlements but these were only local volunteer companies and there was no joint action or centralized authority. Thus the subject of adequate military protection soon became a matter of serious consideration.

Many of the settlers had been members in England, of the Honourable Artillery Company at London (organized and chartered in 1527) and it was natural that the military training they had received in that Company should lead them fo form a similar organization in the new country. In 1637 a Company was formed for instruction in discipline and tactics, and that year Governor Winthrop was petitioned for a Charter. He refused the request because he feared the establishment of a military force, which might overthrow the civil power. However, the Governor finally granted a Charter in March, 1638, and on the first Monday in June following, an election of Officers was held on Boston Common. The Common then being an open field leading down to the Charles River. The most convenient place to cast the ballots was on the head of the drum, which was placed in front of the Company. Since that time, the Company has maintained the tradition of holding their annual elections on the Boston Common on the first Monday in June by casting the votes on the Drum Head."

Ancient Honorable Artillery Company Massachusetts AHA Ancients
And just what are these modern-day progressives up to that is cause you such angst?

Gun control.

Land control.

People control.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.

Demonstrating, yet again, what an abject failure at historical knowledge you are.

Time for you to grow up, junior.

"The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:

The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


And of course, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. A PRIVATE organization.

"The First Military Company Chartered in the Western Hemisphere
As the settlements, which followed the landing at Plymouth increased and spread, there was no organized military force for protection against the Indians. So-called "Train Bands" were formed in different settlements but these were only local volunteer companies and there was no joint action or centralized authority. Thus the subject of adequate military protection soon became a matter of serious consideration.

Many of the settlers had been members in England, of the Honourable Artillery Company at London (organized and chartered in 1527) and it was natural that the military training they had received in that Company should lead them fo form a similar organization in the new country. In 1637 a Company was formed for instruction in discipline and tactics, and that year Governor Winthrop was petitioned for a Charter. He refused the request because he feared the establishment of a military force, which might overthrow the civil power. However, the Governor finally granted a Charter in March, 1638, and on the first Monday in June following, an election of Officers was held on Boston Common. The Common then being an open field leading down to the Charles River. The most convenient place to cast the ballots was on the head of the drum, which was placed in front of the Company. Since that time, the Company has maintained the tradition of holding their annual elections on the Boston Common on the first Monday in June by casting the votes on the Drum Head."

Ancient Honorable Artillery Company Massachusetts AHA Ancients
I'd swear you think these men had no fucking common sense (when they had a great deal). Do you really believe that because the government has nukes they'd think it okay for you, personally, to have weapons of mass destruction? Honestly, use your head for once.
Primary reason for becoming a liberal seems to be that huge numbers of people find that far easier than having to have any thought or make any decision. So much simpler, they find,than having to all that shit for themselves.
Gun control.

Land control.

People control.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.

Demonstrating, yet again, what an abject failure at historical knowledge you are.

Time for you to grow up, junior.

"The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:

The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


And of course, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. A PRIVATE organization.

"The First Military Company Chartered in the Western Hemisphere
As the settlements, which followed the landing at Plymouth increased and spread, there was no organized military force for protection against the Indians. So-called "Train Bands" were formed in different settlements but these were only local volunteer companies and there was no joint action or centralized authority. Thus the subject of adequate military protection soon became a matter of serious consideration.

Many of the settlers had been members in England, of the Honourable Artillery Company at London (organized and chartered in 1527) and it was natural that the military training they had received in that Company should lead them fo form a similar organization in the new country. In 1637 a Company was formed for instruction in discipline and tactics, and that year Governor Winthrop was petitioned for a Charter. He refused the request because he feared the establishment of a military force, which might overthrow the civil power. However, the Governor finally granted a Charter in March, 1638, and on the first Monday in June following, an election of Officers was held on Boston Common. The Common then being an open field leading down to the Charles River. The most convenient place to cast the ballots was on the head of the drum, which was placed in front of the Company. Since that time, the Company has maintained the tradition of holding their annual elections on the Boston Common on the first Monday in June by casting the votes on the Drum Head."

Ancient Honorable Artillery Company Massachusetts AHA Ancients
I'd swear you think these men had no fucking common sense (when they had a great deal). Do you really believe that because the government has nukes they'd think it okay for you, personally, to have weapons of mass destruction? Honestly, use your head for once.

