Why be a liberal?

With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

Is stoning gay people also part of this so called liberty?
God, you're an idiot.

Articles in Addition to, and Amendment of, the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the Fifth Article of the original Constitution.

Art. I. After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not be less than one hundred representatives, nor less than one representative for every forty thousand persons, until the number of representatives shall amount to two hundred, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not be less than two hundred representatives, nor more than one representative for every fifty thousand.

Art. II. No law varying the compensation for services of the senators and representatives shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.

Art. III. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Art. IV. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Art. V. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law.
Bill of Rights: Proposed Amendments and Ratification
Puking baby shit doesn't the fact that isn't the final draft. You sling shit around and support nothing. Plus you now want to totally sidestep your idiotic position that the founders were libs!
They were liberals, you fucking moron. Do you even know what liberalism is?

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
You're a boring little shit. You can't support your statement so you fall back on a definition that doesn't reflect post modern liberalism. At all. You might as well post liberalism = goodness, purity, saintly. Anything but show us how the founders were liberals.
I'm not interested in so-called modern liberalism. And the Founders were liberals you jackass.
English is important when discussing concepts in English. The founders were not liberal by modern terms so it's ignorant or dishonest to say so.
It's nothing of the kind. You confuse someone being liberal on this or liberal on that with a liberal - a defender of liberty and liberalism.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

Is stoning gay people also part of this so called liberty?
Since that goes against the liberty of the individual that would be a - no.

Still, I'd think you were all for that (given the chance)?
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

Is stoning gay people also part of this so called liberty?
Since that goes against the liberty of the individual that would be a - no.

Still, I'd think you were all for that (given the chance)?

All the regressives stand for that indeed.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

Is stoning gay people also part of this so called liberty?
Since that goes against the liberty of the individual that would be a - no.

Still, I'd think you were all for that (given the chance)?

All the regressives stand for that indeed.
Close enough for government work.
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
Lol yes no shit that's why she is wearing it. All that matters is that she chooses to wear it in Western society. Rightwing hypocritical bigots shouldn't be throwing tantrums over her choice to do it.
Liberals' hatred for conservatives supercedes any concern Liberals may have for the treatment of gays, women, and overall intolerance by Islamo fascists. Further, Liberals may even think they can make Islamo fascists be more tolerant and accepting. HA!
Liberals' hatred for conservatives supercedes any concern Liberals may have for the treatment of gays, women, and overall intolerance by Islamo fascists. Further, Liberals may even think they can make Islamo fascists be more tolerant and accepting. HA!
Liberals allow for religion - we don't approve of it. It's mostly - mindless dogma for the mindless.
Liberals' hatred for conservatives supercedes any concern Liberals may have for the treatment of gays, women, and overall intolerance by Islamo fascists. Further, Liberals may even think they can make Islamo fascists be more tolerant and accepting. HA!
Liberals allow for religion - we don't approve of it. It's mostly - mindless dogma for the mindless.

Allowing or permitting religion is not relevant towards appeasing a such an intolerant culture in the name of tolerance.
Liberals' hatred for conservatives supercedes any concern Liberals may have for the treatment of gays, women, and overall intolerance by Islamo fascists. Further, Liberals may even think they can make Islamo fascists be more tolerant and accepting. HA!
Liberals allow for religion - we don't approve of it. It's mostly - mindless dogma for the mindless.

Allowing or permitting religion is not relevant towards appeasing a such an intolerant culture in the name of tolerance.
No religion defends liberalism.
The same people looking to shut down bakeries and boycott Chic-Fil-A are the same people fighting for a culture accepting of torture of gays.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
You do realize once Muslims control a government, they just kill everybody they disagree with? Lol
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
Lol yes no shit that's why she is wearing it. All that matters is that she chooses to wear it in Western society. Rightwing hypocritical bigots shouldn't be throwing tantrums over her choice to do it.
. Should Mulims be mindful of the situation going on with terrorism, and it being related to the Muslim religion in some ways, and if so should they try and adjust their styles a bit in order to reflect their disapproval of the radical side of their religion maybe ? The wear she is wearing looks nice, but is it still to much in regards to what has been going on maybe for some ?? Does the covering of the body in these ways show that she is in subjection by belief or by religious law to her husband willingly or forcefully ?? Is this religion anti-western culture maybe, and if so should we be allowing an anti-western culture religious view to live here amongst us if they are against us whether openly or secretly ?? If they are peaceful, then it is that we should be peaceful in our embracing them and their right to live peacefully among us here, but if we keep getting hit by them, then we might have to consider a rejection of the religion if it is a deadly one unto us.
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
Lol yes no shit that's why she is wearing it. All that matters is that she chooses to wear it in Western society. Rightwing hypocritical bigots shouldn't be throwing tantrums over her choice to do it.
I think they're talking about the religion that requires it, the one that treats women as second class citizens, and not her personally.

In fact, I'm sure of it.
Poor thing. What a shame. The regressives defend a religion that treats women and gays like that, and they even go into spin mode after jihadist atrocities.

These are not liberals, they are "progressives" (ha).
How do these people treat women?

Do you know?

Or, are you insinuating just because he is a white male who consumes alcohol that he abuses women?

That may be lemonade in the cup. Do you equate the use of this particular vessel with alcohol consumption?

I don't drink but use this same cup for iced tea.

Or is it the wife beater t shirt?

Or the tattoo?

Or could it possibly be you and you are admitting a disrespect for women.
Don't know, so why don't you ask their women if got the nerve. Is this pic supposed to be saying something to us about the way women are treated in America ? For all you know this cat might be a super dad and great husband, but your stereotyping is noted the next time you want to call others out on stereotyping someone's physical appearance. This cat looks like someone who might have fought in Afghanistan, and saved someone with his brave actions. Couldn't have been that right ? Doesn't fit with your narrative does it ?
The person was figurative, not literal. My point was more centered around the tank tops' name and why that is. It's no secret there's a lot of redneck spousal abuse, yet all the right want to talk about is the abuse Muslim women receive. I find this disgusting for two reasons. 1) Many rednecks are right wing extremists and 2) they don't give a shit about Muslim women, but bring up their plight to score cheap political points.
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Why be a Liberal?
So you can love the one you're with.
If you love your hamster, marry it.

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