The COTUS very clearly states that they have the ability to grant a letter of marque. That means that any ship captain could obtain one and arm his ship with the best cannons available and go wage war. The AHAC likewise shows that if you wanted to own the most modern artillery pieces available at the time you could. In fact in many cases you were lauded for it. Regiments were raised by PRIVATE CITIZENS who had volunteered into the Federal Army and one of those men armed his soldiers with the Henry Rifle which at that time was the most modern firearm in the world.

You, are an ignorant twat.
And I rest my case.

Thanks for your help.
Adults know when to speak and when to shut the fuck up. It's something we teach our children.
Yes. As an Adult I do know when to speak.

And I don't teach my children to " Shut the fuck up!"

You should. A good thing to know.
I won't be needing your guidance and approval.
A mistake, but normal for your kind.
My kind?

Your mistake.

You don't know shit.
Thread summary:

Several conservatives were enraged to the point of hysteria by religious freedom, and they now want their their precious authoritarian state to stomp hard on religious freedom.

Not every conservative is a Constitution-hating authoritarian, but most of them are.
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
All in moderation. The Founders didn't found Anarchy-land.

Define moderation. Under the Founders I, as a private citizen, could own the equivalent of a battleship. I could own the most modern cannon of the era, eclipsing what was available to the Continental Army. There was nothing I could not do so long as I didn't harm someone who wasn't trying to harm me first.
They never intended such a thing. Don't be childish, it's annoying.

Demonstrating, yet again, what an abject failure at historical knowledge you are.

Time for you to grow up, junior.

"The U.S. Constitution provides, Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11:

The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


And of course, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. A PRIVATE organization.

"The First Military Company Chartered in the Western Hemisphere
As the settlements, which followed the landing at Plymouth increased and spread, there was no organized military force for protection against the Indians. So-called "Train Bands" were formed in different settlements but these were only local volunteer companies and there was no joint action or centralized authority. Thus the subject of adequate military protection soon became a matter of serious consideration.

Many of the settlers had been members in England, of the Honourable Artillery Company at London (organized and chartered in 1527) and it was natural that the military training they had received in that Company should lead them fo form a similar organization in the new country. In 1637 a Company was formed for instruction in discipline and tactics, and that year Governor Winthrop was petitioned for a Charter. He refused the request because he feared the establishment of a military force, which might overthrow the civil power. However, the Governor finally granted a Charter in March, 1638, and on the first Monday in June following, an election of Officers was held on Boston Common. The Common then being an open field leading down to the Charles River. The most convenient place to cast the ballots was on the head of the drum, which was placed in front of the Company. Since that time, the Company has maintained the tradition of holding their annual elections on the Boston Common on the first Monday in June by casting the votes on the Drum Head."

Ancient Honorable Artillery Company Massachusetts AHA Ancients
I'd swear you think these men had no fucking common sense (when they had a great deal). Do you really believe that because the government has nukes they'd think it okay for you, personally, to have weapons of mass destruction? Honestly, use your head for once.

The COTUS very clearly states that they have the ability to grant a letter of marque. That means that any ship captain could obtain one and arm his ship with the best cannons available and go wage war. The AHAC likewise shows that if you wanted to own the most modern artillery pieces available at the time you could. In fact in many cases you were lauded for it. Regiments were raised by PRIVATE CITIZENS who had volunteered into the Federal Army and one of those men armed his soldiers with the Henry Rifle which at that time was the most modern firearm in the world.

You, are an ignorant twat.
Good luck taking that to court to prove that you, a private citizen should have a nuclear-armed stealth bomber. You have the common sense of a toddler.
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This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
So what? Should she not be allowed to, Mr. can't take a stand?
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With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.
Liberalism is what grants to you - liberty.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics

As opposed to Classical Liberalism, modern day progrssives are authoritarian by nature. They pay lip service to "liberalism", but underlying everything they do is an increase in coercive government power.

And liberalism "gives" you nothing. Human Rights are a Natural Right. Governments take those Rights from you.

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress. Liberalism was also influenced by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, who argued that governments exist to protect individuals from each other. In 19th- and 20th-century America, the values of classical liberalism became dominant in both major political parties. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to all forms of liberalism prior to the 20th century. Conservatives and libertarians often invoke classical liberalism to mean a fundamental belief in minimal government."

. Good stuff, and what we have today is Demon-crats who have totally transformed Liberalism into demonism of every sort. It is why there is a huge push back against modern day liberalism today. The Demon-crats have taken liberalism to levels that make it dangerous to other citizens liberties, and their freedoms, but the Demon-crats don't see it that way even though they know what they have been up to in order to accommodate some bad things.
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